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Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur & Energi
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Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur & Energi, yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, Jurnal Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur & Energi menerima artikel ilmiah hasil-hasil penelitian, dan eksperimen, yang mencakup pada bidang Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi, Mesin, dan ilmu yang relevan pada sektor terkait.
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Articles 11 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 2: September 2020" : 11 Documents clear
Analisa Pengaruh Arang Kayu Bakau, Arang Tempurung Kelapa Dan Arang Kayu Leban Pada Proses Pack Carburizing Terhadap Kekerasan Baja Karbon St 37 Sabri Mazuli; Bambang Dwi Haripriadi
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5275


This research was conducted to determine the effect of variations in activated charcoal media and temperature variations on the price of rockwell hardness and the chemical composition of ST 37 steel in the carburizing process. The carburizing process is widely used to increase hardness and add carbon to steel which has a low hardness value and needs to be given special treatment to increase the hardness of the steel. In this study, the carburizing media used were mangrove charcoal, coconut shell charcoal, lebanese wood charcoal that had been made into powder and a mixture of BaCO3 as a catalyst. In this study, the carburizing process was carried out with temperature variations, namely 750oC, 850oC and 900oC after reaching the desired temperature and then held with a holding time of 2 hours. The percentage of carbon absorption is more absorbed in lebanese charcoal at a temperature of 900oC with the addition of carbon by 0.61%. Whereas for rockwell hardness testing the highest hardness value at 900oC was found in lebanese charcoal with a hardness value of 79.9 HRC.
Pengaruh Jumlah Sudu Prototype Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Tipe Whirlpool Terhadap Kinerja K Umurani; Ahmad Marabdi Siregar; Surya Al-Amin
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5272


The water turbine is a device that converts water flow energy into shaft mechanical energy. Before being converted into mechanical energy in the turbine, the potential energy needs to be converted into kinetic energy first. The vortex will move the turbine blades which cause the runner to rotate so that there is a change in the kinetic energy of the water into mechanical energy in the turbine which is used to drive the generator and then into electrical energy. The purpose of this research is to analyze the torque that occurs on the shaft and turbine power. Water is flowed to the test with a pump through a control valve. The water flow is read by a rotameter attached to the pipe to the upper reservoir, while the torque is measured using a load cell, while the rotation is measured using a photo sensor interrupt to read the movement of the counter wheel. Data from load cell and photo sensor interruptor is read using Arduino Uno then the data is stored on laptop in excel file using plx-daq software. The minimum torque for the 8 blades is 9,12 and 7.61 for 6 blades at a water flow rate of 90 l / min. The maximum torque occurs at the 8 blades of 10.06 while the maximum torque at blade 6 is 9,12 at the same water flow rate of 150 l / min. The minimum turbine power for the 8 blades is 0.47 W and 0.27 W for the 6 blades at a water flow rate of 90 l / min. The maximum turbine power at blade 8 is 1.03 W, while the maximum power at blade 6 is 0.91 W at the same water flow rate of 150 l / min. From the data analysis, it can be seen that the power for the turbine with the number of blades 8 tends to be greater than the power for the turbine with 6 blades, but if the percentage increases in power between the 8 blades and 6 blades the trend decreases even though the flow rate is increasing.
Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Keluar Impeler Terhadap Performance Pompa Sentrifugal Munawar Alfansury Siregar; wawan Septiawan Damanik
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5278


The ability of a pump to drain or move a certain amount of fluida / fluida that comes out through the pressure side of the pump in units of time volume is also called the capacity of a pump. Meanwhile, the pump head is the energy per unit weight that must be provided to flow the planned amount of liquid according to the pump installation conditions. A centrifugal pump is a pump that moves liquid by utilizing the centrifugal force generated by the impeller ratation. The results of data calculations and graphic analysis on the effect of variations in the impeller entry angle on the impeller with exit angle (β2) = 250,standard pump impeller,and impeller with exit angle (β2) = 350 on the performance of the centrifugal pump can be concluded, namely “the performance value of centrifugal pumps. The highest is the impeller with exit angle (β2) = 250 where the specific speed value produced is 192.52 rpm and the efficiency level of this impeller is 6.82%
Analisis Maintenance Quayside Container Crane Dengan Metode Failure Mode And Effect Analysis ( Fmea) Ponidi -; Bambang P
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5268


Quayside container crane is a type of crane that is placed on the dock at a container terminal that handles loading and unloading of containers from ship to dock or from dock to ship. Quayside container crane is composed of structural parts, mechanical components, electrical components and control systems. This research was conducted to find the root of the problem in the Quayside container crane, by analyzing the system that was experiencing breakdown maintenance. The data used was a breakdown history Quayside container crane No. 01 in 2018-2019 at the Patchouli Terminal of Tanjung Perak Port. The analysis methods used are Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). From the results of the analysis carried out, it was found that a list of failures that caused the breakdown in 2018-2019 consisted of supply electrical power systems, main hoisting systems, spreader systems, gantry traveling systems, maintrolley traveling systems, and boom hoisting systems. The solution to reduce breakdowns that have occurred is by implementation of predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance, and repair of SOPs and annual maintenance contracts. By using quantitative analysis using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), the largest Risk Priority Number (RPN) is obtained on the main trolley travel system of 450, then continued by the gantry traveling system. 360, the main hoisting system is 280, the suplying electrical power system is 294 and the boom hoist system is 42. Based on the results of the Pareto diagram, the cumulative percentage of priority breakdown calculations is 83% of the main trolley travel system damage,
Studi Unjuk Kerja Pahat Karbida Berlapis Titanium Aluminium Nitrida (Tialn) Pada Pembubutan Kering Aluminium 6061 Nopri Aji S; Sunarto -
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5273


Fertilizing is one of the machining processes that uses a chisel with one eye cut to remove material from the surface of a rotating workpiece. The chisel moves in a linear direction parallel to the rotating axis of the workpiece. Some of the cutting variables will determine the quality of products such as cutting speed (Vc) The use of cut speed Variasa produces different thermal load value, and has a big effect on the cutting temperature. The purpose of the test aims to determine the impact of cut speed (Vc), motion feeding (f), and depth of cut (a) against the wear and tear of the chisel. The method used in this research is to use carbide chisels (Wc + Co) coated with Titanium aluminium Nitrida (TiAIN) coating material with DCGX 11T3 02-AI type which is used to cut the 6061 aluminum. Results obtained with cut rate (Vc) 200,270,340 m/min, motion meal (F) 0.1 mm/round, and feeding depth (a) 1.0 mm is the average side wear of the chisel is 0.08, 0.09, 0, 1 mm. The cutting speed is impacting the temperature rise. Side wear value is getting bigger ondry cuttingof 6061 aluminium material along with raising cutting speed Parameters (Vc).
Analisis Kekuatan Rangka Bike Lift Terhadap Beban Alat Dan Kendaraan Amin Nur Akhmadi; M Khumaidi Usman; Andre Budhi Hendrawan
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5269


To lift a vehicle on a bike lift, a strong frame is needed. A bike lift is a tool for lifting a motorcycle and at the same time, it can be said as a work table. Most of the servicing and repair work of motorbikes is done under the hands, so to do this the mechanic has to sit or squat. By using a bike lift, the height of the motorbike can be adjusted according to the mechanical body posture, so that according to the service work can be done in a comfortable body position without having to squat for a long time. The purpose of this research is to get a strong frame, especially on pins that are exposed to loads from the frame and vehicles. This research uses the calculation of the load that occurs at each load point and calculates the shear stress that occurs at each load point and performs a tensile test on the pin material. The results of the study, the calculation of the largest shear stress, namely 13.26 N, occurred at the bottom pin position with a pin diameter of 10 mm. Meanwhile, from the results of the pin material testing, the shear stress in the safe material range is 354.24 N / mm2. So it can be concluded that the results of the calculation of shear stress that occurs on each bike lift frame pin using solid iron pipe or axles with a diameter of 16 mm and 10 mm, the largest shear stress that occurs on the pin is 13.26 N at the pin position 10 mm. Meanwhile, from the test results of the iron used for the pin, the shear stress in the safe range of the material is 354.24 N / mm 2. So it can be concluded that the use of solid steel pipe for axles with a size of 10 mm and is exposed to the largest shear stress from the frame load, namely, 13.26 N /mm2 is safe to use and strong to withstand the load given to the bike lift.
Analisis Kekerasan Pada Roda Gigi Hasil Pengerasan Menggunakan Pemanas Induksi Reza Arfi Faisal; Nur Aidi Ariyanto; Ahmad Faoji; Amin Nur Akhmadi
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5274


Vehicles with engine characteristics that are capable of producing large torque to accelerate the vehicle. The gear is one of the vehicle engine components in the transmission system which functions to transmition power from the drive shaft to the shaft to be driven. For gear hardening, many IKM have limited capabilities. One of the hardening tools that can be used by IKM is an induction heating device. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hardness of the AISI P20 material gears after induction hardening of the gear specimens before and after treatment by taking induction hardening test data using variations of the output current, namely 820A and 1100A and coils 2 and 3 turns. The results of this study obtained the highest hardness testing parameters, namely in the gear specimen 4 using 3 coils, the measured frequency was 29 kHz, the maximum position output current was 1100A. heating time for 32 seconds, the cooling medium is quench oil and the maximum hardness value is 1561 HV.
Karakteristik Unjuk Kerja 2 Pompa Sentrifugal Dengan Susunan Seri Sebagai Turbin Pat Sudirman Lubis; Irpansyah Siregar; Ahmad Marabdi Siregar
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5270


The pump is a device used to move fluid from one place to another through a media pipe or channel. The energy in the fluid is produced from the impeller which converts the kinetic energy (velocity) of the liquid into potential (dynamic) energy. Besides being used to move fluid (fluid) at this time the pump can also be used as a turbine by changing the working principle of the pump by giving a drop of water at an altitude to rotate the impeller on the pump so that the pump can operate upside down or called a pump as turbine), in this study the impeller on the pump as a turbine is driven by a water flow or water pressure that is large enough, the water flow is sourced from two centrifugal pumps with a series arrangement that functions as a driving force or fluid distributor which is assumed to be a high water fall or head. The use of centrifugal pumps with a series arrangement is so as to produce a large head to get a high water fall or a maximum head for turning a pump as a turbine. This study uses an experimental method that is using two centrifugal pumps as a fluid distributor and one pump that is used as a turbine and uses a variation of 5 watt and 10 watt light bulb. From the calculation of the suction pump and pump as a turbine without using a light bulb pump speed namely 920.5 rpm and the specific speed of the turbine produced is 76.61 rpm. by using a 5 watt light bulb load the pump rotation speed is 553 rpm and the specific turbine speed produced is 44.24 rpm, using a 10 watt light bulb load the pump rotation speed is 335 rpm and the specific turbine speed produced is 26.8 rpm. The greater the value of the pump head, the resulting water discharge will be smaller and vice versa, the size and size of the pump head obtained is also influenced by the presence of load on theturbine.
Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Parameter Gurdi (Drilling) Dan Pendingin Terhadap Burr Formation Hasil Pemesinan Cnc Routermilling Pada Aluminium Sheet 1100 Mukhlis -; Bambang Dwi Haripriadi
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5276


In the machining process, one of the things that cannot be released is the occurrence of burr formation or chip that sticks to the moment after the deduction process is carried out. To reduce burr formation is usually by determining good cutting parameters and given a cooling medium that functions to control the temperature during lubrication.This study aims to determine the burr formation on the 1100 aluminum sheet material using the machining method of milling raouter with the depth of feeding in accordance with the thickness of the workpiece. The spindle rotation used is 1200 rpm with a variation of the cutting tool eyes that is 4 mm, 6 mm, and 8 mm of the HSS tool brand and variations of the cooler namely air, coolant, oil. This research uses taguchi and ANOVA methods by measuring burr formation using USB microscope with 1200 x magnification. Then get the smallest burr formation value of 0.16819 mm with the parameter arrangement of the diameter of the drill bit 6, (f) 40 mm / minute, oil coolant. As for the Exit (outlet) the smallest burr formation of 0.27211 mm in the arrangement of the diameter of the tool diameter of the 4, (f) 50 mm / minute oil cooler.
Analisis Sistem Pengkondisian Udara Pada Ruang Kerja Kantor PT. Sarku Enjinering Utama Matsuani -; Suwaryo -
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 3, No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v3i2.5271


Air conditioning in the workspace is something that workers need to provide comfort. Generally a comfortable condition (comfort condition) is an air condition where the temperature of the dry bulb is 24 ° C to 25 ° C and wet bulb is 18.3 ° C with relative humidity of 50% to 60%. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cooling requirements in the workspace which are then adjusted to the heat load in the room. In the calculation of the cooling load using the CLTD (Colling Load Temperature Difference) method. The final result is that the maximum cooling load at peak conditions is at 15:00 amounting to 14,152 kW = 182,941.99 BTU / h with an air requirement of 5,756 CFM, while the installed cooling capacity is 180,000 BTU / h resulting in a shortage of cooling load of 2,941, 99 BTU / h. With these deficiencies, additional air conditioning is needed as much as 2 units with each unit with a capacity of 1 PK / 9,000 BTU / h. Researchers recommend a cooling machine that is used to add capacity shortages, namely using a Split type AC cooler because it is considered more efficient and easy to install and maintain.

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