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Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
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Evaluasi Potensi Produksi dan Kualitas Tumbuhan Penutup Tanah sebagai Hijauan Pakan di Bawah Naungan Perkebunan di Jawa Barat: Evaluation of Production and Quality Covercrop as Forage under Plantation at West Java N R Kumalasari; Sunardi; Lilis Khotijah; Luki Abdullah
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.484 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jintp.18.1.7-10


Cover crop diversity under plantation area has potency to supply forage for animal farming. The research aim was to evaluate cover crop vegetation and to estimate plant production and quality under plantation at West Java. This research was conducted from May 2018 to April 2019 at public and private company around Bogor, Banten, Kuningan and Garut. In each area, there were selected 10 plots for plant identification with sample size was 50 cm x 50 cm. Biomass production and nutrient quality was sampled through 3 plots with sample size was 100 cm x 100 cm, forage was harvested and weighed then analyzed by proximate analysis. Diversity and biomass production were analyzed by R 3.6.2 software through Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) based on environment differences, then the significant results analyzed by LSD Test. The results showed that the highest biomass was sampled in Bogor i.e. 359 g m‑2 ±164.08 g m‑2 fresh weight and 71.22 g m‑2 ±45.91 g m-2 dry weight. Cover crop diversity varied around two to 32 species with percentage of area cover around 10-90%. Potential plants as forage were Panicum repens (lempuyangan), Paspalum conjugatum (jukut pahit) and Asystasia gangetica (ara sungsang). Dry matter content of composite forage was 18.3%-31.6%, crude protein was 4.57%-10.8%, crude fiber was 21.3%-25.7% and ashreached 11.2%-15.9%. It can be concluded that cover crop under plantation have potency to supply forage, especially in Bogor, however concentrate addition is needed to fulfil nutrient animal requirement due to the low quality forage. Key words: biomass, cover drop, diversity, nutrient, plantation DAFTAR PUSTAKA Adriadi A, Chairul & Solfiyeni. 2012. Analisis vegetasi gulma pada perkebunan kelapa sawit (Elais quineensis Jacq.) di Kilangan, Muaro Bulian, Batang Hari. Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas. 1(2): 108-115 Adigun OS, Okeke EN, Makinde OJ & Umunna MO. 2014. Effect of replacing wheat offal with Asystasia gangetica Leaf Meal (ALM) on growth performance and haematological parameters of weaner rabbits. Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 4 (1): 009-014 Alviyani. 2013. Analisis potensi dan pemanfaatan hijauan pakan pada peternakan domba rakyat Desa Randobawa Ilir, Kecamatan Mandirancan, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat. [Skripsi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor Asbur Y, Yahya S, Murtilaksono K, Sudradjat & Sutarta ES. 2015. Study of Asystasia gangetica (L.) Anderson utilization as cover crop under mature oil palm with different ages. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research. 19 (2): 137-148 Darmijati S & Syarifuddin AK. 2002. Pengaruh musim tanam terhadap hasil kacang tanah di tipe agroklimat B dan C. Jurnal Agromet. 16 (1-2): 37-48 Daru TP, Yulianti A & Widodo E. 2014. Potensi hijauan di perkebunan kelapa sawit sebagai pakan sapi potong di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Pastura. 3: 94-98. Hamdan MA. 2012. Potensi hijauan lokal pesisir pantai bagi ternak ruminansia di Desa Mangunlegi Kecamatan Batangan Kabupaten Pati [Tesis]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor Herilimiansyah, Kumalasari NR & Abdullah L. 2019. Evaluasi sistem budidaya tanaman Asystasia gangetica T. Anderson yang ditanam dengan jarak berbeda di bawah naungan kelapa sawit. Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan. 17(1): 6-10. Jiju V, Gorantla M & Chamundeeswari D. 2013. Evaluation of anthelmintic activity of methanolic extract of Asystasia gangeticum. International Journal of Pharmacyand Life Science. 4 (6): 2727-2730 Mildaerizanti. 2014. Integrasi sapi sawit dan potensinya dalam mendukung pertanian berkelanjutan di Muaro Jambi. Palembang (ID): Prosiding Seminar Nasional. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Naidu VSGR. 2012. Handbook on Weed Identification. Directorate of Weed Science Research. Jabalpur (IN): Indian Council of Agricultural Research. [NRC] National Research Council. 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. Seventh Revised Edition: Update 2000. Washington (US): The National Academies Press Norlindawati AP, Haryani H, Sabariah B, Noor MI, Samijah A, Supie MJ & Edham ZW. 2019. Chemical composition of weeds as potential forage in integrated farming. Malaysian Journal of Veterinary Research. 10 (2): 19–24 Prasetyo H & Zaman S. 2016. Pengendalian gulma perkebunan kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Perkebunan Padang Halaban, Sumatera Utara. Buletin Agrohorti. 4 (1): 87-93 Ramdani D, Abdullah L & Kumalasari NR. 2017. Analisis potensi hijauan lokal pada sistem integrasi sawit dengan ternak ruminansia di Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau. Buletin Makanan Ternak. 104 (1): 1-8 Sari HFM & Rahayu SSB. 2013. Jenis-Jenis gulma yang ditemukan di perkebunan karet (Hevea brasiliensis Roxb.) Desa Rimbo Datar Kabupaten 50 Kota Sumatera Barat. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi: BIOGENESIS. 1(1): 28-32 Setiawan E. 2009. Kajian hubungan unsur iklim terhadap produktivitas cabe jamu (Piper retrofractum Vahl) di Kabupaten Sumenep. AGROVIGOR: Jurnal Agroekoteknologi. 2(1): 1-7 Sisriyeni D & Soetopo D. 2005. Potensi, peluang dan tantangan pengembangan integrasi sapi-sawit di Provinsi Riau. Pekanbaru (ID): Lokakarya Pengembangan Sistem Integrasi Kelapa Sawit-Sapi. Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Riau. Syahputra E, Sarbino & Dian S. 2011. Weeds assessment di perkebunan kelapa sawit lahan gambut. Jurnal Perkebunan & Lahan Tropika. 1: 37-42 Tilloo SK, Pande VB, RasalaTM, & Kale VV. 2012. Asystasia gangetica: Review on multipotential application. International Research Journal of Pharmacy. 3 (4): 18-20 Utomo BN & Widjaja E. 2012. Pengembangan sapi potong berbasis industri perkebunan kelapa sawit. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. 31 (4) : 153-161 Wiyono DB, Affandhy L, Rasyid A. 2003. Integrasi Ternak dengan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Bogor (ID): Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Sistem Integrasi Kelapa Sawit-Sapi. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Wigati S, Maksudi & Wiyanto E. 2016. The use of rubber leaves (Hevea brasiliensis) as forage in supporting the development of goats. Bogor (ID): Proceeding of International Seminar on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian
Penggunaan Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) dalam Pakan Terhadap Performa Kalkun (Meleagris gallopavo): Utilization of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) in the Diet on Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Performance H D S Tadjudin; M Shofiah Shofiah; S Aini Aini; widya hermana; Arif Darmawan
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1022.91 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jintp.18.1.19-23


The aim of this study was to evaluate fresh dandelion leaves on turkey performance. The study used a complete randomized design of 4 treatments and 6 replications. A total number of 24 turkeys (Meleagris gallapavo)-12 week-old were used in this 5 weeks of feed trial. The experimental animals were fed with the diet containing 37% of commercial broiler starter diet, 40% rice bran and forage (water hyacinth and fresh dandelion leaves). The treatments with fresh dandelion leaves addition were P0: 0%, P1: 5%, P2: 10%, and P3: 15%. The variables observed were bio active compound in dandelion leaves, daily behavior and turkey performance. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the significant differences between treatments were analyzed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results showed that dandelion leaves contain flavonoids, tannins, saponins and steroids, vitamin D were 17.37 ppm and antioxidants IC50 have an antioxidant activity with a value of 102.31. Observation of daily behavior showed that turkeys behavior was dominated by eating and resting activities, where the highest frequency of resting activities was 0.43 per second (P0). Turkey performance were not significantly different on feed consumption, carcass weight, carcass percentage for all treatments but significantly different (p<0.05) on average daily gain (AVG) and feed conversion ratio. Therefore it can be concluded that fresh dendelion leaves are able to used up to 15% in turkey diet. Key words: antioxidant, dandelion, turkey performance, vitamin D DAFTAR PUSTAKA Azhari NT & Apliriana E. 2016. Peranan jombang (Taraxacum officinale) sebagai hepatoprotektor. Jurnal Majority. 5(5): 32-36. Astuti S. 2008. Isoflavon kedelai dan potensinya sebagai penangkap radikal bebas. Jurnal Teknologi Industri dan Hasil Pertanian. 13(2): 126-136. Adawiah, Sukandar D & Muawanah A. 2015. Aktivitas antioksidan dan kandungan komponen bioaktif sari buah namnam. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ilmu Kimia. 1(2): 130-136. Amin M, Sawhney SS & Jassal MMS. 2013. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytochemicals of Taraxacum officinale. Wudpecker Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmocology. 2(1):1-5. Badarinath A, Rao K, Chetty CS, Ramkanth S, Rajan T & Gnanaprakash K. 2010. A review on in vitro antioxidant methods: comparisons, correlations and considerations. International Journal of Pharmatical Technology Research. 2(2): 1276-1285. Cook R, Xin H & Nettleton D. 2005. Effects of cage stocking density of feeding behaviours of groups housed laying hens. Journal Animals Agriculture Biology. 49(1): 187-192. Dheer R & Bhatnager P. 2010. A study of the antidiabetic activity of Barleria prionitis linn. Indian Journal of Phamacology. 42(2): 1-5. Gibril S, Samsel S RM, Yassin OE, Hassan AA & Atta M. 2013. Body gain and carcas charateristics of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) under extensive system of management in the student. International Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2(2): 23-26. Mishra A, Kaone P, Schouten W, Sprujit B & Metz J. 2005. Tempral and sequential structure of behaviour and facility usage of laying hens in an encrihed environment. Poultry Science. 84:979-991. Rizky A, Haryono D & Kasymir. 2016. Analisis usaha dan strategi pengembangan ternak kalkun mitra alam kabupaten pringsewu provinsi Lampung. Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Agribisnis. 4(3): 235-242. Ramian F & Indrianti MA. 2018. Analisa potensi eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes) Danau Limboto sebagai pakan ternak. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Integrated Farming System. Gorontalo (ID): Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo. Setiawan B. 2017. Kandungan protein kasar dan serat kasar dedak padi yang difermentasi dengan mikroorganisme lokal [skripsi]. Makassar (ID): Universitas Hasanuddin. Steel RGD & Torrie JH. 1993. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Sumatri B, penerjemah. Terjemah dari: Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Jakarta (ID): Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Suprijatna E, Sunarti D, Mahfudz L D, Ardiningsasi S M, Inayah A & Purnomo A H S. 2010. Performans produksi dan efisiensi penggunaan protein ransum pada kalkun lokal yang dipelihara secara intensif diberi ransum mengandung daun kobis (Brassica oleracea var capitata) afkir. Seminar Nasional Unggas Lokal. Semarang (ID): Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Diponegoro. Wulan, Yudistira A, & Rotinsulu H. 2019. Uji aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak etanol daun Mimosa pudica Linn. menggunakan metode DPPH. Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi. 8(1): 106-113.
PenggunaanTepung Kulit Pisang dalam Ransum terhadap Kadar Kolesterol, Vitamin A, Profil Asam Lemak Kuning Telur Ayam Arab: The Effect of Banana Peel Meal usage in the Chicken Diet on Cholesterol, Vitamine A and Fatty Acid Profile of Arabian Chicken Egg Yolks dwi margi suci; Rika Zahera; Mutia Sari; Widya Hermana
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1157.766 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jintp.18.1.11-18


The aim of this research was to measure the effect of yellow corn substitution with banana peel meal as a beta-carotene and antioxidant source in the chicken diet on cholesterol, vitamin A and fatty acid profiles of egg yolk Arab chicken. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and significant differences between the treatments were analyzed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Eighty pullet of Arabic chickens (19 weeks old) were randomly assigned to four treatment diets with four replications for 6 weeks of fed trials. Dietary treatments consisted of R0 (0%) banana peel meal (TP) : 50% yellow corn (JK) and 3 levels of yellow corn and banana peel. The composition of yellow corn and banana peel meal used R1 (20 % TP ; 30% JK), R2 (30% TP : 20% JG) and R3 (40% TP :10% JG). The variables observed were production performance, cholesterol, vitamin A and fatty acid profile of the egg yolk. The results showed that egg yolk cholesterol levels were not significantly different compared to the control. Substitution of yellow corn with banana peel meal had increased vitamin A level up to 49% compared to the control. There was no difference in fatty acid profiles in all treatments observed. It is concluded that banana peel meal can be used to substitute 40 % of yellow corn in the chicken diet and tend to increased vitamin A of egg yolk. Key words: Arabic chicken, banana peel meal, cholesterol, fatty acid, yolk DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abel FAS, Adeyemi OA, Oluwole OB, Oladunmoye OO, Ayo-Ajasa OY, Anuoluwatelemi JO. 2015. Effect of treated banana peel meal on the feed efficiency, digestibility and cost effectiveness of broiler chicken diet. Journal of Veterinery Science & Animal Husbandry. 3 (1): 1-6 Abou-Arab AA, Abu-Salem FM. 2017. Nutritional and anti-Nutritional composition of banana peels as influenced by microwave drying methods. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation. 11(12): 845-852 Amrullah, IK. 2004. Nutrisi Ayam Petelur. Cetakan ke-3. Bogor (ID): Lembaga Satu Gunungbudi. Anhwange BA, Ugye TJ, Nyiaatagher TD. 2009. Chemical composition of Musa sapientum (Banana) peels. Electronic Journal of Environment, Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 8 (6):437-442 Antruejo A, Azcona JO, Garcia PT, Gallinger C, Rosmini M, Ayerza R, Coates W, Perez CD. 2011. Omega-3 enriched egg production: The effect of α-linolenic ῳ-3 fatty acid sources on laying hen performance and yolk lipid content and fatty acid composition. British Poultry Science. 52(6): 750-760 Aryani T, Mu’awanah IAU, Wydiantara AB. 2018. Karakteristik fisik, kandungan gizi tepung kulit pisang dan perbandingannya terhadap syarat mutu tepung terigu. Jurnal Riset Sains dan Teknologi. 2(2): 45-50 Arora A, Choudhary D, Agarwal G, Singh VP. 2008. Composition variation in β-carotene content, carbohydrate and antioxidant enzymes in selected banana cultivar. International journal of Food Science and Technology. 43: 1913-1921 Blandon JC, Hamady GAA, Abdel-Moneim A. 2015. The effect of partial replacement of yellow corn by banana peels with and without enzymes on broiler’s performance and blood parameters. Journal of Animal and Poultry Science. 4(1): 10-19 Diana, FM. 2013. Omega 6. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 7(1): 26-31 Diarra SS. 2018. Peel meals as a feed ingredient in poultry diets. Chemical composition, dietary recommendation and prospect. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 102: 1284-1295 Chueh CC, Lin LJ, Lin WC, Huang SH, Jan MS, Chang SC, Chung WS, Lee TT. 2019. Antioxidant capacity of banana peels and its modulation of Nrf2-ARE associated gene expression in broiler chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 18 (1): 1394-1403 Haryanto, A, Miharja K, Wijayani N. 2016. Effect of banana meal on the feed conversion ratio and blood lipid profile of broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science. 15 (1) : 27-34 Has, H, Napirah A, Dewi L. 2017. Efektivitas substitusi kulit pisang dengan dedak padi dalam ransum ayam kampung. Makasar (ID): Seminar Nasional Peternakan. Universitas Hasanudin. Indra GK, Achmanu, Nurgiatiningsih A. 2013. Performans produksi ayam Arab (Gallus turcicus) berdasarkan warna bulu. Jurnal Ternak Tropika. 14 (1): 8-14 Konieczka M, Czauderna S, Smulikowsk S. 2017. The enrichment of chicken meat with omega-3 fatty acid by dietary fish oil or its mixture with rapeseed or flaxseed-effect of feeding duration dietary fish oil, flaxseed, and repeseed and n-3 enriched broiler meat. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 223 : 42-52 McDowell, L.R. 2000. Vitamine in Animal and Human Nutrition. 2nd Edition. Iowa (US): State University Press, Iowa. Mulyadi Y. 2013. Penggunaan pakan fungsional terhadap performan produksi dan kualitas telur ayam arab. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak. 13 (2): 27-33 [NRC] National Research Council. 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Revised Edition. Washington. D. C. (US) : National Academy Press, Nuraini, Sabrina, Latif SA. 2008. Performa ayam dan kualitas telur yang menggunakan ransum mengandung onggok fermentasi dengan Neurospora crassa. Media Peternakan. 31:195-202. Pereira A, Maraschin M. 2015. Banana (Musa spp) from peel to pulp: ethnopharmacology, source of bioactive compounds and its relevance for human health. Jurnal Ethnopharmacology. 160:149–163 Piliang WG, Djojosoebagio S. 2006. Fisiologi Nutrisi. Volume I. Edisi ke-2. Bogor (ID): IPB Press Rehaul-Godbert, S, Guyot N, Nys Y. 2019. The Golden Egg: Nutritional value, bioactivities, and emerging benefits for human health. Nutrients. 11: 1-26 ( Sartika RAD. 2008. Pengaruh asam lemak jenuh, tidak jenuh dan asam lemak trans terhadap kesehatan. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2(4): 154-160 Siregar HA, Rahmadi HY, Wening S, Suprianto E. 2018. Komposisi asam lemak dan karoten kelapa sawit Elaeis oleifera, interspesifik hibrida, dan Pseudo-backcross pertama di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit. 26 (2): 91-101 Suci DM, Fitria Z, Mutia R. 2017. Meat fatty acid and cholesterol content of native Indonesian Muscovy Duck Fed with rice bran in tradisional farm. Animal Production. 19 (1):37-45 Sutama, INS. 2008. Daun pepaya dalam ransum menurunkan kolesterol pada serum dan telur ayam. Jurnal Veteriner. 9: 152-156. Wiradimadja R, Burhanuddin H, & Saefulhadjar D. 2010. Peningkatan kadar vitamin A pada telur ayam melalui penggunaan daun katuk (Sauropus androgynus L. Merr) dalam Ransum. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak. 10 (2): 90-94
Pemberian Berbagai Level Eceng Gondok (Eichornia crassipes) dan Minyak Ikan (Centrophorus atromarginatus) dalam Ransum Puyuh terhadap Performa, Kolesterol dan Profil Asam Lemak Telur: The Effect of Various Level of Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) Meal and Fish Oil (Centrophorus atromarginatus) Using in Quail Diet on Performance, Cholesterol and Egg Fatty Acid Profile D M Suci; Supanti Supanti; Yudhi Setiyantari; Romasta Napitupulu
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1015.524 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jintp.18.1.24-31


The aim of the study was to evaluated the effect of giving water hyacinth and fish oil in quail diet on the performance, egg cholesterol and egg fatty acid profile. This study used 200 unsex day old quail divided into 5 treatments and 4 replications that were reared 5 weeks and then selected male or female. The results of sexing quail at week 5 were 95 females and 86 males. Growth period diets (0-5 weeks) contains 24% crude protein and metabolic energy of 2900 kcal kg-1 and production period diets (5-12 weeks) contains 22% crude protein and 2900 kcal kg-1. The experimental design used a completely randomized design with the treatment of using water hyacinth that was 0%,1%, 2%, 3 % and 4% with fish oil which was 0%, 4%, 5%, 6% and 7% in quail diet. The variables measured were quail performance (0-5 week age and 5-12 week age), egg cholesterol, and egg fatty acid profile. The results showed that using of water hyacinth meal 1% -4% and fish oil 4%-5% in the diet of the growth period resulted in higher feed consumption and body weight gain than diet without water hyacinth and fish oil but feed conversion rasio were same. Quail performance of the production period was not affected by all treatments. Unsaturated fatty acids tend to increased in quail eggs. The lowest cholesterol level of quail eggs was by giving 2% of water hyacinth meal and 5% of fish oil in the diet. It was concluded that water hyacinth can be used as local feed ingredients in quail diet until 4%. Key words: Coturnix coturnix japonica, egg cholesterol, egg fatty acid profile, performance, production DAFTAR PUSTAKA Aboul-Enein AM, Al-Abd A, Shalaby EA, Abul-Ela F, Nasr-Allah AA & Mahmoud AM. 2011. Eichornia crassipes (MarT) solm. Plant Signal Behaviour. 6(6): 834-836 Afrose S, Hossain MS & Tsuji H. 2010. Effect of dietary karaya saponin on serum and egg yolk cholesterol in laying hens. 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Egg yolk lipid change in Japanese given Tribulus terrestris extract. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 20 (6) : 1472-1476 Guclu BK, Uyanik F & Iscan KM. 2008. Effect of dietary oil sources on egg quality, fatty acid composition of eggs and blood lipids in laying quail. South American Journal of Animal Science. 38 (2): 91-100 Hartoyo B, Irawan I & Iriyanti N. 2005. Pengaruh asam lemak dan kadar serat kasar yang berbeda dalam ransum broiler terhadap kandungan kolesterol, HDL dan LDL serum darah. Animal Production. 7(1):27-33. Hemid, AEA, El-Gawad AAH, El-Wardany I, El-Daly EF & El-Azeem NAA. 2010. Alleviating effect of some environmental stress factors on productive performance in Japanese quail 2.Laying performance. World Journal of Agricultural Science. 6(5): 517-524 Hilmi M, Sumiati & Astuti DA.2015. Egg production and physical quality in Coturnix coturnix japonica fed diet containing piperine as phytogenic feed additive. 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Pengaruh Kandungan Protein Ransum yang Berbeda terhadap Kecernaan dan Fermentabilitas Rumen Sapi Perah secara In vitro: The Effect of Different Feed Protein Content on Digestibility and Fermentability of Dairy Rumen using In vitro Rika Zahera; Dian Anggraeni; Zikri Aulia Rahman; Dwierra Evvyernie
Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1057.477 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jintp.18.1.1-6


The most of protein requirement for cows is fulfilled by microbial protein. Increasing the protein from ration usually influences the milk production in dairy cows. However, the availability of dietary protein should support rumen ecosystem through microbial activity in the fermentation and digestion process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the protein levels of dairy cow ration on the rumen fermentability and digestibility using an in vitro method. Randomized block design with three levels of protein ration as a treatment and three times taken of rumen liquor as a block. The treatments were: R1= ration with low protein; R2= ration with moderate protein and R3= ration with high protein. The measured parameters were rumen fermentability (total VFA, N-NH3 and pH), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD). 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