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Getsempena English Education Journal
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Getsempena English Education Journal (e-ISSN 2502-6801) is a periodical scientific publication dedicated to lecturers, students and educational observers to disseminate relevant research, thought and research results in the field of English. Any visitor to this site can browse abstracts, read journal contents and download PDF files.
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Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This study reviews the effectiveness of using collaborative writing method to enhance students’ writing ability. It also tries to expand the scope of collaboration in all aspects of the EFL College writing process. First of all, this article explains the operational definition of collaborative learning process based on EFL writing instruction. In what follows, the article headlights the benefits of collaborative writing process in the EFL classroom. The remaining phase of this article discusses the steps and procedures in practicing writing based on collaborative process in the classroom. Anchored in this collaborative process based writing framework, a teacher enables students to engage in collaborative and dialogic activities through the process of writing. The definite aim is to help EFL college students in writing academic pieces better and more easily as they go through the writing process from pre- writing to post-writing. Key Words: Collaborative Writing, the EFL classroom
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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The objective of this research is to find out the most typical words which are made by the students in writing. Based on the objective of the research, the writer uses a narrative method. In collecting the data, the writer administers a kind of writing test to students. The research is conducted to first semester of Economics and business faculty of Malikussaleh University. The writer took the correspondent on in 40 students by random sampling. The material is tested based on the English syllabus. Then, the writer analyzes the writing errors done by students. The results of research show that errors on word choice are the most typical errors made by students with 37 or 19.2% and then word order with 32 or 16.6%, followed by verb tenses with 29 or 15.0%. From the results of the research, the writer can conclude that the most typical errors on student’s narrative writing skill at first semester of Economics and Business is errors on word choice. It indicated that the most students need more treatment and remedial teaching from the lecturer towards their errors on English writing right away and it implies that the students still need more practice in order to develop their writing skill. Key Words: Error Analysis, Narrative Writing
An Analysis Of English Lesson Plan Academic Year 2012/2013 At The First Semester Of MAS Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh Mulyani, Mulyani; Kasim, Usman
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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To conduct teaching English in the classroom, a teacher requires good preparations such as lesson planning preparation. Lesson plan needs to be developed by a teacher as a direction or road map towards all activities to be done by the teacher and students in the classroom in order to achieve one or more specific competencies appropriately and effectively. There are some English teachers who still face difficulties in developing effective and systematic lesson plans for a teaching program. In fact, they tend to imitate or even copy the ones provided in the textbook and the internet. The scarcity of English teachers in having trainings and workshops related to teaching, syllabus, and lesson plan development was also the problem in this study. Furthermore, the research conducted related to or the same as this study in Indonesia is rare. Considering these problems, a study related to an analysis of English lesson plan academic year 2012/2013 at the first semester of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta (MAS) Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh was conducted. There were nine lesson plans analyzed as they were developed by the teacher for one semester.The objective of this study was to investigate whether the English lesson plans provided by the only teacher of English at the first semester of MAS Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh are appropriate with the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or school-based curriculum or not and to find out the difficulties encountered by the teacher of English in developing the English lesson plans in terms of non-component of lesson plan basis and component of lesson plan basis as well as the efforts made by the teacher to overcome the difficulties. For this purpose, the writer conducted a qualitative research employing four different techniques of research, namely, content analysis, questionnaire, interview, and documentary study.The qualitative data were obtained from the content analysis checklist, the questionnaire distributed to the teacher of English at the first semester of MAS Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh as well as the interview conducted to the teacher of English at the first year and the principal of MAS Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh, and also the document such as syllabus.The findings showed that the lesson plans developed by the teacher at the first semester of MAS Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh generally met the standard determined by the KTSP, Standard of Content, and Standard of Process. Specifically, all of the components of a lesson plan were covered in the lesson plans developed. However, there were deficiencies found in 6 components from most lesson plans developed by the teacher, namely, materials, methods of teaching, teaching activity, time allocation, resources, and assessments. The analysis of the questionnaire data verified by the interview data also showed that the teacher of English at the first semester of MAS Darul Ulum, Banda Aceh faced 5 difficulties related to non-component of lesson plan basis, namely, (1) lack of time because of high load of teaching, (2) lack of ability in matching between students’ aptitude/ability and appropriate method of teaching, (3) difficulty in developing lesson plan based on KTSP related to students’ individual differences, (4) difficulty in developing lesson plan based on KTSP related to students’ encouragement to be active learners, and (5) lack of ability in matching between technique of teaching and students’ learning styles. Meanwhile, the difficulties of component of lesson plan basis faced by the teacher were 4, namely, (1) difficulty in adjusting between materials of study and appropriate method, (2) difficulty in arranging the steps of teaching activity especially in pre-teaching stage, (3) difficulty in matching between methods or strategies and the competency to be achieved by the students, and (4) difficulty in matching between resources such as media or tools of learning and materials of study. Moreover, there were 4 efforts made by the teacher to overcome the problems of non-component of lesson plan basis, namely, (1) consulting to a colleague or the teacher in the similar subject of teaching, (2) learning from books, journals, and internet, (3) participating in Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) or subject teacher discussion group, and (4) participating in seminars or workshops related to concept of teaching-learning, curriculum, syllabus and lesson plan development. Meanwhile, there were 5 efforts made by the teacher to overcome the problems of component of lesson plan basis, namely, (1) consulting to a colleague or the teacher in the similar subject of teaching, (2) learning from books, journals, and internet, (3) participating in MGMP, (4) conducting classroom action research, and (5) participating in seminars or workshops related to curriculum, syllabus and lesson plan development. It suggests that the teacher still has a few problems and deficiencies related to the teacher’s competence and pedagogic competence especially in terms of developing lesson plan. However, in terms of efforts conducted to overcome the difficulties, it suggests that the teacher is a teacher who has good personality competence. Key Words: Analysis, Lesson Plan, School-Based Curriculum, Standard Of Competency, Basic Competence, Indicators Of Competency Achievement
An Overview of Directed Reading Activity (DRA) And Reading Comprehension Saputra, Edi
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This article describes about Directed Reading Activity (DRA) in teaching English, especially in reading comprehension. DRA is a strategy that provides students with instructional support before, during, and after reading process. Some principles of Directed Reading activity (DRA) strategy, including first, attention one of the principles of DRA that must be considered by the teacher to the learners when teaching reading in the classroom based on context to get meaning to develop skills and strategies in identifying words, sentences and paragraphs. Second, students have enough changes in reading a text deeply to identify main idea, specific/detail information, reference and also meaning in a text. Third, DRA encourages the learners to be skilled and have strategy, to explore the text aesthetically, particularly in relation to literature and to develop their conceptual prior knowledge by texts. And forth, DRA encourages the learners to self-monitoring when they are reading so that they can adjust their reading strategies as needed. It is chosen because it can create effective and creative readers who always use background knowledge to emphasize word recognition and comprehension in reading text by connecting what they are ready know and what they are reading. The learners are given chances to correct errors that occur during and after a reading process. Key Words: Directed Reading Activity, Reading Comprehension
The Use Of Mind Mapping Technique In Teaching Vocabulary Samhudi, Samhudi
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This research is aimed to describe the procedure of mind mapping technique on teaching vocabulary and to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after teaching learning  vocabulary through mind mapping technique. In collecting the required data, the writer did test and questionnaire. The writer as teacher tried to apply mind mapping technique in teaching vocabulary mastery of students. The result of test show that mind mapping technique improved students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of the questionnaires show that most of the students agree that mind mapping is able to advance them, improve their vocabulary, expand their ideas, and increase their self confidence in learning. Key Words: Vocabulary, Mind Mapping. 
Using Rosetta Stone Software As Media In Teaching English Vocabulary (An Experimental Study At SDN No. 02 Lhoksukon) Hanif, Hanif
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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Using of Rosetta Stone Software as media in teaching English vocabulary. The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of using Rosetta Stone Software in teaching vocabulary. The data were obtained from 64 students who belong to the two classes (groups), the control group and the experimental group, as the representative of all fifth grades of SDN No 02 Lhoksukon, Aceh Utara. The writer took two classes randomly for the sample of three parallel classes. The research instruments used to collect the data for this study were pre-test and post-test. The pre-test and the post-test were given to the two classes; the experimental class and the control class. The result of the test was students’ scores of the experimental group and the control group. This result was analyzed by using statistical formula in order to see if there is a significant difference between the students who were taught by direct method and the students taught by using Rosetta Stone Software as the media in teaching vocabulary. The use of Rosetta Stone Software focused on matching the pictures and meaning of some activities of Rosetta Stone Software shown on the screen. Base on explanation above, using Rosetta Stone Software as media also proves that the treatment has given some effects on students’ vocabulary improvement. Key Words: Rosetta Stone Software, Teaching vocabulary, Media
Teaching Listening By Using English Pop Song Rusmiati, Rusmiati; Dewi, Siti Rahma
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This thesis entitled, “Teaching Listening By Using English Pop Song (an experimental teaching to second grade of SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh)”. The purpose of this study is to find out the problem faced by students’ in listening, and to know the improvement of students’ listening. To find data and information in the field, the writer conducted the research at SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh. The participants were the second grade students which was about 28 students’. The writer collected some theories and opinions of expert from different resources to support this thesis. The writer also used some techniques in the data collecting process, such as questioner and experimental teaching. the data analysis of experiment group were 59,5 for pre test, and post-test 86,10. So, it can be concluded that Teaching listening by using English pop song is effective and can improve students ability listening.Key Word: Listening English Pop Song
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This research is about the use of Number Head Together (NHT) in Teaching Speaking for Junior High School. The research problem for the study are (1) How is the use of Number Heads Together in Teaching at Junior High School, (2) What are the teacher obstacles during the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in teaching speaking for Junior High School. The objective of the study are: (1) to figure out the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in teaching speaking for Junior High School, (2) To find out the teacher obstacles during the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in Teaching Speaing for Junior High School. In order to get the data, the resercher used observation sheet and Interview Guide. This research took place in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Banda Aceh. Through the research, it was found that; (1) the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) in teaching speaking follow the steps they are, greeting, reviewing, explaining, numbering, questioning, discussing, answering. (2). There are some obstacles that the teacher faced during the use of Number Heads Together (NHT) they are: the difficulties in making the group which consist of various proficiency and the lack of students trust to the member of the groups answers. Key Words: NHT, Speaking

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