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Getsempena English Education Journal
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Getsempena English Education Journal (e-ISSN 2502-6801) is a periodical scientific publication dedicated to lecturers, students and educational observers to disseminate relevant research, thought and research results in the field of English. Any visitor to this site can browse abstracts, read journal contents and download PDF files.
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Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This article describes about Critical Reading Strategy in teaching English, especially in reading comprehension. Critical Reading is a strategy that provides students with instructional support before, during, and after reading process. The students with critical reading skills have the ability to evaluate the credibility of a piece of writing. All writers have a purpose when they write, and usually a writer will choose or emphasize facts and details which support his or her purpose, and ignore facts which dont. As readers make sense of what they read, they use various relationships of ideas to aid recognition and fluency. Critical reading includes the ability to evaluate ideas and synthesize what one reads. They are the ability to see relationships of ideas and use them as an aid in reading. Key Words: Critical Reading Strategies, Reading Comprehension
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This essay discusses about human language, human have the common system in their language. The same system of the languages is called as Language Universals. it can be assumed that Language Universals or known as Linguistic Universals is a pattern that occurs systematically across natural languages. Key Words: Language, Input and Condition 
Peningkatan Ketrampilan Menulis Teks Narrative Bahasa Inggris Melalui Penerapan Teknik Cloze Procedure Siswa Kelas XII-IA 1 SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa, Aceh Utara Erlinawati, Erlinawati
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa kelas XII-IPA1 SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa dalam menulis teks bahasa Inggris. Teknik yang dipilih dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah Cloze Procedure. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas XII IA-1 SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa Aceh Utara semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa Aceh Utara.  Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII IA-1 SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa yang berjumlah 27 siswa terdiri atas 17 siswa perempuan dan 10 siswa laki-laki. dengan menerapkan teknik cloze procedure dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus I  diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 58,15 dan persentase ketuntasan klasikal yang tercapai adalah 44,44% atau  12 dari 27 orang siswa tuntas dalam pembelajaran siklus I sedangkan 15 siswa belum mencapai ketuntasan.. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus pertama indikator keberhasilan belum tercapai karena siswa yang memperoleh nilai ≥75 hanya sebesar 44,44%. Nilai tertinggi 90 dan nilai terendah adalah 20 dan ketuntasan klasikal hanya 44,44%. Hasil ini jauh di bawah presentase indikator yang telah ditetapkan yaitu hasil belajar 80% siswa diharapkan mencapai KKM 75. Pada siklus II  diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 79,62 dan persentase ketuntasan klasikal yang tercapai adalah 77,77% atau  21 dari 27 orang siswa tuntas dalam pembelajaran siklus II sedangkan 6 siswa belum mencapai ketuntasan.. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus II indikator keberhasilan telah tercapai karena siswa yang memperoleh nilai ≥75 sebesar 77,77%. Nilai tertinggi 100 dan nilai terendah adalah 40. Hasil ini telah mencapai indikator yang ditetapkan yaitu 75% siswa diharapkan mencapai KKM 75. Penerapan teknik cloze procedures sebagai teknik pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi menulis teks naratif bahasa Inggris di kelas XII IPA-1 SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa Lhoksukon. Oleh karena itu disarankan agar guru bahasa Inggris menerapkan teknik cloze procedure dalam mengajarkan keterampilan menulis. Kata Kunci :  Kemampuan Menulis Teks Bahasa Inggris, Teknik Cloze Procedure
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This article describes about Strategy in Language Learning. Learning strategy are steps taken by students to enhance their own learning. Strategies are especially important for language learning because they are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing communicative competence. Appropriate language learning strategies result in improved proficiency and greater self-confidence. Owing to conditioning by the culture and the educational system, however, many language students (even adults) are passive and accustomed to being spoon-fed. They like to be told what to do, and they do only what is clearly essential to get a good grade-even if they fail to develop useful skills in the process. A general overview of the system in language learning strategies are divided into two major classes: direct and indirect. These two classes are subdivided into a total of six groups (memory, cognitive, and composation under the direct class; metacognitive, affective and social under the indirect class). Direct strategies and indirect strategies support each other and each strategy is capable in connecting with and assisting for every other strategy.  Key Words:  Strategies, Language Learning
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This article describes about the effect of game through small groups in teaching reading comprehension. Generally, teachers used to be active then their students, Yet, in some ways it has been changed, students now tend to avoid the passivity in the class. Teachers role in this phase is the fasilitator from whom students run for guidance during their lesson. Students are also encouraged to be well spirited in using their skills in English conversationally by giving and sharing ideas. Therefore, learning through games is one of the most interesting technique to reach this great atmosphere of the class. Key Words: Game, Small Group Reading Comprehension 
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This article is to explain the implementation of KTSP curriculum which is invented in 2006 and is still implemented in some schools in Indonesia. Here, the writer includes several aspects, which are the current status of the curriculum, the relationship of curriculum with the mainstream environment, the organizing principle of the curriculum, theoretical approach of the curriculum, the theory of language learning, the curriculum and its context, curriculum and syllabus assessment. The method applied here is a library analysis toward KTSP curriculum. The result shows that the curriculum suits Indonesian students in almost sides since it requires teachers to develop the curriculum based on the context of schools and students’ capacity. Besides, the students will not face huge burden learning in a school since the teachers who formally recognize their students well develop all the teaching and learning syllabi. In conclusion, KTSP is a practically appropriate curriculum which has been implemented compared to previous curriculums. Indonesian government design it since this is a better innovative curriculum to apply to the educational institutions in Indonesia. The demand of the curriculum appears neither low nor high and is definitely achieved by the students.  Key Words: Analyzing, Curriculum, KTSP
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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Constructing a sentence grammatically and syntactically correct has become a cliché but crucial problem for English as Second Language (ESL) learners. The problem is also faced by ESL teachers, significantly in correcting the students’ papers and finding the solutions for this problem. The pattern of the sentences then should be analyzed in order to find a predominant pattern normally constructed by the learners. This article tries to look and explore that point by analyzing the syntactic and grammar aspects of the sentences written by ESL Learners. Two samples of ESL learners’ writing paper are used as documents to be analyzed. The samples are taken from two different level of English proficiency called S2 and S4.  The analysis is divided into two parts. Part one is the quantitative analysis which reveals the calculation of the analysis on several points such as, types of clause, sub clauses, tenses, aspects, verbs, objects, references, and antecedent of S2 and S4 writing text and it illustrates how many of each component appears in both learners’ texts. Those findings are presented in tables and they are attached in appendices. Moreover, part two, qualitatively the result of quantitative method is explained more than only numbers, by giving more details on the pattern of the sentences written by two learners and also to draw a prediction made before. Thus, it is found that the learners have problems in constructing complete sentences, such as lack of subject and verb and subject-verb agreement errors. S2 learner tends to use more personal pronouns comparing to S4 learners, it is assumed because of his lack of syntax repertoire in constructing more complex and compound sentences. The progress of syntactic system of S2 is showed by correctly used of tense, reference, and proper subject. S4 writing text is categorized as a well developed of syntactic system. The confident use of different sentence structure, vary of vocabulary and has a good persuasive sentences reflect on his writing. The sentences written by S2 and S4 learner predominantly have SVO (Np +(aux)+ Vp) pattern and mix with the compound and complex sentences, where clause sometimes can be objects and complement. For instance, I am a duck who traveled in the sea (S (Np+Vp)+S-bar) and I’m not a callous person but I’m in favour that he should have been left to die on Mount Everest for these following reasons (s(Np+Vp)CC+s(Np+Vp). This study’s findings would benefit the writer, especially for teachers, they should consider the learners’ level, and what kind of instruction should be good to apply in order to maximize learners’ comprehension. Key Words: sentence, syntax, ESL learner
Getsempena English Education Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh

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This research was conducted to find out the students errors in distinguishing between collective and plural noun and the factors made the students errors in distinguishing between collective noun and plural noun. In collecting required data, the researcher used interview and test. The subject of this research was the students at class VII2 SMPN 1 Nisam which consisted of 29 students. The result of this research shown that the students errors were divided into three categories, namely, errors of omission, errors of addition and errors of misuse. Based on the result of test, it was found out that there were 10,7% of students made errors of omission, 67,4% errors of misuse and 21,9 % errors of addition. The result of interview shown that students made many errors caused by two factors; they are external and internal factor. External factor come from the method of teaching, because how well the students understand the material depends on the method of teaching that used by the teacher. Internal factor was the students themselves, they did not pay attention to their study, some of them were afraid and shy to ask the teacher if they do not understand the material. Some of them were did not do repetition of their lesson or lazy to study. Keywords: Error, Collective and Plural Noun

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