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Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan
ISSN : 19799187     EISSN : 25282751     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
First published in 2007, Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan (BILP) is a scientific journal published by the Trade Analysis dan Development Agency (Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Perdagangan - BPPP), Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia. This bulletin is expected to be a media of dissemination and analysis of research results to be used as references for academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and the general public. In collaboration with professional associations, The Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia - PERHEPI), BILP publishes research reports and analysis of trade sector and/or sector-related trade which have not been published in any other journals/scholarly publications, either in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Publishing twice a year in July and December, this Bulletin is directly disseminated to stakeholders both in print and online.
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Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan Vol 1 No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Trade Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1682.849 KB) | DOI: 10.30908/bilp.v1i3.302


This Research was conducated to see the progress of Trade relationship between Indonesia and India , to see global picture of benefit to do a free trade agreements (FTA) with India, to see future prospect of Indonesian Main export Comodities to India. India was Indonesian good Trade partner, and it was shown by the increase of total Trade and also Trade balance in each year. Simulation by WITS-Smart Programme show that realization of FTA between Indonesia and India will benefit for both countries. Simulation of India’s tariff cut show there are an increase on welfare in India and export in Indonesia. Most of main export Comodities have good prospect to increase with FTA realization. Prospect Indicators are seen by copper growth from the wortlh, and the value of Trade total effect that is created by the realization of FTA.
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan Vol 1 No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Trade Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2913.085 KB) | DOI: 10.30908/bilp.v1i3.303


The palm oil Industry is an important sector in the Indonesian economiy as it is one of the country’s major export earners as well as food source for her population.Indonesia is the world second largest producer of palm oil after Malaysia, accounting for about 34% OF The  world production in the year 2006. Indonesia  is also the largest consumer of palm oil in the developing economies, in 2006. Indonesia consumed a total of 5.5 mn tonnes of palm oil. Of this amount 76.75% is comprised of  frying oil. About 55% of the production is exported in the form of crude palm oil mainly to Asian countries primarily to India and China and  Eruropean countries. Debate on Indonesia’s palm oil policy was stimulated by the sharp increase in cooking oil prices in 1994-1995 which resulted in the introduction of export tax rate on palm oil in order to maintain a certain level of domestic consumption.Using annual data for the period 1969-2006, an econometric  approach  mainly the error correction model. Was employed  in this study This paper examines the impacts of reduction in export duty onthe import demand of Indonesian palm oil to China. The findings indicate  that the  quantity of palm oil exported to China is significantly influenced by changes in the soybean oil price, world palm oil price, Industrial Production Index (IPI) exchange rate  and lagged of export demand of Indonesian palm oil to China by one year with the elasticity of 1,49, 1.47,0.24, 0.59, and 0.79, respectively. The coefficients for long run variables presented by the ECM are jointly not equal to zero.This result suggests that as a group, the long run variable (ECM) have influenced the changes in the export demand to China which is indicated by the significance of the coefficient. The simulation results suggest that the direct impact of reduction of export duty would increase the quantity exported to China. The Indonesia export to China from 95.36 thousand tones to 118,23 thousand tones.
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan Vol 1 No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Trade Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3077.274 KB) | DOI: 10.30908/bilp.v1i3.304


Trade relation between Indonesia and china has faced a certainty constraint. It emeged when the government of Indonesia and China at almost the same time released a public warning and import restriction from each country, there is a worry it would become the central issue of the happening of broader tradeconflic t. A problem actually , was not an action of reciprocating of government of Indonesia and  China. It would rather show the problem of product standardization especially concerned health standard .Each country claims the hazardous substances contained in a certainty product which could bring one of the worst diseases for humam health. Moreover, the standard which claimed by both countries based on the product standard applying in each country and has been confessed internationally. Both Indonesia and China was going to solve the problem bilaterally (G to G). Therefore , the conflict will increase the cost of opportunity higher than the benefit for Indonesia and China.
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan Vol 1 No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Trade Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1055.886 KB) | DOI: 10.30908/bilp.v1i3.305


Kemitraan usaha di dalam PP No 44/1997 adalah kerjasama usaha antara usaha kecil dengan usaha Menengah dan atau dengan Usaha Besar disertai Pembinaan dan Pengembangan olehUsaha Menengah dan atau Usaha Besar dengan menengah dan atau Usaha Besar dengan memperhatikan prinsip saling memerlukan saling memperkuat dan saling menguntungkan.Dalam prateknya ritel modern memberlakukan berbagai macam ketentuan dan syarat perdagangan (trading terms) yang menimbulkan pro kontra dandiangggap merugikan pemasok terutama pemasok UKM. Berbagai ketentuan dan trading terms yang diberlakukan dewasa ini sehinggga tercatat sekitar 35 bentuk, antara lain adanya listing fee, penalty service level, promotion discount dan biaya pasok lainnya yang dapat memberatkan pemasok dan menguntungkan ritel modrn. Kenyataan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa di satu sisi, ritel modern dapat bersaing dengan harga yang lebih rendah dari ritel tradisiopnal, namundi sisi lain justru dapat menekan margin pemasok.Analisa biaya, menunjukkan bahwa harga beli yang dibayar konsumen (consumer buying price) ke ritel modern lebih rendah dibandingakan ritel tradisional, tetapi keuntungan ritel modern lebih besar  karena diperoleh dari potongan trading termd yang terkadang di dalam harga beli ritel modern ( retailer buying price)) dari pemasok . Jangka pendek konsumen diuntungkan, efeknya retailer biasa tidak laku, margin pemasok semakin tipis. Pada giliran selanjutnya , pemasok , prodosen harus menaikan harga retailer buying price, krena harus meminimalisir jual rugi ke Hypermaket dan pada ujung terakhir konsumen yang dirugikan.Kondisi tersebut menunjukaknnbahwa terjadi dominant bayer power . dalam kondisi demikian , praktek traiding terms dapat dirterima apabila dengan alas an efisiensi dan penguatan pasar ; namun harus diatasi oleh pemerintah apabila terjadi eksploitasi, atau abuse buyer power, untuk itu penelitian ini mengalisis struktur pasar, prilaku pasar dan kinerja pasarbserta cost and benefit untuk mengungkapkan mengapa pratek trading terms berjalan tanpa kendali dan bagaimana kemitraan usaha perdagangan yang efisien antara ritel modern dengan pemasok UKM dapat berjalan.
ANALISIS EFISIENSI SISTEM TATA NIAGA GULA DI INDONESIA Ninuk Rahayu Ningrum; Ernawati Munadi; Tjahya Widayanti
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan Vol 1 No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Trade Analysis and Development Agency, Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3039.57 KB) | DOI: 10.30908/bilp.v1i3.301


Debate on Indonesia’s sugar polisy was stimulated by the sharp increase in the sugar retail price after the implementation of import regulatory policy regim based on the Trade and Industrial Ministry Decree No. 643/MPP/Kep/9/2002.23 September 2002 revised with the Trade and Industrial Ministry Decree No. 527/MPP/Kep/9/2004/and followed by Ministry of Trade Decree No. 19/M-DAG/PER/4/2006 tanggal 19 April 2006.UsIng the annual data for the period of 1998-2004,this study examines the “reasonable sugar retail price “in Indonesia using two approaches i.e (1) import parity and (2) production cost and distribution ; and based on those reasonable sugar retail prices, this study try to analize the  efficiency of the “system tataniaga gula “in Indonesia.The results show that because of the government policy intervension, sugar retail price paid by the sugar cosumer in Indonesia is higher than if no government intervention ( free Trade). It is about 43.07 % and 3.43.% higher based on the first and second approach, respectively, moreover , due to the various, government policies related to tariff and import regulation, cosumer lost for about Rp. 3.8 – Rp 6.2 Trillion a year, but producer get benefit for about Rp.3.2 – Rp 5.2 Trilion ayear. Hence, The dead weight loss due to the”system tataniaga gula “is about Rp. 06- 10 trillion a year.

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