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Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama
Published by Jayapangus Press
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Core Subject : Religion,
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama is a journal published by Jayapangus Press which contains the results of research in the field of religious studies. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Religious Studies. Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama, particularly focuses on the Religious Studies areas as follows: Religious Education, Religious Letters, Theology, Religious Philosophy, Yoga, Religious Law, Religious Communication, Religious Cultural, and Religion Science.
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Penyembuhan Maag Dengan Metode Hipnoterapi Perspektif Ayurweda Di Rumah Sehat Tri Sakti Dukuh Nggrembyang Klaten Dewi Ayu Wisnu Wardani
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Many methods have been found to help treat ulcers, both in medical and traditional ways. Non-pharmacological treatments that are now developing include how to treat traditional plants, reflexology, hypnotherapy and others. Fulfill the public towards medical treatment which is a condition for side effects from the use of drugs that can damage the liver and kidneys if used in the long term, people are now starting to look at methods of non-medical treatment. Among these non-medical treatments is hypnotherapy. This method was chosen because of the small side effects caused and more economical. Hypnotherapy is a form of mind therapy using hypnosis. Hypnosis is to bring someone to enter a state of relaxation in order to enter the subconscious mind, to be given suggestions. In hypnotherapy, when the client has entered the condition of relaxation / somnabulism the therapy process is only done. The importance of therapy is done in the subconscious because of the influence of the subconscious mind which is very large on human life. This is in line with the results of research that states that the subconscious mind is responsible for influencing and determining 95% to 99% of the thought activity process, so that the subconscious mind determines almost all of our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior. This research is a type of qualitative research, researchers use phenomenological theory, structural functional theory and behavioristic theory. The data collection techniques use the method of observation, literature, interviews and documentation. Furthermore, the results of this study explain that (1) the procedure for hypnotherapy is interview, induction, deepening, mind therapy and termination. The five stages in the practice of hypnotherapy must be really done so that the therapy process runs smoothly. (2) The benefits of the hypnotherapy method in healing ulcer patients are as follows: 1) Patients feel comfortable with themselves and the environment in which the patient is located, 2) Patients become more creative and innovative, 3) Patients become more attractive individuals, 4) patients will calm and confidence will arise. (3) Synergy combined between hypnotherapy methods with traditional Ayurvedic medicine turns out to be very capable of accelerating healing, because the drugs available are very good to be combined with the therapy, the efficacy is very effective for the treatment of acute ulcer disease. The herbal ingredients are instant ginger, arrowroot powder, gamat luxir jelly, bengkuang, Moringa leaf, turmeric, aloe vera, guava leaves and Curma Sapo.
Akulturasi Ajaran Siwa-Buddha Di Pura Pagulingan Desa Manukaya Gianyar Cokorda Agung Semara Dalem Pemayun
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This research was conducted on the author's interest in the study of the theology of harmony in Bali. The harmony between religious communities in the middle of the island of Bali is not only influenced by a national consensus on political and social stability, but also because of local wisdom about acculturation in aspects of religion. The Shiva teachings which dominate and are recognized as a majority stream and even animate most Hindu values ​​in Bali do not forget to accommodate and harmonize themselves with other teachings, one of which is Buddhism. from that, the existence of Buddhism is still developing today. One of the reflections of the union of Shiva-Buddhist teachings can be found in Pagulingan Temple, Manukaya Village. This research is descriptive qualitative field research. The primary data sources in this study were Pagulingan Temple and Hindus and Buddhists as pengempon. Data collection is done using the snow ball technique. The results of this study are Acculturation of the Shiva-Buddha Teachings in Pura Pagulingan including (1) the history of the union of Shiva-Buddhas traced from India to the Archipelago, (2) the arrival of Shiva-Buddhism teachings in Manukaya Village, as the initial conditions for the development of Shiva-Teachings Buddha (3) The Process of Acculturation of the Shiva-Buddha Teachings which became the first focus, and (4) Pelinggih Pajenengan as a form of Acculturation. The driving factors for acculturation include (1) Cultural Value Factors, (2) Religious System Factors, (3) Social Factors. Implications of Acculturation in the Teachings of Shiva-Buddhists in Pagulingan Temple include (1) Social Implications and (2) Theological Implications.
Peran Guru Rupaka Daalam Menanamkan Ajaran Agama Hindu Dalam Keluarga Di Kota Surakarta Putu Budiadnya
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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The role of Guru Rupaka is very much needed in the process of religious learning. Aside from being a driver for children and youth in learning Hinduism, Guru Rupaka is an example or example for children and youth in everyday life. Therefore, the role of the teacher seems to be very important in its development. Today's era with the characteristics of progress in the field of science and technology, realized or not has shifted the role of Guru Rupaka or parents in providing education to their children. In the past before television was known, the tradition of telling bedtime stories that conveyed moral teachings and religious ethics can still be found, but lately this tradition has increasingly disappeared, even though the role of Guru Rupaka or parents to supplement religious education obtained at formal schools is needed . Realizing that there have been changes in current conditions and situations with unavoidable impacts, the education of Hinduism in the family is very important in order to fortify and develop children's morals. This shows that the role of Guru Rupaka is very important in instilling the teachings of Hindu religion in the family. The role of the Guru Rupaka in instilling the teachings of Hinduism in the family is problematic mapping of various aspects referring to the theory of relativity and electricity which functionally can provide guidance to see the problem in more focus to dissect this problem used theories namely: 1) Educational theory, 2) Convergence Theory. To achieve these objectives, adequate and relevant data is needed. In rigkas the findings obtained are summed up in the following points: 1 The function of religious education in the family is as follows, Planting the value of Hindu religious teachings that can be used as a way of life in achieving prosperity and happiness of life (Moksartham Jagadhita) 2) Guru Rupaka have a very big responsibility in giving direction to the development of the child's soul. Guru Rupaka must provide guidance to children by establishing their first education at home, then sending them to school on time. After the time to get married, Guru Rupaka is obliged to marry off her children. 3) Parents who can give appreciation and receive children in the family can prevent children from behaving aggressively, the integrity of the family makes children feel and understand the direction and guidance of their parents even though they are not physically present in front of him. So parents who are democratic, give awards and praise to their children will prevent children from behaving that are not in accordance with moral values. 4) The purpose of planting Hindu teachings in the family is to create a child who is supernatural and has responsibility and holds fast to the teachings of dharma.
Makna Simbolisasi Ayam Dalam Upacara Agama Dan Keagamaan Masyarakat Hindu Di Kabupaten Gianyar Bali I Nyoman Warta
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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This research is a merger of library research (library research) with a philosophical view on the field. The material objects are chicken symbols in every religious and religious ceremony in Hindu society in Bali, while the formal object is the philosophy of religion. The combination of this research is to provide a new understanding of the conception of Hindu societies in Bali about the meaning of symbols and their importance to the life of mankind.This research was conducted to answer problems related to the use of symbols in the traditions of religious rituals and religious traditions of the Hindu community. In more detail, this research is to answer questions about what the symbolic meaning of chickens in the religious and religious life of the Hindu community in Bali and how the influence of the use of symbolic chicken in the religious life of the Hindu community. Disclosure of the meaning contained in the symbolization of the chicken is to show the strength of the relationship between religion and culture in every tradition in Hindu society. The meaning contained in the symbolization of chicken shows three levels of human symbols, namely ethical, aesthetic and religious levels. Symbolization of chickens shows a tendency towards harmonizing human relations both horizontally (social harmonization) and transcendental vertical (relationship with God Almighty). In expressing the meaning in each chicken use in religious and religious ceremonies, it is used as an approach, such as a description to reveal what it is about symbolizing chickens. Interpretation and hermeneutics to provide an interpretation of the meaning in the use of chicken symbolization and heuristics used to form a comprehensive view of life in Hindu society.
Pementasan Dramatari Calonarang Wirada Sungsang Sebagai Media Penerangan Agama Hindu Di Pura Dalem Desa Pakraman Batuyang, Gianyar Ni Wayan Eka Sumartini; Dewa Ketut Wisnawa; I Wayan Suwadnyana
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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Research on the performance of the Calonarang drama was deemed still essential enough to be traced through scientific research activities, given the incompatibility between understanding and its application in religious life. This indication can be seen from the existence of religious activities that have not led to understanding and meaning in harmony with Hindu literature. This is the obstacle in transforming the values ​​of Hinduism contained in the performance of the Calonarang drama.The performance of the Calonarang drama is very closely related to the worship of God Almighty, so that he is pleased to go down to the world (napak pertiwi) and give waranugraha, prosperity to the damuh (human) and nature. The Wirada Sungsang play has the main uniqueness in the performance of Calonarang in general, the form between Walunateng Dirah and Wirada Sungsang is almost the same which distinguishes the gelat used The results of this study suggested that: Changes in the play did not change the essence of the function and philosophical meaning of the purpose of the Calonarang drama performance, namely offering to God Almighty, 2) The function of education should be considered, where it is hoped that through the performance the audience can benefit or miser from the figures who play a role in the play. The hope of researchers is that the pragina (dancers) have religious knowledge, namely tattwa, morality, and events, so that later when the performance takes place there is a transfer of religious values ​​in the form of communication between actors and spectators, 3) Belief in the power of two / two litas it will further define our actions for the preservation of nature so that the concept of Tri Hita Karana can be realized, carried out by worshiping Mother Earth and akasa (MahaIFather
Tradisi Ngusaba Gedebong Sebagai Media Penyuluhan Nilai-Nilai Tri Kerangka Dasar Agama Hindu Terhadap Masyarakat Ni Ketut Listriani; I Ketut Wardana Yasa; Anggara Putu Dharma Putra
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

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The activities of community life in Bali have never been separated from a religious tradition. Disseminating knowledge about tradition requires a special method. Hinduism provides religious knowledge to its people by carrying out religious counseling programs, which are expected to provide more knowledge and can enlighten the people in need, considering that there are many people who do not understand the meanings contained in the traditions that exist in their respective regions. In addition to face-to-face or verbal methods, counseling or lighting can also be done through ceremonies as an extension media. One of them is through the implementation of tradition, namely the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition which is located in Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. The Ngusaba Gedebong tradition has a meaning as an expression of gratitude to the goddess Sri as the goddess of fertility for her abundant natural gifts. The problems discussed are the first regarding the process of implementing the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition in Pakraman Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency is dissected using religious theory, the results of the research include the history, time and place of implementation, means of upakara, and a series of Ngusaba Gedebong traditions. Second, the tri values ​​of the basic framework of Hinduism in the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition in Pakraman Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency were dissected using value theory, the results showed that the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition contained tattwa values, moral values ​​and programs that could lead people to do deeds. based on the teachings of Hinduism. Third, regarding the impact of the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition for the people of Pakraman Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency was dissected using effect communication theory, with the results of the discussion including cognitive impacts (changes in knowledge), affective effects such as changes in emotions and feelings, and related behavioral / psychomotor effects. on changes in community behavior.

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