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The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga
Published by STIE Binaniaga
ISSN : 25274309     EISSN : 25801481     DOI :
The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga (Acc. J. Binaniaga) is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that focuses on the fields of management fields such as Office Management, Production Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Personnel Management, Strategy Management are covered by Acc. J. Binaniaga
Articles 85 Documents
Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Fraud : Employee Perceptions in the HG Business Group Panata Bangar Hasioan Sianipar
The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga Vol 7, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : STIE Binaniaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33062/ajb.v7i1.494


Fraud is an endless problem in the business world, a lot of research has been done to find out about fraud. This research is also to examine the factors as independent variables that affect the occurrence of fraud. The factors used are factors that exist in the general triangle theory, but for the elements of each factor it is different from several previous studies. This research was conducted in a business group that has geographically distant working areas, and the selected sample is also spread over each working area of the business group. The research method used is quantitative. In this research, it is known that the factors tested are not all significant in influencing employees to commit fraud. An interesting finding is the negative influence of the "Justification" variable on the causes of fraud, in addition to the insignificant "Opportunity" variable in influencing the occurrence of fraud. This research is expected to contribute to management in designing a supervisory model in companies whose operations are not located in one location. The implication of this research to the organization is that there are other factors other than the three factors that can influence the occurrence of fraud
The Effect Between Behavioral Biases and Investment Decisions Moderated by Financial Literacy on the Millennial Generation in Jakarta Natasya Natasya; Dyah Hayu Kusumastuti; Widya Alifia; Farah Margaretha Leon
The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga Vol 7, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : STIE Binaniaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33062/ajb.v7i1.502


Abstract: The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of financial literacy and behavioral bias on investment decisions in the millennial generation in DKI Jakarta. This research uses quantitative data by distributing questionnaires. The population of this research is people who live in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings. There are as many as 125 respondents in the research conducted. The data collection method used a questionnaire and for the data analysis method in this research using the SEM analysis tool. The findings of this research indicate that overconfidence bias and risk-aversion bias have a significant effect on investment decisions. Meanwhile, herding bias, disposition effect, and financial literacy have no significant effect on investment decisions
The Financial Ratios Impact on Earnings Growth of The Consumer Goods Companies Listed on IDX in 2015-2020 Dyah Nirmala Arum Janie; Rosyati Rosyati
The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga Vol 7, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : STIE Binaniaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33062/ajb.v7i1.490


Abstracts. This study examines the effect of financial ratios on the earnings growth of manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector. The analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression using the SPSS 23 program. The company sample data was 102 out of 17 companies in the consumer goods industrial manufacturing sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the 2015-2020 period. The results of the research that the Current Ratio has a negative and insignificant effect on earnings growth, Net Profit Margin has a positive and significant effect on earnings growth, Total Assets Turnover has a negative and insignificant effect on earnings growth. This study uses earnings growth as the dependent variable, with Current Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Total Assets Turnover as independent variables. It is hoped that future research will test by adding other variables that affect earnings growth.Keywords: Earnings Growth, Current Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Total Assets Turnover.
Pengaruh Penghindaran Pajak dan Kepemilikan Institusional terhadap Biaya Utang di Industri Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia Vanny Aurelia; Farah Margaretha Leon
The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga Vol 7, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : STIE Binaniaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33062/ajb.v7i1.503


Praktik penghindaran pajak menjadi perkara yang perlu ditelusuri lebih dalam di Indonesia. Berbeda halnya dengan kepemilikan institusional yang dikatakan dapat mempengaruhi bagaimana kinerja yang dilakukan perusahaan dalam kaitannya terhadap alokasi sumber daya keuangan. Praktik penghindaran pajak yang tinggi dikaitkan dengan biaya utang yang rendah sedangkan adanya proporsi kepemilikan institusional yang besar diharapkan mampu meminimalkan biaya utang. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk melihat pengaruh penghindaran pajak dan kepemilikan institusional terhadap biaya utang. Implikasi penelitian yang telah dilakukan ialah memberikan arahan bagi manajer keuangan untuk mengupayakan peningkatakan pendapatan sebelum pajak perusahaan atau menjual asset perusahaan yang tidak produktif, penggunaan utang yang optimal, peningkatan ukuran perusahaan dari peningkatan aset yang dimiliki perusahaan, serta meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ialah penghindaran pajak dan kepemilikan institusional. Variabel dependen adalah biaya utang sedangkan variabel kontrol terdiri atas usia perusahaan, rasio utang, kas dari aktivitas operasional, ukuran perusahaan, dan rasio lancar. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari 28 perusahaan sub-sektor makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian memaparkan penghindaran pajak, rasio utang, dan ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh negatif sedangkan usia perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap biaya utang. Kebaruan dari penelitian ini ialah menambahkan rasio lancar sebagai variabel kontrol yang dinilai terdapat kaitannya dengan biaya utang suatu perusahaan.
Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Transaction In Salatiga Anisa Dewi Arismaya
The Accounting Journal of Binaniaga Vol 7, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : STIE Binaniaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33062/ajb.v7i1.492


SME are one of the drivers of the economy in Indonesia. It is proven that when Indonesia experienced an economic crisis, SME were the drivers of economic stimulus. SME in Indonesia still have obstacles in terms of financial recording and reporting. This study was conducted to find out what characteristics distinguish financial recording and reporting in SME. The results showed that based on the characteristics of the company and the characteristics of business actors, business turnover and education level were the differentiating factors for recording transactions at SME in Tingkir Village, Salatiga City. On the other hand, the age of the company in terms of company characteristics and business experience in terms of the characteristics of business actors does not distinguish the recording of transactions. The longer the age of the company and the business experience of the SME owners do not necessarily require information about recording transactions in business management. This is because business actors are not aware of the benefits that can be obtained from the application of recording transactions in business even though the age of the company and the experience of managing the business is quite long.