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Jurnal Rekayasa Proses
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses (J. Rek. Pros) is an open-access journal published by Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada as scientific journal to accommodate current topics related to chemical and biochemical process exploration and optimization which covers multi scale analysis from micro to macro and full plant size.
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Integrasi Proses Elektrokoagulasi-Elektrooksidasi sebagai Alternatif dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair Batik Zat Warna Naftol Fikry Nashrullah K; Muslikhin Hidayat; Moh. Fahrurrozi
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.34425


The production of batik produces wastewater which contains mixture of complex organic macromolecules. In this study, a sequential process of electrocoagulation-electrooxidation (EC-EO) using electrodes of aluminium-graphite and PbO2-graphite was proposed as an alternative method for treating wastewater of naphthol from batik dyeing process. The effects of parameter of current density of in the range of 3.7-7.90 mA/cm2, and the effect of electrical voltage to the decrease of color intensity. The electrocoagulation-electrooxidation method was carried out in a batch reactor with a capacity of 1.3 L, where the first 20 minutes is the electrocoagulation process and the next 100 minutes is the electrooxidation process. The samples were drawn at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 minutes and their color intensity was analyzed using spectrophotometric method. The results showed that the highest decreased value was at 99,78% at the current density (7,53 mA/cm2) during 120 minutes with electricity consumption 14,40 kWh/m3. The higher the density of the current, the greater the decrease value of color intensity in the liquid naphthol waste.  ABSTRAKProduksi kain batik menghasilkan air limbah yang mengandung campuran makromolekul organik kompleks dengan warna pekat. Dalam penelitian ini, proses elektrokoagulasi-elektrooksidasi (EC-EO) berurutan menggunakan elektroda aluminium-grafit dan PbO2-grafit, diusulkan sebagai metode alternatif untuk mengolah limbah cair zat warna naftol hasil proses pewarnaan kain batik. Efek dari parameter berupa kerapatan arus (3,77, 5,65, 7,53 dan 7,90 mA/cm2) terhadap penurunan intensitas warna dipelajari dalam penelitian ini. Metode kombinasi ini dilakukan dalam satu reaktor batch dengan kapasitas 1,3 L, dimana 20 menit awal adalah proses elektrokoagulasi dan 100 menit berikutnya adalah proses elektrooksidasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada menit ke-10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 dan 120. Uji intensitas warna dilakukan dengan metode spektrofotometri UV/VIS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penurunan intensitas warna tertinggi (99,78%) dapat diperoleh pada densitas arus 7,53 mA/cm2 selama 120 menit dengan konsumsi energi listrik 14,40 kWh/m3. Semakin tinggi densitas arus yang diberikan, maka semakin besar pula nilai penurunan intensitas warna dari limbah cair zat warna naftol.
Pengaruh Jenis Limbah dan Rasio Umpan pada Biokonversi Limbah Domestik Menggunakan Larva Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Mahfudl Sidiq Muhayyat; Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah; Agus Prasetya
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.34424


The high content of protein is the main reason for domestic waste to be potentially processed by bioconversion using Hermetia illucens larvae. Hermetia illucens larva can accumulate protein content as high as 45-50% and fat which reaches 24-30%, so that it becomes a good source of highly nutritious feed. This research studied the production of Hermetia illucens larvae through bioconversion process on rice waste, cassava leaf, and mixed rice-cassava leaf (with the weight ratio of 1: 1), by varying the feed rate of 60, 80, and 100 mg/larva/day. The experiment was conducted for 21 days. Samples were taken periodically to be analyzed for their weight, substrate consumption, and waste reduction index. Proximate analysis was conducted on raw material and larvae media. The results of this study indicated that the optimum waste for larvae was the mixed rice-cassava leaf waste with feed rate of 60 mg/larva/day or total weight of 10.00 grams per feeding. At this condition, the optimal waste reduction in the bioconversion process was observed as substrate consumption of 65.82% and the waste reduction index of 18.02%. ABSTRAKTingginya kandungan protein membuat limbah domestik berpotensi untuk diproses secara biokonversi dengan menggunakan larva Hermetia illucens. Larva Hermetia illucens memiliki kandungan nutrisi protein yang mencapai 45-50% dan lemak yang mencapai 24-30%, sehingga dapat dijadikan sumber pakan bernutrisi tinggi. Penelitian ini mempelajari produksi larva Hermetia illucens melalui proses biokonversi pada limbah nasi, daun singkong dan campuran nasi-daun singkong (1:1), dengan memvariasikan feed rate sebesar 60, 80, 100 mg/larva/hari. Penelitian dilakukan selama 21 hari, dengan menganalisis berat larva, substrate consumption, dan waste reduction index. Analisis proksimat dilakukan pada media pakan dan larva. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa limbah yang paling optimal memproduksi larva dalam proses ini adalah limbah campuran nasi-daun singkong dengan feed rate 60 mg/larva/hari atau dengan berat total 10,00 gram per feeding. Reduksi limbah paling optimal pada proses biokonversi teramati sebagai nilai konsumsi substrat sebesar 65,82% dan waste reduction index sebesar 18,02%.
Kinetika Kalsinasi Seria Zirkonia dari Proses Gelasi Eksternal Fera Wahyuningsih; Wahyudi Budi Sediawan; Teguh Ariyanto; Sri Widiyati
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.34423


Calcination process is one of the important steps in the synthesis of nuclear fuel particles for High Temperature Reactor (HTR). In this work, the calcination process of Ceria-Stabilized Zirconia (CSZ) was carried out. The aims of the study are to study the kinetic modelling of calcination process of CSZ kernel, to determine the suitable operation condition, and to observe physical characters of the calcined material. The feed of calcination process was material prepared by an external gelation. The calcination was conducted from room temperature to 500 oC with heating rate of 1 and 2 °C/min. CSZ kernel per grain was weighted and the diameter was measured during calcination process, hence determining the weight loss and size change. The results showed that there was a weight loss of kernel during calcination process. When the weight of grain reached a constant value, the process of calcination was considered complete. ABSTRAKProses kalsinasi merupakan salah satu tahap penting dalam pembuatan inti bahan bakar reaktor nuklir suhu tinggi (HTR). Penelitian mengenai proses kalsinasi seria zirkonia (CSZ) sudah banyak dilakukan, namun lebih ditekankan pada pengamatan sifat fisik dan mekanik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari model kinetika proses kalsinasi kernel CSZ dan mencari kondisi operasi yang cocok untuk proses tersebut. Kalsinasi dilakukan dengan bahan baku yang berasal dari proses gelasi eksternal pada berbagai suhu hingga suhu 500 oC dengan laju pemanasan 1 oC/menit dan 2 oC/menit. Penimbangan berat dan pengukuran diameter per butir kernel CSZ setelah proses kalsinasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui berat yang hilang dan penyusutan butir selama proses tersebut. Ketika proses kalsinasi, terjadi penurunan berat butir kernel seiring dengan kenaikan suhu kalsinasi. Pada saat berat butir mencapai kestabilan, proses kalsinasi dapat dianggap berakhir.
Evaluasi Pengaruh Konsentrasi Umpan pada Produksi Biogas dari Limbah Cair Industri Alkohol secara Fed Batch Dewi Astuti Herawati; Argoto Mahayana
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.34422


Biogas is an alternative energy source that can be renewed as one of the solutions for the scarcity of fossil energy. Liquid waste from industrial bioalcohol production (technically termed as “vinasse”) is potentially one of very promising raw material of biogas. Vinasse has low pH value (4-5), which is not preferable for metanogen. Therefore this study aimed to define the optimum condition for the production of biogas. The variable to be studied in this research was the influence of vinasse to water ratios on the production of biogas in a fed batch reactor. Three ratios of vinasse and water with the ratios of vinasse to water as 1:2 (R1); 1:2.5 (R2); and 1:3 (R3) were studied. As much as 500 mL of raw material was fed to bioreactor with 6 L of cow manure as starter inoculums. The reactor was fed once every three days, with the feed input as much as 500 mL. At the beginning of the process, total solid suspended (TSS), volatile suspended solid (VSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were analyzed. The volume of biogas was measured every day while the TSS and VSS values were measured once a week. The results showed that the production of biogas at R1 reached 1640.95 ml on day 9 with pH 7, CH4 concentration of 9.89% and CO2 level of 36.93%. The biogas production at R2 on day 20 reached 119.67 mL with a methane content of 15.85%, 43.282% of CO2 level, and pH 5. In R3 the volume biogas generated on day 10 reached 158.24 mL with CH4 content of 35.36%; 35.27% of CO2 level and pH 7. Fed batch system was shown to reduce the effects of inhibitor. Keywords: biogas, vinasse, levels of CH4, fed batch.ABSTRAKBiogas merupakan alternatif sumber energi yang dapat diperbaharui dapat mengurangi kelangkaan kebutuhan energi. Limbah cair industri alkohol (vinasse) berpotensi sebagai salah satu bahan baku biogas. Vinasse mempunyai pH ( 4-5 ) bukan merupakan kondisi yang mendukung metanogen, sehingga diperlukan penelitian untuk mengatur kondisi yang terbaik pada produksi biogas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan vinasse dan air terhadap produksi biogas secara fed batch.  Berbagai perbandingan vinasse dan air = 1:2 ( R.1 ) ; 1:2,5 ( R.2 ) ; dan 1:3 ( R.3 ) sebanyak 500 mL diumpankan ke bioreaktor. setiap 3 hari sekali dengan jumlah stater kotoran sapi 6L.. Dilakukan analisis Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Volatile Suspended Solid (VSS) dan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) awal. Volume biogas diukur setiap hari. Sedangkan kandungan Total Suspended Solid, Volatile Suspended Solid dan Chemical Oxygen Demand dianalisis setiap 1 minggu sekali. Analisis TSS dan VSS dengan metode APHA 2005 dan COD dengan metode SNI (2009) serta volume biogas dengan manometer air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi biogas pada R.1 diperoleh akumulasi volume biogas sebesar 1640,949 mL, pada hari ke-9 dengan pH 7 kadar CH4 sebesar 9,895% dan kadar CO2 sebesar 36,930%.  Rancangan 2 ( R.2) volume biogas terbesar dihasilkan pada hari ke-20 sebesar 119,669 mL dengan kadar metana sebesar 15,849%, kadar CO2 sebesar 43,282% dan pH 5.Pada rancangan 3 ( R3) volume biogas terbesar dihasilkan pada hari ke-10 sebesar 158,24 mL dengan kadar metana sebesar 35,355%, kadar CO2 sebesar 35,271% dan pH 7. Pengumpanan secara fed batch campuran Vinasse dan air pada produksi biogas setiap 3 hari sekali akan menekan efek inhibitor. Bahan organik yang telah terdegradasi menjadi gas akan selalu ditambahkan sehingga bahan organik yang terdapat di dalam substrat selalu ada. Kondisi ketersediaan substrat yang cukup akan  menghasilkan biogas maksimal.
Evaluasi Kehandalan Reaktor Biogas Skala Rumah Tangga di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan Metode Analisis Fault Tree Ning Puji Lestari; Siti Syamsiah; Sarto Sarto; Wiratni Budhijanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 10, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.34421


Biogas technology is one of the solutions for improving sanitation, environment, economy and energy conservation especially for smallholder farmers who are applying mixed crop and livestock farming. Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme (BIRU) has been implemented in DIY since 2009. However, the household digesters that operate effectively only accounts for less than 50% of the total existing digesters in 2017. These problems should be identified and analyzed for more effective implementation and efficient operation of small-sized biogas system in the future. This research applied fault tree analysis (FTA) method to identify failures and evaluated their effects on the operation of small-sized biogas based on processes, physical component, and human factor point of view. Fourty-one sets of BIRU biogas were selected and sampled using stratified purposive random sampling method. Nineteen minimal cut set and three subsystems were defined, which included process failures, infrastructure failures, and human errors. The fault probabilities of the three subsystems were found to be 0.79; 0.59; and 0.96, respectively. It implied that human error gave the highest probability of errors, followed by process failure, while the physical structure of the reactor had been sufficiently well controlled. This study suggested that careful selection on prospective users should be conducted prior to installation, to ensure the motivation of the users in maintaining the reactor in good conditions. Besides, trainings and assistance system are also required to improve the skills of the user to maintain the performance of their reactor.ABSTRAKTeknologi biogas merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah energi, sanitasi, lingkungan, dan ekonomi bagi masyarakat daerah pedesaan yang menerapkan sistem pertanian terpadu. Program pembangunan biogas telah banyak dilakukan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta salah satunya melalui program Biogas Rumah (BIRU) dengan tingkat keberhasilan program yang belum memuaskan dengan angka keberhasilan di bawah 50%. Evaluasi kehandalan sistem biogas BIRU dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode fault tree analysis (FTA). Metode ini mencakup seluruh aspek yang mempengaruhi beroperasinya sebuah sistem biogas baik dari segi proses, komponen fisik (infrastruktur), maupun faktor manusia. Sebanyak 41 unit biogas yang mengalami kegagalan diteliti setelah dipilih dengan metode stratified purposive random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode FTA cocok digunakan sebagai metode evaluasi kehandalan sehingga faktor penyebab kegagalan dan nilai probabilitas setiap faktor dapat diketahui. Dengan metode FTA, diperoleh hasil bahwa penyebab kegagalan sistem biogas berupa 19 minimal cut set yang dapat dikelompokkan dalam subsistem kegagalan proses, kegagalan komponen (infrastruktur), dan human errors dengan nilai probabilitas kegagalan masing-masing 0,79; 0,59; dan 0,96. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemungkinan terbesar kegagalan proses disebabkan oleh faktor manusia, kemudian disusul oleh faktor proses, sementara faktor komponen fisik reaktor sudah cukup baik kualitasnya. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk aplikasi teknologi biogas skala rumah tangga, seleksi calon pengguna harus dilakukan dengan teliti untuk menjamin motivasi calon. Selain itu, diperlukan pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk mempersiapkan calon pengguna agar mampu memelihara keberlanjutan teknologi biogas tersebut.

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