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JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer)
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) membahas ilmu dibidang Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Manajemen Informatika, DSS, AI, ES, Jaringan, sebagai wadah dalam menuangkan hasil penelitian baik secara konseptual maupun teknis yang berkaitan dengan Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer. Topik utama yang diterbitkan mencakup: 1. Teknik Informatika 2. Sistem Informasi 3. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan 4. Sistem Pakar 5. Kecerdasan Buatan 6. Manajemen Informasi 7. Data Mining 8. Big Data 9. Jaringan Komputer 10. Dan lain-lain (topik lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Teknologi Informati dan komputer)
Articles 13 Documents
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Perancangan Aplikasi Pendataan Pada Pos Pendakian Jalur Gunung Slamet Berbasis Mobile Android Suliswaningsih Suliswaningsih; Adam Prayogo Kuncoro; Geza Andika Basten
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.489 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1555


Pencatatan ataupun pendataan merupakan suatu aktifitas penulisan data atau informasi ke dalam buku atau kertas atau pemasukan ke dalam komputer. Tujuan dilakukannya pendataan adalah agar meminimalisir terjadinya kehilangan data atau informasi yang penting dari suatu obyek terkait. Salah satu organisasi yang sudah menerapkan pendataan sebagai salah satu hal wajib yang harus dilakukan adalah basecamp atau pos pendakian Gunung Slamet di jalur Bambangan, Kabupaten Purbalingga. Sistem pendataan saat ini yaitu setiap pos pendakian jalur Bambangan - Gunung Slamet, masih dilakukan secara manual dan dicatat pada buku besar. Pendaki sebelum melakukan pendakian diharuskan menunjukkan kartu identitas diri berupa KTP, selanjutnya petugas mencatat pada buku pendataan pendaki. Pos Bambangan menggunakan 4 buah buku pencatatan pendakian yang dibagi berdasarkan daerah asal pendaki. Petugas mengalami kendala ketika proses penambahan atau pencarian data pendaki yang memakan waktu lama karena petugas harus mencari data pada tiap lembar buku pencatatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem aplikasi pendataan pendaki pada pos pendakian Gunung Slamet berbasis mobile android. Sistem yang akan dibuat berupa aplikasi berbasis penyimpanan data pada server cloud (awan), menyematkan fasilitas upload foto peserta pendaki dan syarat administratif wajib sebagai data pendukung, menggunakan MySQL sebagai database-nya. Metode yang digunakan adalah waterfall menyediakan pendekatan alur hidup perangkat lunak secara sekuensial atau teruntut dimulai dari analisis, desain, pengodean, pengujian, dan tahap pendukung (support) atau pemeliharaan (maintenance). Aplikasi dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan pendataan serta monitoring data pendakian Gunung Slamet.Kata Kunci: mobile android, cloud, mysql, waterfall, gunung slamet
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Menentukan Mutasi Karyawan dengan Menggunakan Metode Oreste (Studi Kasus: PDAM Tirta Deli Kab. Deli Serdang) Ayu Octavia
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.96 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1739


Movements include attitudes, commitment, achievement, age based on the highest level of achievement. From experience and not wrong in making these decisions and the absence of feeling bored or bored in job placement due to the quality of workers who do not match the existing standards. Movements are implemented, namely for the benefit of the company and / or to expand experience, insight, improve work productivity and the ability of company employees at PDAM Tirta Deli who retires and fill positions. By using the Oreste method in a decision support system that is able to process ordinal data or data in the form of ranks where a set of alternatives will be sorted according to criteria according to their level of importance. This employee mutation is carried out so that optimal company goals can be achieved to create employees who have high professionalism, so that they have the ability to adapt and anticipate flexible to all kinds of forms and nature of changes that are or will occur.
Implementasi Data Mining Untuk Memprediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes Classifier Studi Kasus: Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Medan Rolando Marbun
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.954 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1887


In this study, the prediction of student graduation at the Polytechnic of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health can be seen from the accuracy in completing his studies. This can be seen at the final level / level 3 or semester 6. Prediction of graduation of these students can be completed by looking at the student data sample, the attributes that are determined and the final results based on the cumulative achievement index (GPA). To help the study program section in the search for data students graduate on time or not on time. This study uses the Naive Bayes Classifier method which is a simple probability classification by adding up the frequency and combination of values from the student dataset to be given, as well as the algorithm using the Bayes theorem and assuming adjusted attributes. Therefore an application was designed using WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis).
Estimasi Biaya Perangkat Lunak Menggunakan Metode Function Point Analysis (Studi Kasus: Sistem BKD Universitas XYZ) Puspitasari, Reinindhi; Nugraini, Dian; Dewi, Renny Sari
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.529 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1574


Software effort estimation was considered importantly in planning stage of information technology and communication projects as a determination of resource allocation. The level of accuracy in estimating the cost that must be done in order to minimize failure. On the other hand, there have been many studies that have discussed and tested the business estimation method, one of which is Function Points (FP). The FP method is influenced by 5 main parameters and 14 items relative complexity factors. So it can be concluded that if, a tertiary education institution, wants to develop an BKD (Lecturer Performance Load) application to support its business processes, the required cost is IDR 42,181,198 or equivalent to an effort of 3,273.11 man / hour.
Implementasi Data Mining Pola Penyakit Pasien Menerapkan Decision Tree J48 (Studi Kasus : RS.Estomihi) Situmeang, Rohani
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.54 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1740


Based on this the researcher is interested in A search pattern of large-scale data and that associate data with one another using Decision tree j48 algorithm. Thus the initial handling process of the patient will be less effective if in determining the type of patient's disease takes a long time . Apart from the problem, the results of analysis is also very necessary to avoid treatment errors, because if one in the treatment then it could be the illness suffered by patients can be more severe
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Salesman Marketing Terbaik Menggunakan Metode AHP Zulfi Azhar
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.475 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1741


PT. Anugerah Karya Abiwara is a company engaged in motorcycle sales. Today the company continues to experience rapid progress and already has a sufficient number of employees. This company requires choosing the best marketing salesman who can later be promoted to a sales supervisor. In determining the best marketing salesman, company leaders usually judge only by looking at the amount of sales turnover from each marketing salesman. It does not pay attention to other factors that influence in supporting a fair assessment. . Decision support system is a system that is very suitable and in accordance with these problems. In this study using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method which is a method using several criteria and a number of alternatives that have been determined. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, the selected criteria are intellectual capacity and the first alternative is the best marketing salesman.
Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Perceptron Mendiagnosa Helminthasis Pada Hewan Kelinci Rizqaah Saadah Siregar
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.464 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1886


Rabbits are mammals from the family Leporidae, which can be found in many parts of the earth. In the past, this animal is a wild animal that lived in Africa to European land. In its development, in 1912, rabbits were classified in the order Lagomorpha. This order is divided into two families, namely Ochtonidea which is good at whistling and Leporidea, including rabbits and hare. The origin of the word rabbit comes from the Dutch language, which is Konijntje which means rabbit cub. This shows that the Nusantara community began to recognize rabbits during the colonia period, whereas on the island of Sumatra there was one species of native Sumatran rabbit Nesolagus Netsheri that was only discovered in the year. In this study artificial neural networks using the perceptron method separately to recognize objects about helminthiasis in rabbits. Helminthiasis lives in the intestinal tract, where digestive enzymes can dissolve eggshells and release worms. Worms begin to multiply by producing more eggs and eventually hatch. Worms have a multicellular structure with organ systems. In this research, perceptron is perceptron trained by using a set of patterns that are given to him repeatedly during training. Each pattern given is a pair of input patterns and the desired pattern as a target. Perceptron do the sum of each input and use the threshold function to calculate the exit. This output is then compared to the desired results, the difference generated from this comparison is used to change the weights in the network. This is done repeatedly until the output is in accordance with the desired results.
Estimasi Biaya Perangkat Lunak SIMAS Universitas XYZ Menggunakan Metode Function Points Lovita Lisa Nur Afifah; Setya Suprayogi; Renny Sari Dewi
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.378 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1597


Accurate cost estimation in developing a software is very important to avoid over-estimating or under-estimating. The estimation method used is using the Function Points method. The stages of the Function Points method are the first step to compose 5 main parameters and calculate the total UCP, the second step to calculate the total RCAF by referring to 14 characteristics, the third step to calculate the Function Point, the fourth step to calculate the effort, the fifth step to calculate SLoC, the sixth step to calculate SLoC to effort and seventh counts the distribution of effort to activity. From the research that has been done, the estimated cost of developing SIMAS XYZ University software, it is concluded that if XYZ universities want to develop SIMAS software, it will require approximately IDR77,736,766 or equivalent to effort 1,520.74 man / hour.
Aplikasi E-Commerce Business to Consumer Kartu Undangan Tubagus Ahmad Darojat
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.949 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1735


This study aims to to build an E-Commerce Business to Consumer application for online invitation card sales utilizing internet technology and payment facilities through paypal. System development methods that are used are E-commerce with flow analysis, Data flow diagrams (DFD). Results of research is an information system that handles order transactions, payments that can be made through paypal facilities, delivery of goods and return facilities so that it can help customers to obtain information about the products offered by UD Printing Matahari, facilitate customers in the process of ordering products, and can help improve sales for the company.
Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Kanker Usus Besar Pada Manusia Dengan Menerapkan Metode Hybrid Case Based Rizky Delilah Rambe
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 6, No 6 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.064 KB) | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v6i6.1885


Understanding of the expert system is a system that works like an expert in their field. A good expert system is designed to solve a particular problem by imitating the work of experts. With this expert system, ordinary people can solve problems that are quite complicated which actually can only be done by experts. For experts, this expert system will also help its activities as a very experienced assistant. Journal of the Hybrid Case Based method for expert systems is one method for building expert systems by making decisions on new cases based on solutions from previous cases. The concept of the case-based reasoning method was found from the idea of using documented experiences to solve new problems. The decision makers mostly use the experiences of previous problem solving to solve the problems faced now.

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