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TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
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TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.22063


Sheep are one of the livestock that are cultivated to be used as materials for food and textiles. Therefore, sheep health care on sheep farms really needs to be considered to ensure that all sheep are maintained in good health so that the productivity of the farm increases. Generally, sheep health can be monitored through body temperature and heart rate to determine whether the sheep is in normal condition or is in abnormal condition. To make it easier to monitor the health of sheep which is currently still done. manually and has to wait for people who have the ability to take temperature and sheep pulse measurements can cause some farmers to not realize that there are sheep who have health problems, this study aims to design and implement a tool that can monitor sheep health using a temperature sensor module and a pulse sensor which is then connected to NodeMCU ESP8266 which functions as a microcontroller that will process and then send the data to the server to be displayed to users through a web application. This research successfully monitored sheep health based on body temperature and heart rate with a temperature sensor error rate of 0.2% and a pulse sensor error of 3.2%. The results of this monitoring can be a reference for farmers to provide appropriate treatment to their livestock so that the health of their sheep is always in good condition.
Perancangan Alat Presensi Berdasarkan Pengenalan Wajah Ahmad Fawzi; Joni Fat; Meirista Wulandari
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.22527


: The attendance system is something that is commonly encountered every day by employees or students. A attendance that is neatly arranged certainly makes it easier when carrying out the data collection process. The attendance that is used to minimize abuse is by using a non-contact attendance. This attendance system utilizes one of the technologies from computer vision. Attendance system designed to apply digital image processing technology. Image processing is a method used to process or process from the original image so as to produce another image that suits your needs. The tool is designed to consist of several modules, namely the image acquisition module, processing module, information display module, and storage module. The image acquisition module used is a Logitech C920 webcam; a processing module is a Raspberry Pi 4B; an information display module is a 7-Inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD, and a storage module is a 64GB SanDisk microSD. The attendance tool matches the facial image with the data that has been entered into the storage system. The algorithm for the face recognition method uses the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). Attendance data recording uses CSV format which consists of date, time of entry, time of exit, and subject name. Tests were carried out with several sample cases and tests with five different subjects. Each subject was subjected to a attendance experiment five times with a distance of ± 40 cm. The algorithm can recognize the subject accurately if the subject is facing right in the image acquisition module ABSTRAK: Sistem presensi merupakan hal yang biasa ditemui setiap harinya oleh pegawai ataupun pelajar/mahasiswa. Presensi yang tersusun secara rapi tentunya memudahkan saat dilakukan proses pendataan. Presensi yang digunakan untuk meminimalisir penyalahgunaan yaitu dengan menggunakan presensi non-kontak. Sistem presensi ini memanfaatkan salah satu teknologi dari computer vision. Sistem presensi yang dirancang menerapkan teknologi pengolahan citra digital. Pengolahan citra merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengolah ataupun memproses dari gambar asli sehingga menghasilkan gambar lain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Alat yang dirancang terdiri beberapa modul yaitu modul akuisisi citra, modul pemroses, modul penampil informasi, dan modul penyimpanan. Modul akuisisi citra yang digunakan berupa webcam Logitech C920, modul pemroses berupa Raspberry Pi 4B, modul penampil informasi berupa LCD 7 Inch Capacitive Touch Screen, dan modul penyimpanan berupa microSD SanDisk 64 GB. Alat presensi mencocokkan gambar wajah dengan data yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam sistem penyimpanan. Algoritma untuk metode pengenalan wajah menggunakan Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). Pencatatan data presensi menggunakan format CSV yang terdiri dari tanggal, waktu masuk, waktu keluar, dan nama subjek.  Pengujian dilakukan dengan beberapa contoh kasus dan pengujian dengan lima subjek berbeda. Masing-masing subjek dilakukan percobaan presensi sebanyak lima kali dengan jarak ± 40 cm . Algoritma dapat mengenali subjek secara akurat jika subjek menghadap ke depan tepat pada modul akusisisi citra
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.22931


Mount Panderman is one of the mountains in Batu City. This mountain has a height of approximately 2045 meters above sea level. Besides having a park area called Panderman Gravity Park, this mountain also has a fairly large forest area. Mount Panderman has two types of forest, namely a moss forest which is quite dense with large trees and a calliandra forest which is also dense and wide. In 2019 there was a forest fire due to natural conditions which were in the dry season and the sun was hot plus the wind was strong enough so that the fire could easily burn forest areas. As a solution to this problem, a tool has been designed that can detect forest fires early so that before the fire spreads, local parties can immediately find out about this and take action immediately. The devices used in the tool consist of NodeMCU Esp 8266, fire sensor, smoke sensor, buzzer and GPS module as well as the Telegram application. This forest fire detection tool will certainly make it easier for every officer to receive information quickly about a fire ABSTRAK: Gunung Panderman merupakan salah satu gunung yang berada di Kota Batu. Gunung ini memiliki ketinggian kurang lebih 2045 mdpl. Selain memiliki kawasan taman yang disebut Panderman Gravity Park, gunung ini juga memiliki wilayah hutan yang cukup luas. Gunung Panderman memiliki dua tipe hutan yakni hutan lumut yang cukup rapat akan pepohonan besar dan hutan kaliandra yang juga rapat dan luas. Pada tahun 2019 terjadi kebakaran hutan akibat kondisi alam yang sedang musim kemarau dan terik matahari ditambah angin yang cukup kencang sehingga api dengan mudahnya dapat membakar kawasan hutan. Sebagai solusi dari permasalahan tersebut, telah dirancang suatu alat yang dapat mendeteksi secara dini kebakaran hutan sehingga sebelum kebakaran meluas, pihak lokal dapat segera mengetahui hal tersebut dan segera mengambil tindakan. Perangkat yang digunakan pada alat terdiri dari NodeMCU Esp 8266, sensor api, sensor asap, buzzer dan modul GPS serta aplikasi Telegram. Alat pendeteksi kebakaran hutan ini tentunya akan memudahkan setiap petugas untuk menerima informasi dengan cepat tentang adanya kebakaran
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.23009


The remoting system on a web server-based Air Conditioner is a system that can make it easier to control the Air Conditioner from anywhere. The problem in this study is that in the student learning activity room in the Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bangka Belitung, there is no longer an Air Conditioner remote that can be used, because it is lost, damaged, and so on. This becomes an obstacle when you want to use an Air Conditioner. With this control system tool it can facilitate the use of Air Conditioners in the Electrical Engineering laboratory learning room. The components needed to create this control system are NodeMCU ESP8266, DHT22 temperature sensor, LDR sensor, relay module, breadboard, I2C LCD, modified remote air conditioner, PC817 optocoupler and jumper cables. Commands given via the web server will produce a high output for the remote signal via the PC817 optocoupler. The PC817 optocoupler is used to produce logic 1 (on) on the remote Air Conditioner which is modified in such a way that it can work on this control system. From the results of the control system data collection, the average value of the speed of sending orders to the reference room is 10.01 seconds and the workshop room is 10.59 seconds. The average difference between room temperature and air conditioning temperature from the DHT22 sensor for the reference room is 7.71°C and for the workshop room is 5.16°C. The average difference between the web server temperature set and the Air Conditioner temperature also gets a different value, namely in the reference room it is 1.46°C and in the workshop room it is 1.42°C. The average speed of the LDR sensor working in the reference room is 8.60 seconds and the reference room is 7.57 seconds. ABSTRAK: Sistem remoting pada Air Conditioner berbasis web server merupakan sistem yang dapat mempermudah mengendalikan Air Conditioner dari mana saja. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pada ruangan kegiatan belajar mahasiswa di laboratorium jurusan Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bangka  Belitung tidak lagi terdapat remot Air Conditioner yang bisa digunakan, dikarenakan hilang, rusak dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini menjadi kendala ketika ingin menggunakan Air Conditioner. Dengan adanya alat sistem kendali ini dapat mempermudah penggunaan Air Conditioner pada ruangan pembelajaran laboratorium Teknik Elektro. Komponen yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sistem alat kendali ini berupa NodeMCU ESP8266, Sensor suhu DHT22, Sensor LDR, Modul Relay, Breadboard, LCD I2C, Remot Air Conditioner yang dimodifikasi, Optocoupler PC817 dan kabel jumper. Perintah yang diberikan melalui web server akan menghasilkan output high untuk sinyal remot melalui optocoupler PC817. Optocoupler PC817 digunakan untuk menghasilkan logika 1 (on) pada remot Air Conditioner yang dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa agar bisa bekerja pada sistem kendali ini. Dari hasil pengambilan data sistem kendali, untuk nilai rata-rata kecepatan pengiriman perintah pada ruangan referensi bernilai 10,01 second dan ruangan workshop bernilai 10,59 second. Rata-rata selisih suhu ruangan dan suhu Air Conditioner dari sensor DHT22 untuk ruangan referensi bernilai 7,71°C dan ruangan workshop bernilai 5,16°C. Rata-rata selisih set suhu web server dengan suhu Air Conditioner mendapatkan nilai yang berbeda juga yaitu pada ruangan referensi bernilai 1,46°C dan ruangan workshop bernilai 1,42°C. Rata-rata kecepatan sensor LDR bekerja pada ruangan referensi benilai 8,60 second dan ruangan referensi bernilai 7,57 second
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.23437


Manual seeding process by inserting one vegetable seed into the rockwool media is a repetitive activity and requires a long time. Automatic seeder mechatronic system for pick and place process of hydroponics vegetable seeds on rockwool media will help hydroponic vegetable cultivators which require routine seeding process. The automatic seeder controller that has been made by author functions to control the seeder mechanism, rockwool perforation mechanism, and tray movement mechanism that has been made before to do the pick and place process of hydroponic vegetable seeds on rockwool media. The whole seeder and rockwool perforation process are done on a belt conveyor moving in the step of row distance of the rockwool tray. The difficulties faced are taking the small seed, the seed shape is not round, and the precision of inserting the seed into the hole in rockwool. Automatic seeder use STM32 Mapple Mini microcontroller as the controller, IR proximity sensor to detect tray position on conveyor, and magnetic hall sensor to detect the position of rockwool perforation and seeder mechanism. Based on observation data from 6 trials, the hole in the rockwool was filled with exactly 1 seed with an average percentage of 95,7 % for the pak choi seeds with a round shape and 83 % for the lettuce seeds with a flat shape. Round seeds shape has the highest percentage because when sucked, the seed can cover the entire needle hole. ABSTRAK: Proses penyemaian benih secara manual dengan cara memasukkan satu per satu benih sayuran ke dalam media rockwool merupakan kegiatan berulang dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Sistem mekatronik seeder otomatis untuk proses pick and place benih pada media rockwool akan membantu pembudidaya sayuran hidroponik yang memerlukan proses penyemaian benih rutin. Pengontrol seeder otomatis yang dibuat penulis berfungsi untuk mengontrol mekanisme seeder, mekanisme pelubang rockwool, dan mekanisme pemindahan tray yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya agar dapat melakukan proses pick and place benih sayuran hidroponik pada media rockwool. Seluruh proses pada seeder otomatis berlangsung di atas conveyor belt untuk selanjutnya dilakukan urutan proses pelubangan rockwool dan seeder pada setiap baris tray rockwool. Kesulitan yang dihadapi adalah mengambil ukuran benih yang kecil, bentuk benih tidak bulat, dan ketepatan memasukkan benih ke dalam lubang pada rockwool. Seeder otomatis menggunakan microcontroller STM32 Mapple Mini sebagai pengontrol, sensor IR proximity untuk mendeteksi posisi tray di atas conveyor, dan sensor hall magnetic untuk mendeteksi posisi mekanisme pelubang rockwool dan seeder. Berdasarkan data pengamatan dari 6x percobaan, keberhasilan lubang pada rockwool terisi tepat 1 biji benih memiliki rata-rata persentase 95.7 % untuk benih pak choi dengan bentuk benih bulat dan 83 % untuk benih selada dengan bentuk benih pipih. Benih dengan bentuk bulat memiliki persentase tertinggi karena pada saat terisap, benih dapat menutupi seluruh lubang jarum.
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.21003


Intellectual Property Rights are rights that arise from the results of thought processes that produce a product or process that is useful for humans. Objects regulated in IPR are works born out of human intellectual abilities. Management Information System is a planning system part of the internal control of a business which includes the use of people, documents, technology, and procedures by management accounting to solve business problems such as the cost of products, services, or a business strategy. LPPM Unsoed HKI Center as an institution tasked with managing and maintaining IPR documents collected from various organizations and individuals. This study aims to design and implement infrastructure using the DevOps method for information system development. In this method, several tools are used to build information systems, namely Linux Ubuntu 20.04, Github, Jenkins, Docker and Apache Web Server. Jenkins is a tool used to ensure continuous integration. Github as a tool to ensure continuous development and continuous integration. While docker as part to support continuous deployment. This research has several stages in the process, namely plan, code, build, test, release, deploy. The result of this research is the Unsoed Intellectual Property Rights Information System which has been successfully implemented using the DevOps method
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.21693


The need to print file is needed by various service users among the academic community and general public. Currently, service users who want to print files need to queue at print service provider. Taking queue number, waiting to be called, inserting flashdisk into the print service provider’s computer will take a long time. If there are many people queuing at certain time, there can be congestion which is not in accordance with government's direction to implement physical distancing. There needs to be a solution that can benefit service users and providers, namely making website and Android application for ordering print services. Website and Android application for ordering print services are designed using CodeIgniter framework and AppsGeyser with user welcome page, registration page, login page, profile page, your order page, order page, cart page and log out page. Website and Android application aims to connect users and print service providers online. Service users can upload files and make payments through accounts or digital wallets. Service users only need to pick up the print at print service provider's place if they received notification to pick up order. Website and Android application for ordering print services successfully facilitate service users in ordering print services and making payments online. It presents the order status and order details containing total price, material, size, and quantity of order well. Availability of various features on website and Android application can be useful to minimize the density of service users at the location and reduce physical contact.
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.23284


From time to time, electricity consumption continues to increase rapidly. The current average growth in electricity consumption is 2.3-2.5%, and by the end of 2030, it is estimated that the need for electrical energy will be twice the current one, which is around 16,000 TWh per year. Small things that have often been done so far, maybe without us realizing it has had a big impact and if it continues to be done it will result in a scarcity of electrical energy. This can happen because of a consumptive lifestyle that is wasteful and inefficient. This consumptive behavior towards electrical energy can change patterns and lifestyles to become more wasteful. The problem of wasting electrical energy is 80% caused by humans and 20% is caused by technical factors, this is due to excessive and untimely use of electricity. One solution to this problem can be overcome by using Internet of Things technology. In this project, an automatic lamp design is made using a PIR sensor, LDR sensor, and DHT11 temperature monitoring with nodeMCU and Blynk, to increase the efficiency of electricity use at home. Automatic light is a system that can control lights automatically according to needs. The PIR and LDR sensors will detect the presence of movement and darkness in the room, so the lights will only turn on when needed. In addition, this system also has a temperature monitoring feature that can monitor room temperature in real time which can be accessed by the Blynk application. With this system, users can save more electricity and avoid fires due to lights that are constantly on. This article produces a prototype of an automatic light control device and room temperature monitoring and an application design that can already be installed on Android. Based on testing of the PIR and LDR sensors, the sensor can work at a distance of 5 meters down and the tool functions properly. The DHT11 sensor can also function and read the temperature in the room and display the value in the application ABSTRAK: Penggunaan daya terus meningkat dengan cepat dari waktu ke waktu. Pada akhir tahun 2030, diperkirakan kebutuhan energi listrik akan meningkat dua kali lipat dari saat ini, atau sekitar 16.000 TWh per tahun, dengan rata-rata peningkatan tahunan sebesar 2,3-2,5%. Tindakan kecil yang sering dilakukan di masa lalu, mungkin tanpa kita sadari, telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan, dan jika terus berlanjut akan menyebabkan kekurangan energi listrik. Gaya hidup konsumtif yang boros dan tidak efektif dapat menyebabkan hal ini. Penggunaan energi listrik yang tidak efisien ini dapat mengubah perilaku dan kehidupan serta menjadikannya boros. Karena penggunaan daya yang berlebihan dan tidak teratur, orang bertanggung jawab atas 80% masalah pemborosan energi dan elemen teknologi 20% darinya. Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan teknologi Internet of Things. Pada proyek ini dibuat rancang bangun lampu otomatis memanfaatkan sensor PIR, sensor LDR, dan monitoring suhu DHT11 dengan nodeMCU dan Blynk, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan listrik di rumah. Lampu otomatis merupakan sistem yang dapat mengontrol lampu secara otomatis sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Sensor PIR dan LDR akan mendeteksi keberadaan gerakan dan kegelapan di ruangan, sehingga lampu hanya akan menyala jika diperlukan saja. Selain itu, sistem ini juga memiliki fitur monitoring suhu yang dapat memantau suhu ruangan secara realtime yang bisa di akses diaplikasi Blynk. Dengan sistem ini, pengguna dapat lebih hemat listrik dan terhindar dari kebakaran akibat lampu yang terus menyala. Pada artikel ini menghasilkan sebuah prototipe alat pengendali lampu otomatis dan monitoring suhu ruangan dan desain aplikasi yang sudah bisa dipasang di android. Berdasarkan pengujian sensor PIR dan LDR, sensor dapat bekerja pada jarak 5 meter ke bawah dan alat berfungsi dengan baik. Sensor DHT11 pun dapat berfungsi dan membaca suhu diruangan serta menampilkan nilainya pada aplikasinya
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v25i1.23307


ABSTRACTS : The problem that arises when using solar panels is the unstable output due to the intensity of sunlight received. The greater the intensity of sunlight, the greater the voltage generated. One of the supporters of the application of SCC (Solar Charger Controller) is a dc-dc converter. Zeta converter is a DC-DC converter that can be used to regulate the voltage on solar panels to produce maximum power on solar panels. Therefore, a zeta converter circuit is used which is controlled by a solar charger controller using the fuzzy method. With this fuzzy method, it is expected to produce a stable output (14Volt). Fuzzy logic control with the mamdani method uses 5 error membership functions (NB, NK, Z, PK and PB) and 5 delta error membership functions (dNB, dNK, dZ, dPK and dPB), and 5 membership functions (K, AK, S, AB and B) output in the form of a single tone. The test results found the response signal value of fuzzy logic control, namely for response time (tr) = 2.266 seconds, overshoot = 0%, settling time (ts) = 5.074 seconds, and Error (ess) = 1%, from the parameters that have been applied and the results show that the voltage output value is stable and can run according to the design that has been made ABSTRAK: Permasalahan yang muncul saat menggunakan solar panel adalah output yang tidak stabil akibat intensitas sinar matahari yang diterima. Semakin besar intensitas sinar matahari, semakin besar tegangan yang dihasilkan. Salah satu pendukung penerapan SCC (Solar Charger Controller) adalah konverter dc-dc. Konverter Zeta adalah konverter DC-DC yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatur tegangan pada panel surya untuk menghasilkan daya maksimum pada panel surya. Oleh karena itu digunakan rangkaian zeta converter yang dikendalikan dengan solar charger controller dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy. Dengan metode fuzzy ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan keluaran yang stabil (14Volt). Kontrol logika fuzzy dengan metode mamdani menggunakan 5 fungsi keanggotaan error(NB, NK, Z, PK dan PB) dan 5 fungsi keanggotaan delta error (dNB, dNK, dZ, dPK dan dPB), serta 5 fungsi keanggotaan (K, AK, S, AB dan B) keluaran berupa single tone. Hasil pengujian ditemukan nilai sinyal respon dari kontrol logika fuzzy yaitu untuk respon time (tr) = 2,266 detik, overshoot = 0 %, settling time (ts) = 5,074 detik, dan Error (ess) = 1%, dari parameter yang telah diterapkan dan menunjukkan hasil bahwa nilai keluran tegangan stabil dan dapat berjalan sesuai perancangan yang telah dibuat.
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 25 No 1 (2023): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar



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