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Ornamen Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni Kriya
ISSN : 16937724     EISSN : 2685614X     DOI : 10.33153
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
Art craft journal contains scientific articles on the results of research on the art of craft and the creation of craft art within the scope of Indonesian culture. The substance presented is in the form of a mission to preserve the cultural values of the archipelago as well as the development of concepts and aesthetics, along with the development of the complexity and dynamics of people's lives. The critical approach method in an interdisciplinary scientific perspective can open the widest possible opportunity for scholars, researchers, and stakeholders to work together in advancing a dignified national culture in the midst of global competition. ORNAMENTS art craft journals are published twice a year.
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Kerajinan Gerabah Di Desa Jati Kec. Jaten Kab. Karanganyar Sunarmi Sunarmi
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2117.148 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.767


This writing gave emphazises on the problems about (1) Why the Banaran’s society in Jati village has still been preserved work as gerabah maker, (2) How ia asan the making process is, (3) flow about the gerabah products in the village. This research used anthropological strategy with ethnographical approach. The data collection technique were the involued observation and deeply interview. The data validity has been done by: (1) triangulation of data sources, (2) peer de­briefing, (3) data rechecking. The technique of analysis by interactive model. The observation results showed: (1) Given the activities of the society in Jati village as gerabah maker are induced by pressence of two motivations, that 3ndun ~ are, main motivations in form of: economical demand, hereditary belief that they would get enough wealth from this activity; the belief that there is little campetitor; and the supported motivations: this skill obtained hereditarily, free materials are available and there are consumers. (2) The process in making Jakarta gerabah Is conducted traditionally. (3) The kinds of products are kendhit (cooking pots) to boil medicinal herbs and placenta pots, the average number could obtained is WX)-120 products per five days. The products are marketed to the potition clinics and the boiled medicinal herb stores. society in Jati village has still been preserved work as gerabah maker, (2) How ia asan    the making process is, (3) flow about the gerabah products in the village. This research used anthropological strategy with ethnographical approach. The data collection technique were the involued observation and deeply interview. The data validity has been done by: (1) triangulation of data sources, (2) peer de­briefing, (3) data rechecking. The technique of analysis by interactive model. The observation results showed: (1) Given the activities of the society in Jati village as gerabah maker are induced by pressence of two motivations, that are, main motivations in form of: economical demand, hereditary belief that they would get enough wealth from this activity; the belief that there is little campetitor; and the supported motivations: this skill obtained hereditarily, free materials are available and there are consumers. (2) The process in making Jakarta~ ~ gerabah Is conducted traditionally. (3) The kinds of products are kendhit (cook-  inq pots) to boil medicinal herbs and placenta pots, the average number couldobtained is WX)-120 products per five days. The products are marketed to thetion clinics and the boiled medicinal herb stores.
Tinjauan Iklan Running Text Dan Banner Di Media Televisi Handriyotopo Handriyotopo
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2515.662 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.789


When television world in Indonesia sprout, what is being happened by sta­tion of television have competition display the its pre-eminent event each. Au­dience TV now only by using remote control can enjoy the event more than 12 channels of television stations. And only with the second calculation can go to the channel as desiring of where he likes. Becoming problem when event break for the advertisement of to most audience TV will remove the its channel to other station. This matter will apprehend the advertiser company causing is not effective is hour display the the advertisement and will cause downhill it their omset. All marketing of consumer product will be made confused as respects to that. Conscious of the situation hence emerge. The advertisement of banner and running texts to support the campaign advertisement the core important and boost up the number sale in consequence audience forced to see to display the though message submitted by very limited.Keyword:  running text, banner, hard selling, channel, remote control
Seni Kriya : Teknik Dan Kreasi Suyanto Suyanto
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3009.697 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.775


Craft art is a branch of visual art which is to be functional to meet human needs, both physicaly and spiritualy.Craft art in its development has grown in various regions. As a rule, the product of each region is specific, having different values and characteristics. ~ The material used is also various because Indonesia has many kinds of abundant raw materials.The technique of craft art is a cultural heritage which is well-preserved. Nowadays the technique is not, in fact, firm but flexible to suit the development of the age. The proof is that in order to produce or create good works of art, machines which are technically practical arid effective, are used.A craft work is not created reluctantly but based on an idea or thought. The exi sting concept is used by the artist as a means of facilitating the process of creation. Besides that, the artist requires a high degree of creativity. A highly creative artist is capable to create specific works of art which are unique, dis­tinct, original, innovative, aesthetic and efficient.Keyword:   craft, anggitan
Reality Show, Sebuah Tren Baru Acara Pertelevisian Ranang Agung S
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2305.872 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.793


Reality shows recently being a new trend on our national television which actually was a genre development from reality shows that was born in the be­ginning of 20th  century on overseas. And most of Indonesian people societies and telecommunication techno(ogy.Pro and con to the reality shows should be focused the specific matters. And of course, it is not proper if we only would judge to all of them, since there are so many kinds of reality shows. Reality shows is a really good business modelf or the TV itself. It is also very appropriate to the characteristic of the TV media itself and it is also giving chance to the viewers to participate actively when they wacthing the live shows play on the TV.In the articles will be discussed about the definition of reality shows, the progress of local product of the reality shows, AFI dan Indonesian Idol, the viewers emotion, education value and the business point of view of the reality shows.Keyword: reality, show, television
Ekspresi Seni Lukis Karya Affandi Dan Seni Tari Karya Sardono W. Kusumo Kusmadi Kusmadi
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3360.524 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.779


Expression is a process or result of someone’s or a group of people’s activity in expressing desires, in reacting on the existing reality or wants by using a medium.Basically expresison is a symbol of communication with other people as a sym­bol has meaning and values. In addition to this, expression contains something thought, felt, hope or dreamt of by the artist as thecreator.From the aest hetic point of view, expression is closely related to art whether It is dance, teat hre, music, painting, craft, graphic art and so on. Expression, besides it can be viewed from the visual aspect, is deeper when viewed from the background of sit so that we can see the spirit of the expres­sion.Keyword: Exspression
Pola Umum Perilaku Religius Sebagai Orde Moral Dalam Kerangka Teologis Suku Primitif di Indonesia Imam Madi
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5657.116 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.795


The visualistict phenomena in the archaeology artefact of primitive ethnic in Indonesia and even in the world shows streotifacy, it means that the culture thing or the culture product which is produced, shows the equal characteristic as if the long culture contact is never happened and being continues; that in the reality, it never done. Attention to the artefact of the primitive ethnic on the Leang-Leang Cave and compare with the other artefact have found which has some far space of geographic. There are going to shows the same touched pattern. The point questions are What, Why, and How is it able to be happened ? By this editorial, we try to analyse the behaviour aspect of party who doing the culture, it is about the common indication which isshown in the psychology aspect to respond the stimulus outside themselves. Certainly the things found is the assumption which is shaped according to the theory of several knowledge that is connect by studying of books, as far as this situation does not have a field study. This paper is just looking for the point of thinking pattern indications commonly of party who doing the culture in that time, where it is able to get the conclusion become the morality leadership of primitive ethnic in order to catch the live mystery that have been keep them to the freedom or self independence (outlet).Keyword : psychology, culture.
Gunung Merapi Dalam Budaya Jawa Sumadi Sumadi
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4002.545 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.781


For Javanese, Merapi Mountain is believed as the place of their anchestor spirit, gods, and spirit. It is also believed as the place of ghost or spirit such as in Jogyakarta Palace. Merapi Mountain is also believed as the strong character and strong soul, as the anger and generous god. The myth of holly agreement between the pioneer of Mataram dinasty and Sapu Jagad (Merapi Master) and Roro Kidul (The Queen of South Sea). The myth raises a concept of “sedulur papa lima pancer”, it’s about the myth of geographic (The Palace, Merapi Moun­tain and Sout Sea) and the location of the spirit of the death person. Merapi Mountain and its concept often been used as the inspiration of monumental creation in Javanese art and culture.Keyword : gunungan, mitos, merapi 
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3435.314 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.799


Keris in past represent weapon grasp expanding trought in the Nusantara, Philipina, Malayan, and also in south-east Asia. Keris in lack is not used for just weapon but expand usable as media have masterpiece at branch of art­istry of masterpiece for balade smith. Others some group socialize keris as­sumed to have magig, or earn to generate miracle. Each other interfere in about point of view, and also bilief in keris in society there is still till this time. For that need performed a study in order get a real point of view of keris progressively.In fact keris is an object which is unobvious and is not taboo if studied exhaustively at existing pamor patterns. Pamor pattern during the time still contain mystery, inviting various interpretation until now this. Various norm and existing confidence, tried to be traced exhaustively. In Socuety there is in a view which pamour pattern have a magig, in the other hand there is also a view in which pamor pattern represent expression of the maker. Study to assessment to this pamor pattern expected will open way of assessment to patterns of pamor of keris Tangguh Surakarta. hoopfully it will create a corret way of assessment to the pamor patterns at kerisPamour pattern which traditionally happened since making systems of forged will be studied it is expected to elaborate problem and make clear in real meaning of pamor pattern. Tracing of Pamor pattern will not get out of its hitorycally background, and also scope of where that keris expand in soci­ety. Evaluation of raw material as elementary element from making keris, and also to usefulness become militant will represent a consideration about how made the hardness kerisOf vital importance for studying of pattern pamor keris tangguh Surakarta, will concerning about technique of scheme of making of pamour pattern. How is pattern earn made, and also review of raw materialand also the nature of from the substance With this study will get knowledge to con­stitute various means of somebody to look into to existence of pamour pat­tern so that earn made as stepping when going to determine value of exist in pattern of pamor keris.Keyword : Keris, Pamor, Tempa 
Zat Pewarna Alam Sebagai Alternatif Zat Warna Yang Ramah Lingkungan Muhammad Arif Jati
Ornamen Vol 2, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1243.595 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/ornamen.v2i1.785


Natural colour is colour can be got from in the nature. They are fromplants (wood skin, root, flowers, leaf, fruit, etc), animals, soil, or the other natural materials. Natural colour is known by the people when they lived in the cave. They used it to print on the cave wall, their bodies, their hunt equipments or the others.At glance, natural colour is devided by two, those are synthetic colour arwi natural colour. Both of them have abundant and wekness, depend on the using purposes of each colour.. For example in a synthetic colour is simpler in processing, more variative colour, cheaper price. But in this case, its dump can not be absorpted in the soil, so make a pollution. In a natural calour, it is more difficult and needs much time in processing, its price is so expensive but its dump can not make pollution.Natural colour is taken much from plants, because they are simplest in coLounng matter where in a plant consists more than a kind of colour pigment. And so it has a strong gum power and preservation. It depends on the material will be coloured and the true of its lock material.Keyword  : zat pewama alam

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