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Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology)
ISSN : 16930339     EISSN : 25798634     DOI :
Aims and Scope Aims: Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology) aims to publish original research results on fishes (pisces) in fresh, brackish and sea waters including biology, physiology, and ecology, and their application in the fields of fishing, aquaculture, fisheries management, and conservation. Scope: This journal publishes high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects Aquaculture, Fish biodiversity, Fisheries management, Fish diseases, Fishery biotecnology, Moleculer genetics, Fish health management, Fish biodiversity.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004" : 7 Documents clear
KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS IKAN DI SUNGAI ENIM KABUPATEN MUARAENIM PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN |Fish Diversity in River Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatera Province] Afreni Hamidah
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.243


Study mi fish diversity was conducted from September 2002 until February 2003. The aim Of study is to determine fish species living in River Enim. Survey method and purposive random sampling were used. Fish sampling using some equipments, such as cast net, drift gillnet. hook and line, and bamboo trap. The result indicated that there were 28 species in 11 families, and four orders. Family Cyprmidae has the most numerous fish (14 species), followed by Cobitidae (4 species) and Balitoridae (2 species). The other families have one species only.
KELIMPAHAN DAN SEBARAN LONGITUDINAL IKAN-IKAN DI SUNGAI CIDANAU, BANTEN: (Suatu telaahan khusus tentang koeksistensi ikan endemik dan ikan asing) [Species Abundance and Longitudinal Distribution of Stream Fishes in Cidanau River, Banten (with special reference to coexistant of endemic and exotic species)] Andi Abdurahim; Sunarya Wargasasmita; Ismu S. Soewelo
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.244


The distribution and relative abundance of fishes were surveyed in Cidanau stream, Banten, from Cagar Alam Rawa Danau to Curug Betung. From 8 sampling stations were found 8 species. Two of eight species are endemic species and introduced species to West Java i.e Rasbora aprotaenia and Liposarcus pardalis. Special analyses and discussion about the coexistant of endemic and exotic species were carried out.
PEMANFAATAN MAKANAN OLEH IKAN-IKAN DOMINAN DI PERAIRAN WADUK Ir. H. DJUANDA [Utilization of Food by Dominant Fishes at Ir. H. Djuanda Reservoir] Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih; M. F. Rahardjo; Sutrisno Sukimin
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.245


This study was conducted to reveal the utilization of food resources by fishes that were dominant at Ir. H. Djuanda Reservoir by using food habit and niche breadth analysis. Fish sampling was done from May to October 2003 in four stations of Ir. H. Djuanda Reservoir including its outlet. Stomach content analysis was conducted at laboratorium of Animal Ecology, Center for Biological Sciences IPB, while the plankton analysis was conducted at Research Station of Fish Stock Enhancement in Jatiluhur. It was found that there were four dominant fish species (Astronotus ocellatus, Amphilophus citrinellus t Oreochromis niloticus, Chanos chanos) exsisting in this reservoir. A. ocellatus and A. citrinellus were omnivorous, but C. chanos could be grouped as herbivorous. The plankton species that were found in their stomach were Coelastrum sp., Siaurastrumsp., Pediastrum sp., and Cosmarium sp. O. niloticus had the highest value of niche breadth, while C. chanos had the lowest value of this. It was also found that niche overlap between A. ocellatus and A. citrinellus, was the highest, while that between A. citrinellus and C. chanos was the lowest.
STUDI PERILAKU KAWIN KUDA LAUT (Hippocampus kuda) DI BALAI BUDIDAYA LAUT LAMPUNG [Study on Mating Behaviour of Sea Horse {Hippocampus kuda) at Lampung Mariculture Center] Tedjo Sukmono
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.246


The study aims to observe mating behavior and copulation type of seahorse (Hippocampus kuda). Treatment is ratio between female and male. The treatments consist of three sex ratio levels, there were A (1:2), B (1:3), C (1:4), and one control (1:1). Each treatment was replicated six times. The research was done during 90 days. The result showed that a female seahorse able to mate with more than one male in the one spawning season and the copulation type is polyandry.
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.249


Egg and sperm structure of bagrid catfish, Mystus nemurus were observed using transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The objective of the present was to evaluate structure of the egg and spermatozoa of bagrid catfish. The egg samples were preserved in a 10% formaldehyde and 1% gluteraldehyde fixative and dehydrated by a series of ethanol. Then after, the egg samples were soaked in xylene and wax then embedded and sliced by a microtome, stained and observed by a light microscope. Sperm samples were fixed in 2.5% McDowell-trump fixative and post fixed in cacodylate buffer osmium tetroxide. For SEM the samples were attached to cover slip previously coated with 0.1% poly-L-lysin and dehydrated by a series of acetone then critical point dried and coated with gold. While, for TEM the pellet samples obtained by gentle centrifugation were dehydrated in acetone and embedded in resin. Tliin sections of samples were picked up on copper grids, doubly stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The results showed that normal spermatozoa of bagrid catfish consist of three distinct parts; head, midpieces-sleeve, and uninagellate of flagellum with nine peripheral doublets and single pair of central microtubulus (“9+2” patterns) of axoneme. The egg is oval and divided into three layers and can be classified as a non buoyant. Many micropores and single microphyle were detected on surface of the egg.
ASPEK REPRODUKSI IKAN PARAY (Rasbora aprotaenia) DIBEBERAPA SUNGAI KAWASAN TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG HALIMUN [Reproductive Aspects of Paray Fish (Rasbora aprotaenia) in Some Rivers of the Gunung Halimun National Park] Gema Wahyu Dewantoro; Ike Rachmatika
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.250


Paray, Rasbora aprotaenia is an endemic fish whose distribution is limited in Java. Degradation of its habitat is fear to result in the extinction of this fish. The objective of this study was to reveal reproduction aspect of paray in some rivers originating in the Gunung Halimun National Park. The specimens that were used in this study were part of the specimens which were collected from S.Cikaniki, S.Cikancra, S.Citaradje, S.Cimadur dan S.Cisimeut. Aspects of the reproduction covering the description of the Level of Gonadal Maturity (TKG), the Index of Gonadal Maturity (IKG) and the Fecundity. The result of the study indicated that the pattern of growth of this fish was allometric positive, and the value of condition factor was relatively high ranging from 1.63 to 2.11. Index of Gonadal Maturity (IKG) was relatively high: 12.20 -22.46% for male, and 10.47 -13.48 % for female. Fecundity range 647-3512 eggs. The result of the regression analysis showed that there were significant correlation (P <0.05) between the ovary weight and the egg number, and between the Index of Gonadal Maturity (IKG) and fecundity of the fishes sampled  from the observed rivers.
KOMUNITAS IKAN SUKU CYPRINIDAE DI PERAIRAN SEKITAR BUKIT BATIKAP KAWASAN PEGUNUNGAN MULLER KALIMANTAN TENGAH [The Fish Community of Cyprinids from Bukit Batikap Waters in Muller Mountain Areas Central Kalimantan] Haryono Haryono
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i2.251


This study was conducted in Joloi river (Barito sub-watershed) in province of Central Kalimantan. The aims of study are to know fish diversity, abundance, local distribution, species status, and its potency. The results were recorded 26 species from 15 genus, the range of abundance between 1-29,83; local distribution between 0,69-9,66%, 5 endemic species, 1 new record, most have potency as fish consume. The tambra fish require to be studied furthermore.

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