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DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS HIDUP PASIEN KANKER SERVIK (Family Support for Improving Quality Of Life in Cervical Cancer Survivor) Susanti, Natalia Liana
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction: Cervical cancer is a malignant disease that is caused by the Human Infection Pappiloma Virus (HPV) and holistic health problems for women around the world, including Indonesia. The family as a source of support was instrumental in providing support to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. The aim of research to determine the relationship of family support with the quality of life of patients with cervical cancer. Methods: Correlational research design with cross sectional approach. Independent variable was the support of family and dependent variable was quality of life. Population was all cervical cancer patients at the three Public Health Centre in Surabaya. Sample was cancer patients who meet the inclusion criteria of patients living with host families, the level of awareness composmentis, patients can communication fluently. Sample was chosen by purposive sampling technique. The instrument used questionnaires Likert scale that have been tested the validity and reliability. Test the hypothesis used Spearman Rank test. Result: Significant correlation between family support with the quality of life of cancer patients with cervicalcancer. A strong and direct relationship strength which means higher family support, the better quality of life for patients with cervical cancer. Discussion: Family support contribute to improved quality of life. It can be used as a reference nurses in developing palliative nursing science by involving the family as a source of social support to improve the quality of life of cancer patients
HUBUNGAN PENGARUH INTERPERSONAL DAN SITUASIONAL DENGAN UPAYA PREVENTIF PADA PEREMPUAN PENDERITA KANKER PAYUDARA (Correlation Between Interpersonal and Situational Influence with Preventive Efforts in Breast Cancer Survivor) Nastiti, Aria Aulia; Armini, Ni Ketut Alit; Ulazzuharo, Chiza
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction,Breast cancer is type of cancer with highest amount of sufferer cancer in Surabaya, including in Puskesmas Kenjeran. From interview result with women of childbearing age in puskesmas Kenjeran, From interviews with women of childbearing age in the clinic Kenjeran , there are still many women who do not take steps to prevent. Women’s prevention against breast cancer is still low, it can effect in about 80% of total cancer sufferer treatment when has reached in advanced stage, so that it can reduce the success of treatment. The study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal relationships and situational and the prevention of breast cancer in women of childbearing age. Method, This study used a descriptive correlational research design with cross sectional approach. Population in this research is 5.340 women of childbearing age at Kelurahan Bulak and Kelurahan Kenjeran Surabaya. The sampling technique used the cluster sampling and obtained 100 samples. Independent variable in this research are interpersonal influence and situasional influence. Dependent variable in this research is primary and secondary prevention of breast cancer. Data analysis using Spearman rho’s statistical tests to determine which variables are associated with the prevention of breast cancer. Result,This research show that there is no correlation between interpersonal influence and prevention of breast cancer with p value= 0,150 (α ≤ 0,05). At the same time for correlation between situational influence variable and prevention of breast cancer variable result p value = 0,043 (α ≤ 0,05).Conclusion and Discussion, It showed that there is no correlation between interpersonal influence with prevention of breast cancer and there is a correlation between situational influence with prevention of breast cancer in women of childbearing age. Interpersonal influence can’t increase the breast cancer prevention in women of childbearing age at Puskesmas Kenjeran , whereas situational influences may increase breast cancer preventive efforts in Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya.
PENGARUH SLOW DEEP BREATHING TERHADAP PENURUNAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN PASIEN PRE OPERASI SECTIO CAESAREA ( Effect Of Slow Deep Breathing To Decrease Rate Leather Patients Pre Operations Sectio Caesarea ) Zahroh, Roihatul; Maslahatul, Dewi
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction: Anxiety is an unpleasant and unjustified fear that is often accompanied by physiological symptoms. Slow deep breathing is a conscious action to regulate deep and slow breathing that can have a relaxing effect. Doing slow deep breathing is one type of nonfarmakologis therapy that serves to relax and decrease the level of anxiety. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of slow deep breathing on decreasing the anxiety level of patients with preoperative sectiocaesarea.Slow deep breathing techniques done with draw breath slowly, in maximum, next hold the breath for 3 seconds then exhaled slowly (over 10 x permenit). Methods: This research uses One Group Pre test-Post test design. Samples taken as many as 46 respondents by using Purposive Sampling. The independent variables are slow deep breathing and the dependent variable decreases the anxiety level of the patients with preoperative sectiocaesarea. Results: This research data is taken by using observation and interview.The result of Wilcoxon signed rank test statistic in getting the result of decrease of anxiety level (ρ = 0,000) means that there is influence of slow deep breathing to decrease of anxiety level of patient pre operation sectiocaesarea. Discussion: Provision of slow deep breathing is needed for decreased anxiety. Slow deep breathing in addition to decreasing anxiety can also cause immediate psychological effects that can help give a relaxed feeling, relieve tension and relax.
PENGARUH JALAN PAGI TERHADAP PERUBAHAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA LANJUT USIA DENGAN HIPERTENSI DI DESA KALIANGET TIMUR KECAMATAN KALIANGET KABUPATEN SUMENEP (The Effect of Walking in the Morning to Change of Blood Pressure in Elderly with Hypertension in Kaliang Puspitasari, Dian Ika; Hannan, Mujib; Chindy, Leviana Dea
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction: Walking in the morning is a mild activity suitable for elderly people as it can help control blood pressure in the long term. Inability of the elderly to perform daily physical activity can affect blood pressure changes. This study aims to analyze the influence of walking in the morning to changes in blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension. Method: This research pre-experiment design is using one group pre-post test design, with simple random sampling technique. The population in this study were elderly with hypertension in Kalianget Timur Village as many as 71 people, 60 samples. Data analysis using Wilcoxon statistical test. Results: The results showed that before walking in the morning is most (65%) blood pressure sistole 140-159 mmHg and diastole blood pressure entirely (100%)> 100 mmHg. Then after walking in the morning blood pressure decreases most (55%) sistole blood pressure is 140-159 mmHg and almost all (88.3%) diastole blood pressure> 100 mmHg. The result of data analysis obtained p = 0,000 (
MANAJEMEN NONFARMAKOTERAPI BAGI PASIEN PPOK (Nonpharmacotherapy management for patient with COPD) Lilyana, Maria Theresia Arie Lilyana
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease characterized by productive cough, dyspnea and chronic airway obstruction. Management of COPD is to reduce symptoms, and the way to achieve it with pharmacology and non-pharmacology therapy such as quitting smoking, pulmonary rehabilitation and prevent malnutrition. Method: This is a literature review of nonpharmacotherapy management for COPD. Result: Therapy that we can give to patients with COPD are to stop smoking, because smoking can disrupt pulmonary function. Pulmonary rehabilitation aimed at reducing breathing difficulties in cases of COPD. Adequate nutritional for COPD patients is expected to increase muscle weight and strength and quality of life for patients with COPD who are malnutrition. Recommendations: Non-pharmacotherapy management that can be given to COPD patients include recommendations for smoking cessation, pulmonary rehabilitation and prevent malnutrition.
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction: The progress in the health sector, the increasing welfare of the people can increase life expectancy, causing the number of the elderly population to increase every year. Seniors experience a decrease in the body's ability to adapt to the environment, so the risk of falling. Caring a family is what the elderly needs to prevent injuries and trauma from falling. Method: This research is correlation research by using cross sectional approach. The independent variable is caring family, while the dependent variable is the fall incident. Sampling was done in RW 07 Kelurahan Gading Kecamatan Tambaksari Surabaya by using technique "Simple Random Sampling" with the amount of sample is 45 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaire, data analysis with Chi Square statistical test. Results: Showing 32 respondents (71.1%) stated that caring in good family, 29 (64.4)% did not fall. Chi Square = 0,000 with α = 0.05, Discussion and conclusion: The relationship between caring family with incidence of fall in elderly, the family caring can influence the incidence of fall in the elderly, the researcher then consider the elderly expectations according to the criteria so that the results are expected to be more accurate .
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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Introduction: Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure more than 90 mmHg. Abnormalities in the arteries lead to increased risk of stroke, aneurysm, heart failure, heart attack and kidney damage. Noni is a fruit that many benefits, containing scopoletin, ascorbct acid, xeronin proxeroninase which can lower blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of mengkudu on the decrease in blood pressure in hypertensive patients at village Krishna Mukti Barata Jaya Surabaya. Methods: This study was pre-experiment designs with one-goup pre-post test design. Independent variable wasnoni and the dependent variable was blood pressure reduction. The sample in this study there were 30 peoples in the Elderly health service posts RW 07 village Krishna Mukti Barata Jaya Surabaya. Sample collection was done by using purposive sampling. The instrument used in data collection is an observation sheet for blood pressure and then analyzed using T-Paired test. Results: Results of T-test result p = 0.000 then α
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 5, No 2 (2017)

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The weakness muscle is the biggest impact on patients with stroke, to the practice Range of Motion Exercise with the aim is to maintain or preserve muscle strength, to maintain mobility joints and simulate circulation. With an increase in the incidence of stroke and disability, if the practice Range of Motion Exercise is not implemented it will be a significant decrease in muscle strength, cause muscle kontraktur and a decubitus. The study aims to find his Range of Motion Exercise of muscle strength in patients with stroke in the Puskesmas Sidotopo Surabaya. This study uses Pra-Eksperimental One-Group Pra-Post Test Design. Population in this study is a stroke patient who live in the Puskesmas Sidotopo Surabaya and sampels 32 of responden. The sample by using techniques purposive sampling. Variables independent in this study is Range of Motion Exercise and the variables dependent is muscle strength. The intstrumen used in the collection of data is an observation to the strength of muscles. The results showed an increase in strength of muscle strength from scale 3 to scale 4 and from scale 4 to scale 5 after the Range of Motion Exercise. The t-test statistic test shows that p value 0.000 (α

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