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LITERATUR REVIEW: EFEKTIVITAS MODIFIKASI DOKUMENTASI KEPERAWATAN (A Literature Review: Effectivities of Nursing documentation modification) Astarini, Made Indra Ayu
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Introduction: Nursing documentation was a written and printed record that contained of patient health record development and was the duty and responsibility of the nurse. Incompleteness in nursing documentation was a frequent problem. This happened because poor of nurse knowledge about that, and the method used was still manual by writing. Computer Systems presented to help overcome this. Modifications with various model approaches were also necessary to improve the quality of nursing documentation. The purpose of this literature review was to examined modification method of nursing documentation to improve the quality of nursing documentation. Methods: This Literature review was done based on the issue, methodology, as well as the result equation obtained and the method used. A total of 6 articles used in this literature review were quantitative research, 3 of which were cross sectional studies. Results: In this literature review we found out that modification of nursing documentation with VIPS model can improve the quality of nursing documentation, as well as modification with computer system known as Electronic Health Record can improve the quality of nursing documentation. Discussion: Modification of nursing documentation is very important to make it easier for nurses to perform nursing documentation.
HUBUNGAN ANTARA PENYAKIT INFEKSI DAN MALNUTRISI PADA ANAK 2-5 TAHUN Betan, Yasinta; Hemcahayat, Monthana; Wetasin, Kanokwan
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Introduction: Malnutrition is still a public health issue in Indonesia. In order to achieve Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs) target, Indonesian government has improved the strategies to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years old to be 15.5% in 2015. However, the prevalence of malnutrition including underweight and stunting increased from 17.9% and 35.6% in 2010 to 19.6% and 37.2% in 2013. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between infection diseases and malnutrition among children 2-5 years old. Method: A cross sectional design was used in this study. Population of the study was children 2-5 years old in Wulanggitang subdistrict, East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. A total sample of this study was 250 children. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. Data were collected by face-to-face interview with a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements of weight and height. Achi-square test with α≤ 0.05 was used to analyze the data. Results: This study revealed that out of 250 participants, 40.4% had malnutrition and 58.8% had diseases including diarrhea and/or acute respiratory infection in the past six months. The study also revealed that occurrence of infection diseases (χ² = 48.56, p
UPAYA DALAM MENGURANGI ABSENTEEISME TENAGA PERAWAT PADA ORGANISASI KERJA (Efforts To Reduce Nursing Absenteeism On Work Organization) Mastuty, Amalia; Paju, Wanto
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Background: The absence or absenteeism of the nurses results in the loss of working time to complete the task so that the work that should be completed within a certain period of time becomes abandoned. This will indirectly cause harm to nurses and for hospitals both in terms of material and the applicable system. In general, abseenteism and lost working hours in 12% of American hospitals are absent, in Indonesia ranging from 3% -10% of them Puskemas in Papua 30.7% are absent, in Bekasi Hospital 93.20% arriving late, at Semarang Hospital 4.3% nurses were absent. Objectives: To identify the identification of effective interventions that assist management in reducing absenteeism of nurses and improving work productivity. Methods: Literature searches from 2009-2017 using keyword reducing absenteeism and Nurse. Search were done on the Ebscohost, Elsevier and Google Sholar sites. From the search results obtained as many as thirteen journals related to the theme. Results: a study of thirtee literatures found that to reduce absenteeism of nurses is by providing social support, implementing six staff organizing strategies, leadership approaches as well as increasing extrinsic motivation in work organization
EFEK METODE BRAINSTORMING TERHADAP TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DAN RASIONALITAS PENGGUNAAN OBAT SWAMEDIKASI (The Effect Brainstorming Method to Knowledge and The Rational of Self Medication) Fauziningtyas, Rista; Diantami, Aldini Yunita Mia; Makhfudli, Makhfudli
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Introduction: The implementation of self-medication may be a source of medication error due to the limited knowledge of the community about the drug and its use. Based on the preliminary study, the majority of people in the Working Area of Puskesmas Desa Soso, Kecamatan Gandusari, Kabupaten Blitar, was used the self-medication inaccurately. This study was purposed to analyze the effect of brainstorming on the level of knowledge and rationality of drug use. Method: This study was used in experimental design with a Quasy-experimental approach and purposive sampling technique. Independent variables is Brainstroming and dependent variabel are knowledge and rationality of drug usage. This sample are 30 respondents that divided into two groups, there are control group and experimental group. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test with p-value
LITERATURE REVIEW: MENJADI PRECEPTOR YANG BAIK PADA PROGRAM PRECEPTORSHIP PERAWAT BARU (Literature Review: Be a Good Preceptor in Preceptorship Program for Novice Nurse) Mare, Agustina Chriswinda Bura; Dwidiyanti, Meidiana
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Background: The transition of roles has faced by novice nurses from new students to professional nurses can be stressful when adapting the roles. Preceptorship program in hospitals are facilitated the new nurses as a guidance by preceptor to orientation, socialization and recruitment staff program. To run an effective preceptorship program requires a good preceptor. Purpose: The purspose of this article is to know the ways to be a good preceptor for preceptorship program easily applied in the hospital. Methods: The articles were found through Google search, CINAHL with keywords preceptorship, nursing, novice nursing. Results and conclusions: 7 skills are required to be a good preceptor. Training for preceptor is also needed by preceptor to know how the preceptorship program can work effectively.
PENGARUH BAMBOO EXERCISE TERHADAP PENURUNAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA LANSIA DI PUSKESMAS CUKIR, INDONESIA The Influence of Bamboo Exercise to Reducing High Blood Pressure Among Elder People in Primary Health Care (PHC) of Cukir, Jombang Urifah, Siti; Ninuk, Devin Prihar
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Introduction: Hypertension is one of non-communicable disease and this disease also one of leading killer if they did not get early treatment and early prevention. Mostly Hypertension was among elder people, many factors which influence this disease, such as heredity, eating behavior with high salt, obesity and lowest physical activities. Because of that physical activity like regular exercise can prevent of hypertension complication. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of Bamboo Exercise to reducing high blood pressure among elderly in PHC of Cukir, Jombang. Methodology: the methodology of this reseach used pra experimet with pre-post test desain, the population of this reseach was elderly who had hypertention. 124 respondents was selected by using inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria are elder people who have hypertension at least six months ago, elderly aged 55 years old or more and elderly who did not consume hypertension medition when attanding this reseach. The data analyzed by t-test with α = 0,05. Results and dscussion: the results of this study found that the ages of elederly ranged from 55-75 years old with the mean of 60.3 years and standard deviation of 6.6 years. The majority of elderly were female (74.1%), and almost half of those had elementary school as their highest education (48,4%) and more than half of the participants were not work as their employment (54,1%). Based on t-test found that there is influence of Bamboo Exercise to Reducing High Blood Pressure Among Elder People in Primary Health Care (PHC) of Cukir, Jombang (p-value 0.001 and t=30.0 ; p-value 0.001 and t=3.7). The quality of life and life expectacy of elderly people was special attantion in goverment, because life expectacy is one of indicator for successful national development. Because of that the prevention of degeneratif disease like hypertention is very importance issues among elder people.
STUDI FENOMENOLOGI:PENGALAMAN PRIMIPARA POST SECTIO CAESARIA (SC) YANG MENYUSUI DENGAN BANTUAN BANTAL ABIMANYU (AGAR BUNDA BISA MUDAH MENYUSUI ) (Phenomenology Study: Experience Of Primiparaous Post Sectio Caesaria (SC) Who Breastfeeds With Abimanyu Pillo Wahyuni, Sylvia Dwi; Muhtadi, Fatichul; Pradanie, Retnayu
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Introduction. Mother with primiparaous experience got problems while breastfeeding between the lack of mother's knowledge of proper breastfeeding. There are some obstacles mother didn’t give breast milk to the baby of which was mother of birth with method of Sectio Caesaria. Conditions of pain relieved pain relative inhibit breastfeeding process. One way to improve comfort and reduce pain was used of aids in the form of abimanyu pillows. This studied aims to understand more deeply about the experience of primipara post SC who suckle with the help of abimanyu pillow. Method. This research was qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology design, data obtained through indepth interview. Participants amounted to eight people including primipara post Sectio Caesaria who breastfeeded used abimanyu pillow. Sampling technique used in this research was purposive. Data analysis in this research using Colaizzi method. Result. This research identifies nine themes: 1) Primipara constraint post-feed breastfeeding;2) Primipara support during breastfeeding; 3) Perception of breastfeeding; 4) Myths during breastfeeding; 5) Hope; 6) Positive perception; 7) Negative perceptions; and 9) edesign.Conclusion:The advantages of abimanyu pillows, namely: comfort, suitability of shape and design and ease of attachment of the baby.
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Introduction: Stroke included into the blood vessel disease. Stroke is the leading cause ofcommunication disorder that aphasia and dysarthria. Speech therapy is absolutely necessary to overcome communication disorders. Family empowerment through health education is very important to optimize speech therapy. This study aimed to determine the influence of health education with booklets on knowledge and attitudes of families of stroke on speech therapy at IRNA Seruni A Hospital Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Method: The design of this study is pre-experimental with intervention Health education use booklet, design were analyzed by Wilcoxon sign rank test. The population in this study were all cases of stroke. The sampel in this study were the patient?s familiy with aphasia five person and dysartria 11 person who taken by consecutive sampling. Independent variables was health education with booklet media and dependent variable were the knowledge and attitude.Result: The results showed that the health education with booklet media about speech therapyhas significant influence to improve the knowledge (aphasia p = 0,038; dysartria p = 0,003) dan attitude (aphasiap = 0,042; dysartriap = 0,003)..Instrument use questionare. Discussion: It can be concluded that health education with booklet media on speech therapyhas influence in increasing of knowledge and attitudes of families on speech therapy. therefore, for future research needs to do research on the effect of health education with booklet media on behavior / psychomotor family of speech therapy.
LITERATURE REVIEW: UPAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL DALAM PENERAPAN METODE MENTORSHIP SEBAGAI PENDUKUNG KESEHATAN PARIPURNA ( Literature Review: Efforts transformational leadership in methods mentorship as a support plenary health) Prasetiani, Abigael Grace; Kusuma, Henni
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 1 (2018)

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Background: Nurse has an important role especially in achieving plenary and holistic healthcare service. Nurse is frontline in improves the safety and quality of health in health services. This need leadership in nursing, which part the base of nursing care effective and nurse recognized as a leader in patients care. Health service system will continue to metamorphosis so nurse to adopt the quality of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership allow nurse in developing health policy, transforming the health technologies, and mentorship in new nurses or student. Mentorship can be defined as a process of knowledge, attitude, and skill by professional nurse (mentor) to new nurses/student (mentee). Aim: Explain transformational leadership in mentorship method as an effort to plenary health. Method: The search this article through Google search and CINAHL with keyword mentorship, new nurses, nursing, leadership, and transformational leadership. The search got 14 article appropriate inclusion and exclusion criteria, among published in 2007-2017, in full text which are in criteria, then analysis in narrative. Results: The search data used keywords and criteria on electronic database, got 14 articles. The articles were grouped in transformational leadership, leadership in nursing, and mentorship. Conclusion: Mentorship very effective to give positive impacts to organizations health services.

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