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Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial
ISSN : 16931149     EISSN : 25023853     DOI : -
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Dialogia merupakan jurnal enam bulanan yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Ponorogo. Dialogia menerima tulisan ilmiah hasil pemikiran konseptual dan hasil penelitian yang belum pernah dipublikasikan, terutama yang berhubungan dengan studi Islam dan sosial.
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TAREKAT QA Cholil, Muhammad
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.856 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.297


Abstract: The term of tarekat in Islamic study is widely known in various circles. Especially in recent years, many congregations have sprung up one after the other meets Islamic studies. One of the most famous institutes is Qa>diriyah wa Naqshabandiyah. This tarekat has spread too many regions both within the general public and at Islamic boarding school. Islamic boarding school which is the framework of Islamic education system, in which there are classic teaching models belonging salafi, by learning Islamic classical words and deepening of Sufism, as well as boarding school founded by Sheikh Imam Muhadi named "Manbaul 'Adhim". This boarding school has a tradition like salafiyah such other boarding schools. However, with the emergence of Qa>diriyah wa Naqshabandiyah, then these schools identify themselves with tarekat that they followed. Thus, Qa>diriyah wa Naqshabandiyah often replace Islamic Boarding School Manbaul 'Adhim. The spirit of this congregation becomes a motivator in spreading his teachings around them. This article was written in order to know about the nature of the growing congregation in Islamic society, namely Qa>dariyah wa Naqshabandiyah and influence especially among schools. Keywords: Tarekat Qadiriyah Naqshabandiyah, Bai’atan, dan Pesantren Manbaul ‘Adhim
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.844 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.293


Abstract: Ahmad Hanafi intention including one of the pioneers works in the field of theology in Indonesia. His book is oriented to introduce Islamic theology as part of theology to the Indonesian people. According to the method that he applied in, Hanafi divided his theological study into three parts, firstly, talking about the history of development (birth) theology or theology of Islam; secondly, specifically discussing theology streams. Thirdly, discuss some issues theology. The scope of this study is no longer follows the system of theology books that exist. His book only emphasized the problem of theology, without giving any attentions at all to the history. The material sought as far as possible so that each issue is discussed as widely as possible not only limited to a particular stream. The discussions are more comparative, not only between streams of theology itself, but also to the philosophy of Islam. In explaining those, Ahmad Hanafi used historical-comparative method. The writer in this article explains that Ahmad Hanafi tried to deliver or fling theology discourse of development towards more advanced again. In fact, Hanafi discussed about philosophy (Islamic philosophy), as well as the shift of kalam paradigm. Then, the paradigm of shift to kalam theology is followed by the next generations. Keywords: Teologi, Ilmu Kalam, Wujud Tuhan, Al-Ash’ariyah dan Mu’tazilah
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.943 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.298


Abstract: Regional head and deputy regional head (Election) simultaneously is an important moment trip democracy in Indonesia. ELECTIONS simultaneously are the implications of Law No. 1 Year 2015 about Governor and Deputy Governor Elections, Regent and Vice Regent, Mayor and Deputy Mayor are set by Parliament. However, democracy at the local or regional level has the potential to be capitalistic, emotional and transactional. ELECTION tends to only be a handful of people who have space access powerful in the world of politics, in order to perpetuate its power among them are a political dynasty. It is certainly a threat to democracy. The writer through hermeneutic approach explained that the actual political dynasty in law and legislation, it is not wrong. However, when viewed from the side of political ethics, leadership regeneration, utilization of natural resources, improvement of people's welfare, and opportunities for other people, especially from ordinary citizens, the political dynasty will be unhealthy. Political dynasty tends to be used to perpetuate power and an arena for the accumulation of personal wealth coffers of the state money. Moreover, political dynasty is very potential for a worse bureaucratic accountability. Keywords: Hermeneutika, Demokrasi dan Politik Dinasti
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.166 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.292


Abstract: The opening of ijtihad and taqlid eradication based on the power of reason is the work done by Muh}ammad ‘Abduh. Believing in the power brought Muh}ammad ‘Abduh to understand that human beings have free willing and action (free willing and free action). This called as Qadariyah. Therefore, Muh}ammad ‘Abduh argued that human can do everything. According to him, God's power is not absolute but limited by His sunnah. In explaining about God's deeds, ‘Abduh said that basically everything is good or bad is all happening because of the will of God in accordance with the Sunnah (law of nature) and the order of causality. Humans are given the ability to do many things. But that ability is limited by the laws of nature. This concept relates to the concept of justice, namely the lack dhalim of Allah (nafy al-z}ulm) is absolute, including the believers and unbelievers. The concept is that those who labor, then his deeds will affect the psyche. A charity which is able to affect the soul will get a reply (Jaza> ') good or bad. Keywords: Akal, Kebebasan Manusia, Keadilan Tuhan dan Perbuatan Tuhan
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.857 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.294


Abstract: At the beginning, the development of kala>m tradition is to understand the activity of ‘thinking’ as a 'discussion', not an effort to 'proving' logically (demonstration). So the logical structure of Islamic theology functions as activities rhetorical-dialectic (dialectical theology). Rapidly, Kalam discourse intersection with Aristotle syllogism has brought a new dynamic in the face of Islamic theology. Although the development of logical structure of Islamic theology is quite dynamic, but according to Josef van Ess, the philosophy of Aristotle had never really 'conquered' the influence of Stoicism in designing Islamic theology. Discourse kala>m always confined within the framework of baya>ni. Kalam is being stuck in nalar baya>ni itself get various lawsuits. Qiya>s baya>ni considered cannot explain inimitable (incomparable) at all, the reality of God. Epistemology study about kala>m done by Josef van Ess, gives an understanding that Islamic tradition has a distinctive character of its rationality. Thus, assuming no growth of rationality in Islam refuted itself. Nevertheless, kala>m cannot be separated from the affect of various shades of reasoning that develops in timeKeywords: Kala>m, Mantiq (logika), Analogi, Silogisme, `Illat (middle term) dan  Stoikisme
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.791 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.288


Abstract: Meritocracy is considered as a balance political system between the two aristocracy and plutocracy. Dispute it’s weaknesses, meritocracy can become solution for political chaos in our country. Al-Qur’an also talks about principles of meritocracy. This article is written to elaborate these principles through interpretation on al-Nu>r, 24: 55; al-Isra>’, 17: 84 and al-Tawbah, 9: 128. It is concluded that al-Qur’an agrees with the basic idea of meritocracy, it is to give an authority or to commend or to praise some one based on his or her achievements. Some of Qur’anic principles of meritocracy are: (1) capability, (2) morality, (3) professionality, (4) careness and responsibility  toward duties.  Keywords: Meritokrasi, al-Qur’an, Profesionalisme dan Etika Politik
REKONSTRUKSI METODOLOGI STUDI ISLAM (MSI) (Merubah Nalar Dan Bertindak Kosmopolitan) Iswahyudi, Iswahyudi
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.429 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.295


Abstract: Two aspects in Islamic teachings are normative and historical aspects. These two aspects are always intertwined throughout history. However, there are some Muslims who were less notice one of that aspect, the historical aspect. As a result, they are romanticism and apathy in the face of changing times is always changing. Unfortunately, the current methods of Islamic studies, according to the writer, are still dominated by this group. The social sciences and humanities have not received serious attention in the study of Islam. Therefore, the writer argues that this study of the need naqdiyah (criticism) in Islamic studies during this time that begins with the search for the fundamental values of Islam through the deepening of the philosophy of science and epistemology of Islam. Philosophy realized that the religious studies are something that does not separate from the authors’ point of views, inventors and originators. On the other hand, Islamic epistemology would explore various seizure hegemonies that occur in the history of Muslims. Expected epistemology is the epistemology that greet and advise each other, not the other way which claims to be the sole owner of the truth. In the reconstruction of Islamic studies, the authors offer the importance of doing multi approach to address each other as well as the presence of different methodologies. Multi approaches and methodologies that are not monolithic would make the study of Islam always answer the needs of contemporary life such as human rights, gender, environment, democracy and others. Keywords: Fundamental Values, Epistemologi Islam dan Koneksitas Pendekatan
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.594 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.296


Absract: Islam is honored women. However, in reality the women role are often marginalized in the areas of political, economic, social, cultural, and education, in public and domestic. According to the writer, women become paralyzed by the religious authorities and the social structures that despise against women and consider women did not have any role in social life. Generally, religious authorities and social structures live fundamentalism. Women and regain control authority patriarchal family is the ultimate goal in a fundamentalist utopia. For them, women are a symbol of the purity of religion, so that women are the first group to experience the 'purification' or 'cleaning'. Fundamentalists feel that because of differences in natural and biological, women should have different roles in the family and society. Even so, there are some women who support fundamentalist movements with practices such as polygamy willingly and others. The women who participated in a range of fundamentalism is usually caused by several things, such, firstly, because of ideology through religious doctrines; secondly, because of social factors and the thirdly due to economic factors. Keywords: Marginalisasi, Us}u>liyah, Dakwah dan Domesti
Dialogia: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.308 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.291


Abstract: Jihad is an integral part of Islamic discourse since the early days of contemporary Muslims. Talks about jihad and concepts that had explained, they little bit change and shift its contents according to the context and environment of each thinker. In explaining jihad, it depends on customize with shades and nuances that the commentators have. The different styles of interpretations, will give different interpretations among others. The object of this research is thematic study focused on Al-Qur-an in depth to get a clue in knowing HAMKA views about the concept of jihad in Tafsir al-Azhar. In this Tafsir, HAMKA explained that the meaning of jihad is working hard, serious or struggling. HAMKA gave the primary meaning of jihad is hard working, conscientious, do not know the omission, night and day, evening and morning. The aims of Jihad are Religion development and the path of Allah upright with calyx. Struggling with emphasis on power, possessions, and if necessary with the soul. Keywords: Jiha>d Akbar, Tafsir Al-Azhar dan Kesungguhan
Dialogia: Islamic Studies and Social Journal Vol 13, No 2 (2015): DIALOGIA JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN SOSIAL
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/dialogia.v13i2.298


Abstract: Regional head and deputy regional head (Election) simultaneously is an important moment trip democracy in Indonesia. ELECTIONS simultaneously are the implications of Law No. 1 Year 2015 about Governor and Deputy Governor Elections, Regent and Vice Regent, Mayor and Deputy Mayor are set by Parliament. However, democracy at the local or regional level has the potential to be capitalistic, emotional and transactional. ELECTION tends to only be a handful of people who have space access powerful in the world of politics, in order to perpetuate its power among them are a political dynasty. It is certainly a threat to democracy. The writer through hermeneutic approach explained that the actual political dynasty in law and legislation, it is not wrong. However, when viewed from the side of political ethics, leadership regeneration, utilization of natural resources, improvement of people's welfare, and opportunities for other people, especially from ordinary citizens, the political dynasty will be unhealthy. Political dynasty tends to be used to perpetuate power and an arena for the accumulation of personal wealth coffers of the state money. Moreover, political dynasty is very potential for a worse bureaucratic accountability. Keywords: Hermeneutika, Demokrasi dan Politik Dinasti

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