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International Journal of Active Learning
ISSN : 2528505X     EISSN : 26156377     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
International Journal of Active Learning p-ISSN 2528-505X | e-ISSN 2615-6377 is an international, refereed publication for all those who teach and support learning in Higher Education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal has an objective of improving the status of teaching and learning support as professional activity and embraces academic practice across all curriculum areas in higher education.
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023" : 7 Documents clear
Gadgets and Their Impact on The Development of Religious and Moral Values
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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Gadgets are one of the advanced technologies and are needed by many people today. From parents to children, the use of gadgets is commonplace. Today almost all early childhood has used gadgets. The time in using gadgets  should be set as efficiently as possible The purpose of this study is to find out how long the use of  gadgets is and the impact of  gadget  use on the development of religious and moral values in early childhood. in Group A BA Aisyiyah Tanjungsari. The research uses quality research with a descriptive approach. In collecting research data using interview techniques, time observation and documentation. The results of the study conducted in group A BA Aisyiyah Tanjungsari which numbered 30 children showed that the duration of  gadget use was included in the low use category between 01-30 minutes as many as 15 children, the  medium category around 30-60 minutes as many as 10 children, the high category with the use of more than 60 minutes as many as 5 children. The impact of the use of  gadget on the development of religious and moral values in  Group A children in BA Aisyiyah Tanjungsari has a positive impact by achieving indicators of the development of religious and moral values.
The Effectiveness of Android-Based Media in Chemistry Learning to Improve Chemistry Literacy and Learning Motivation
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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Research has been carried out on the development of android-based media in chemical learning to determine the feasibility ofandroid-based media reaction rate material in chemistry learning developed, and to know the influence of increasing chemical literacy skills and student learning motivation and knowing its effectiveness.This research is included in the type of Research and Development (RD research) by referring to the 4D model, namely defining (define), planning (design), development (develop) and disseminate (disseminate). The validation of android application media products is done by two media experts and two material experts. The media quality assessment of the developed android application was carried out by 4 chemistry teachers and three peer reviewers. The research subjects used were class XI students of SMA Nurul Muslim Batealit Jepara. The limited trial of media developed was carried out to determine the readability of the media to students who were not samples, the trial of learning motivation questionnaires and the trial of test questions using chemical literacy indicators to students in Class XII MIPA SMA Nurul Muslim Batealit, Field tests using 2 classes XI MIPA SMA Nurul Muslim Batealit in learning chemistry material reaction rate. Data collection was carried out using media assessment questionnaires, learning motivation questionnaires, chemical literacy test questions. The results showed that the media that had been developed showed that there was a major influence on improving chemical literacy skills andmoderate influence on increasing student learning motivation.
Application of Inquiry Learning-Based LKPD to Improve Students' Interpersonal Intelligence
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This study aims to improve interpersonal intelligence in the process of learning discussions, practicums, and presentations in schools. This research method is descriptive qualitative through in-depth interviews, direct observation and study of documents regarding the process of observing student collaboration (interpersonal). The focus of this research is the activeness of students during discussions, students' skills during practicum to develop Inquiry Learning-based worksheets and interpersonal intelligence. The data obtained is then analyzed, verified and constructed into a scientific knowledge that can be utilized as a source of learning in schools. The results and conclusions of interpersonal intelligence increase with a good average using inquiry learning-based worksheets.
Development of a Creativity-Based Cognitive Test Design to Measure Students' Problem-Solving Abilities
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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Education is a form of business that is carried out in a planned and systematic manner that aims to provide insight, knowledge, skills, and expertise to students (Kurniawan, 2015). Education is needed as a means to shape one's character and character in order to be able to face the current developments of the times, advance the nation, and be able to compete with other nations. The success of education in an area is determined by an assessment. Assessment activities carried out by a teacher cannot be separated from the use of instruments. The instrument is a measuring tool that is used to obtain information data on a matter. The use of the right assessment instrument if used will produce accurate data and assessment conclusions. So that with the accuracy of the assessment instrument, it is an important step to assist the government in the education sector. In the 2013 curriculum the assessment includes three main components, namely the assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes which must be met in a balanced manner. Based on the results of research and discussion of test instruments to measure problem-solving abilities based on creative thinking on basic chemical laws, it can be concluded that: 1) The design of test instruments to measure problem-solving abilities based on students' creative thinking based on aspects of Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration, 2) The test instrument for measuring problem-solving skills based on creative thinking on the basic chemical laws material that has been developed meets valid and reliable criteria, 3) The practicality of the higher-order thinking enrichment test instrument was measured using the student and teacher response scales. The results of the responses of students and teachers stated that the response agreed to the use of test instruments to measure problem solving abilities based on students' creative thinking. These results state that the test instrument for measuring problem-solving skills based on students' creative thinking is practically used as an assessment instrument in the learning process.
The Influence of Student Learning Independence on The Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This study aims to determine the effect of student learning independence on the ability to solve mathematical problems in grade VII MTs Nurul Muslim Jepara students. This type of research is quantitative research. This research was conducted at MTs Nurul Muslim for the 2022/2023 academic year. The results showed that There is a significant influence between learning independence on problem solving ability shown by the results of simple linear regression  obtained simple linear regression equation . If (learning independence does not exist), then an equation is obtained . This means that there is still a problem-solving ability score of . This shows that the value is not only influenced by X alone, but there are other factors that also affect it. Furthermore, the value of the coefficient of determination = 14.5%. This means that the effect of learning independence (on problem-solving ability (Y) is .
Analyzing Learner’s Computational Thinking in Designing Home ISP Service Structure
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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This study aims to analyze the ability of computational thinking in solving network structure design case study problems. This study presented a  case study method given to participants of the research  . They were also given fifteen interview questions to the research subjects at SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga. The interview questions posed contain meaning and computational thinking skills that have been adopted and adapted to the existing problems. The results of this study indicate that students can identify and extract relevant information, divide complex problems into small parts and determine priorities which are the key to problem solving, identify and find similarities in problem solving patterns, compare and map problem solving concepts, design a sequence of problem solving steps in a structured and logical manner, be able to evaluate and assess the solutions they design to solve the problems in the case study.
A Field Survey on Promotion of Safety in School Laboratories
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 8, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

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A training activity was conducted in a technical high school aimed at promoting the health and safety culture in chemistry laboratories. 84 students were involved. Three seminar meetings and three laboratory workshops were held. At the beginning of the activity (T0) and at the end (T1) the following tools were given to the students: a questionnaire on the topics covered by the training activity; a questionnaire containing the general risk propensity scale and some additional questions relating to the perception of risk. A comparison of the data between T0 and T1 revealed an overall improvement in students’ ability to identify specific hazards, but it also highlighted the need to improve the good laboratory practices. Students tend to attribute a greater awareness to themselves than they are willing to acknowledge in their peers. It emerged a more effective promotion of risk-awareness rather than risk-management, as predictable, considering the short intervention time.

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