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IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management
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Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management (IJEEM) is a journal from Environmental Eductation and Management Graduate Studies of State University of Jakarta. This issue contains relevant articles about environmental education and environmental management.
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Pengaruh Naturalistic Intelligence dan New Environmental Paradigm terhadap Environmental Sensitivity Lisa Dwi Ningtyas
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Vol 4 No 2 (2019): IJEEM: Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, Volume 4 Nom
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.851 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJEEM.042.01


Globalization currently developing with very rapidly. The negative impact of the rapid development of globalization is environmental damage. One of the necessary to prevent damage to the environment that is environmental sensitivity on the self every students. That’s the destination holding of this research, which is to find whether there is effect of naturalistic intelligence and new environmental paradigm toward students’ environmental sensitivity. This research involving 91 students in Jakarta as a sample of random selected. There are 3 instruments has been developed to measure these variables. Each of the instruments has reliability .824, .583, and .579. Data has been analyzed by path analysis. The result of the research indicate that there is a significant effect between new environmental paradigm toward students’ environmental sensitivity (.436). But, in this research it was’nt proven naturalistic intelligence contribute significantly toward students’ new environmental paradigm or students’ environmental sensitivity. so that, new environmental paradigm is not proven as a mediator variable that significantly mediates between naturalistic intelligence and students’ environmental sensitivity. Therefore, in the increases students’ environmental sensitivity , factor such as new environmental paradigm can be considered.
Hubungan Personality (Pro-Environmental Behavior) dengan Perilaku Pro-Lingkungan (Pro-Environmental Behavior) Siswa Rahmirini Datau
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Vol 4 No 2 (2019): IJEEM: Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, Volume 4 Nom
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.319 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJEEM.042.06


This study aims to discover the correlation between personality and pro-environmental behavior in students, personality is made up of five factors (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) that each have its own correlation towards the students moral environmental behavior. This study uses quantitative survey method and involves 89 data samples and was taken in SMAN 27 Jakarta. The data is collected through participant observation using questionnaire. Based on empirical data obtained as a result of this study, personality traits are an important factor that alters pro-environmental behavior in students, especially factors such as conscientiousness.
Hubungan Antara Big-Five Personality dan Naturalistc Intelligence dengan Enviromental Sensitivity Siswa Gayu Indri Sulistioningrum
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Vol 4 No 2 (2019): IJEEM: Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, Volume 4 Nom
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.326 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJEEM.042.04


Abstract This research aims to know the relationship between personality and naturalistic intelligence with student's environmental sensitivity. So the problem can be formulated in this study is "is there a relationship between personality and naturalist intelligence with student's environmental sensitivity?". The research was carried out in SMA Negeri 12 Jakarta in October-December 2018 by involving as many as 91 samples of students. The method used is descriptive method with a correlational study approach using simple and multiple correlation regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the personality of students with environmental sensitivity; student's naturalistic intelligence did not contribute significantly to environmental sensitivity; dan there was relationship not significant between personality and naturalist intelligence of students together with environmental sensitivity. Environmental sensitivity variations on students SMA Negeri 12 Jakarta amounting to 30.3% are determined by the personality but not naturalistic intelligence. Therefore, in increasing the environmental sensitivity of students to be more positive, need to consider factors such as personality of students. Keywords: personality, naturalistic intelligence, environmental sensitivity
Optimasi Kecukupan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Melalui Perhitungan Potensi Rosot Karbon Willy Aulia
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Vol 4 No 2 (2019): IJEEM: Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, Volume 4 Nom
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1045.141 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJEEM.042.03


The concentration of CO2 gas in the air has continued to increase since before the industrial revolution until 2017. This condition is exacerbated by the reduction of Green Open Space (RTH) which serves as an absorber of gas CO2. Private green open space has the potential to be developed as a CO2 reduction (carbon sink) content in the air. The Coal Fire Power Plant (CFPP) XYZ has an area of 72 hectares with open space of 18 hectares. The purpose of this study is to analyze the amount of carbon sink from Green Open Space of CFPP XYZ and planning for reforestation through the approach of carbon sink potential. Methodology of this research using quantitative methods with calculate biomass of three. The results showed the potential for carbon sink from existing green open space of the CFPP XYZ was 1,082.79 Ton CO2 eqf/year or 77.34 eqf Ton/Ha/year and reforestation through the carbon sink potential approach produces a carbon sink capability of 20,825 Ton CO2 eqf/year.
Jasa Ekosistem Lamun di Pulau Panjang, Serang, Banten Coryelisabety Dianovita
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Vol 4 No 2 (2019): IJEEM: Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, Volume 4 Nom
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.063 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJEEM.042.02


Ketersediaan jasa ekosistem lamun sangat bergantung pada kondisi biofisik dan dinamika ekosistem terutama dari faktor antropogenik. Ekosistem lamun saat ini sedang mengalami krisis karena semakin terpengaruh Riset ini mengevaluasi keseimbangan jasa ekosistem lamun dan potensi keberlanjutan pemanfaatan jasa ekosistem lamun di pesisir Pulau Panjang, Serang, Banten dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif serta metode campuran. Metode matriks Burkhard diadaptasi untuk menganalisis status keseimbangan jasa ekosistem lamun. Studi ini menemukan bahwa ketersediaan jasa ekosistem lamun di Pulau Panjang pada komponen jasa pendukung, jasa pengaturan, dan jasa penyediaan secara keseluruhan masih tergolong surplus dan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan biota laut yang memanfaatkannya. Namun, penyediaan sumber makanan untuk biota lainnya tidak dapat terpenuhi secara utuh karena mengalami defisit. Sementara pada jasa budaya, ekosistem berada di titik seimbang (nol) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan semua pemanfaat jasa ekosistem. Oleh karena itu, upaya sosialisasi terkait ekosistem lamun perlu segera diimplementasikan agar pemanfaatan jasa ekosistem lamun secara berkelanjutan dapat terwujud.
Kajian Kualitas Air Sungai dan Upaya Pengendalian Pencemaran Air Benny Yohannes Yohannes; Suyud Warno Utomo; Haruki Agustina
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Vol 4 No 2 (2019): IJEEM: Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, Volume 4 Nom
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.18 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJEEM.042.05


Pertumbuhan penduduk DKI Jakarta yang pesat adalah salah satu permasalahan yang kompleks bagi penyediaan air bersih terutama karena limbah domestik yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan masyarakat. Sungai sebagai badan air penerima limbah domestik menjadi salah satu sumber daya alam yang rentan terhadap pencemaran. Sungai Krukut adalah salah satu sungai yang digunakan sebagai air baku air bersih PDAM dan saat ini telah tercemar akibat kegiatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis mutu air dan menentukan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air Sungai Krukut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode gabungan antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, and Threat) digunakan untuk menentukan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status mutu air pada 5 titik pemantauan dengan metode Indeks Pencemar yaitu (7,65), (7,54), (6,93), (6,95) dan (9,03), sehingga mutu air tergolong dalam kategori tercemar sedang. Upaya pengendalian pencemaran air yang dapat diterapkan di Sungai Krukut adalah (1) Melakukan penertiban masyarakat yang tinggal dan usaha di daerah sempadan sungai (2) Mengadakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada masyarakat dan UMKM tentang pentingnya pengelolaan limbah (3) Meningkatkan pengawasan pembuangan limbah cair UMKM (4) Bantuan pemerintah dalam membuat sistem dan menerapkan IPAL terpadu untuk kegiatan UMKM dan permukiman kumuh (5) Implementasi program pengendalian pencemaran air

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