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Journal of Creativity Student
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Journal of Creativity Student is a journal providing a peer-reviewed forum for communication and debate for the community of researchers interested in teaching for thinking and reativity. Papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches and may relate to any age level in a diversity of settings: formal and informal, education and work-based.
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Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 1 (2019): January 2019" : 5 Documents clear
Recognizing the Hedonism Lifestyle and Its Prevention in the Young Generation through the Application of Pancasila Values and Pancasila Education Cahyani, Cielo Dewi
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 4, No 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jcs.v4i1.36037


A country cannot avoid the era of globalization in life. Countries that do not want to follow, reject and even avoid the era of globalization are tantamount to shutting themselves out from the international world, which in turn will make it difficult for the country to establish cooperative relations with other countries. The era of globalization certainly has a positive and negative impact, and one of the negative effects is the emergence of an attitude of hedonism among the people. Hedonism is a view of life that considers that the enjoyment and enjoyment of matter are the main purpose of life. Hedonism is often experienced by the younger generation, and without realizing it, the lifestyle of hedonism is contrary to the Pancasila, namely the second and fifth precepts. But before that, we must also know the causes of the hedonism lifestyle so that this lifestyle is in conflict with the Pancasila. The lifestyle of hedonism cannot be eliminated, and therefore, several ways are needed to reduce hedonism lifestyle habits so as not to detach the values of Pancasila itself. In addition, the role of Pancasila education is also important in this regard. And please keep in our mind, sometimes without realizing, our society already has an attitude of hedonism, therefore we also need awareness and introspection with the signs of the emergence of attitudes of hedonism within us.
The Role of Pancasila to Eradicate the Crime of Corruption Salsabila, Adelia
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 4, No 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jcs.v4i1.36039


One of the most important problems in Indonesia is the problem of corruption. At present corruption is a very serious crime. And corruption has occurred in many fields. This corruption problem cannot just happen. Of course there are various factors that encourage corruption. And the impact caused by corruption is certainly very detrimental to the Indonesian people. Not only for the Indonesian people but also for all levels of Indonesian society, they also feel the loss of corruption. Various actions have been taken by the government to eradicate corruption cases. However, these acts of corruption are still common in Indonesia. Acts of corruption crimes committed by regional government officials to a higher level. The state apparatus is a group of educated people. But the perpetrators of corruption crimes continue to do bad things even though they know that these actions are inappropriate actions. This shows that the role of Pancasila values has begun to be ignored by the people of Indonesia. Moreover, the ethical and moral values in society that have begun to fade. The challenge in this regard is how Indonesian society can revive roles rather than Pancasila values in an effort to eradicate corruption in the country of Indonesia.
Young People and Pancasila: The Current Challenges Anggraeni, Fitri Inda
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 4, No 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jcs.v4i1.35974


Indonesia has the ideology and basis of the state, namely Pancasila, Pancasila is the basis of the state or often also referred to as the basis of state philosophy, state ideology (staatside). In this case, Pancasila is used as the basis for regulating state government. In other words, Pancasila is used as the basis for regulating all state administration. Pancasila mixes five precepts, namely divinity in the one and only God, just and compassionate humanity, the unity of Indonesia, democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberation, and the last one is social justice for all Indonesian people. These five Pancasila must be interpreted and implemented in their entirety by Indonesian citizens. Meanwhile, in this era of globalization, many people ignore Pancasila. Pancasila can be accepted by all groups and groups of people in Indonesia. However, following the development of the millennial generation, many young people forget Pancasila and do not implement it in their daily lives. There are many challenges of Pancasila in this millennial generation itself. In the growth of the millennial generation, there are many challenges in instilling and implementing Pancasila in their lives. There are many young people who get westernized currents that are different from the culture in Indonesia and different from Pancasila. This is our effort to make Pancasila a reality in the lives of these millennial generations. One of them is Pancasila education up to the level of lectures. The millennial generation, the term was coined by two American historians, namely William Strauss and Neil Howe. The millennial generation or generation Y is also known as the me generation or echo boomers. Generation Y is classified by year of birth, namely for those born in 1980-1990 or early 2000 and so on. Most of the millennial generation in their lives use technology such as SMS, instant massage, social media such as Instagram, YouTube, and enthusiasts with online games. While the challenge of Pancasila in the current era, namely the millennials, is very felt, with globalization where all information can be entered and obtained easily because technology makes foreign cultures enter, where the ideology is not in accordance with the culture and ideology of the Indonesian nation.
Prevention of Corruption Crimes Through Anti-Corruption Education and Pancasila Morals Wijayanti, Maggie Amaliza
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 4, No 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jcs.v4i1.35997


Corruption is a very deviant act, dangerous and detrimental. This action is carried out by abusing a position that has been trusted by many people. And this action is a selfish act because it is only for self-interest. Corruption is a deviant behavior or crime that is socially and legally prohibited. The problem of corruption in Indonesia is increasingly rampant starting from the central government, regional government, which is very detrimental to the life of the Indonesian nation and state, this causes people to think that politics justifies all means. This requires an effective corruption eradication and prevention strategy. By establishing Anti-Corruption Education and Pancasila Citizenship Education. Youth must be given a mindset of the dangers of corruption and play an active role in preventing corruption. The implementation of anti-corruption education is carried out by studying problems related to corruption which consists of four parts, namely problems, alternative policies, proposed solutions and part of the action plan. This activity is so that students will acquire some desired attitudes such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, hard work, humility, courage and justice. This education should be focused on activities and processes that are productive, creative, skill development, personality, integration, excellence, moral and spiritual. Implementation of Anti-Corruption Education aims to be able to develop positive values in students. Through this education, you can develop good character and personality values. By establishing the Anti-Corruption Education movement and Pancasila Citizenship Education, it is hoped that it will help the process of eradicating and preventing corruption by the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission.
The Role of Citizens in Preventing Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia Hamidah, Linda Tri
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 4, No 1 (2019): January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jcs.v4i1.35998


Pancasila was established as the ideology of the Indonesian nation to become a guideline for the life of its citizens. Pancasila teaches to live full of tolerance, but not all citizens carry out the Pancasila values. There is an anti-Pancasila movement that can lead to the formation of a radicalism and terrorism in this country. The doctrine intends to turn this country into an Islamic State which has resulted in this nation becoming an intolerant, fanatical, and exclusive. Radicalism does not stand by itself, but behind that there is an element of profit or political and ideological binding which is like fundalism or challenges the basic structure that makes religion the principle of life. In various sources of radicalism is not caused by one factor, but can be caused by many factors such as the number of poverty rates, the rapidly developing global level, and the spread of an understanding of wahhabism originating from Saudi Arabia. Conservative wahhabism into this nation has given rise to an exclusive group that likes to slander other people who are not in their group who consider it an infidel, an enemy and may be fought. Radicalism itself is the starting point for the creation of terrorism. Terrorism is the use of cruelty which is targeted at civilians to cause fear which is usually an attempt to achieve a political goal. Terrorism is misleading, although it has a different basis for political goals but they have a common goal of being willing to harm or even kill civilians.

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