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Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial
ISSN : 16936248     EISSN : 26551969     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Cakrawala adalah jurnal (riset) ilmu-ilmu sosial yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Nopember pada masing-masing volume. Cakrawala menerima artikel ilmiah hasil-hasil penelitian, yang tentu saja harus didasarkan pada hasil penelitian yang mengetengahkan urgensi, manfaat dan tujuan penelitian. Selain itu artikel juga dapat memuat telaah kritis terhadap suatu hasil atau proses penelitian sosial yang sedang aktual. Artikel yang akan dimuat dapat pula mengemukakan hasil perenungan kritis dan menyeluruh menyangkut suatu teori, metode penelitian, ataupun hasil penelitian sosial.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 8 No 2 (2019)" : 5 Documents clear
The Matinya Bioskop Lokal (Studi kasus Bioskop Permata, Yogyakarta 1970 – 1990) Christina Arief Mumpuni
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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Tulisan ini ingin melihat dan menggambarkan fenomena matinya bioskop lokal, keterkaitan antara politik dan ekonomi dalam media film. Strategi yang dilakukan bioskop Permata dalam bertahan hidup menghadapi gempuran globalisasi dan komersialisasi barat, dan tidak adanya dukungan pemerintah melalui regulasi yang dikeluarkan. Metodolgi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, studi kasus Bioskop Permata. Film dan bioskop memiliki ikatan yang kuat dengan situasi politik, ekonomi dan sumber daya (manusia dan tekhnologi) untuk bisa bertahan hidup.
PERGESERAN MAKNA BENTUK SAJIAN TARIAN DOLALAK MLARANAN PERIODE 1980 – 2015 Lauditta Budiman; Sri Suwartiningsih; Esther Krisnawati
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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ABSTRACT This research set out from the phenomenon of Dance Dolalak version Mlaranan, which has experienced shifts meaning in progress. Dolalak dance appeared in the 1915 and has experienced shifts from a period in 1980-2015. The purpose of this study to explain the shift in meaning and function of the Performance Dance Version Dolalak Mlaranan period 1980-2015 which will be analyzed in semiotic Roland Barthes. Semiotics Roland Barthes; in Roland Barthes semiotic meaning of denotation and connotation plays a very important compared to its role in the science of linguistics. Direct connotations, and can be referred to as a picture of a landmark. While the connotative meaning is implied meanings. Connotative meaning of some of the signs will be a kind of myth or user myths (which emphasizes these meanings. The research method in this study is a qualitative method, and data collection is done by observation, in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the shift in the meaning of dance Dolalak is the shift of the construction of meaning given guardian of culture to Dolalak, community towards Dolalak, and Founder of the Group Dolalak against Dolalak version Mlaranan, and their cultural construction, resulting in a shift in the meaning of dance Dolalak version Mlaranan in the period 1980-2015.
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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South Korea is one of the countries in East Asia that adopts a foreign policy approach through non-state actors. This approach is also known as a public diplomacy. This study aims to explain about a program named Teko Nang Jawa 2019. Teko Nang Jawa 2019 is a public diplomacy program which held in Indonesia by South Korea government. This program aims to promote South Korea’s culture and cultural tourism in Indonesia. The explanation begins with the South Korea nation branding, culture, and cultural tourism progress. This research used qualitative research method with descriptive explanation about the detail of the program. The data were analyzed through literature study and interview. The researcher found that there are many actors participate in this pubic diplomacy program. Korean wave, which is South Korea nation branding, is an instrument in public diplomacy. Teko Nang Jawa 2019 program was held to promote culture and cultural tourism intensely to the Indonesian especially in java. Public diplomacy done by the South Korea government to achieve the national interest such as national security, economic development, increase national power and national prestige interest.
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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Science and technology in the field of communication is increasingly growing rapidly, the more continuous era then the internet can join in the process of development that exists. The Internet is able to provide a variety of things that people need, both work and daily needs. The need for example is looking for news, looking for video, or other audio, the internet is able to provide the whole to be accessible by humans. Another example that can be done internet is an online-based buying, where the process of buying and selling can be done with a long distance but shorter time taken, wherever and whenever the human origin has internet access. But with access in a very fast time, there are also many online based fraud. Fraud is among others the goods and explanations of the seller is not the same, or the buyer who bought the goods was not serious to buy. This creates a sense of uncertainty from sellers and buyers when they want to sell or buy goods. Therefore, in this study, researchers try to discuss about the sense of reduction of uncertainty of the process of buying and selling online from both parties, both from the seller and from the buyer's position specifically on the Facebook group TOBAT Temanggung. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the process of sense of uncertainty reduction in TOBAT able to overcome uncertainty to decrease by using Unrcertainty Reduction Theory. By using several stages of the axioms applied to URT, both sellers and buyers have several distinctive characters to reduce the sense of uncertainty when buying and selling processes in the TOBAT virtual community on Temanggung Facebook.
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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Homosexual gay is a phenomenon social could no longer indisputably itsexistence. Majority of indonesian society consider homosexual as sexual perversion. But asthe developments taking place from time to time make big change with the people sexual.Tasikmalaya known to the dancer homosexual, because found any member of gay in anygroup dance joined in community dancer Tasikmalaya. Of course there is the processwhereby any member of the be a gay ‘meletek’. In the process of ‘memeletekkan’ membersof dance normal being gay need for two way communication. Communication processwas used for the interpersonal communication.Research on communication process dancer interpersonal gay with a case study‘peletek’ on a phenomenon dancer gay within the community dancer earthquake researchis the kind of research with the interpretative qualitative. To be carried out more depth,the study is done by using in depth interview focusing on life story.Based on the research done, communication process interpersonal occurring inpull to buy. Dancer gay approach of dancer normal through the process communicationinterpersonal according to 5 the effectiveness of communication interpersonal De Vito.Started by the openness, and then the empathy and the attitude mutual support andpositiveness that is implanted in self each dancer make the process ‘peletek’ closer in thetipping point. The last of equality between dancer gay and dancer normal. With his theprocess producing a change of dancer normal be a gay. A change in attitude wasinfluenced by a symbol verbal and nonverbal. Because touch and comfort, finally dancernormal ‘meletek’ has become a gay.

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