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KRITIS Vol 25 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.704 KB) | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v25i1p10-26


The term novice voters are regarded toHigh School Students, College Students, or worker who is between 17 to 21 years old and never been participate or vote in the election. This definition is hand in hand with the law number 10 - 2008, regarding genera election that define the minimum or condition of the voter (article 19:1). Novice voters are characterized as educated, critical, independent, fashionable, adaptable, and like to learn new things. Before the Indonesia Presidential Election in 2014, the media were intensively relay informations on the president and vice president candidates. The media have important part indelivering information and knowledge for the citizens about the election. Newspaper, magazines, radio and television are believed to be the most vital part in the politic democracy system.The study used the Kultivation Theory Analysis, which focus on how the influence of media to the citizens through the news that were broadcasted in the television continuously. This is a descriptive qualitative study which means to describe the role of media especially television that affect the perspective and the novice voters’ attitude toward 2014 the presidential election. The result of this study showed that the role of television staton, especially the Metro TV and TV One were vital, because novice voters whit their limited knowledge about election, gain informations through those Metro TV and TV One to gain knowledge and information about the 2014 presidential election. As the result, the media is capable to affect the novice voters’ point of view to actively participate as voters in the 2014 presidential election.
PRAKTIK PERJUDIAN (Studi Kasus “Judi Kupon Togel” di Kecamatan Tobelo, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Provinsi Maluku Utara) Gubuino, Septiana Erike; Suwartiningsih, Sri
KRITIS Vol 24 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.234 KB) | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v24i2p177-197


Tobelo sub-district, Halmahera Utara (HALUT) regency, Maluku Utara (MALUT) province is one of sub-districts with full of gambling practices one of them is lottery gambling. This study is aimed at investigating and describing lottery gambling practices that people in Tobelo sub-district do based on the social and economic aspect point of view. This study was done in Tobelo sub-district, HALUT-MALUT. The method that employed in this study was descriptive qualitative. The findings show that lottery gambling practices which are often done by people in Tobelo was form of each individual meaning depends on the individual needs so that was why he did it. Besides that, there were some pros and cons opinion toward these gambling practices in Tobelo.
KRITIS Vol 26 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.384 KB) | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v26i2p122-143


Establishment Jetis sub terminal agribusiness in the region of Bandungan as a vegetable center market is the solution to increase availability of food in sufficient quantity and quality at affordable prices and distribution by society. On the other hand it opens new jobs that workers carrying. Workers carrying also referred to as porters and manol. This study aims to identify and describe the role of social capital on the workers carrying with sellers and buyers in the sub terminal agribusiness Jetis, Bandungan Semarang regency. This type of research is qualitative with a constructivist approach, which began November 2016-February 2017 on the workers carrying / manol in Jetis sub terminal agribusiness, Bandungan. Data collected through observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate social capital as a means of supporting the success of the progress of the sub terminal agribusiness Jetis. The existence of strong social capital role in the sustainability of economic enterprises and also in employment any market participants. Research shows that their trust in the form of mutual trust, honesty, openness and helpfulness. Then forms the norm that happens is to be professional and responsible job. Furthermore, the network manifest in the form of kinship and were both looking for life.
Harmonisasi Sosial Masyarakat Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia Suwartiningsih, Sri; Samiyono, David; Purnomo, Daru
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol 7, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/hi.71120


Indonesia is a country that symbolizes plurality. The horizontal conflicts caused by ethnicity, race, and religion show that there is a crisis of national integration and social disharmony within the country. Conflicts in several regions in Indonesia provoked by several things, namely, lack of empathy, tolerance, and trust. However, this is different from what was shown in the border communities in Kalimantan. The result of the research which was conducted in April to June 2015 showed that the people in Indonesia-Malaysia border (especially in districts Jagoi Babang) were able to respect one another in the context of national integration. Living side by side despite their different citizenship is the evidence that they have mutual interaction in many fields such as the economy, education, and health. This condition creates social harmony among those communities. The main reason is that they feel as one family (kinship) under Dayak Bidayuh descent. This sense of belonging is as the result of local wisdom which is still being conducted among them, called ritual Gawai.
DALE ESA Beeh, Jos Josia; Suwartiningsih, Sri; Kudubun, Elly Esra
KRITIS Vol 27 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v27i1p35-56


The village Bokonusan is the location on the Semau Island and the district of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Norma and refers to the contructual obligations between members of society in accordance with the rules of the costums, trust that refer to expectation and goals together in building in accordance with the values of mutual cooperation of solidarity of the community. As for the porpouse of research to, give me a description of application of the local Dale Esa in the life together in the village Bokonusan, as well as explain the elements of what is contained in the wisdom of Dale Esa as social capital in communities Bokonusan village. The method used is a qualitatve and approach to the contructivism oh the research descriptive aksplanative. Interwoven ily tradition, a marriege, birth, death, a new garden work (teh management of the land) and conflic resolution. The application of valeu to keep in daily life as from of social interaction. In the wisdom of Dale Esa the cooperation between the community refers to social relationships between societies so that, the social network, the obligation, prohibition, the rigth have, between members of the community to help each other as a from social norm, the emergance of the hope and goals together to build together as result the trust.
KRITIS Vol 27 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v27i2p92-106


The position of the Jayapura region is bordered by the State of Papua New Guinea and the Papua Strait, strategically as a route for alcohol and drug trade transactions, making it easier for street children to consume it. Unlike the phenomenon of street children in general, the typical characteristics of street children in Jayapura do not show differences in behavior with other children. Most street children are children aged <17 years. Therefore this study examines the factors that cause street children in the South Jayapura District, Jayapura City. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, with the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) data collection method in the community of street children. Based on the results of the analysis of the factors causing street children in Jayapura City, Jayapura District South, are environmental factors, economic factors and family factors. 1) Environmental factors, because the influence of peers at school and the influence of residence dominates its influence on the association of children who deliver them to be street children. 2) Family economic factors, street children who were originally looking for additional income for families by trading on the streets (hawkers, newspaper deliverymen), but along with the continuity of the routine process carried out on the streets, then they become accustomed to living as street children. 3) Family factors that dominate the cause of being street children because they do not get the attention and affection from their parents.
KRITIS Vol 28 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v28i1p11-28


Public diplomacy is currently the most frequent diplomacy by many countries in the world. South Korea is one country that uses Public Diplomacy to achieve its interests. Public diplomacy conducted by South Korea is not only happening through the field of cultural art alone, public diplomacy is also done by South Korea in the field of education. Through the education sector of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), South Korea is helping developing countries to advance education in their country. The purpose of this study is to explain South Korea's public diplomacy in Indonesia through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) education sector. This topic, analyzed with the concept of Public Diplomacy, Soft Power and Constructivist theory. This research uses qualitative approach through data analysis technique. Researchers used literature searches related to the topics that researchers covered. An important conclusion is that the education sector has an objective strategy in its efforts to help improve education in Indonesia, namely Quality Primary Education, Training Technical Resources and Development of Human Resource through Higher Education. Projects implemented in Indonesia conform to the main objectives of KOICA's education sector, to provide quality basic education, training of technical resources and other resources through higher education, and to facilitate educational opportunities and improve the quality of education, education policies and systems From partner countries.
Penerimaan Diri Individu Yang Memiliki Pasangan Dengan Pekerjaan Sebagai Pemandu Karaoke Di Desa Sarirejo, Salatiga Meylani, Risda; Desi, Desi; Suwartiningsih, Sri
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v7i1.11124


Objective:  This study aims to determine the couple's self-acceptance from the karaoke guide to the karaoke guide itself.Methods: The research method used is descriptive qualitative with five participants. This research was conducted in January - April 202.1 Results:  The results showed that there was self-acceptance of the karaoke guide couple as a whole as a form of relationship commitment. Self-acceptance is found in the positive behavior of karaoke guide couples who accept anything without it.Conclusion:  The acceptance starts from knowledge and a positive attitude towards their partner. The karaoke guide couple has known the impact or risk of their relationship but still chooses a karaoke guide to be their life partner.Keywords: Ladies Companion, Partner, Self-Acceptance
Indonesia dan Fundamentalisme Keagamaan Sri Suwartiningsih
PAX HUMANA Vol 2, No 2 Mei (2015)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.477 KB)


Religion is a human life guidance. Religion is not God's creation. Religion is a human creation to be able to steer and control his life. Life associated with the Creator. So that religion is a tool in relations human relationship with God, which is a vertical relationship. At the moment in the life of religious fundamentalism used to relate to God, religion becomes a human privatization. But when religion is imposed uniformity fundamental in the understanding, the result can lead to differing views on religion that leads interference to peace among peoples, such as defamation, inter-religious conflicts, homelessness particular religion, terrorism, etc. On this context, fundamentalism and religious diversity is important to be studied and examined the truth. Religious fundamentalism creates open communication space between religious communities in religious equality. In contrast, fundamentalism closed and give communication barriers between religious communities because each considers the most true religion and other religions do not. Indonesia as a pluralistic country requires openness in diversity.Keywords: Religion, Fundamentalism, Peace
Modal Sosial Community Policing Dalam Menangkal Radikalisme Sri Suwartiningsih
PAX HUMANA Vol 6, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Modern police in the context of "civilization" through community policing raises a new paradigm in building community resilience against crime. It is problem oriented policing to reveal the root problems of religious radicalism. To overcome religious radicalism, it is necessary to build a police and community partnership model known as "community policing". Religious radicalism is a very crucial issue of nation at this time and it is hoped that in the long run a police and community partnership model will be created to create social and legal cohesiveness that can answer the issue of radicalism. Based on this, this research has been carried out on the model of community policing in preventing religious radicalism based on problem oriented policing by involving the community, institutional police, and community institutions in the perspective of social capital. This research uses Qualitative-descriptive with the Constructivism paradigm method to give an understanding of social construction in the partnership of police and society. The theory of social capital is used as an analysis tool. The research area is in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police, such as in Salatiga City, Semarang Regency, and Semarang City. From the results of the study, the conclusion is that the elements of social capital such as trust, norms and networks became the social capital of community policing between the police and the community in obstructing radicalism.