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Journal of Ultimate Public Health
ISSN : 25982389     EISSN : 25982486     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Jump Health is a peer-reviewed academic journal of studies in public health science and learning published biannually in May and November. Given that the journal prioritizes research reports in Jump Health, viewpoint articles in the same field will be considered for publication.
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The Relationship Between Knowledge and Diet Against the Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus at Dr. Suzie B.A.S Clinic Ciputat Tangerang Selatan Iin Nurjana Far Far; Al Asyary
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.027 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


Diabetes mellitus has been the cause of 4.6 million deaths. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that as many as 183 million people are unaware that they have DM. Based on preliminary study conducted by researchers, about 50% of patients who went to the dr. Suzie B.A.S Clinic suffers from diabetes mellitus.The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation between knowledge and diet to the case of diabetes mellitus in dr. Suzie B.A.S Clinic Ciputat Tangerang Selatan 2017.The type of this research is analytical with cross sectional appoarch. This research’s variable are knowledge and diet. The data used are primary data based on interview result using questionnaire. Secondary data sourced from examination sheet of diabetes melitus. The number of population are 1.988 with sample 0f 114 respondents. The technique of collecting samples with quota sampling method. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate analysis (chi square).            Univariate test results showed that 20.2% of respondents had diabetes mellitus, had knowledge of diabetes mellitus 28,9% bad, and 47,4% respondent had bad diet. In addition there is a significant correlation between the case of diabetes mellitus with knowledge (Pvalue = 0.013) with PR 2,678, while dietary variables are not associated with the case of diabetes mellitus (Pvalue = 0.603) with PR 1,313.                   This research suggests that Clinic can improve service to patient, especially giving education to patient of diabetes mellitus so that patient better understand about understanding, symptom, and factors causing diabetes mellitus, especially education about diet which can become one of the most influencing factor of the happening of diabetes melitus.
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.738 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


The description of watershed damage and land degradation has shown an increase year by year. One of the watershed that has been degraded due to the change of land use is Ciliwung watershed. The purpose of this study is to identify the damaged watershed in DKI Jakarta area in 2015 (Ciliwung Watershed study case). The methodology used in this authorship is a study of literature on a wide range of scientific articles in the form of journals, books, and research related to the subject title. The main factor causing the damage to Watersheds (DAS) in Jakarta is the increase of development and infrastructure which caused the transition of land function which initially functioned as water storage area now turned into building, settlement and others. From the main factors, it can be concluded that the causes of watershed damage in DKI Jakarta area are lack of watershed management in DKI Jakarta, the absence of personnel in charge of watershed management, lack of community awareness and participation in efforts to preserve the watershed and less firm law enforcement.
The Relationship between Scar BCG and the Incidence OF Tuberculosis (TB) in TB Patients at the Basuki Rahmad Health Center, Bengkulu City, Indonesia Yenni Sri Handayani; Ririn Arminsih Wulandari
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.325 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. WHO said the world TB rate had increased since 2014-2017. TB is a world health problem today. Bengkulu Province experienced an increase in the number of TB cases from 2015-2017. Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between Scar BCG and the incidence of tuberculosis in TB patients. Methods: This study uses a case control method. The population is all patients visiting the Basuki Rahmad Health Center in 2016-2017. Sample random sampling technique. Calculation of sample size of 2 proportions with previous P1 researchers using the Lemeshow formula obtained sample results 126 1: 1. Results: Of the 126 TB patients who did not have Scar as many as 54 (42.9%) and there were 72 (57.1%) Scar BCG, 69 (54.8%) male sex and 57 female sex (45.2%) people, patients who have a lack of nutritional status as many as 38 (30.2%) people and good nutritional status as many as 88 (69.8%) people, TB patients who have low education as much as 50 (39.7% ) people and those who have higher education are 76 (60.3%) people, 58 patients (46.0%) who contact home and 68 (54.0%) non-contact patients, patients <15-50 year as many as 111 (88.1%) people and patients aged> 50 years 15 (11.9%) people. There is a significant relationship between Scar BCG, nutritional status, gender with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in 2016-2017 with p = 0,000 p = 0,000 and p = 0,000. And there is no significant relationship between age, education, household contact with TB incidence in 2016-2017. Counfounding Scar BCG for TB incidence is nutritional status, gender, age and household contact. Conclusion: There is a relationship between Scar BCG, nutritional status, gender with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and counfounding Scar BCG with TB incidence there are 4 variables in the Basuki Rahmad Community Health Center, Bengkulu City. Recommendation: Prevention of TB can be carried out by BCG immunization, taking medication regularly.
An Analysis of Qualitative Open Defecation Behavior of North Maluku Province in 2017 (A Case Study at Community of Toseho Village in Archipelago Tidore City) Norma B Toduho; Bambang Setiaji; Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.195 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


Background : Public Health Development Index in 2013, the correct behavior of defecation in North Maluku is about 0.78 percent and the rest still have Open Defecation Behavior.Purpose : The purpose of this research is to find out the Open Defecation Behavior (Case Study at Community of Toseho Village in Tidore Kepulauan City) in North Maluku Province.Methods : The methods used are observation, in-depth interview, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Determinant of informants used "purposive sampling" method.Results :  The results of the study found lack of family, public figure, and public religious about  perceptions against open defecation and latrine availability due to difficult geographic location (coastal), absence of latrines either private or public latrines (damaged), limited finances, and ashamed of using neighbor latrines. There is not ‘toilet social gathering’ established by health workers and public figure. Open defecation behavior habits in the community stays since the past until now and on every age, whereas the majority of the people are muslim. Open defecation places (adults and small children) are at beachside, back of the house (mangrove forest), side of the house, and at terrace. There are not regulation from public figure or public religious against the community who does open defecation. public figure and public religious never invite the community by inculcating islamic value that is maintainingpersonal hygiene and environment and sanitation as part of the faith. Other than that one of the public figure even provide an example that is not good, where the public figure had served as chairman of the Neighborhood Association, even do open the faction, so that his bihavior in samples by the citizens themselves.Suggestion : It is expected that health workers will be more optimal in carrying out community empowerment activities through family-related approaches to sanitation and Clean and Healthy Life Behavior, public figure and publich religious conducting activities that instill Islamic values to the community to maintain sanitation and clean and healthy life behavior.
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.805 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


The incomplete filling of medical record documents can cause various problems in the quality of service to the patients. The document of medical record is important to produce accurate and continuous information of patient care. The purpose of this study is to analyze the possible causes of incomplete filling of medical records for inpatients at Islamic Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah of North Maluku in 2016.This research was a qualitative research using documentation study, observation and in-depth interviews. Informants were determined by purposive sampling method. The number of informants was 13 people (medical record officer, registration officer, midwives, nurses, BPJS officer, pharmacy officer, nutrition officer, general practitioners, medical specialists). A simple quantitative research was done descriptively to see the incompleteness contents of medical records of all inpatients in January 2016 amounted to 127 medical record files.This study concluded that all medical records in January 2016 were incomplete. The medical records were categorized incomplete if one or more data were not filled or unclearly written. The most incomplete medical records occurred in the following areas: the patient's social data on (70.47%) the graph sheets, clinical data on nutritional form (98.74%), the recording of name, signature, date of nutritional data entry (63.25%), and 63 medical records were corrected inappropriately. The interviews showed that incompleteness were due to lack of human resources capability, inadequate medical records facilities, rules and regulation, and inadequate medical record information system. The human resources related to incompetent medical personnel and lack of clinical staff knowledge on medical record requirements.The results of the study recommended that the hospital management was to increase the number of qualified medical record staff, developed rules and regulations, improved medical record facilities, trained clinical personnel on the filling of medical records and enforced then to do so.
Acute Breathing Infection (ARI) in the Toddlers in the Working Area of Pancasan Health Center, Bogor City, Indonesia Fathimi Fathimi; Ririn Arminsih Wulandari
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.825 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


Introduction: ARI is often misinterpreted as upper respiratory tract infection, whereas ARI does not only attack the upper respiratory tract but also includes the lower respiratory tract. Infection is the entry of germs or microorganisms into the human body and proliferates to cause respiratory tract diseases ranging from the nose to the alveoli and their adnex such as the sinuses, middle ear cavity and pleura. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of individual and environmental characteristic factors on the incidence of ARI in infants. Method: This study used a cross sectional study design, the number of samples of 163 toddlers, the study location in the work area of the Pancasan Health Center, the time of the study from 27 April to 30 May 2019. Results: The results showed 41.1% of children under five suffered ARI, statistically the variables associated significantly with the incidence of ARI were gender (OR: 2.89) and age (OR: 2.04). Conclusion: Many factors can influence the incidence of ARI in infants, both from the characteristics of children under five, parental characteristics, characteristics of the physical environment of the home and the health service facilities themselves. The next researcher can add research variables, the importance of the role of health workers especially to increase public awareness/ parents in maintaining and maintaining children's health and the existence of cross-program and cross-sector cooperation.
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Indonesia Audira Budiantari; Dian Handayani; Damas Andhika; Al Asyary
JUMP Health (Journal of Ultimate Public Health) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : UHAMKA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.984 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/jump-health.v3.i2.p%p


Tuberculosis is one of contagious disease that is caused by the germ of Mycobacterium class, which is Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The transmission of the tuberculosis infection would happen if someone breathes the air containing thick saliva of the infected. When sneezes, a patient spreads out the germ into the air in form of sputum splotch. One cough could produce around 3000 sputum splotches. The method used in this research is the method of scientific papers investigation, which are two papers in search. The result of the research shows that the patient of Extrapulmonary TB mostly are in group of productive age with gender characteristics between male and female are both having same risk level.

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