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Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia)
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Focus of Parole journal is a media for diseminating the result of research about language, literature, and language and literature education in Indonesia. Scope of Parole journal publishes the research article in language, literature, language and literature education in Indonesia.
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Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5441


Literary work is not only a word for word series that has aesthetic value, but also talks about the values of life. To understand the value contained in literary works, readers need to read, know, and analyze the elements in these literary works. One of the literary works that will be analyzed by the researcher is a short story entitled Pena by Rika. This research was conducted with the aim of describing the intrinsic elements in the short story Pena and describing the moral values contained in the short story. The research approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative using structural methods and content analysis strategies. The data source used is a collection of selected short stories Kompas 2017. With data collection steps; (1) reading the short story "Pena" intensively, (2) analyzing the cohesiveness of the short story's intrinsic elements and describing it, (3) analyzing the moral elements the writer wants to convey in the short story and describing it. The conclusions of this study are: (1) the intrinsic elements contained in the short stories of the Pena from the Compass Selected Short Story Collection 2017 include plot, setting, theme, characterization, point of view, mandate, and language style. (2) moral values contained in the short stories Pena from the Compass Selected Short Story Collection 2017.
KAJIAN STILISTIKA DALAM PUISI “SELAMAT PAGI INDONESIA” KARYA SAPARDI DJOKO DAMONO (Telaah Aspek Pencitraan dalam Puisi) Salva Yasmine Ismail Diab; Teti Sobari; Dede Abdurokhman
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5520


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis aspek stilistika salah satu karya sastra dari puisi “Selamat Pagi Indonesia” karya Sapardi Djoko Damono”. Lebih mendalam analisis akan mengarah pada citraan yang tergambar pada puisi tersebut. Stilistika adalah ilmu pemanfaatan bahasa dalam karya sastra. Gaya bahasa secara khusus dalam karya sastra melahirkan citraan tersendiri dari seorang pengarang. Citraan erat kaitannya dengan pancaindera manusia yang terdiri dari penglihatan, pendengaran, penciuman, perabaan, gerak, dan pencecapan. Harapannya melalui adanya efek tersebut, pesan puisi bisa tersampaikan oleh penulisnya. Dasar pengambilan keputusan penelitian ini adalah telaah citraan yang terkandung dalam puisi. Objek materil dari penelitian ini adalah puisi “Selamat Pagi Indonesia” karya Sapardi Djoko Damono. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan stilistik dengan metode deskriptif analisis yang bertujuan untuk memberikan suatu fenomena secara analisis aspek stilistika puisi Selamat Pagi Indonesia dan menempatkan manusia (peneliti) sebagai subjek peneliti.  Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi serta observasi dengan membaca yang dilanjutkan pencatatan. Prosesnya melalui pencatatan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan yang diteliti saja. Hasil penelitan yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa gaya bahasa pada puisi berjudul selamat pagi Indonesia mendukung fokus dalam penelitian ini, yakni kekhasan bahasa dan kepadatan bahassa yang sesuai untuk dikaji dengan stilistika. Puisi Sapardi berjudul Selamat Pagi Indonesia memang terlihat menggunakan diksi yang sederhana namun tidak melemahkan makna puisi tersebut. Hal ini terlihat pada penggunaan diksi dan citra dalam menggambarkan dan mengatakan gambaran mengenai situasi Indonesia kepada pembaca. Makna yang terkandung mewakili pandangan orang terhadap realita kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia melalui gambaran dari berbagai citraan seperti citraan penglihatan, pendengaran, perasaan, dan perabaan
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5499


The purpose of this study was to see the learning activities of students and teachers with the application of the STAD method when learning written explanatory text. Also to see significant fears between before and after using the STAD method in an effort to improve explanatory text writing skills. The samples taken were 26 students from class VIII SMP Negeri 6 Cikalongkulon. The data sets used were the lesson plan (RPP), the observation sheet and the test sheet. The final results of the pretest and posttest there are differences and improvements in writing explanatory text skills using the STAD method in class VIII students of SMP Negeri 6 Cikalongkulon. The results of this study can develop an environment that writes explanatory text using the STAD method in class VIII students of SMP Negeri 6 Cikalongkulon. The results of teacher observations in the classroom during the learning process were 80% carried out and 75% of the students' learning processes were carried out. From the learning results, the improvement of explanatory text writing skills using the STAD method in class VIII students of SMP Negeri 6 Cikalongkulon, and improved according to the expected research objectives.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5489


The problems raised in this study is code switching and code mixing in meetings to analysis field constraints in Auto 2000 Mangga Dua. The aim is to describe the existence of code switching in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and causative factors in the language that used by members of the meeting. The source of data that used in the study is meeting members at Auto 2000 Mangga Dua. The data taken base on the form of oral speech from the members during the meeting. The method used descriptive qualitative method, the data collected through observation techniques, video recordings and interviews to determine the causative factors. The results showed that in the language that used by meeting members at Auto 2000 during the meeting, there were (1) Code Switching in the form of phrases, clauses, and sentences (2) Code Mixing in the form of phrases, clauses and words. The contributed factor is to break the ice so that the participants do not feel tense during the meeting.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5443


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti terhadap lirik lagu “secukupnya” karena pada setiap bait lirik lagu menggunakan bahasa yang tidak biasa yang didalamnya mengandung majas sehingga ini menjadi penting karena dapat menguatkan pesan yang tersirat dalam lirik. Dalam setiap lagu terdapat lirik-lirik yang ditulis dengan maksud untuk menyampaikan beberapa pesan kepada pendengarnya. Lirik-lirik tersebut bisa berasal dari pengalaman pribadi sang pencipta ataupun pegalaman pribadi orang lain yang kemudian disampaikan dengan gaya bahasa yang berbeda, sehingga dapat mudah diingat oleh para pendengarnya. Gaya bahasa yang ada pada lagu tersebut disebut juga dengan majas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis majas serta makna dari majas yang ada dalam lirik lagu “Secukupnya” karya Hindia melaui kajian stilistika. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data, yaitu dengan membaca lirik lagu yang akan dianalisis, memahami lirik lagu tersebut, menemukan kata-kata yang mengandung majas dalam lirik lagu tersebut, kemudian mendeskripsikannya. Hasil dari penelitian analisis stilistika pada lirik lagu “Secukupnya” menunjukkan bahwa lirik lagu tersebut mengandung majas sebagai berikut, di antaranya majas simbolik, majas hiperbola (3), majas ironi, majas tautologi, majas alegori, dan majas paralelisme anafora. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa di dalam lirik lagu tersebut terdapat enam majas.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5660


Language is a symbol of an arbitrary sound that is spoken with goals such as communication and opinion. Its role is very important, because by communicating humans can get information and knowledge. The researchers chose 10 students who mixed codes in giving private or group messages, which should either group messages or private message senders do not mix the code with local or foreign languages. Researchers aim to describe the code mix found on whatsapp social media which is currently a very popular communication tool. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Research data taken were private and group messages on WA. From the results of the study note that the code mixing that occurs in the Whatsapp communication media in the form of phrases, words, and baster. The factors causing the occurrence of code mixing are due to the factors of the speaker's attitude and language that occurs.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5511


AbstractLiterary work is an essay that evokes feelings, experiences and fantasies which are poured into writing using beautiful and interesting language. Poetry is a work of fiction with many areas of special or implied meanings that can attract writing lovers. Often poetry is analogous to other expressions so that the meaning is difficult to apply, poetry poetry has an implied meaning. Therefore, the researcher was interested in conducting a study of Chairil Anwar's work entitled "Derai-Derai Cemara" with a mimetic approach. There are many words or diction that are difficult to interpret, first the poem "Derai-Derai Cemara" reflects or mimics human life with pine trees. This poetry is dissected using a mimetic approach, which is to examine the relationship between facts or imitations in literary works. The research objective was to determine the implied meaning content and the extent to which it was related to the realities of life that the author lived. This research method uses qualitative methods that describe or describe the contents of the poetry. This study interprets and tries to understand the meaning of the natural aspects contained in the poem "Derai-Derai Cemara" by Chairil Anwar. So that the meaning implied in the poem can be clearly described.
Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Drama Menggunakan Metode Mind Mapping Berbantuam Media AudioVisual Milah Hamirulloh
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5493


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi untuk mengetahui skenario dan implementasi pembelajaran menulis teks drama pada siswa kelas VIII D MTSN 4 Bandung Barat selain itu juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan daya kreativitas siswa dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping. Menulis teks drama merupakan sebuah cerita yang dituangkan dalam bentuk dialog. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut (1) Bagaimana langkah-langkah pembelajaran menulis teks drama menggunakan metode mind mapping berbantuan media audiovisual (2) Kesulitan-kesulitan apa saja yang dialami siswa dalam menulis teks drama menggunakan metode mind mapping berbantuan media audiovisual. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas VIII D MTSN 4 Bandung Barat. Pada implementasi pembelajaran menulis teks drama menggunakan metode mind mapping sudah sesuai dengan RPP, untuk kesulitan-kesulitan siswa dalam menulis teks drama yaitu disebabkan karena siswa tidak memahami unsur-unsur dan kaidah kebahasaan teks drama. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan dari aktivitas siswa dalam mengikuti langkah-langkah pembelajaran metode mind mapping berbantuan media audiovisual siswa sudah melakukan pembelajaran dengan baik dan  dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran menulis teks drama dengan metode mind mapping siswa tidak bosan dan membuat siswa lebih semangat dalam proses pembelajaran terutama dalam menulis teks drama.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5464


This research is based on the lack of knowledge and the use of poster media in increasing reading interest among students. in connection with the development of print media. So, directly forcing to sharpen the observation of the information in circulation. This, causes that the progress of print media or science and technology affects the development of literacy. For this reason, poster media is a means of increasing the attractiveness of reading and providing significant changes for literacy advancement. Thus, poster media must provide different changes specifically for students to be more interested in reading interest. In addition, poster media provide encouragement and motivation as a driving force, a guide in a good direction. As for this study, the researcher wanted to know how much influence the poster media had to increase reading interest among students. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that describes data and facts in the form of descriptions obtained through processing and collecting data through a questionnaire distributed via WhatsApp. The sample of this research was conducted on 10 students of IKIP Siliwangi in various departments. The results of this study of 9 people gave the answer that poster media made increased attractiveness in literacy and there were 7 people affected by poster media by giving answers, that posters were persuasive, which meant to attract attention by unifying images, writing colors, and words.
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 3, No 5 (2020): VOLUME 3 NOMOR 5 , SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/p.v3i5p%p.5567


Early childhood is in the golden age phase, which is the best time to accept the words they have just heard. In the golden age, the role of parents is very important to improve the vocabulary of children, because at that time early development is more important than later development, when children are influenced by learning and experience. But in the golden age there are often language errors during pronunciation. This study aims to determine the language errors uttered by children aged 2.5 years at the phonological level. The data obtained is when the child is talking and singing, then the stage of collecting data is by listening, taking notes, and recording. The data obtained will be described and classified. The results showed that there were errors in pronouncing words by the children when speaking, such as changing phonemes /r/ to phonemes /l/, or there were words that experienced a reduction in phonemes when spoken. From the analysis, there were 15 errors in phoneme change /r/ to /l/, 14 errors in phoneme change /s/ to /c/, 4 errors of phoneme change /l/ to /w/, 6 errors of phoneme change /k/ to /t/, 3 errors changing the phoneme /r/ to /y/, 2 reducing the phoneme, namely phoneme /l/ in the word "delapan" to "deapan" and phoneme /t/ in the word "istimewa" to "isimewa".

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