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Justisia Ekonomika
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Strategi Perbankan Syariah Dalam Menghadapi Pembiayaan Dengan Akad Mudharabah Yang Bermasalah (Studi di Bri Syariah Pamekasan) Samsul Arifin
Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika: Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/justeko.v2i1.1698


   Islamic banking has a main function to distribute funds to the community in need in the form of financing. Financing is a large part of the assets of sharia banks that must be maintained in term of quality. Financing is one of the functions of sharia banks by distributing funds to the community in need (user of funds). One of the contracts used by sharia banks in distributing funds in the form of financing is mudharabah contract. The mudharabah contract is a profit-sharing agreement when the shohibul mall /rabbul mall provides capital (100 percent) to mudharib, to engage in productive activities in which the profit generated will be divided among them according to the agreement specified in the contract.This study is aimed to know and understand how the application of mudaraba contracts and banking strategies in overcoming a financing with mudaraba contracts that are problematic, and to know and understand whether the applied strategy is in accordance with the Fatwa (policies) of DSN MUI.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method or naturalistic research because the research is done on natural condition (natural setting). This descriptive qualitative research method is used to get in-depth data, a data that contains meaning.The findings of the research done in BRI Syariah Pamekasan in facing the financing problems with the mudharabah contract, found two problems. First, the problem arising from the internal banking itself, this problem occurs when BRI Syraiah employees do not run the SOP (procedures) that has been set. Second problem is the external factor of banking. This problem occurs because mudharib/ fund manager has moral hazard. For example, by not using the funds for productive business but used for consumptive costs.Efforts done by BRI Syariah Pamekasan dealing with mudharabah financing problem is by using two approaches. First, the pre-customer approach. This approach focuses on selecting prospective customers both in terms of behavior/ character and business run. Second, the post-customer approach. This approach is carried out when the financing has been distributed to customers and experiencing non-performing financing. This is done by monitoring and restructuring Keywords: Financing, mudharabah contract, banking strategy.
Analisis Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Terhadap Penerapan Akad Murabahah pada Pembiayaan Pendidikan (Studi Kasus Unit Jasa Keuangan Syariah (UJKS) Annuqayah Guluk-Guluk Sumenep Jawa Timur) Abdul Rahman
Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika: Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/justeko.v2i1.1689


AbstractIn either sharia banking or non-banking institutions, murabahah contract becomes an integral part of other products. Murabahah akad is a contract of sale and purchase of goods between a bank and a customer, which the bank notifies a cost of goods and increase the mutually agreed benefits. While the Educational Murabahah Akad in UJKS Annuqayah refers to the UJKS Annuqayah provides goods that support the learning process of education, such as needs of motorcycles, laptops, books and LCD projectors, and its payments was payed in installments and the UJKS Annuqayah do not add profit.In this study, the problems were as follows: first, what is the meaning of murabahah contract and the types of murabahah contract in the UJKS Annuqayah, second, how is the implementation of murabahah contract on education financing in the UJKS Annuqayah, third how is the review of Islamic economic law against murabahah agreement on education financing in the UJKS Annuqayah. While the purposes of were to understand and to describe akad murabaha on financing education in the UJKS Annuqayah, to understand the application of murabaha education, to understand and to describe the perspective of Islamic economic law towards the application of murabahah akad on education in the UJKS Annuqayah.The method used qualitative descriptive with field research approach, which is the study examined the theories that have been developed in the field of science related to the problems, looked for methods and research techniques both in collecting data and analyzing research that has been used by former researcher. The data was analyzed by using deductive theory. While the key informant was the director of UJKS Annuqayah, and the supporting informants were the head office of UJKS Annuqayah, the head office of women's payment point, the financing section, the payment section and the teller of UJKS Annuqayah.The results showed that the UJKS Annuqayah has 3 murabaha products; the murabahah business, the murabahah basic needs and the murabaha education. In murabahah education financing, the UJKS Annuqayah do not get a profit, but the UJKS gets cashback from deller divided between the UJKS Annuqayah and customer. According to the review of Islamic economic law, it is permissible because it is in accordance with Islamic legal principles based on the Imam Syafi'ie perspective and implemented with the principles of justice, no despotic action, mutual agreement and transparency on management. This is justified by Islam because it is spared of riba and gharar. Keywords       : murabahah akad, education financing, UJKS Annuqayah

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