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Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi
ISSN : 24078565     EISSN : 25795295     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
JURNAL MENARA EKONOMI, merupakan jurnal penelitian dan kajian ilmiah yang diterbitkan Fakultas Ekonomi UMSB. Penyunting menerima kiriman naskah hasil kajian dan penelitian untuk bidang ekonomi untuk dipublikasikan di jurnal ini. Naskah yang masuk akan dievaluasi dan disunting untuk keseragaman format tanpa mengubah maksud. Topik yang di utamakan untuk terbit dijurnal ini : 1. Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi 2. Bidang Ilmu Manajemen 3. Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Pembangunan
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Articles 9 Documents
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Analisis Faktor Penentu Kepuasan Masyarakat Penerima Pelayanan Publik Studi kasus di kelurahan Lubuk Buaya Padang Windi Aprio Ramadhan, Asrizal
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.131


This study is based on the phenomenon, there still exists the public to get services that require a long time, and there are still unscrupulous employees who are not friendly in the service, so the question arises, what is the level of community satisfaction of services and what are the factors that influence satisfaction. The purpose of research to determine the level of satisfaction and the factors that influence it. The analysis technique used in this research is to regress independent variable to the dependent variable. The results showed determinants of satisfaction in a sequence that is tangible, responsive, assurance, reliability, and empathyKey Word: kepuasan masyarakat, pelayanan publik
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.136


Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh langsung hubungan ketidakpastian tugas terhadap kinerja manajerial. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis bagaimana variabel ketidakpastian tugas mampu mempengaruhi setiap upaya peningkatan kinerja manajerial. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap menejer level menengah di organisasi rumah sakit kota Medan yang berjumlah 54 responden. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan analisis regresi dengan SPSS versi 22.Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketidakpastian tugas yang rendah (cenderung stabil) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial. Kata kunci :    ketidakpastian tugas, kinerja manajerial.
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.132


The aim of this study is to know the influence of the leadership of the head Of against government agencies work discipline the of the sub Muara Tabir of archipelago Tebo regency, related by indicator of each Variables. The indicator of the council’s leadership are, the decision making of the council’s, giving motivation, the ability of the council’s in enforcing the regulation and become a good example. While the indicator of the officials discipline are to identity the discipline of official on responsibility when working, ambition or spirit to work, obedience to the rule, and to use and to keep the office facilities with care. The factors influencing the discipline of apparatus will also be explained.Data is collected through the quiz, interview and document analysis. The is a correlation study involving two variables which include the leadership of council and discipline of government  agencies work discipline the of the sub Muara Tabir. Descriptive analysis is used. Population includes all government official in the Muara Tabir sub district. Sample include 13 (thirteen) people, head is placed as an informant along with members of the public as much as 8 (eight) people who never do administrative affairs the Office of subdistrict  Muara Tabir  Tebo Islands.The result of this study indicates that the leadership of the head of Muara Tabir role and influence in fostering discipline particularly of sub-district and Muara Tabir generally in the community. However, the awareness of every individual direct acting as government agencies, state servant and community servant are the main element to build discipline optimally, it is also influenced by many other factors which are individually motivation Government agencies of any such.
Pengaruh Promosi dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Tingkat Kunjungan Wisata di Kota Padang -, Syahril
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.137


      This study entitled Effect of Promotion and Service Quality Level Against Travel Visits in the city of Padang. The phenomena that occur in the city of Padang about is the lack of promotion of the tourist city of Padang and the lack of quality of service, resulting in a decline in tourist visitors who come to the city Padang. Be caused this phenomenon I am interested in doing research. The variables in this study, namely the promotion, and quality of service as the independent variable (X) and Level Visits Tourism as the dependent variable (Y). The population of 100 people and the entire population sample directly sampled with a total random sampling technique or census. Data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis techniques with the formula:Y = a + b1.X1 + b2.X2 +e The results of this study are based on t test or partial test where promotion variables no significant effect on the variable level of tourist traffic in the city of Padang, because the promotion variable exists at t <t table or sig. ≥ α is 0.720> 0.05. Variable promotion has a regression coefficient of 0.050 means not contribute terhadapTingkat excursions in Padang. While the quality of service significantly influence the level of tourist traffic in the city of Padang, because it has smoothly t> t table or sig. ≥ α is 0.00 <0.05. Variable quality of service has a regression coefficient of 0.533 means that if the quality of service increases by one unit, then the rate of increase of tourist visits Junga 0.533.Keywords: promotion, quality of service and level of tourist visits
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.133


Lembaga keuangan mikro  (LKM) merupakan salah satu bentuk lembaga keuangan yang menjalankan fungsinya sebagai lembaga intermediary yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat untuk kemudian menyalurkan kepada sektor-sektor yang membutuhkan.  Memegang prinsip yang sama dengan perbankan syariah, LKM menjalankan perannya sebagai institusi keuangan informal yang menawarkan beberapa bentuk layanan perbankan yang sederhana. Produk-produk LKM biasanya modifikasi dari produk-produk perbankan yang meliputi mobilisasi simpanan dari anggota dan usaha pembiayaan, namun kemudian dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat di lingkungan dimana BMT berada. Sedangkan produk pembiayaan diarahkan pada pembiayaan produktif bagi usaha mikro. Beberapa BMT unggul bahkan memperluas usahanya  pada sektor rill atau usaha mandiri.          Sebagai micro finance  yang berada ditengah-tengah masyarakat  akar rumput (grass root), BMT melayani kebutuhan masyarakat akan keberadaan lembaga keuangan. BMT ikut berperan dalam  membentuk perilaku masyarakat dengan mengalihkan tingkat kecenderungan konsumsi yang tinggi menuju ke arah peningkatan  kecenderungan berinvestasi. Tujuan paling utama adalah memberdayakan usaha mikro yang berada di lingkungan BMT. Akses yang terbatas pada perbankan syariah akibat berbagai keterbatasan serta  sistem operasional perbankan yang cenderung selektif dan mengkedepankan prudential banking  dalam penyaluran pembiayaan, menjadikan BMT sebagai tumpuan terdekat dalam mengusahakan permodalan bagi masyarakat. 
Faktor-faktor Penentuan Harga Gambir (Studi Kasus: Pasar Gambir Nagari Lubuak Alai Kec. Kapur IX Lima Puluh Kota) Indra Masrin, Wedy Nasrul
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.138


Peran dan fungsi pasar adalah sebagai tempat terjadinya transaksi, pasar juga bertujuan untuk mengurangi ketidaksetaraan informasi, menekan biaya transaksi dan meningkatkan kepercayaan. Sejalan dengan ide dasarnya, fungsi penting pasar adalah sebagai penetapan harga dan proses pertukaran atau transaksi. Fungsi tersebut juga ada pada pasar gambir, sehingga penting dilihat beberapa faktor pentu harga pada pasar gambir.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Nagari Lubuak Alai Kecamatan Kapur IX Kabupaten 50 Kota Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Untuk teknis mengumpulkan data dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif, yaitu: pengamatan langsung atau observasi, wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelompok dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah analisis kualitatif. Tahapan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk meyakini kebenaran yang tinggi dalam penelitian kualitatif dilakukan analisis kualitatif dengan teknik triangulasi.Terdapat beberapa faktor penentuan harga gambir diantaranya: a) Harga ditingkat eksportir atau pedagang besar. b). Mutu atau kualitas gambir. c) Bentuk olahan/produksi gambir. d) Kadar air atau berat gambir, dan e) Bantuan dan pinjaman pengumpul.Keyword: Harga, Gambir
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.134


Office UPTD Pelepat Ilir Bungo district had planned to send 14 employees to participate in education and training. With the implementation of education and training to employees UPTD Office Pelepat Ilir Bungo district is expected to improve the performance of employees is seen from the quantity of work, quantity of work and job performance in the job.Based on the background and the extent of the problem mentioned above, the formulation of the problem in this study is: "How much influence and relationships of Education and Training on Employee Performance in Office UPTD Pelepat Ilir Bungo district?"The result showed that the coefficient of correlation or relationship education and training Against Increasing Employee Performance in the office of District UPTD Pelepat Ilir Bungo sometimes conducted by 0.946. Artinya is that education and training have a very Strong positive relationships and influence 0.894 or 89.4%. Means indicates that education and training has a very positive effect, while the remaining 10.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.Based on the conclusions that the authors have described, the authors provide advice to the employee as follows: 1) the employee is expected to always improve education and Palatihan menikuti quickly as possible because it can improve the performance of employees in the days to come. And 2) Expected to Maintain Employee Performance The performance boost employees or more for the future.
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.139


This study was conducted based on the phenomena of managerial characteristics, turnover intention and small industrial performance chips Sanjai in Bukittinggi, therefore this research aims to know: First influences managerial characteristics on turnover intention. Both managerial influence on the performance characteristics of small industry. The third influence turnover intentions on the performance of small industries. The study was conducted using a survey with explanatory type. The study population was 25 chips Sanjai owners of small industries in the city of Bukittinggi where samples were taken by total sampling. The data used in the form of primary and secondary data. The research variables are grouped into observed variables and latent variables were collected using a Likert scale of 1 - 5. For the analysis of the data used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Research  intention variables based on hypothesis testing showed that: First managerial characteristics significantly influence turnover intentions (p = 0.026 < 0.05). Both managerial characteristics no significant effect on the performance of small scale industries (p = 0.456 > 0.05). Third turnover intentions affect the performance of small scale industries (p = 0.002 < 0.05).Keywords:managerial characteristics, turnover intention, small industrial performance 
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Vol. I No.2 April 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i1.135


This Research aims to examine and obtain empirical evidence of the effect of the Return On Investment, relevance and timeliness of the value of the stock price at the manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2008 - 2012. Variables tested in this study is the stock price, ROI, Relevance and Timeliness value. Data collection techniques in this study with technical documentation. The sample of this study using the 106 companies included in the list IDX row from 2008-2012 which were taken by using purposive sampling method. In this study the data that will be used is secondary data obtained from the web site IDX  and other data. Data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the ROI, relevance and timeliness of the value of an effect on stock prices simultaneously with the results of the analysis show the adjusted R2 value of 0.279 or 27.9%. In this study the variables that significantly influence the stock price is the ROI, it is indicates that when a company's ability to generate increased profits, the stock price will rise. while the variable that does not have a significant effect on stock prices that value relevance and timeliness. This indicates that when the value relevance of accounting information describes the role of accounting information as a basis for making investment decisions but will not necessarily cause a rise in the stock price of a company, and any information that is timely provide insight to investors as a basis for making investment decisions are less able to influence rise in the stock price of a company.Keywords : closing price, ROI, relevance value and timeliness .

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