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Linguists: Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching
ISSN : 23552069     EISSN : 26565765     DOI : -
The Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching contains the research manuscripts related to the broad areas of Linguistics and English Language Teaching. The journal is published twice a year (July and October) by Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bengkulu and is based at the Department of Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Tadris. It is nationally and internationally reviewed by the journal's editorial board as well as other academic experts.
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An Analysis of Students’ Reading Comprehension Based on The Four Levels Comprehension Skills ( A Study at The Second Year Students of SMAN 10 Bengkulu Academic Year 2014/2015) Dian Permata Sari
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.528 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.102


The main focus of the study was to describe how students’ reading ability in comprehending English text based on the four levels comprehension skill and what levels do most students’ get comprehending the texts at the second year students of senior high school. The population of this research was all of students of the second year of SMAN 10 Bengkulu in academic year 2014/2015. Random sampling was used to take the sample which consisted of 30 students of the second year students. It was used descriptive quantitative method. In collecting the data, the researcher used reading test based on the four level comprehension skills. The result of this study showed that, only small number of students were successful in answering the questions in interpretive and critical level. It is because students were difficult to find the main ideas and drawing conclusion that also expressed indirectly. However, mostly of students could answer the questions in literal and creative level. It is because the ease of the text and the information also directly stated. The finding is also supported by statistical analysis showed that, the mean score of literal level was (93.33). It means that literal level was on very good category. The mean score of interpretive level was (53.33). It means that interpretive level was on low category. The mean score of critical level was (36.67). It means that critical level was on failure category. While, the mean score of creative level was (72.00). It means that creative level was on moderate category. It is conclude that students more comprehensive when they face English text based on the literal and creative levels than interpretive and critical levels.
Teaching Strategies Applied by PPL Teachers in Teaching Reading Comprehension Dio Resta Permana
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.314 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.107


Permana, Dio R. 2015. Teaching Strategies Applied by PPL Teachers in Teaching Reading Comprehension. Thesis. English Education Study Program. Language and Art Department. Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. University Bengkulu. The research desribed the strategies applied by PPL teachers in teaching reading comprehension at SMA Negeri 5, SMA Negeri 1, and SMA Negeri 8 kota Bengkulu. This was a descriptive research. The subjects of this research were six PPL teachers who were divided into three different schools. The data were collected by using observation checklist and field notes. The data from observation checklist were identified, classified, and analyzed by using table of analysis. The field notes were included into the table of analysis. The result shows that the strategies applied by PPL teachers in pre-reading were introducing a topic, activating background knowledge, predicting, sharing existing knowledge, sequencing illustration, and set a purpose reading. In while-reading phase, there were reading aloud, skimming, scanning, rereading, and taking note. In post-reading phase, the strategies used by PPL teachers were summarizing, thinking critically, comprehension question, identifying the author’s purpose, examining grammatical structure, and follow-up writing exercise. In conclusion, there were sixteen strategies out of seventeen strategies applied by PPL teachers in teaching reading comprehension.
Students’ Perception toward Teacher’s Talk in English Teaching-Learning Process Iswan, Bambang
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.075 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.103


The aim of this research is to investigate: 1) How are the students’ perceptions about kinds of English teacher’s talk in English teaching-learning process?, and 2) How many percentages of kinds of teacher’s talk are used by the English teacher in English teaching-learning process?. This research used descriptive quantitative method. The population was the tenth grade students of Islamic Senior High School (Madrasah Aliyah) Darul Amal Tunggang, Pondok Suguh District, Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia in academic year 2014/2015 with total number of students are 15 students. The researcher took all of the students as sample of the research. This descriptive quantitative research was used questionnaire and observation checklist as the instrument to gather the data. It was included from ten categories kinds of teacher’s talk. The results of data were analyzed by using weight average formula. The findings showed that: 1) The students’ perception toward their teacher’s talk in English teaching-learning process was positive (3.41=Agree), and 2) The kind of teacher’s talk which the English teacher express during English teaching-learning process from the mostly often to rarely are: convergent question (22.22%), inform feedback (16.66 %), divergent question (12.96%), summarizing feedback (11.11%), praising feedback (9.25%), procedural question (7.40%), ignoring feedback (7.40%), prompt feedback (5.55%), encouragement feedback (3.70%) and criticizing feedback (3.70%).
Students’ Ability in Writing Paragraphs Using Structure of The Paragraph in Argumentative Essay By The Sixth Semester of English Study Program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu Yudi Agus Prananda
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.337 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.108


This research is aimed to know “How is Students’ Ability in Writing Paragraph Using Structure of The Paragraph in Argumentative Essay by The Sixth Semester of English Study Program of UMB. The objective of this research was to identify and describe the students’ ability in writing paragraph using structure of the paragraph in argumentative essay by the sixth semester of English Study Program of UMB.            This research used descriptive method. The population of this research was 164 students from all of classes at the sixth semester of English Study Program of UMB. This research used random sampling. The samples were taken from 50% of the total number of population, where the samples were 84 students. The instrument of this research used writing test. The result of this study, the paragraph in argumentative essay was 54.58. From the data were 2 students had very good score, 18 students were good, 16 students were poor, and 48 students were very poor. And the students’ mean score of each aspect in writing are: in introduction was 6.47, in body was 8.13, in conclusion was 5.75, in topic sentences was 8.71, in supporting sentences was 7.96, in concluding sentences was 7.95, in sentences structure was 4.99, and in grammar and mechanics was 4.15.The result of analysis showed that the average of the students’ ability in writing paragraph using structure of the paragraph in argumentative essay was qualified “very poor”. Based on the result above, the researcher suggest that the lecturer; It is suggested for the lectures to analyzed the students’ difficulties in composing essay itself and find out the solving problem in order to make the students more comprehend about compose the essay. The students need practice to write a good paragraph by using essay organization, paragraph organization, sentences structure, grammar and mechanics correctly
Utilizing Second Hand Materials As Assisted Language Teaching Media For Madrasah Learners Kasmaini Kasmaini
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.094 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.104


The paper aimed at discussing the nurturing effects of utilizing second hand materials for encouraging  English learning atmosphere among Madrasah learners. The paper was based on the community services program conducted by writer several months ago in collaboration with research and community services unit of IAIN Bengkulu. The program involved head master, English school teacher and 90 learners of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Mambaul Ulum at central Bengkulu district. The usage of second hand materials is a great effort to achieve several goals among others; first, bringing the  authentic materials into classroom teaching so the learners get closer to the materials given as they are found sorrounding their life. This approach may promote learners’ motivation and learning achievement. Second, encouraging teachers’ creativity in designing their own media without expense. Third, embedding the character education towards madrasah learners such as creativeness, cleanliness and prudent. The result showed that the classroom teaching was more active, and motivated in learning English and the teacher was more creative in designing the new authentic teaching media
An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in Rubric Opinion of The Jakarta Post Published in May 2013 Marwan Febri
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.423 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.109


This research was conducted by Marwan Febri, NIM. 209 3235 72, entitled “An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in Rubric Opinion of The Jakarta Post Published in May 2013”. The purpose of this research was to investigate the lexical cohesion’s division and their analysis based on the contexts. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research was rubric opinion of The Jakarta Post published in May 2013 which were taken seven opinions. The result showed that there were four lexical cohesion’s division found in the texts such as :  reiterating with the same word, reiterating by synonym, superordinate, and antonym. They were shared in the texts randomly. 50 words were reiterated with the same word. Reiterating with synonym were 4. Hypernym words were 21. There were 12 antonym words from all texts
Literary Theory and Creative Writing, a Blended Space For Producing Literary Works Indah Damayanti
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (47.984 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.100


Literary theory is the systematic study of the nature of literature and of the method for analysing literary works. Literary Theory is an examination of a piece of literature which can be addressed to examine a single aspect of the work in its entirety By literary theory we assume not to the meaning of work of literature but to the theories that reveal what literary works can mean. Moreover creative writing focuses on writing from emotions and thoughts which tends to be expressive, imaginative, and literary. Any writing refers to individual expression as a social practice falls to this category. It is believed that creative writing cannot be formed as an acquaintance outside literary theory instead of one that is fashioned within. This paper looks at how creative writing and literary theory should be combined for producing fine-new literary works
The Use of Debate Activitiesto Improve Students’ SpeakingAbilityat State Religious Senior High School (MAN 02) of Kepahiang,Bengkulu, Indonesia Dedi Efrizal
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.474 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.105


This study was carried out to improve the students’ speakingabilitythrough Debate Activitiesin Second Year Students of State Religious Senior High School (MAN 02) of Kepahiangin academis year 2015-2016. The subjects of this study were consisted of 30 students.The method used in this study was Classroom Action Research ( CAR). The Clasroom Action Research design applied in this study was a collaborative classroom action research. It mean that the researcher collaborated with the English teacher of State Religious Senior High School (MAN 02) of Kepahiangas an observer and collaborator. The study was carried out in three cycles. Each cycles consisted of three meetings. The data were gathered in this study through field notes, and test.The result of the study showed that there was improvement of students’ speakingability. Most of the students gradually gained good scores at the end of each cycles. The score of Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English subject was 70 (seventy). The data shows that in cycle I, students speaking achievement is 0% (excellent), 10% (good), 17% (average), 40% (poor), 34% (very poor). In cycle II the students’ speaking achievement is 7% (excellent), 20% (good), 40% (average), 20% (poor) and 13% (very poor). In cycle III students’ speaking achievement is 13% (excellent), 20% (good), 54% (average), 13% (poor) and 0% (very poor). In conclusion, Debate Activitiescould solve the students’ problems and improve their speaking ability
An Analysis of Writing Achievement Among Personality Type At The Third Semester Students of English Department IAIN Bengkulu Yashori Revola
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.979 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.101


The objective of this research was to investigate the significance difference among personality type in their writing achievement. The population of the research consisted of the third semester students of English department of IAIN Bengkulu academic year 2015/2016. The research design was ex post facto design. The data in this study was analyzed with one-tailed t-test formula in SPSS 20 to calculate the differences of writing achievement among personality types with the level significance of α = 0.05. The result showed that there was difference among the mean score of introvert group, which was (82.32), the mean score  of extrovert group (74.14), and the mean score  of ambivert group (74.59). Firstly, the results between introvert and extrovert  types were  computed with statistic analysis and it showed that t count = 5,80 and t table = 2,02. Therefore, as t count > t table the alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that the students of introvert type had better result than extrovert type in writing skill. Secondly, the result of statistic analysis between introvert and ambivert types showed that the value t count = 3,95 and t table = 2,02. It means that the students of introvert type had better result than ambivert type in writing skill. Thus, the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Thirdly, the result on statistic analysis between extrovert and ambivert types showed that the value t count = 0,21, t table = 2,02. It means that the students of extrovert type had almost the same result with ambivert type in writing skill. The conclusion is there was significance difference writing achievement between introvert and both of extrovert and ambivert types. Meanwhile, there was not significance difference writing achievement between extrovert and ambivert types
Students’ Difficulties in Writing English (A Study at The Third Semester Students of English Education Program At University of Bengkulu Academic Year 2011-2012) Kristy Dwi Pratiwi
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (61.822 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v3i1.106


The title of this study was “Students Difficulties in Writing English”, which was aimed at knowing the students’ difficulties in writing English at third semester students. The population of this research was the whole students at third semester in University of Bengkulu, they were 79 students. All of them are taken as a sample of this research. The data of this research were obtained by using the test of writing a composition, which was scored by using ESL Composition Profile suggested by Jacobs, ET all (1981). Writing difficulties at the third semester varied in the result of the students’ score. The writing difficulty related to the linguistics difficulty (language use and vocabulary aspects) was most difficult one compare to the Cognitive Difficulty (organization and mechanics aspects) and Physiology Difficulty (content aspect) as well.u

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