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Linguists: Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching
ISSN : 23552069     EISSN : 26565765     DOI : -
The Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching contains the research manuscripts related to the broad areas of Linguistics and English Language Teaching. The journal is published twice a year (July and October) by Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bengkulu and is based at the Department of Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Tadris. It is nationally and internationally reviewed by the journal's editorial board as well as other academic experts.
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Development of Test Instruments Based Computer- Higher Order Thinking (CBT-HOT) in Intermediate Reading Courses Indrawati Pusparini; Ike Dian Puspita Sari
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.3069


This  research developed  product of test instruments based computer -High Order Thinking (CBT-HOT)  in intermediate reading courses in Ikip Budi Utomo Malang. Test instruments based computer -High Order Thinking (CBT-HOT) in intermediate reading courses are high-level test package that are provided online by using a website as a basis for students who access it, so it is suitable to campus vision that must use ICT technology. The product consists of five test packages compiled with high-level criteria according to Taxonomy Bloom , those are package A, B, C, D and E. The design of this research adapts from the Borg and Gall model with the following steps (1) need analysis, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) expert validation, (5) product revisions and (6) product trials. The objectives of this study are: (1) to produce scientific articles published in reputable national journals; (2) to produce scientific article published in international scientific journals; (3) produce CBT-HOT based test computer products that will be certified. The average value on material validation showed good results,  which the average score 2,81. The average value of media  validation also shows good results, which is 2.86. The average value in test instruments is 2.87.
The Difficulties Faced by Indonesian EFL Learners in Pronouncing "S" and "Es" Suffixes in the Simple Present Tense Verbs and in Plural Form of Nouns Andri Saputra; M.Arif Rahman Hakim; Eko Saputra; Yurike Nadiya Rahmat
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.3004


The authors perceive that Indonesian EFL learners find it challenging to pronounce -s and -es suffixes properly. This position was first established during the authors’ teaching experiences in some high schools, English centre course and colleges (for students majoring in English Education) in Indonesia. The observations were confirmed not only during teaching, but throughout the authors’ own English study. It seemed difficult to adhere to the rules of suffix use in spoken language, i.e. How -s and -es suffixes should and should not be pronounced during a conversation. Generally speaking, Indonesian EFL learners do not pay much attention to pronouncing the suffixes of -s or –es, and although many English users accept such mistakes in conversation with non-native speakers, it is not, however, an error a native-speaker is likely to make. In fact, this issue could lead to misunderstanding when non-native English users have conversations with native speakers. This study aims to present comparative literature review of a number research studies related to teachers’ experiences and other EFL learners. Firstly, this study explains a presentation of existing relevant research on pronunciation is offered. This is followed by an explanation of the specific difficulties faced by Indonesian EFL learners in pronouncing -s and -es suffixes in the present tense verbs and plural form of nouns. The discussion part suggests practical ways of dealing with the difficulties in pronouncing -s and -es suffixes of present tense verbs and the plural form of nouns, and proposes several activities to this end.
The Impact of Shadowing Technique on Tertiary Students’ English Pronunciation Rio Sugiarto; Prihantoro Prihantoro; Sarwo Edy
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.3298


In the realm of English teaching and learning especially for those of non-native English users, English pronunciation instruction always calls for various techniques which can meet students’ conditions that are naturally affiliated with their psychological and cultural complexities. Thus, the present study aimed at examining the impact of one of English pronunciation instruction techniques, the so-called shadowing technique, on tertiary students’ English pronunciation at IAIN Curup, Bengkulu, Indonesia. An experimental study was conducted by engaging 40 tertiary English students selected randomly. They were split into two groups, wherein 20 students were taught English pronunciation using shadowing technique, and the rest 20 students were taught English pronunciation using a conventional technique. This study revealed that shadowing technique had a positive and significant impact on students’ English pronunciation. Their English pronunciation improvement encompassed various components such as monophthongs, diphthongs, triphthongs, semi-vowels, consonants, consonant cluster sounds, strong and weak forms, linking phonemes, syllable stresses, word stresses, sentence stresses, rhythm, pitch and intonation. Further studies are expected to scrutinize the effect of shadowing technique on English pronunciation by involving more samples, making use of gender difference as a moderator variable, and testing the retention of English pronunciation improvement.
Racism towards African American Women in “Hidden Figures” Jeany Jean Febriani; Tomi Arianto
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2857


Racism is issue that still going on in the world. Different race and skin color make some people believe that they have more privilege than others. The issue of racism can be seen from Hidden Figures movie that was addapted from the book with the same title. Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi is a story about racism towards African American women who worked in NASA during the space race in 1960. In this research, the researcher takes three main characters named Katherine, Dorothy and Merry who get discrimination in their life because they have different race and skin color as a source. Qualitative descriptive method is the method that was used in this research. The tehcnique of collecting data is by watching the movie and reading the book then collect the utterances and dialogue that have racism issue. The aim of this research is to find out racism in what field that happened in America during 1960 espesially in NASA through Hidden Figures. The result of this analysis found that the racism reflected trough discrimination in education, facility, social, and work.
The Speech Act of Cartoon Movie: Spongebob Squarepants’ The Movie Ima Frafika Sari
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2854


This research aims to reveal: the types of speech acts used by the main character in “Spongebob Squarepants’ the movie and the previous studies in speech act analysis for knowing the way of the directives of speech act appears. It employed descriptive qualitative research in the explaining of speech acts types used by the main character. There is still a lack of research about the analysis of speech act categories in cartoon movie or animation movie, it is substantial to be carried out. The finding of this research is the directives speech act is the most frequently in SpongeBob SquarePants the movie with data 118 or 44,36% from a total of 266 or 100% of the whole data. Then, the similarity data found in the three journals about analysis of speech act with data that the directives speech act is the highest utterance in a cartoon movie.
Developing Supplementary Teaching Speaking I Materials for Students of English Education Program of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Bengkulu, Indonesia Dedi Efrizal
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2713


Most of third semester students of English Education program of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Bengkulu, Indonesia, encountered many problems in speaking activity. The main problem was there were not appropriate teaching English speaking materials yet that give big portion and opportunity for the students to speak actively and freely based on their contextual or daily experiences and background in order to support teaching and learning process of English speaking I. the objective of this research is developing a set of supplementary teaching English speaking materials for the students based Contextual Teaching and Learning. This research used Research and Development design with the procedures: conducting need assessment, developing supplementary materials, conducting expert validation, revising the materials, trying out the materials, and revising the materials. The researcher collected the data by using questionnaires, interview, analyzing the syllabus, and field note. The product of this research is four units of supplementary teaching English speaking I materials for third semester students of English Education program of State Institute for Islamic Studies Bengkulu, Indonesia.
The Effect of Skimming Method to Improve Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text. Bobby Pramjit Singh Dhillon; Herman Herman; Syafryadin Syafryadin
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2991


This research deals with the effect of using skimming method in teaching reading comprehension  smk negeri 2 pematangsiantar on narrative text. The problem of this research are “what is the students’ ability in reading  without using skimming method at Grade XI students’ of SMK N.2 Pematangsiantar. What is the students’ ability in reading by using skimming method at Grade XI students’ of SMK N.2”. The purpose of this research are to find out the students’ ability in reading without using skimming method at grade XI students in SMK N 2 Pematangsiantar on reading narrative  text, to find out the the students ability in reading by using skimming method to the skill of grade XI students in SMK N 2 Pematangsiantar on reading narrative text. To answer the problem the researchers uses theories: Micklukey and Jefferies (2007), Grellet (2000), Milter (2001), Jhon and Dara (2005), David Nunan (1991), Douglas Newton (2000), Douglas Brown (2003), Rae Pica (2000), Roger Brown (1973), Ronald Carter (1998), Scoot Thornburry (2002), Wilga Rivers (1987), Diane Larsen (1990), Judi Willis (2008), Jack and Theodore (1986). The research design is a quantitative research. As an experimental research, it aims to know the effect of the technique that given and apply whether it influences to the object or no. In this research in collecting the data the researcher has to do three steps, they are pre-test, treatment, post-test. The researchers find out that the effect of using skimming method can increase the students’ skill in reading of narrative text. It can be proven from the test of students’ score in posttest of experimental class which the treatment the researchers did the treatment by using skimming method. By using skimming method, the students can increase their ability in reading of narrative text. 
A New Language Policy for Indonesia Eko Saputra; Andri Saputra
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2969


Indonesia is the house of multicultural ethnic groups with more than 700 individual vernacular languages. This diversity puts Indonesia into both strategic and a vulnerable condition. It is strategic because the culture-rich Indonesia can commodify the diversity for the benefits of the people, however, it is also vulnerable as it can pose serious threats to the existence of the nation. For several decades, Indonesia has given attention to the language policy. Yet, the implementation still needs appropriate modification for the improvement. Objective of the paper: This paper is written on the purpose of giving a new form of language policy to be implemented in Indonesia. Theoretical Framework: A scheme of language policy is proposed for educational setting in Indonesia. Justification: Some arguments are also provided to provide a strong justification for the necessity of implementation of the policy. Conclusion: 1. It is imperative to have a language policy that can promote unity and prevent any potential separatism, provide a sense of belonging to the nations and ethnic culture in terms of nationalism, and open access to knowledge enhancement and the global world. 2. It is also important to have qualified and committing teachers to the implementation of language policy. If both points are present, the benefits of language policy can obviously be obtained.
Improving Reading Comprehension and Speaking Performance of the Eight Graders Using ICM Eko Saputra
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2933


The aim of this experimental study was to investigate whether or not there were significant improvements in students’ reading comprehension and speaking performance after being taught by using Instructional Conversation Method. This study also aimed to see the significant difference in reading and speaking achievements between the students who got the treatment and those who did not. Sixty eight eighth graders with the same reading level were selected as the sample and were divided equally into experimental and control groups. Pretest and posttest were given to both groups, but the treatment was only for the experimental group. The data obtained from reading comprehension and speaking pretest and posttests in both groups were analyzed by using paired and independent sample t-tests. The result showed that after the students were taught by using ICM there were significant improvements in their reading and speaking achievements. There were also significant differences in reading and speaking achievements between both groups. In conclusion, ICM could help students improve their reading comprehension and speaking performance.
EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Strategies in Implementing Learner Autonomy Irza Yuzulia
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i1.2744


Learner autonomy is essential in order to make the students become responsible for their own learning. However, it does not mean that the students are fully independent of their own learning. The teacher’s roles and presence are important to introduce the students to the concept of autonomous learning as well as to promote strategies to foster learner autonomy. This study aims to find out the teachers’ perceptions of the concept of learner autonomy and to find out the strategies used by the experienced and the novice English teacher to implement learner autonomy. This qualitative study was conducted in public senior high schools in Bandung. An experienced and a novice English teacher were involved in this study. The data in this study were collected through observation, interview and questionnaire. The study revealed that experienced and novice teacher hold almost the same perceptions that autonomy means the students’ active role in managing their own learning. The teachers pointed out that autonomous learning gives benefits to students’ learning. However, the experienced teacher was more optimist than the novice teacher regarding the possibility to promote learner autonomy which affects their classroom practices to promote learner autonomy. It is proved that the experienced teacher offers more strategies since she believed that learner autonomy is applicable for all language learners despite students' ages, levels of proficiency and cultures. It was found that the teachers used blogs, self-journal, videoconference and collaboration as strategies to promote learner autonomy.

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