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Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi Dan Keagamaan
ISSN : 23555173     EISSN : 26569477     DOI : -
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI : Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan is a scientific publication journal that contains Islamic law, Economics, and Islamic Religious Studies to support the development of Islamic knowledge. This journal is published two times a year in March and September by Faculty of Islamic Law of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Bengkulu.
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JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.71


Profit Management in the Perspective of Islam. This research was conducted to find outthe Islamic perspective on the activities Profit Management in the company's financial reporting. Thisstudy is an extension of previous research by Muhammad Faisol (2013) with some modifications. Thisresearch was done by using literature study between previous research on profit management inrelation to fraud or manipulation in comparison with literature about the rules of making a profit /earnings in accordance with Islamic law in the business. Earnings/profit management is allowed inaccordance with the rules of Generally Accepted Accouting Principles (GAAP). However, in view ofthe Islamic Sharia patterns used and the purpose of earnings management practices, it is not inaccordance with Islamic law in relation to the business a clear, honest, blessing and blessing.
HAK HADHANAH SETELAH PERCERAIAN (Pertimbangan Hak Asuh bagi Ayah atau Ibu) Supardi Mursalin
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.76


The Right of caring a child after divorce: The children should be taken care by their parent,and the parent by all means is responsible to fulfill the need of their children according the parent’sincome ability. In case of divorce between husband and wife, while they still have innocent child, whois more entitled to keep it? Basically after divorce, Islam makes the wife (mother) as the mostimportant person entitled to the rights of children. In addition, there are additional requirements to getthe right namely the ability to maintain of children in religious education and academic, residentialpurposes, the need of food from the source of good and lawful sustenance. If the mother does not meetthe requirements then it will be switch to the other, e.g the father
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.72


Abortion in Islamic Perspective. Abortion is an act of ending the pregnancy or an act ofconception before the embrio survive outside the mother’s womb. The islamic scholars are of differentopinion regarding the verdict of abortion for the fetus before the soul is blowed. The reason why someof Islamic scholars are allowing the abortion is that there is no killing on it, because it has no soul yet.But the other of islamic scholars are prohibited the abortion because it is similiar to killing the baby,except in the urgent condition. Most of Islamic scholars agreed that if the baby soul has been revealed,then it is prohibited to do an abortion, because the baby is a live, and it is similar to an act of killing aliving human. And the sentence is to pay kafarat and diat and ghirrah that is to free the faithfulservant. And if he is unable to do that he must fast for two months continously, as mentioned in suratan-nisa’ verse 92
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.77


Investigation The Case of Divorced By Talak And Sued Divorce In The Religious Courts.In judicial proceedings in the Religious Courts shall apply the provisions of the law courts in the eventthe General Court inter alia contained in HIR (Herziene Indonesisch Reglement) for Java and Madura,R.Bg (Rechts Reglement voor de buitengewesten) for outside Java and Madura, Book IV of theevidence and the expiration BW (Burgerlijk Wetboek), Rv (Reglement op de Rechtsvodering), LawNo. 20 of 1947 on the Judiciary Deuteronomy in Java and Madura and so on, unless it has beenspecifically regulated in Law No. 7 of 1989 as amended by Act No. 3 of 2006 and Act No. 50 of 2009on the Religious Courts as well as the provisions of the Islamic Law Compilation
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.73


Crime and Violent in Criminology Perspective:The act of violent in the society is isformed in various type of crimes, according to its chronological or in conservative form and modernform. It is of interest to criminologist to exemine the meaning of crime and violent in crimonologyperspective wether according to law or non law as well as the meaning of crime and violent accordingto the experts starting from the understanding of crime and violent, the forms of violent, and it’sgroups, it will start from the Act No. 23 year 2004 about abolishing the violent in the household uptothe harsh crime and violent such as phisical violent, sexual harassment and the neglect of household,of which very common in the family and the society, the act of physical violent e.g: Looting, Killing,and the act of sexual crime, e.g: sexual harassment, rape, etc. The paper will further explain about thefactors and the dynamics of violence in society
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.79


Application of Obligatory Wills for the non-Muslim Heirs (Study Case No.16K/AG/2010).The basic consideration for the Supreme Court for giving the obligatory wills to the non-muslim heirsis based on case No. 16K / AG / 2010 are based on the principles of justice, where husband and wifehave long been fostering harmony and peace within a family; Relevance of obligatory wills against thecontemporary reality is very relevant for the creation of peace-oriented to the benefit, which meansthat the enforced of obligatory wills for the non-Muslim heirs will give a bit of space in the fulfillmentof their rights that are blocked according to Islamic law. This means that the discovery of the law byjudges more oriented to justice and legal values in society, so that the jurisprudence of the SupremeCourt to be a barometer on the court and appeal in the provision of obligatory wills for non-Muslimheirs. It is expected that the government to create legislation for obligatory wills more comprehensiveas necessary in answering the demands of the times, especially for non-Muslim heirs.
HUKUM LINGKUNGAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM (Studi Kasus atas Fenomena Pemanasan Global (Global Warming)) Suansar Khatib
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.74


Environmental law in Islamic Perspective (Case Study of Global WarmingPhenomena). The develpment of advance technology has caused a people to do furtherexploration, this optimitic thinking reach it peak in 19 century, where the science andtechnology become a key to solve the problem of the people. This thought is supported by thefrench philosoper Auguste Comte (1798-1857), he mentioned that the scientific era as thepositif era the peak and the last of history. But this optimistic thought is not all truth as theresult of development of advance technology it can caused a negative impact as well aspositif. Beside the development of all sectors which defenitely would be a profit to humankind, but another problem has come to appear in the issue of environment such as the waste ofindustrial impact, acid rain, cavity of ozon, the melting of ice in antarctic which raising thelevel of sea water, and the impact of glass which claimed to have caused the instability ofclimate and temperature that could destroy the life of human and others. Presently, the humanfaced a new crisis, at this point we came to know that how many forest has been destroyed?To what extend the impact of environment due to the waste caused by technology from theexploitation which endangered the human life it self, this is happened due to the act ofirresponsible human that forgotten the social order of society
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v2i2.75


Professional Ethics of Judges in Islam.Judge is a position that is noble in the sightof Allah, but full of risks and challenges, because the risks are so great, the islamic scholars hasset the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to occupy the post of judge, and formulateparticular ethics as a references of the judges so that it do not disobey Allah in al-Qur'an andHadith. A judge must have ethical values that will support the profession and show the authorityof the law in the eyes of the public, to then be justified On God and society. Thus upholding thesupremacy and rule of law is not merely wishful thinking and rhetoric

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