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JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia
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Articles 9 Documents
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Penggunaan Metode AHP dalam Menentukan Cryptocurrency untuk Investasi Farrell Ivander Daviano Siwy; Malvin Setiadi Dharmawan; Hendra Mayatopani
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.321


The use of digital currency or cryptocurrencies has been common since 2018. However, its use as an investment instrument is different from the conventional currency recognized by the state, this is because a cryptocurrency appeared by a number of organizations/companies and its value does not depend on the economic condition of a country, but on the status of a company/issuer of a digital currency. Difficulty predicting liability and growth creates computational needs to determine which digital currencies are suitable for investment, so in this study, 11 digital currencies are used to try out. Experiment with AHP calculations to get the best digital currency to use as an investment tool. This calculation translates into IOT Coin against other famous digital currencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Hybrid Algoritma Vgg16-Net Dengan Support Vector Machine Untuk Klasifikasi Jenis Buah dan sayuran Aditya Dwi Putro; Henri Tantyoko
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.335


Arsitektur deep learning VGG16 terbukti efektif dalam hal melakukan klasifikasi citra pada dataset ImageNet, akan tetapi memiliki keterbatasan dalam jumlah parameter sangat banyak dan potensi overfitting pada dataset kecil. SVM memiliki kelebihan dalam hal menangani masalah overfitting pada dataset yang relatif kecil, sementara VGG16 memiliki keunggulan dalam mengekstraksi fitur yang berkualitas dari citra dengan performa yang sangat baik. SVM juga dapat membantu memperbaiki kinerja klasifikasi pada VGG16 dengan meminimalkan risiko overfitting dan meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi pada dataset yang relatif kecil. Oleh karena itu, penulis memilih untuk hybrid algoritma VGG16Net Dengan Support Vector Machine Untuk Klasifikasi Jenis buah dan sayuran, yang nantinya arsitektur VGG16 digunakan untuk ekstraksi fitur dari citra dan fitur-fitur tersebut dijadikan input untuk SVM. Keputusan menggunakan VGG16 digabungkan dengan SVM adalah untuk meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi dataset citra buah dan sayuran, Namun, penggunaan SVM membutuhkan pemilihan parameter yang tepat dan teknik prapemrosesan data yang tepat untuk mencapai hasil yang baik. Dan dalam penelitian ini penulis berhasil mengklasifikasikan citra buah dan sayuran, akurasi sebelum hybrid svm mendapatkan 94.52% training accuracy dan testing (validation) accuracy sebesar 87.85%. dan hasil loss mendapat training loss sebesar 0.58 dan testing loss accuracy sebesar 12.5%. Setelah dilakukan hybrid vgg16 dengan svm didapatkan training accuracy sebesar 99.87 % dan testing (validation) accuracy sebesar 91.76 %. Untuk hasil loss mendapat training loss sebesar 0.13 dan testing loss accuracy sebesar 8.24%. Oleh karena itu, arsitektur CNN VGG-16Net digabungkan dengan SVM dapat menghasilkan model klasifikasi yang baik, terutama pada dataset yang relatif kecil dan dapat menjadi pilihan yang sesuai dalam klasifikasi citra.
Sistem Informasi Geografis Gereja Katolik Pada Wilayah Keuskupan Atambua Berbasis Web Yohanes R. I. Manek; Patrisius Batarius; Emerensiana Ngaga
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.313


Atambua Diocese is a diocese centered on the Belu district, its territory is divided into 3 districts which include Belu, Malaka, and North Central Timor districts. The spread of churches in remote areas makes it difficult for people to find locations and information on church activities, number of people, mass schedules and leaders because information about churches is not yet available. Geographic Information System is used to solve the problems experienced in Atambua Diocese. This system can provide information related to the Catholic church in the Diocese of Atambua based on Web-GIS. This study uses the Waterfall method which approaches systematically and sequentially starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance stages. This Web-GIS-based system was developed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. This application produces a Web-GIS that can provide information and the location of the Catholic church in the Atambua Diocese area.
Pengukuran Antarmuka Pengguna 3D Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale pada Aplikasi Simulasi Videography Virtual Reality Ady Purna Kurniawan; Rickman Roedavan; Asaas Putra; Sani Apriliani
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.340


The development of Virtual Reality (VR) technology has revolutionized user interaction with mobile applications. However, the success of a VR application depends on how well the user interface (UI) is implemented. Therefore, measuring the usability of the UI is necessary to ensure a satisfactory user experience. In measuring the quality of the user interface, we utilized the SUS (System Usability Scale) method, which is a standardized tool for assessing the user interface of a system. Our respondents consisted of 84 participants who had experience using VR applications. They were asked to use the application and complete a 10-statement SUS questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis indicated that the average SUS score for the user interface of the VR videography simulation mobile application was 78.51. This score signifies that the VR Videography application's user interface received ratings of Passive, Acceptable, Good, and Grade B in their respective categories. These scores indicate that the user interface received positive evaluations from users. The questionnaire also revealed that the majority of respondents found the application easy to use and believed that others would also find it easy to comprehend
Implementasi Simple Additive Weighting Dalam Sistem Rekomendasi Beasiswa di SMK Tarbiyatul Ulum Karawang Yusup Mad Cani; Hannie Hannie; Azhari Ali Ridha
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.346


Scholarships are a program that students get to continue their studies. Tarbiyatul Ulum Vocational School is a formal secondary level vocational institution which has a large number of students. Some of these students are entitled to get scholarships available at Tarbiyatul Ulum Vocational School. So far, the Administrative Staff to select students who are entitled to receive scholarships is done manually so that it takes a long time and the possibility of human error occurs so it is not efficient to use in selecting students who will get scholarships with a large number of students. Therefore, a scholarship recommendation system is needed that can provide consideration to Administrative Staff in grouping students based on scholarships that are suitable for them to participate in, so that with this recommendation system Administrative Staff can clearly group students without the occurrence of human error because it has been calculated automatically by the system. The system uses the Simple Additive Weighting method as a decision-making method with various criteria with weighted values according to the existing criteria and the Waterfall method as a method for making the system starting from the planning stage to the maintenance stage so that it is sequential in the development of this recommendation system. The results of this system can directly recommend selected students for the relevant scholarship based on the highest recommendation value which is calculated using the Simple Additive Weighting method.
Continuance Intention Pada Aplikasi Mobile Payment Dengan Menggunakan Extended Expectation Confirmation Model M. Yahya Ubaidillah; Edwin Pramana; Francisca Haryanti Chandra
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.359


This study aims to identify the factors that influence the intention to continue using the mobile payment application during the new normal period after the COVID-19 pandemic, using the Extended Expectation Confirmation Model (EECM) approach. EECM combines aspects of the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) with other external factors, ECM is used to understand and explain decision-making related to the continued use of mobile payments. This research was conducted by analyzing data from respondents who have used mobile payment applications after the pandemic. The data was collected through an online survey and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) software, 406 individuals were selected to serve as research participants. The results of the analysis show that factors such as satisfaction, and trust have a significant influence on the continuance intention of mobile payments. In addition, in the context of the new normal, factor such as social influence factors are known to have no significant influence on mobile payment continuance intention. As a result, this research contributes to understanding the factors that influence the intention to continue using mobile payment applications. The validity and reliability test results show that the survey instrument used has an adequate level of validity and reliability, supporting the quality and reliability of the analysis conducted.
Pengaruh User Experience terhadap Customer Satisfaction pada Aplikasi Seluler Streaming Vidio Hafizh Arkaan Ramadhan; Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya; Rangga Gelar Guntara
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.367


Business development through innovation in various industries is affected by rapid changes caused by various factors. The media and entertainment industry is showing an increase in revenue from year to year and is expected to continue growing until 2026. The average time spent by internet users in Indonesia watching broadcast and streaming for 2 hours 53 minutes per day has an impact on over-the-top penetration in Indonesia. The number of over-the-top platforms in entertainment media requires each company to innovate in the development of its services to be at the forefront. Vidio has the highest number of over-the-top service users in Indonesia. However, there are some negative reviews from users are related to the Vidio mobile app. Therefore, as an over-the-top media service from Indonesia, Vidio needs a great user experience to continue to increase users and customers. This study aims to determine the characteristics of Vidio mobile application customers and analyze the effect of user experience on customer satisfaction. Research data were obtained through observation and distributing questionnaires via the internet using convenience sampling technique from 136 active customers of Vidio mobile application. Data analysis uses validity test, reliability test, descriptive data analysis, classical assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that user experience has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.
Media Pengenalan Peti Kemas Logistik Menggunakan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android Vio Kartiko; Puteri Noraisya Primandari
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.369


Containers are the most important part in the world of logistics, where the container is a medium for sending cargo or goods from the sender to the recipient. A container is a square-shaped box that is specially carved with a certain size made of iron or aluminum with a door on one side, the box has an important role in the export and import of goods. The study developed the Augmented Reality app using the Markerless and Markerbased methods to visualize Android-based 3D Logistics Box objects. The method used in this application development is the Software Development Life Cycle model Waterfall. Logistic container identification materials that will be used as 3D objects on applications are: dry container, isotank container, open top container, open side container, reefer container and flatrack container. The result of the development of this app is a container recognition media that runs on the Android smartphone using Augmented Reality technology. Based on the results of functionality testing / blackbox testing, it can be concluded that the application runs according to its function and the input/output process successfully produces a valid output. The marker accuracy test obtained a total percentage level of precision of 66.6%, and the markerless accurate test obtains a total level of accuration of 100%. Usability testing by conducting a questionnaire on 30 respondents could conclude all aspects of usability, functionality, efficiency and portability obtain a percentage score of Likert’s scale of 91%.
Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Tanaman Hidroponik Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno Tegar Palyus Fiqar; Fitriani Fitriani; Riska Kurniyanto Abdullah
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia Vol 5 No 2 (2023): August
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/jtim.v5i2.372


Farming using hydroponic systems has emerged as an effective alternative to address the problem of limited agricultural land. However, hydroponic farming requires strict maintenance and control. In light of these challenges, the development of monitoring technology is necessary to assist in monitoring and controlling hydroponic systems. The development of a monitoring system is carried out to address the challenges of maintenance and control in hydroponic farming through the development of effective and accurate monitoring technology, thus enhancing the overall productivity and success of hydroponic plant cultivation. This study aims to develop a monitoring system using Arduino Mega 2560, Wemos D1 R2, E201 sensor, DHT22 sensor, HC-SR04 sensor, and BH1750 sensor. In this research, the fuzzy logic method was applied to generate outputs for the water pump actuator, pH up pump, and pH down pump. The HC-SR04 and E201 sensor data served as fuzzy inputs, while the Arduino Mega 2560 functioned as the fuzzy data processor, and the Wemos D1 R2 was responsible for sending data to the server via the internet. The data successfully stored in the server's database would be displayed on the monitoring dashboard. The HC-SR04 sensor testing results showed an average %error of 0% and an accuracy of 100%. The E201 sensor exhibited an average %error of 0.07% and an accuracy of 99.33%. The DHT22 sensor had an average %error of 0.05% and an accuracy of 99.49% for temperature data, while for humidity data, it had an average %error of 2.58% and an accuracy of 75.23%. The BH1750 sensor had an average %error of 0.13% and an accuracy of 99.66%. The results of this study demonstrate that the hydroponic plant monitoring system using the described devices and methods can be implemented successfully.

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