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ADI Journal on Recent Innovation (AJRI)
ISSN : 26859106     EISSN : 26860384     DOI :
AJRI is a reputable Scientific Publication Media aim to foster research finding that concentrate towards recent innovation and creativity to support advancement in global civilization and humanity. AJRI Journal published two times a year (March & September) by Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia (ADI) Publisher. AJRI Journal invites all manuscripts on Multidisciplinary topics.
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Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March" : 10 Documents clear
Motives For Purchase of Skin Care Product Users (Phenomenology Study on Women in DKI Jakarta) Luthfi Aulia Faza; Prima M Agustini; Siti Maesaroh; Andri Cahyo Purnomo; Efa Ayu Nabila
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.520


This study aims to analyze the purchasing motives of users of skin care products, and is a phenomenological study of women in DKI Jakarta. To find out this motive, researchers used a qualitative approach, which aims to explore the true meaning of women's motives for buying skin care products. The data used for this study are primary data and secondary data. The results of a research analysis using in depth interviews with women in DKI Jakarta who bought skin care products, that they made skin care purchases with Hedonic Shopping motives. Motivations for women in DKI Jakarta using skin care products were motives, namely Adventure shopping and Social Shopping, while utilitarian Shopping motivation is motivation needs.
Analysis of The Effect of Community’s Role in CSR Activities on The Image of The Company of Minarak Brantas Gas, Inc. John Basuki Rahmad; Suwandi Suwandi; Chaidir Kurnia Thoullah Soedaryono; Luthfia Fauzia Dewi Aryanti; Dwi Aprialiasari
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.530


This study aims to determine the effect of Community Perception and Community Participation on the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities and their impact on Company Image. The independent variables in this study are Community Perception of CSR Activities (X1) and Community Participation in CSR Activities (X2), mediating or intervening variables in this study is the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility / CSR (Z) activities, while the dependent variable is Company Image (Y). This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. This research is located in Kalidawir Village and Kedung Banteng Village, Tanggulangin Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency. The population in this study is the residents who received CSR program. The sampling technique in this study uses probability sampling techniques with simple random sampling methods. This study uses descriptive analysis and path analysis to determine the results of hypothesis analysis. This study shows the results that there is a significant direct effect of people's perceptions on CSR activities (X1) on the implementation of CSR activities (Z) with the significance of variable X1 of 0.004 (<0.05). The analysis also shows that there is a significant direct effect of community participation in CSR activities (X2) on the implementation of CSR activities (Z) with a significance of variable X2 of 0,000 (<0.05). Other results show that there is a significant direct effect of people's perceptions on CSR activities (X1) on the company's image (Y) with the significance of variable X1 of 0,000 (<0.05); there is a significant direct effect of community participation in CSR activities (X2) on the company's image (Y) with the significance of variable X2 of 0,000 (<0.05); and there is a significant direct effect on the implementation of CSR activities (Z) on the company's image (Y) with the significance of t variable Y of 0,000 (<0.05). The results of testing the indirect effect shows that there is a significant indirect effect of public perception on CSR activities (X1) on corporate image (Y) through the implementation of CSR activities (Z) with the significance of variables X1 on Y through Z of 0.013 (<0.05); and there is a significant indirect effect of community participation in CSR activities (X2) on the company's image (Y) through the implementation of CSR activities (Z) with the significance of the variables X2 on Y through Z of 0,000 (<0.05).
Analysis of Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction at PT.OSO Gallery Karendita Dayri Prawira; B. P. Kusumo Bintoro; Rachmat Hadis; Warseno Warseno; Yochebed Anggraini Terah
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.531


This study aims to identify factors affecting costumer satisfaction in PT.OSO sekuritas cabang galeri Universitas MH. Thamrin and describe it based on customer perceptions. This research uses qualitative approach with case study strategy. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and document review. The participants of this study 25 customer with different background (student or employee). The result of study shows that factors affecting costumer satisfaction in PT.OSO sekuritas cabang galeri Universitas MH. Thamrin Branch are the excellent of the relationship between the employee and the costume, accurancy in satisfying customer desires or demand and adequate facilities in the investment gallery. This strategy will always improved by the employees to provide customer satisfaction in the long term.
A New Method for Obtaining Global Estimates of Maternal Mortality Sardjana Atmadja
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.539


Background: Maternal mortality is widely regarded as a key indicator of population health and social and economic development. Its rates and trends are closely monitored by the United Nations and others, inspired in part by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which call for a three-quarter reduction in the maternal mortality ratio by 2015. Unfortunately, the empirical basis for such monitoring is still quite weak, requiring the use of models. statistics to get estimates for most countries. Objective: In this paper we describe a new method for estimating global rates and trends in maternal mortality. For countries that lack sufficient data for direct estimation of estimates, we use a parametric model that separates maternal deaths from deaths from HIV/AIDS. Materials and methods: For maternal deaths not associated with HIV/AIDS, the model consists of a hierarchical linear regression with three predictors and variable intercepts for country and region. Estimated uncertainty is assessed by simulating the estimation process, taking into account the variability in both the data and other model inputs. This method was used to derive the most recent set of PBB estimates, published in September 2010. Here, we provide a brief description and description of the approach, including a novel analysis of the components of variability reflected in the uncertainty interval. Results: Final estimates provide evidence of a more rapid decline in the global maternal mortality ratio than suggested by previous studies, including another study published in April 2010. We compared the findings of the two most recent studies and discussed topics for further research to help resolve differences.
Determining Factors of Continuance Intention to Use QR Code Mobile Payment on Urban Millennials in Indonesia Empirical Study on Mobile Payment Funds Shella Azizah; B.P.Kusumo Bintoro; Regina Dinda Octavyra; Achmad Rachmat S
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.562


In this era where technological advances continue to open up business opportunities that allow new entrants with disruptive business strategies to be able to compete with established market leaders. This encourages companies to adopt new technologies, new ways of working to stay relevant in the digital age. This study aims to analyze the determinants of continuance intention to use QR Code Mobile Payment DANA on Urban Millennials in Indonesia which will provide formulation of recommendations for related industries based on the study results of this research. By using quantitative methods, which are used to measure variables in a subject. Through 6 stages in conducting research, which begins with problem formulation followed by preliminary studies, data collection, data analysis in which using the SEM method with PLS (Partial Least Square) followed by discussion and ends with conclusions and suggestions. After conducting a questionnaire assisted by special software that utilizes the PLS (partial Least Square) method, and the results obtained, DANA's QR Code Mobile Payment users will be interested in using it continuously if they already have trust, fun flow in use, and satisfaction. To achieve high trust from users, it takes a quality system and good service quality and understands user needs. DANA Mobile Payment QR Code users feel the flow of pleasure when transacting using the QR Code. Customer satisfaction can be increased by increasing the quality of information or output. Such as increasing the utility of customer service, or even replacing human customer service with AI-based customer service.
The Impact Of Online System on Health During Covid 19: A Comprehensive Study Bhupesh Rawat; Ankur Singh Bist; Untung Rahardja; Chandra Lukita; Dwi Apriliasari
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.654


COVID-19 creates an unprecedented situation before humanity. Covid-19 has changed lives in all aspects, from education, industry and social life. However, the existence of Covid-19 has greatly impacted the field of education, where the applicable learning methods usually need to make drastic changes to decide the spread of Covid-19. The education sector is turning to online education because it is not possible to call students in schools and colleges. Technology online education is proving itself to be a cure for catastrophe and filling gaps. There are major challenges regarding student health due to the high use of mobile, tablet and computer screens. There are problems regarding student health in the application of technology online learning, in this paper we make a detailed study of the same problem with the ultimate goal of research to find out the preventive measures. In this paper, we use the literature study method to explore negative cases in terms of obtaining negative reasoning due to excessive screen use during the COVID-19 scenario
Quantum Computing and AI: Impacts & Possibilities Bhupesh Rawat; Nidhi Mehra; Ankur Singh Bist; Muhamad Yusup; Yulia Putri Ayu Sanjaya
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.656


Quantum computing is one of the emerging technologies. Different communities and research organizations are working to bring quantum computing applications into reality. Artificial Intelligence is another emerging area and getting stable with time. This paper, the main objective is to find out the impact of quantum computing research growth for AI applications. Thus, the method used in this study uses computational methods. so that this research can be concluded regarding the growing impact of quantum computing research for a given AI application. This paper also presents the impact and possibilities of quantum computing in the field of artificial intelligence.
Analysis Of Deep Learning Techniques For Chest X-Ray Classification In Context Of Covid-19 Vertika Agarwal; M. C. Lohani; Ankur Singh Bist; Eka Purnama Harahap; Alfiah Khoirunisa
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.659


Coronaviruses (COV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from common cold to more severe disease such as MIDDLE EAST RESPIRATORY SYNDROME (MERS-COV) and SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME (SARS-COV). Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.3-Tier strategy is employed by government to combat this virus i.e., Track, Test and Treat. So, there is a need to increase the testing speed but the main stumbling block is the time RT-PCR takes which is around 2-3 days. In this situation, the recent research using Radiology imaging (such as Xray) techniques can be proven helpful to detect Covid 19. Latest deep learning techniques applied to Xray scans which rapidly detects the disease and thus reducing the time for testing. Moreover, it is accurate as compare to RT-PCR test where nose and mouth swabs are taken by lab technician which is prone to error.In this survey paper, ten different DL Techniques are surveyed which performs Xray classification with different accuracy. Different combination of Datasets are employed by these algorithms to improve the performance of their proposed model.Our paper evaluates the performance of each algorithm based on two parameters -Accuracy and Sensitivity.
The Effect of New Therapy Zinc on Perinatal Mortality, Prematurity and Placental Ablation Sardjana Atmadja
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.620


Zinc is essential for life and is a part of zinc finger proteins, which perhaps represent the largest class of DNA-binding proteins. Zinc finger protein controlled gene expression may be a fundamental aspect of development as well as other processes. Nearly 30 elements are accepted as being essential for some or all organisms. Knowledge of the amounts of zinc in food is necessary for the understanding of the very complex system of zinc metabolism. Zinc content in leucocytes, mononuclear cells, red cells and platelets could be used as a measure of possible zinc deficiency. Almost 300 different enzymes, which include the synthesis and/or degradation of all major metabolites, have zinc as an integral component. AE has been interpreted as being a zinc-deficiency disease. The signs and symptoms of AE are reserved by zinc therapy. The recommended daily intake of zinc in pregnancy and lactation is 15 mg in Sweden and the Scandinavian countries. A woman on continuous zinc therapy for AE had two normal pregnancies. Other contributors to this volume will review these data.
E-Training System To Improve HR Capability at Indofood Factory Using Codeigniter Framework fifit alfiah; Faiz Muhammad Syam; Dini Anggrayni
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v3i2.716


Digital developments on a global scale are now growing very rapidly, especially with the emergence of a covid-19 pandemic that has made all institutions, both education, offices and various other types of institutions, begin to adapt to the use of computers and mobile phones, where everything is based on IoT Internet of Thing, namely all types. the activities are carried out online, besides that, there are many obstacles, such as the amount of time wasted because they have to prepare training classrooms, prepare ppt slides for each training session, and prepare training questions which will then be printed and distributed to training participants. A lot of costs and energy are wasted in conducting training, especially if you have to do training at the branch office and the work of employees is not controlled when they have to do training. For this reason, it is necessary to build an information system for the training department to provide informative training data and to automate the recording of training history. To support the program design process developed by implementing a throw-away prototype model, using the PHP programming language with CodeIgniter Framework, database design using the PostgreSQL database. With the training department information system, the process of delivering training information is faster and more informative, facilitating the process of recording employee training history, and reducing the use of paper because it is computerized making it easier to conduct training and shorten the training process

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