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Anna Yulia Hartati
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Sosio Dialektika
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Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Sosio Dialektika as an open hall for debate and discussion on socio-political science, economics, law, Islamic education and education. Sosio Dialektika accommodates social and humanities disciplines and becomes a growing space for interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the narrow space of strategic approaches so far.
Articles 7 Documents
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Pengaruh PAD Dan DAU Terhadap Belanja Langsung (Studi Pada Kabupaten/Kota Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah) Dhiah Novita; Ayunda Putri Nilasari
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5681


This research aims to determine the effect of local revenue and general allocation funds on direct expenditures in districts/cities of Central Java Province. The research method used is the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and the coefficient of determination test. The results showed that partially the local original income and general allocation funds variables affected direct expenditure in districts/cities of Central Java Province. Simultaneously, the variables of local revenue and general allocation funds have an effect on direct spending in districts/cities of Central Java Province.
Dinamika Pertumbuhan Feminisme Di China Dalam Perspektif Konstruktivisme Anna Yulia Hartati; Ismiyatun Ismiyatun; Adi Joko Purwanto; Nur Islamiati
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5680


This article describes how the growth process of feminism in China in the perspective of constructivism regarding the life-cycle of norms. In theory, there are three stages of how a norm which in this case is feminism through the life-cycle of norms. This research method uses a qualitative method of literature study. In this article, the findings are that there are three propositions related to the emergence of international norms in feminism in China, the first is Norm emergence which is described by the emergence of one of the famous female figures, namely, He Zhen, who adopted western feminism by not leaving Chinese cultural identity which was considered good for her. Chinese women's social change. In contrast to other reformers, He Zhen specifically separates the case of feminism from nationalism, stating that women's liberation is not for the sake of the nation, but rather a moral necessity. Second, the Norm Cascade is illustrated by the influence of China's state ratification of the Convention Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) held in Copenhagen Denmark, by accepting international norms on gender equality which in turn will require domestic laws to make some changes to suit the issue. Third, Internalization is described by the growth process of Chinese feminism, namely the process of fusion with culture within the body of feminism itself, or in other words, feminism that develops has its own unique characteristics that are not owned by other countries and only China has it.
Efektifitas Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Terhadap Kepuasan Proses Pembelajaran Di Prodi D3 Dan S1 Akuntansi Untidar Ayunda Putri Nilasari; Retnosari Retnosari; Supanji Setyawan
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5679


The purpose of this study is to analyze how distance learning can be used to achieve student satisfaction and to analyze that the implementation of distance learning is currently effective in achieving the objectives of the teaching and learning process during the current pandemic. The population of the study was all D3 and S1 students of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Tidar University. The samples in this study were D3 and S1 Accounting students in semesters 1, 3 and 5 who were running their lectures. This study uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The data collection technique used is in the form of a questionnaire using questionnaire that given to students to get an overview of the implementation of distance learning so far. In this quantitative analysis, the research variables are arranged descriptively by assessing the percentage of standard achievement in tabular form. The results of the implementation of distance learning by lecturers already had a variation or variety and the telegram learning media was the most widely used in the percentage of 87.6%. The ease of applying today's technology that makes learning media easily accessible to students is in the percentage of 55.9%. The level of student understanding of learning materials, information and deepening of material by 52.4% is currently effective in achieving the objectives of the Accounting teaching and learning process during the pandemic when it is 39%. Student satisfaction with distance learning that has been carried out during the pandemic is 40.2%.
Evaluasi Komunikasi: Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Penggiat Anti Narkoba Oleh BNN Jakarta Timur Sylvia Roennfeld; Sophia Bernadette
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5677


The problem of drug abuse and trafficking is increasingly becoming a problem for every country worldwide, including Indonesia. DKI Jakarta, as the state capital, ranks third nationally in narcotics abuse, with a trial use prevalence rate reaching 4.9%. In this study, researchers will focus on evaluating communication programs carried out through technical guidance carried out by BNN for anti-drug activists in the educational environment. We utilized the four stages of program planning by Cutlip, Center and Broom, to get a picture of the situation, program planning and form of communication, which will elaborate further on aspects of communication evaluation based on the Yardstick evaluation model..
Kompleksitas Penegakkan Hukum Ekonomi Di Era Reformasi Anto Kustanto
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5682


Issues that are understood about law relating to the nature of law are made to regulate the order of people's lives so that they are orderly and regularly. Order and regular will not be realized if the rule of law cannot be enforced. The implications of legal regulation in the economic field are various regulatory instruments that affect economic performance, in order to achieve human welfare, both in the short and long term. In this case, the law position is trying to provide a reflection for the creation of an economic justice. Awareness of the need to understand the economic consequences of implementing a rule has actually begun to be discussed, so from this illustration it becomes an argument about the Complexity of Enforcement of Economic Law in the Reformation Era. The aim is to reveal the meaning of a legal action based on law enforcement in the economic field as well as to identify the relationship between variables. Thus, this research produces descriptive data which must be interpreted using qualitative methods. Because this article seeks to provide an explanation of the continuity and integrity of the science and philosophy of law. The reasons that underlie industrial countries and developing countries such as Indonesia, regard the enforcement of economic law as very important, namely program effectiveness, reasons for justice, reasons for credibility, and reasons for efficiency. The phenomenon of economic instability in the reform era is a reflection that management in the economic sector has not fully become our collective commitment, a reductionist and exploitative way of thinking has developed to color the administration of government in the reform era. Enforcement of economic law is actually a preventive or repressive effort in overcoming price volatility and market mechanisms. Law enforcement as a concept that is expected to be one of the foundations for achieving Indonesia's vision in 2030, economic law enforcement occupies an important position to be prioritized because of the vital functions it contains. This concept is an interface between the legal system and the economic system in an effort to realize legal and economic development as a series of stages of nation building. The development of economic law, enforcement in the reform era that its implications for legal institutions and the legal profession. Therefore, it is a challenge for the Indonesian nation in the reform era to find a solution in addition to the challenges of the legal profession, economic actors, and other related professions. In meeting these challenges, an attitude that we need to develop together is openness and “intellectual humility”, realizing that we will be more successful in making contributions if we work together in an interdisciplinary manner.
Analisis Studi Kasus Krisis Komunikasi PT. Alpen Food Industry (Aice Ice Cream) Dan Serikat Buruh Raissa Regina; Arubay Mahardhikawatie; Indra Kusumawardhana
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5678


PT. AFI or better known as the producer of AICE ice cream is a food sector company that is quite massive and well known by the public in Indonesia. The company with the tagline "Have an Aice Day" is quite popular in all Indonesians, from children to adults. A problem emerged in early 2017 which was felt by workers who were filled with labor demonstrations due to decreased wages, work accidents, working hours which resulted in poor relations between workers and management, not not due to a lack of good communication roles in management. In crisis communication, it is known as the Rhetoric Of Renewal (ROR) theory, which is a theory that emphasizes the positive values and characteristics of crisis communication, which emphasizes the future and restoring the image of the company. The focus of this theory is to help the parties affected by the crisis and planning carefully so that the organization and its stakeholders can be better in the future. ROR emphasizes on the future and recovery.
Daftar Isi Sosio Dialektika Vol. 6, No. 2, Juli - Desember 2021 daftar isi
Publisher : LP2M

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/sd.v6i2.5987


Daftar Isi Sosio Dialektika Vol. 6, No. 2, Juli - Desember 2021

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