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Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI Jl . Percetakan Negara No. 23 – JAKARTA 10560
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Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia
ISSN : 2085675X     EISSN : 23548770     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Traditional Medicines, and Pharmaceutical Care
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012" : 6 Documents clear
Uji Kepekaan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Lini Kedua Menggunakan BACTEC Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tubes (MGIT) 960 Yuni Rukminiati
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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The emergence of Multidrug resistance tuberculosis (MDR TB) is a failure treatment caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is real threat for TB control program. Second line drugs were using for person who has MDR TB. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) 960 System as media for testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis susceptibility to second line drugs. Levels of high sensitivity and specificity, and time of the testing time is the parameter being assessed. Thirty MDR TB isolates were tested for susceptibility to ofloxacin, amikacin, and kanamycin by MGIT 960, and the result were compared to those obtain with proportion method on Lowenstein Jensen media, considered a reference method. Results for ofloxacin showed sensitivity 100% and specificity 75%, whereas for amikacin sensitivity 96% and specificity 100%; kanamycin sensitivity showed both specificity of 100%. The time required to obtain result was faster compared to the reference method, with an average of 9 days by the MGIT960
Penilaian Air Minum Isi Ulang Berdasarkan Parameter Fisika dan Kimia di dan luar Jabodetabek Tahun 2011 Rosa Adelina; Winarsih Winarsih; Herni Asih Setyorini
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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Quality drinking-water is human basic need in life. Jabodetabek as concentrated resident and industrial area, can’t supply drinking-water need so we need alternative source such as refill drinking water. Health Minister has been assigned quality drinking-water parameters whichis if one of the parameter out from criteria value so the drinking-water not feasible. Pharmacy Laboratory of NIHRD do routine test per year for drinking water. Some of the sample is refill drinking water that applied by community or refill drinking water seller. This article described the result of feasibility study of refill drinking-water on 2011. The design of this study is cross sectional study. The data comes from refill drinking-water test in and out Jabodetabek which applied by community to get feasibility certificate of drinking water in Pharmacy Laboratory, Biomedical and Basic Health Technology Center in January until November 2011. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistic in STATA 9. A hundred and thirty-nine (139) refill drinking-water comes from in and out Jabodetabek. From this data, 105 (75,5%) sample was feasible to drink. There are two variable which cause samples didn’t feasible to drink, Manganese level and degree of acidity value (pH).There is one sample which has Manganese level above maximum level and 33 (23,6%) samples have pH value below 6,5. Most of the refill drinking-water samples feasible and fulfill requirement of physical and chemical paremeters, except Manganese level and pH value. The best filter methods in this study is hexagonal method
Aflatoksin: Cemaran dan Metode Analisisnya dalam Makanan Nurul Aini
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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Aflatoxins are a group of natural contaminant produced by Aspergillus fungi. These mycotoxins are abundant in the area with high temperature and humidity, and have been classified as a carcinogenic agent to humans by IARC. Aflatoxin contamination could be found in food such as corn, nuts, rice, and milk. This review article suggests and discusses several methods that can be used to analyze aflatoxins in food and feed. These methods include ELISA, HPLC, and TLC Densitometry. This article was made with prior search of references from the internet and scientific journals. This review is aimed to compare the ability of these methods to analyze aflatoxin in food
Antimicrobial Peptides sebagai Obat Alternatif pada Resistensi Antibiotik Nyoman Fitri
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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Antibiotic resistance has become a global public-health problem, thus it is imperative that new antibiotics have to be developed continously. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are component of the innate immune response, which is the principal defence system for the majority of living organisms. Similar to antibiotics, most AMPs have a broad antimicrobial spectrum and highly active against fungi. AMPs are known to have interaction with biomembranes to lyse microbial cells. Many researches have tried to develop AMPs as future drugs for antibiotic resistance. Many AMPs also possess antiviral or anti-parasite activity. However, antimicrobial peptides have their own disadvantages. We review the role of these molecules in human’s health, their advantages and disadvantages as alternative antimicrobial for antibiotic resistance.
Efek Pemberian Air Embun terhadap Gambaran Hematologi dan Biokimia Darah Lucie Widowati; Yun Astuti; M. Wien Winarno
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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Circulation disorder of blood at a person is related to metabolic process, and it can not be as the normal equilibirum, and later can affect to appearance of disseases. Dew water, can be produced from destilation process (Systemized Dew Process), filtered process and disinfection with ozoniation. Dew water is stated can be used for disorder of blood circulation treatment. For the examination effect of dew water for blood circulation disorder, dew water was tested for blood description and biochemistry blood description at the animal model with cholesterol diet.It was the experimental pharmacology method, with the blood description as hamoglobline, erythrocyte, leucocyte, thrombocyte, hematochrite value; biochemistry description as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, trigliserid; freeze time of blood; the arteri thickness ; body weight and the volume of intake water. Base on the normally of dosage at human, dew water intake for animal model were all day long admintration and of all of research time, every day for 2 month. The result of research has shown decrease of the body weight; increase need for intake water ; repairing haematology and biochemistry of blood, escpecially decrease of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol; diluting blood; decreasing ateroschlerosis disorder at arteri vessel
Deficiency of Vitamin B12, Folate and Methionine During Preconception Period Causes Altered Immune Responses, Obesity, Insulin Resistance and Hypertension in Adult Progeny Lina Rustanti
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

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Munculnya penyakit degeneratif pada orang dewasa bisa berhubungan dengan fase perkembangan sewaktu di dalam rahim. Asupan nutrisi selama tahap perkembangan inidapat mempengaruhi gen yang meregulasi epigenetik. Telah banyak penelitian yang menemukan bahwa asupan nutrisi selama kehamilan akan mempengaruhi status kesehatan anak yang akan dilahirkan. Akan tetapi, baru sedikit yang meneliti efek dari nutrisi tertentu pada saat sebelum konsepsi dan sebelum kehamilan. Fase ini penting, sebab fase ini adalah waktunya oosit tumbuh dan berkembang. Secara umum, setelah masa perkembangan oosit , DNA metilasi dalam jaringan akan menetap. Riset menunjukkan adanya efek pembatasan asupan nutrisi tertentu, yaitu vitamin B12, vitamin B9 (asam folat) dan metionin, pada masa prekonsepsi dalam diet ibu terhadap terjadinya obesitas, diabetes mellitus, hipertensi dan berkurangnya respon imun pada anak setelah dewasa. Kekurangan ketiga nutrisi tersebut ternyata dapat menyebabkan terjadinya epigenetik melalui DNA hipometilasi pada pulaupulau CpG. Hipometilasi pada DNA tersebut berhubungan dengan fenotipe beberapa parameter klinis yang berupa obesitas, diabetes mellitus, hipertensi dan berkurangnya respon imun. Penemuan-penemuan mengenai hal ini berguna sebagai sumber referensi mengenai nutrisi bagi perencanaan kehamilan untuk mengurangi faktor resiko penyakit degeneratif pada keturunan

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