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Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Medan Area, Jalan Kolam No. 1, Pasar V, Medan Estate, Sumatera Utara
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Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA)
Published by Universitas Medan Area
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27220338     DOI : 10.31289
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jiperta is a Scientific Journal of Agriculture located at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Medan Area. Journal of Agrotekma presents the results of research with quantitative and qualitative approaches that are sourced on the development of cultivation research of plants and the protection of organic crops that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. It is published twice a year, every March and September.
Articles 7 Documents
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Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Batu Bata (Studi Kasus: Desa Tanjung Mulia Kecamatan Pagar Merbau) Muhammad Arasy; Khairul Saleh; Rahma Sari Siregar
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.756


This study aims to determine the feasibility of the business whether the brick business is feasible to run, the brick-making business using clay and red earth as raw material with diesel fuel for dompleng machines and oil palm bunches and firewood as fuel, knowing the amount of income. , knowing the level of business feasibility in the village of Tanjung Mulia. This research was conducted from October 2020. The determination of the research location was determined purposively because considering the time and reach of the researchers, a sample of 62 brick craftsmen were determined by the census method, the data used were primary data and secondary data. The research method used to determine the availability of inputs (raw materials, capital, labor) and to determine income using income analysis, to analyze business feasibility using the R / C ratio and BEP. The results of the study show that inputs (raw materials, capital, labor) are sufficiently available in the research area. The income from the brick making business is Rp. 18,769,903, - / month. Obtained Net Revenew Cost Ratio (Net R / C Ratio) the value of R / C Ratio is greater than one (R / C 1 or 1.18 1), Break Even Point (BEP) the break even point of the price is at Rp. 310 / pieces of bricks and the breakeven point of production is at 349,998 pieces / month. Based on these results, the brick business in Tanjung Mulia Village, Pagar Merbau District is feasible to run.
Pengaruh Suara Adzan Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi, Dan Kejadian Penyakit Pada Tiga Jenis Tanaman Brassicaceae Agung Jabar Nur; Ahmad Rafiqi Tantawi; Syahbudin Hasibuan
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.784


Plants can listen to sounds and respond to these sounds by changing metabolic activity. A good sound will have a positive effect on plant metabolism and vice versa. The adhan to prayer is a call to pray and contains good sentences. This study aims to determine the effect of the sound of the adhan on the growth, production, and disease incidence of the Brassicaceae family. This was conducted by performing split plot design which consisted of 2 factors namely plants spesies and the sound of the adhan. The plant species consisted of 3 treatment levels, namely: A1= Mustard greens, A2= Kailan, A3= Pakcoy. Meanwhile, frequency of the adhan consists of 7 levels, namely: B0= without adhan, B1= 2 times a day, B2= 3 times a day, B3= 4 times a day, B4= 5 times a day, and B5= 6 times a day. The results showed that there was a tendency for differences in plant height, leaf area, plant total fresh weight and net weight given the sound of the adhan compared to without sound, but statistically it was not significantly different. The more often the plant is played the sound of the adhan can increase the production of the brassicaceae family.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pemanen Tandan Buah Segar di Perkebunan Sawit Rakyat Desa Hadundung Kecamatan Kota Pinang Provinsi Sumatera Utara Putra Lukmana Yunus Hasibuan; Yusniar Lubis; Mitra Musika Lubis
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.753


This research aims to determine the effect of wages, work experience, age and training on labor productivity in harvesters of fresh fruit bunches in smallholder oil palm plantations in Hadundung Village, Kota Pinang District, Labuhanbatu Selatan Regency. This research was conducted from March to April 2020. This study used the sampling method by means of the census method. The sample used is 42 respondents. The samples in this study were smallholder oil palm plantation harvesters. Based on the research results obtained from the results of the t test on the Wage Level variable has a significant effect on Labor Productivity with a significant value of 0.002, the age variable has a significant effect on Labor Productivity. This can be seen from the significant value of 0.000, it can be concluded that the Age variable has a significant effect on Labor Productivity and Training has a significant effect on Labor Productivity. With a significant value of 0.001. Whereas experience has no effect on labor productivity. This can be seen from the significant value 0.516 0.05. So it can be concluded that the experience variable has no effect on labor productivity.
Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis Media Dan Lama Penyimpanan Benih Terhadap Viabilitas Dan Vigor Benih Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Agus Ardi; Abdul Rahman; Syahbudin Hasibuan
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.786


Effect of Various Types of Media and Duration of Storage of Seeds on Viability and Vigor of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Seeds. The method used in this research is the Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method, which consists of 2 treatment factors, Factor I, namely storage media with 4 treatment levels, namely: M0 without storage media; M1 = use of PE plastic; M2 = use of aluminum foil; M3 = use of gunny sacks; M4 = using a glass bottle. each treatment was repeated 2 (two) times. The second factor is storage time with 3 levels of treatment, namely: W1 = stored for 1 (one) week; W2 = stored for 2 (two) weeks; W3 = stored for 3 (three) weeks. The parameters observed in this study were viability and vigor. seed growth rate (%). Simultaneous growth of seeds (%), potential for seed growth (%), germination of seeds (%).From the research results can be concluded as follows:1.) the use of various types of seed storage media (M0) (without treatment), M1 (PE plastic), M2 (aluminum paper), M3 (gunny sacks), and M4 (glass bottles) are treatments that give no real results at age. 1-3 days after planting and the yields were very real at the age of 4-7 days after planting on the speed of seed growth, gave no real results at the age of 1-4 dast and the results were very real at the age of 5-7 days against the synchronization of seed growth, giving no real results at age 3 days after planting and was very significant at the age of 4-5 days after planting on the potential for seed growth, and gave very real results on the germination capacity of seeds. 2. The duration of 1 week of storage (M1) has a very significant effect on all parameters, namely the speed of seed growth, simultaneous growth of seeds, potential for seed growth and germination, while the storage time is 2 minutes (M2) and storage time is 3 minutes (M3). ), has no significant effect on all observed parameters, 3. The interaction of the two treatment factors has a very significant effect on all parameters, namely the speed of seed growth, synchronization of seed growth, potential for seed growth and germination
Analisis Perbedaan Pendapatan Antara Petani Padi Sawah Sistem Pompanisasi dengan Petani Padi Sawah Sistem Tadah Hujan Juli Astuti Daulay; Ahmad Rafiqi Tantawi; Gustami Harahap
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.755


The purpose of this study was to analyze income differences between farmers pumping system with rainfed rice farm   then analysis factor affecting the income of rice farmers in the pumping system with the system of rainfed rice farmers. The method that was used for farmers is purposive sampling.  Data analysis method is used average on different test methods (compare means) by using independent sample t-test with two different irrigation systems, analyzed income, analyze profit and linear regression. The results showed that there were no significant income differences between income differences between farming   pumping system with rainfed rice farm. In this study the factors that influencethe income of rice farmers in the pumping system in Pematang Johor Village Labuhan Deli District Deli Serdang District significantly affect the income of rice farmers are labor costs, is the costs of pesticides and the costs of fertilizer. And to factors that influence the income of rice farmers in the system of rainfed rice farmers in Pematang Johor Village Labuhan Deli District Deli Serdang District significantly affect the income of rice farmers are costs of fertilizer. While the non significant labor costs, and the costs of pesticides.
Analisis Pendapatan Pedagang Sayur Kaki Lima di Pasar Inpres Tanjung Morawa (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Tanjung Morawa, Kabupaten Deli Serdang) Riska Aprilia; Retno Astuti; Mitra Musika Lubis
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.741


The study was to analyze the income of vegetable street vendors by counting receipts and cost and thereby understanding its revenue, and know the worthiness of street vegetable vendors business in the Inpres Tanjung Morawa market, the study is carried out from September to October 2020. The identification of the study has been defined impressively, considering the location and is the only market in the Tanjung Morawa district, the sampel number 38 street] vegetable vendors mountain traders determined by the non probability method of collecting samples, the primary and secondary data used. Research method used to know revenue, cost, and income use the income analysis method, and to analyze the feasibility of the business using R/C ratio. It’s a street vegetable vendor’s income study is Rp.554,547-‘/Day. Gained the net revenue cost ratio (net R/C ratio) the R/C vaule is greater than the one that is 1,15, based on these result of street vegetable vendors in the inpres Tanjung Morawa market is worth running.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Tanaman Hias di Desa Bangun Sari Kecamatan Tanjung Morawa Kabupaten Deli Serdang Dirgantari Putri; Khairul Saleh; Rahma Sari Siregar
Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian ( JIPERTA) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JIPERTA SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jiperta.v3i2.752


The purpose of this study was to determine what factors influenced the demand for ornamental plants in Bangun Sari Village. The sample in this study is the ornamental plants in Bangun Sari Village. The population of crop farmers consists of 315 farmers. Samples taken as much as 10% of the total population of 32 farmers. Then the sample taken in this study is consumers from32 ornamental plat farmers who are buying at the study site, determined purposively, namely 1 consumer from sample farmers. Based on the Uji F results simultaneously the price of ornamental plants, income and tastes significantly influence the demand for ornamental plants in Bangun Sari Village. Based on the results of the Uji t that partially the price of ornamental plats and consumer tastes significantly influence the demand for ornamental plants and income don’t significantly influence the demand for ornamental plants in Bangun Sari Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency.

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