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Altruis: Journal of Community Services
ISSN : 27214168     EISSN : 2721415X     DOI : 10.22219/altruis.v1i3.
The scope of Altruis is community service reports dealing with social issues in our community, ranging from educational, political, economical and cultural issues.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis" : 5 Documents clear
Psikoedukasi pola hidup bersih sehat pada siswa di lingkungan Rumah Belajar Kakek Aboe, Malang Dimas Setyadi Putra
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v3i1.18357


COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, as of March 24, 2022 in Indonesia, a total of 5,986,830 confirmed positive patients and 3,266 people came from East Java. Knowledge and actions from the public regarding PHBS are able to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases so that it will accelerate the end of a pandemic. Knowledge is the forerunner of behavior which is the main reason or motivation for a person to behave. This service was carried out on 27 July – 09 September 2020 through an educative approach in the form of exposure to COVID-19 transmission material, good hand washing, proper use of masks and other Clean and Healthy Lifestyles (PHBS). Questionnaires were used to measure students' knowledge. It is known that there was an increase in the average score from the pretest of 8.63 to 8.93, which means that there was an increase in students' knowledge in Rumah Belajar Kakek Aboe after being given education
Psikoedukasi mengenai stunting pada anak dan peran pengasuhan orangtua untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai stunting Dwi Nur Rachmah; Rika Fira Zwagery; Bunga Azharah; Fatimah Azzahra
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v3i1.18390


Parenting patterns will determine how parents behave in preventing and overcoming stunting. Community service in the form of psychoeducation through online seminars (webinar) is considered necessary to provide understanding and knowledge to parents about stunting and the role of parents in child care to prevent and overcome stunting. Psychoeducation activities are carried out through webinars due to the Covid-19 pandemic conditions which make it impossible to gather in one place. This psychoeducation activity was attended by 88 participants consisting of housewives, working mothers and teenagers. The selection of participants was done by distributing activity posters and contacting several PAUDs. The effectiveness of psychoeducational activities is seen through an open questionnaire given to participants before and after the implementation of the activity. An open questionnaire in the form of questions that participants must answer descriptively to see the participants' responses to the implementation of psychoeducation. The results obtained from psychoeducational activities through this webinar showed that participants found this activity useful and provided new knowledge about stunting, especially parenting
Reorganisasi karang taruna (studi kasus karang taruna “Tunas Kahuripan” Desa Ciela, Kecamatan Bayongbong, Kabupaten Garut) Aris Tristanto; Yunilisiah Yunilisiah
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v3i1.19356


Karang taruna is a social organization that ideally can embody social welfare efforts in the midst of society. But in reality, most of the youth organizations’ performances in Indonesia are different than expected, one of which is the "Tunas Kahuripan" Youth Organization in Ciela Village, Bayongbong District, Garut Regency. Based on the initial assessment results, it is known that 1) karang taruna does not have a secretariat or office; 2) some residents do not know the Karang taruna management; 3) there were misunderstandings related to the main tasks of the Youth Organization. This service activity is carried out through community development through the macro social work method. Social Work Assessment Tool used by social workers Capacity Assessment (PEKA). Based on the results of the assessment, the alternative follow-up plan (RTL) chosen was the reorganization of the Youth Organizations at various levels, ranging from individuals, organizations, and systems. The author suggests at the individual level for a member of a youth organization to always maintain commitment. The authors suggest that organizations implement partnerships based on the basic strategy at the organizational level. Meanwhile, at the system level, the rules that have been set must be what they should be and the Youth Organizations should no longer belittle themselves, in other word Youth Organizations must take on a role in society.
Pelatihan goal setting sebagai upaya meningkatkan keputusan karier siswa kelas XII SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin Gunungkidul Dian Juliarti Bantam; Muhammadh Erwan Syah
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v3i1.20358


One of the problems faced by class XII students of SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul is confusion in determining career choices, such as majoring in college or going straight to work. Reinforced by the results of a questionnaire conducted by counseling teachers on January 13, 2020. The results showed that 35% of students were able to make career choices, while 55% of students had not been able to make career choices, and 15% were hesitant in making career choices. Departing from this, the service team consisting of 2 lecturers and 2 students of the Psychology Study Program, Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta University, conducted a Goal Setting Training (GST), in order to improve career decisions for students. Participants who took part in the training totaled 23 students of class XII SMA. GST is given to participants online through a zoom meeting with a duration of 4 hours. Data analysis used Parametric Paired Samples Test which shows that Goal Setting Training can improve students' Career Decisions (t = -2.832, p = 0.016 <0.05). The conclusion of the training is that GST can improve the career decisions of class XII students of SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul.
Efektivitas metode psyeducation games dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan minat membaca Al-Quran di TPQ Baiturrohman Tasykira Putri Aulia; Siska Rahma M.; Devia Mustafida; Rizal Basry Dunggio; Ichsanudin Robbani
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v3i1.20779


Individual success in learning is not only influenced by their potential but also their motivation to learn and interest in reading. On the one hand, based on an assessment conducted on children in TPQ Baiturrohman, Precet Village, it was found that their learning motivation and interest in reading were still low. Psyeducation games were carried out in order to increase learning motivation and interest in reading for TPQ Baiturrohman children. The activity involved 32 TPQ Baiturrohman children aged 4-14 years. The results of t-test showed that the Psyeducation games activities proved effective in increasing the learning motivation and interest in reading of the children of TPQ Baiturrohman.

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