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Pena Medika : Jurnal Kesehatan
Published by Universitas Pekalongan
ISSN : 2086843X     EISSN : 23016434     DOI : 10.31941
Core Subject : Health,
Focus And Scope Pena Medika is a national journal that contains the results of research on public health science and practice. Aimed at all practitioners and researchers in the field of public health to improve the degree of Public Health. PENA MEDIKA were first published in June 2010 and published twice a year in June and December. Scope of the journal: Health promotion Epidemiology Occupational Health and Safety Administration and Health Policy Nutrition Biostatistics Reproductive Health Maternal and Child Health Environmental Health Other articles related to public health will be considered. Pena Medika also publishes special articles in the field of public health from experts
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Faktor Risiko Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Stadium Terminal Pada Penderita Hipertensi Stadium 1-2 Kartika Ikawati; Shofa Chasani
Pena Medika Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2017): PENA MEDIKA JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pmjk.v7i2.706


Background : End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) has been a health problem because the incidence to increase with high mortality. Risk faktors of ESRD of  stage 1-2 hypertention in during 5-10 years have not been studied.  Risk faktors of ESRD ware associated with behaviors and comorbidity diseases in hypertension patientsMethod : This study applied an analytical observational method with a case control study design. The study used 64 respondents as sampels , divided into; 32  as case samples and 32 as control samples with consecutive sampling. Independent variabels in this study ware behavior, history of diabetes mellitus, hyper total cholesterol and  hyper uric acid.  Data were collected by interview and medical record. These data were subject to analyses using univariat, bivariate, and multivariate testsResults : Risk faktors of ESRD of stage 1-2 hypertention in during 5-10 as  followings: type-2 diabetes mellitus (OR=39 ; 95% CI=5.435-73.531; P=0.000), not regularly taking anti-hypertensive drugs  (OR=14; 95%CI=2.117-92.170; P=0.006) and  hyper total cholesterol (OR=13; 95% CI=2.136-81.025; P=0.005).  .Conclusion : Risk factors for ESRD in hypertension patients were; type-2 diabetes mellitus, not regularly taking anti-hypertensive drugs and hyper total cholesterol.  To prevent the progression of hypertension into ESRD, strived not to suffered type 2 diabetes mellitus, taking anti-hypertensive medication regulary and control of  total cholesterol   Keywords :  Risk Faktors, End Stage Renal Disease, Hypertension
Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Dan Hubungannya Dengan Perilaku Ibu Menyusui Isysi'aroh Isysi'aroh; Siti Rofiqoh
Pena Medika Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2017): PENA MEDIKA JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pmjk.v7i2.586


High Self-efficacy is required to be able to comply with breastfeeding behavior. This study aim to identify the correlation of breastfeeding self-efficacy and breastfeeding behavior among mothers. Descriptive correlation design with cross-sectional approach was used in this study. The accidental sampling technique was used and gain 101 respondent. The results are the mean of breastfeeding self-efficacy among mothers is 54.4 (SD: 7.26), more than half of respondents have good breastfeeding behavior  63 (62.4%). The breastfeeing self-efficacy had a significant correlation with breastfeeding behavior (p: 0.38). As a recommendation, health worker give interventions to encourage breastfeeding self efficacy mothers to breastfeed properly are requisite.
Pengeboran Batu Tambang Emas Tradisional Berisiko Terinfeksi Kuman Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Studi Di Pertambangan Emas Tradisional Kabupaten Lebong, Bengkulu) Darmawansyah Darmawansyah
Pena Medika Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2017): PENA MEDIKA JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pmjk.v7i2.587


Background: Pulmonary TB disease is a major cause of disability and death in most countries around the world. Pulmonary TB cases in traditional gold miners in Lebong District have increased. The purpose of the study is to prove the traditional gold mine drilling is at risk of infection with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Lebong District.Method: This study used case control design. The sample of this study were 78 people consisting of 39 cases and 39 controls on traditional gold miners. The independent variable of this research is mining drilling activity. The data were analyzed using chi square test and Odd Ratio along with Confidence Interval.Results: The statistical results revealed that there is a significant correlation of drilling mine activity to the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in traditional gold miners (p = 0.001). Mine rock drilling has a risk factor for the incidence of pulmonary TB in traditional gold miners (OR = 26.3 at 95% CI = 7,8-89,1). This means that miners engaged in rock drilling activities are 26.3 times more likely to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis in traditional gold mining compared to miners who are not doing rock drilling activities.Conclusion: Performing traditional gold mining drilling activities is at risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis germs.Keywords: Drilling Activities of Mine Rock, Pulmonary TB, Traditional Goldmine Worker.
Hubungan Perawatan Lensa Kontak Dengan Penyakit Mata Yang Ditimbulkan Oleh Lensa Kontak Wahjoe Handini
Pena Medika Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2017): PENA MEDIKA JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pmjk.v7i2.588


Emmetropia is a condition in which the parallel beam of an eyeball refracted by the refractory medium is precisely diretine. In this case patients use contact lenses because they want to follow the present trend and want to look more attractive. In contact lens users should be with more complicated treatments that are not in accordance with established procedures, because otherwise will cause eye disease. This study aims to determine the relationship of contact lens care with eye disease caused. Which includes: 1. How to care for contact lenses 2. Time of contact lens 3. Eye disease caused contact lenses. The method of this study is case study described descriptively that describes how the treatment of contact lens cases and cases of disease experienced by the case. From the case of emmetropia was taken one case using contact lenses with treatment that is not in accordance with the standards, among others, on the treatment where the contact lens should be replaced every day once this fluid is not done. The contact lens is selected at 6 months usage, but on the use of 3 months already feel uncomfortable and complained of red eyes, allegedly caused because the care of contact lenses are not done in accordance with the standard.Key words : Emmetropia, contact lense, eye disease, treatment 
Pengaruh Penambahan Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum) Terhadap Penurunan Bilangan Peroksida Dalam Minyak Jelantah Retno Sulistiyowati; Sulma Al Aajilaini
Pena Medika Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 7, No 2 (2017): PENA MEDIKA JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/pmjk.v7i2.585


Oil is an important food substances, as a source of energy that is more effective than carbohydrates and protein. One gram of oil could yield 9 kcal, while carbohydrates and protein yields only 4 kcal/g.  Cooking oils used repeatedly will damage due to oxidation reactions occur so formed peroxide and pillars. Peroxide number will decrease with the addition of antioxidants which flavonoids found in red onion.This type of research is research experiments with Iodometri method i.e. formation of I2 from KI is added, I2 formed subsequently titrated with Na2S2O3 using amylum indicator. The sample used is waste cooking oil. The optimum concentration of research results obtained in lowering the number of peroxides in the sample is waste cooking oli with oil immersion for 24 hours is a concentration of 75% b/v can decrease the number of peroxides in the sample 1 of 23.42 MekO2/kg MekO2/kg 9.10 becomes with the percentage decrease of 61%, on a sample of 2 is MekO2/kg to 29.15 11.97 MekO2/kg with the percentage decrease of 62%, in sample 3 was 19.56 MekO2/6.20 kg to MekO2/kg with the percentage decrease of 68%.  Anova test results show P = 0.006, there is the influence of the concentration of powder onion against a decline in the number of peroxides. Keywords: waste cooking oil. Red onion, the number of peroxides 

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