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Involusi Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan
ISSN : 20891474     EISSN : 26851202     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
Involusi: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the midwifery sciences areas. It covers the inform the safety, quality, outcomes and experiences of pregnancy, birth and maternity care for childbearing women, their babies and families. The journal’s publications support midwives and maternity care providers to explore and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes informed by best available evidence. This articles journal cover the cultural, clinical, psycho-social, sociological, epidemiological, education, managerial, workforce, organizational and technological areas of practice in preconception, maternal and infant care, maternity services and other health systems.
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INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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Lack of hemoglobin (Hb) levels of pregnant women is one of the health problems that are prone to occur during pregnancy. An Hb level of less than 11 g / dl indicates that pregnant women suffer from anemia. Anemia control program for pregnant women is to provide 90 Fe tablets during pregnancy with the aim of reducing the anemia rate of pregnant women. The cause of the program's inadequacy was the lack of compliance of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the compliance of consuming Fe tablets with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women at Polanharjo Klaten Public Health Center. The research method is descriptive with cross sectional approach. The number of samples of the study was 38 pregnant women who had their pregnancychecked at Puskesmas Polanharjo Klaten. Sampling was using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a data recapitulation sheet. Data were analyzed by using the chi square test. The results showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the adherence of consuming Fe tablets and hemoglobin levels of pregnant women (p = 0.000 <0.05).The conclusions in this study indicate that there is a relationship between adherence to consuming Fe tablets with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women.
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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The MMR ratio in developing countries reaches 450 mothers per 100,000 live births. The government implements a class program for pregnant women to reduce maternal mortality. In 2011, only 2,508 classes of pregnant women were formed throughout the archipelago. The condition of the class of pregnant women at this time, there has been no significant increase in this number, and the majority of the existing classes of pregnant women have not been able to run well, many obstacles are faced, both from pregnant women themselves. This can affect the readiness of the mother to face childbirth. This study aims to determine the relationship between the participation of pregnant women in attending classes for pregnant women with preparation for childbirth in the working area of ​​Puskesmas Karanganom Klaten. This research method is observational with cross sectional approach design. The number of research samples was 35 respondents. Sampling was using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the chi square test. The results showed that the participation of pregnant women in participating in the class program for pregnant women was mostly passed as many as 71.4% of respondents, some were ready to face labor as many as 62.9% of respondents and p value 0.011 (p <0.05). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the participation of pregnant women in attending classes for pregnant women with preparation for childbirth in the working area of ​​Puskesmas Karanganom Klaten. Suggestions for mothers to take part in the implementation of classes for pregnant women which are held in the village regularly.
Gambaran Pelaksanaan Deteksi Dini Inspeksi Visu L Asam Asetat (IVA) Terhadap Kejadian Kanker Serviks Pada Wanita Usia Subur Di Puskesmas Purwojati Sawitri Dewi
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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Cancer is a health problem for people around the world, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cervical cancer contributes 12% of all cancers affecting women and is the second leading cause of death for women in Indonesia after breast cancer. Every day, it is estimated that 41 new cases occur and 20 women die from the disease. Because of the high risk factors for this disease, women should do early detection, one of which is the Acetic Acid Visual Inspection (IVA) method. This method is relatively simple, comfortable and practical. IVA is a method for early detection of cervical cancer using 3-5% acetic acid, and has an accuracy of 90%. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of early detection of IVA on the incidence of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age in the Purwojati Health Center, Banyumas Regency. The research design used an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used accidental sampling. Data processing was carried out by using the Chi-Square (X2) test. The results showed that the incidence of cervical cancer was 15%, most women of childbearing age did not perform early detection of cervical cancer with the IVA method because of ignorance and shame.
Stimulasi Kutaneus Slow Stroke Back Massage Terhadap Nyeri Dismenorea Primer Di Klaten Wiwin Rohmawati; Lilik hartati
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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Menstruation is the process of releasing the uterine wall accompanied by bleeding and occurs repeatedly every month. There are still many adolescents who experience menstrual problems such as menstrual pain or dysmenorrhoea during menstruation. Primary dysmenorrhoea is menstrual pain without abnormalities in the reproductive organs caused by contractions of the uterine wall. There are two types of therapy to treat dysmenorrhoea, namely pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. Non-pharmacological therapy is wrong one is the cutaneous stimulation of the Slow Stroke Back Massage. This study aims to determine the effect of cutaneous stimulation Slow Stroke Back Massage on the level of primary dysmenorrhoea pain at the Putri Aisyiyah Tonggalan Klaten Orphanage.This type of research is pre-experimental with a one group pretest-posttest research design. The population in this study was 48 young women at the Putri Aisyiyah Tonggalan Klaten Orphanage in April 2017, with a sample of 33 adolescents using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The statistical test results with the Wilcoxon signed rank test (p <0.005) obtained the sig value. (2-tailed) of 0,000.The conclusions in this study indicate that there is an effect of cutaneous stimulation of Slow Stroke Back Massage on the level of primary dysmenorrhoea pain at the Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage at Tonggalan Klaten. Adolescents should always perform cutaneous stimulation of Slow Stroke Back Massage every menstrual cycle so that the pain level of primary dysmenorrhea can be reduced.
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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Background: Dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation until there is a result of pain that can interfere with daily activities and make women uncomfortable in the lower abdomen accompanied by cramps, nausea, dizziness, and fainting. Dysmenorrhea can be treated using therapeutic ginger and turmeric acid. Objective: To determine the decrease in the score of dysmenorrhea scale with the therapy of ginger and sour turmeric on the students of North Klaten Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School. Research Methods: This study used a quasy experiment design with a non randomized control group pretest posttest design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 30 respondents. The instrument used was the Numeric Rating Scale questionnaire. The data analysis used was the Wilcoxon test. Research Results: The average decrease in the dysmenorrhea scale score in the control group was 6.25 and the trial group was 7 with the control group p-value 0.029 and the trial group 0.002 (p <0.005). Conclusion: Herbal turmeric acid therapy is more effective in reducing dysmenorrhea scale score in Klaten North Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School 2 students compared to ginger herbal therapy.
Hubungan Lingkar Kepala Dengan Prestasi Belajar Pada Anak SD N 1 Tambongwetan Kalikotes anna Uswatun
INVOLUSI: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Stikes Muhammadiyah Klaten

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Brain growth is one of the things that changes, if nutritional intake is reduced, some parts of the brain development will be disrupted. The result of malnutrition will result in obstruction of the body and brain development, where head circumference is used as a parameter to determine it. In the growth parameters, there are several body parts that are measured including body weight, height, head circumference and chest circumference, if there is one that is less than normal it can affect learning achievement. The purpose of this study was to find out "the relationship between head circumference and learning achievement in SD N 1 Tambongwetan children". This study used an analytic survey method with a cross sectional design. The research population comprised all grade 1 and 2 students at SD N 1 Tambongwetan as many as 46 students. Sampling using total sampling. Data analysis using Kendall Tau. The results of data analysis showed ???? = 0.337 with a P value = 0.016; P value <0.05. The conclusion of the results of this study is that there is a relationship between head circumference and learning achievement in SD N 1 Tambongwetan children. Suggestion to parents should always pay attention to their children's nutritional intake because adequate nutrition can affect the growth of body size including head circumference.

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