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Police Studies Review
ISSN : 27224589     EISSN : 27224597     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
Police Studies Review is a double blind peer-reviewed journal published by Indonesian National Police Academy (Akademi Kepolisian Republik Indonesia).
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 11 Documents
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Peran Pemberdayaan Pam Swakarsa Satpam Oleh Unit Binkamsa Dalam Mencegah Tindak Pidana Pencurian Dengan Pemberatan SYAHRIR, MUHAMMAD SYAHRIR HUSAIN
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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This study aims to look at how the empowering role of Pam Swakarsa by Binkamsa Unit in preventing the crime of theft by weighting in Majalengka Police area. There are several factors that cause nozzle case occurs, the living environment, work environment, economic factors and others. The research on the role of security guard by the Binkamsa Unit is intended to improve the performance of the Binkamsa Unit so that it can provide maximum guidance to the Security Guard. Therefore, a study was conducted to find out the general picture of Curat criminal acts in Majalengka, the implementation of security guards by the Binkamsa Unit, and the factors that influenced the process of empowering security guards by the Binkamsa Unit. This research was discussed using concepts and theories, namely using the concept of criminal offenses Article 363 of the Criminal Code, the concept of the Binkamsa Sop Unit, the concept of roles, the concept of empowerment, management theory and the theory of management elements (6M). The approach used by researchers is a qualitative approach, using descriptive analysis methods and data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document review. This study was discussed using concepts and theories, namely using the concept of Curat criminal acts article 363 of the Criminal Code, the concept of the Binkamsa Sop Unit, the concept of roles, the concept of empowerment, management theory and elements of research. in the past four years. The role of the security guards carried out by the Majalengka District Police Binkamsa Unit has not been maximized due to several obstacles. These constraints include the lack of personnel, the quality of human resources has not been evenly distributed, there is no budget that supports the empowerment process, lack of planning and administrative arrangements that are not orderly and still lack of coordination from the security service provider or security guard service users. From the findings of the study, the authors recommend the Majalengka District Police to increase the number of personnel and the provision of Dikmas Binmas personnel, make good planning so that each activity can be carried out, realize the amount of the existing budget, build good relations and communication with the security guards and security service users. in the Majalengka region. ur management (6M). The approach used by researchers is a qualitative approach, using descriptive analysis methods and data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document review.
Upaya Satuan Binmas Melalui Kegiatan Penyuluhan Dalam Mencegahan Pencurian Pada Kendaraan Jenis Roda Dua Pratama, Ivan Bagus
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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The focus of this thesis is the description of the Binmas Unit's Efforts Through Counseling Activities in Preventing Theft on RodaTua-type Vehicles in the Tasikmalaya Police Region. The problems raised in this thesis, namely: What is the description of the crime of theft of two-wheeled motor vehicles in the area of ​​the Tasikmalaya Polres, How are the efforts made by the Binmas Unit in overcoming obstacles in preventing the theft of two-wheeled motor vehicles in the Tasikmalaya district police jurisdiction, what factors are affect the activities of the Binmas Unit in preventing the theft of two-wheeled motor vehicles in the law area of ​​the Tasikmalaya Police Station. This study uses a qualitative approach with field research methods. Theories used in this research are management theory and communication theory, while the concept used is the binmas unit concept, the concept of criminal acts and the concept of theft. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. As for the place of research conducted by the author in the area of ​​law police in Tasikmalaya. The conclusions in this research are: The counseling activities carried out by the Tasikmalaya Police Bin Bin Saturn are outlined in the daily plan, weekly plan and monthly plan. The targets of counseling in the ritual are religious leaders, community leaders, NGOs, mass organizations, and the community in the Tasikmalaya district police jurisdiction. Obstacles in preventing theft on two-wheeled vehicles in the Tasikmalaya Police Region, namely: human resources, budget and infrastructure. Efforts that can be carried out by the Binmas Unit are as follows: Conduct training for members of the Tasikmalaya Regional Police Binmas, adding facilities and infrastructure existing, Making addicts of Kambtibmas by placing banners in strategic places (prone to theft, mosques, crowded places, etc.)
Manajemen Patroli Roda Empat Unit Sabhara Dalam Mencegah Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua Di Wilayah Hukum Polsek Jatinangor Januar, Adrian Vico
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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Provinsi Jawa Barat menempati urutan keenam kejahatan terhadap hak/milik tanpa penggunaan kekerasan dengan jumlah kriminalitas sebesar 4.841 di Indonesia setelah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah (disadur dalam BPS Kriminalitas, 2019). Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Intel Dasar Kabupaten Sumedang tahun 2019 wilayah Jatinangor merupakan wilayah rawan kejahatan. Mayoritas kejadian kejahatan adalah pencurian, dengan modus operasi merupakan pencurian kendaraan bermotor. Permasalahan yang timbul di wilayah Jatinangor tersebut menarik peneliti untuk mengetahui bagaimana tindakan kepolisian mengatasi curanmor dengan Satuan Unit Sabhara melakukan patroli untuk menekan jumlah curanmor yang terjadi. Manajemen organisasi Unit Sabhara dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan berkurangnya jumlah curanmor. Pelaksanaan tugas pokok yang dimiliki Unit Sabhara telah tercantum pada Pasal 23 Perkabaharkam Polri no 1 tahun 2017 akan dianalisis menggunakan teori manajemen dari George R. Terry. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi lapangan (field research). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan pemeriksaan dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan patroli roda empat unit sabhara belum memberikan dampak yang signifikan untuk mengurangi angka tindak pidana curanmor di wilayah Polsek Jatinangor. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi patroli roda empat unit sabhara yaitu, faktor pendukung seperti sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, anggaran patroli yang mencukupi, serta faktor penghambat seperti, peran masyarakat yang masih apatis, sasaran patroli dimana mobil patroli tidak dapat memasuki jalan/gang sempit, dan personel yang tidak memadai.
Efektivitas Aplikasi BTI (Bogor Traffic Info) Dalam Mendukung Unit Pelayanan Sim Di Wilayah Hukum Polresta Bogor Kota Harmada, Satria Ramadhani Kusuma
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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Bogor City is an area with a high population density that has the potential for high motor vehicle ownership rates, this indirectly affects traffic conditions in the area. With this kind of situation and condition, it is necessary to have innovations that can support the performance of the City Bogor Police in the field of traffic management. Bogor Traffic Info (BTI) is a form of innovation in the form of an application initiated by the Bogor City Police in order to support the improvement of services to the community in the field of traffic management. However, to assess the success of implementing an innovation product, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation product. The effectiveness of the application of the BTI application in the jurisdiction of the Bogor City Police is further studied using a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of document study, observation and interviews of four research variables, namely an overview of the research object (Bogor City, Bogor City Police and BTI applications), public response and the applicant for a SIM extension on the BTI application, the effect of the application of the BTI application on the phenomenon of violation of the SIM rules in driving and the last factor is the aspects that affect the BTI application user to extend the SIM. Based on the results of the analysis of these four factors, it can be concluded that the application of the Bogor Traffic Info (BTI) application has not been effective in supporting the improvement of services to the community in the field of traffic management in the areas which are the responsibility of the Bogor City Police.
Peran Bhabinkamtibmas Dalam Melaksanakan Penyuluhan Guna Mencegah Tindak Pidana Curanmor Di Wilayah Hukum Polsek Lembang Yudha, Charlie
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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The focus of this thesis research is motivated by theft which is very frequent. The most common crime of theft is motor vehicle theft. Some of the factors that led to the occurrence of curanmor crimes, among others, were caused by the increasing number of unemployed and dropping out of school children, limited members of community protection (Linmas), inactive social organizations and the increasing number of motorized vehicles themselves. In terms of handling cases as he said, the preemptive efforts carried out by the National Police in the form of counseling to all levels of society, especially motorbike users, are very necessary, namely by developing community participation in efforts to prevent opportunities and opportunities for criminals to commit theft of weight. and violent theft with two-wheeled motorized vehicles. This is where the role and function of Binmas is demanded to carry out preemptive efforts. One of them is in the form of counseling by Bhabinkamtibmas as the foremost executor of the Binmas function to carry out its main duties in the frontier regional unit. The theories and concepts used to analyze and answer problems. The role of Bhabinkamtibmas in implementing counseling is Role theory and management theory. The research method used by the author is field research using a qualitative approach, and the author's data collection techniques are by interview, observation, and document study. Based on the research results, it was found that the implementation of outreach to the community still encountered obstacles. There are several inhibiting factors in the implementation of counseling in realizing Harkamtibmas. Factors that become obstacles in the implementation of counseling are man, money, material, market factors. The author provides advice to the Cimahi Police, precisely the Lembang Police, to conduct counseling by taking an active role and also overcoming external and internal factors. Likewise with stake holders Able to evaluate and analyze implementation according to Perkap and SOP.
Optimalisasi Program Police Goes To Factory Oleh Unit Dikyasa Satuan Lalu Lintas Kepada Karyawan Swasta Dalam Menurunkan Angka Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas Di Wilayah Hukum Polres Cianjur Hanif, Hendon
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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The traffic condition in Cianjur Regency is quite congested due to the factory activity which is located on the side of the protocol road, triggering a traffic jam that allows traffic accidents to occur on the highway. Kamseltibcar then in the Cianjur Police jurisdiction is still not created properly. Therefore, it requires public awareness and understanding, especially those who work as private employees. Prevention efforts have been made by the police in dealing with traffic violations through a public education program about traffic or called Dikmas Lantas. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze the program implementation and the factors that influence the implementation of the Police Goes to Factory program and explain how program optimization by the unit dikyasa reduces the number of traffic violations to the community in the jurisdiction of the Cianjur Police. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis research type. The location of this research is in the jurisdiction of Cianjur Police, where private employees are the object of this research. The data was collected using observation, interview and document study techniques and analyzed by reducing the data, presenting it and drawing conclusions. The results showed that there were some shortcomings during implementation, namely the quality and quantity of personnel, activity budgets and the intensity of the implementation of activities that were lacking. The factors that influence the implementation of the unit are human, money, completeness, market and method. To optimize the community education program then, the qualifications of personnel abilities need to be analyzed using performance theory, namely capability, clarity, support, motivation, validity and environment.
Peran Pemberdayaan Pam Swakarsa Satpam Oleh Unit Binkamsa Dalam Mencegah Tindak Pidana Pencurian Dengan Pemberatan MUHAMMAD SYAHRIR HUSAIN SYAHRIR
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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This study aims to look at how the empowering role of Pam Swakarsa by Binkamsa Unit in preventing the crime of theft by weighting in Majalengka Police area. There are several factors that cause nozzle case occurs, the living environment, work environment, economic factors and others. The research on the role of security guard by the Binkamsa Unit is intended to improve the performance of the Binkamsa Unit so that it can provide maximum guidance to the Security Guard. Therefore, a study was conducted to find out the general picture of Curat criminal acts in Majalengka, the implementation of security guards by the Binkamsa Unit, and the factors that influenced the process of empowering security guards by the Binkamsa Unit. This research was discussed using concepts and theories, namely using the concept of criminal offenses Article 363 of the Criminal Code, the concept of the Binkamsa Sop Unit, the concept of roles, the concept of empowerment, management theory and the theory of management elements (6M). The approach used by researchers is a qualitative approach, using descriptive analysis methods and data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document review. This study was discussed using concepts and theories, namely using the concept of Curat criminal acts article 363 of the Criminal Code, the concept of the Binkamsa Sop Unit, the concept of roles, the concept of empowerment, management theory and elements of research. in the past four years. The role of the security guards carried out by the Majalengka District Police Binkamsa Unit has not been maximized due to several obstacles. These constraints include the lack of personnel, the quality of human resources has not been evenly distributed, there is no budget that supports the empowerment process, lack of planning and administrative arrangements that are not orderly and still lack of coordination from the security service provider or security guard service users. From the findings of the study, the authors recommend the Majalengka District Police to increase the number of personnel and the provision of Dikmas Binmas personnel, make good planning so that each activity can be carried out, realize the amount of the existing budget, build good relations and communication with the security guards and security service users. in the Majalengka region. ur management (6M). The approach used by researchers is a qualitative approach, using descriptive analysis methods and data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document review.
Manajemen Patroli Roda Empat Unit Sabhara Dalam Mencegah Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua Di Wilayah Hukum Polsek Jatinangor Adrian Vico Januar
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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Provinsi Jawa Barat menempati urutan keenam kejahatan terhadap hak/milik tanpa penggunaan kekerasan dengan jumlah kriminalitas sebesar 4.841 di Indonesia setelah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah (disadur dalam BPS Kriminalitas, 2019). Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Intel Dasar Kabupaten Sumedang tahun 2019 wilayah Jatinangor merupakan wilayah rawan kejahatan. Mayoritas kejadian kejahatan adalah pencurian, dengan modus operasi merupakan pencurian kendaraan bermotor. Permasalahan yang timbul di wilayah Jatinangor tersebut menarik peneliti untuk mengetahui bagaimana tindakan kepolisian mengatasi curanmor dengan Satuan Unit Sabhara melakukan patroli untuk menekan jumlah curanmor yang terjadi. Manajemen organisasi Unit Sabhara dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan berkurangnya jumlah curanmor. Pelaksanaan tugas pokok yang dimiliki Unit Sabhara telah tercantum pada Pasal 23 Perkabaharkam Polri no 1 tahun 2017 akan dianalisis menggunakan teori manajemen dari George R. Terry. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi lapangan (field research). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan pemeriksaan dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan patroli roda empat unit sabhara belum memberikan dampak yang signifikan untuk mengurangi angka tindak pidana curanmor di wilayah Polsek Jatinangor. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi patroli roda empat unit sabhara yaitu, faktor pendukung seperti sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, anggaran patroli yang mencukupi, serta faktor penghambat seperti, peran masyarakat yang masih apatis, sasaran patroli dimana mobil patroli tidak dapat memasuki jalan/gang sempit, dan personel yang tidak memadai.
Efektivitas Aplikasi BTI (Bogor Traffic Info) Dalam Mendukung Unit Pelayanan Sim Di Wilayah Hukum Polresta Bogor Kota Satria Ramadhani Kusuma Harmada
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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Bogor City is an area with a high population density that has the potential for high motor vehicle ownership rates, this indirectly affects traffic conditions in the area. With this kind of situation and condition, it is necessary to have innovations that can support the performance of the City Bogor Police in the field of traffic management. Bogor Traffic Info (BTI) is a form of innovation in the form of an application initiated by the Bogor City Police in order to support the improvement of services to the community in the field of traffic management. However, to assess the success of implementing an innovation product, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovation product. The effectiveness of the application of the BTI application in the jurisdiction of the Bogor City Police is further studied using a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of document study, observation and interviews of four research variables, namely an overview of the research object (Bogor City, Bogor City Police and BTI applications), public response and the applicant for a SIM extension on the BTI application, the effect of the application of the BTI application on the phenomenon of violation of the SIM rules in driving and the last factor is the aspects that affect the BTI application user to extend the SIM. Based on the results of the analysis of these four factors, it can be concluded that the application of the Bogor Traffic Info (BTI) application has not been effective in supporting the improvement of services to the community in the field of traffic management in the areas which are the responsibility of the Bogor City Police.
Peran Bhabinkamtibmas Dalam Melaksanakan Penyuluhan Guna Mencegah Tindak Pidana Curanmor Di Wilayah Hukum Polsek Lembang Charlie Yudha
Police Studies Review Vol. 4 No. 9 (2020): September, Police Studies Review
Publisher : Indonesian National Police Academy

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The focus of this thesis research is motivated by theft which is very frequent. The most common crime of theft is motor vehicle theft. Some of the factors that led to the occurrence of curanmor crimes, among others, were caused by the increasing number of unemployed and dropping out of school children, limited members of community protection (Linmas), inactive social organizations and the increasing number of motorized vehicles themselves. In terms of handling cases as he said, the preemptive efforts carried out by the National Police in the form of counseling to all levels of society, especially motorbike users, are very necessary, namely by developing community participation in efforts to prevent opportunities and opportunities for criminals to commit theft of weight. and violent theft with two-wheeled motorized vehicles. This is where the role and function of Binmas is demanded to carry out preemptive efforts. One of them is in the form of counseling by Bhabinkamtibmas as the foremost executor of the Binmas function to carry out its main duties in the frontier regional unit. The theories and concepts used to analyze and answer problems. The role of Bhabinkamtibmas in implementing counseling is Role theory and management theory. The research method used by the author is field research using a qualitative approach, and the author's data collection techniques are by interview, observation, and document study. Based on the research results, it was found that the implementation of outreach to the community still encountered obstacles. There are several inhibiting factors in the implementation of counseling in realizing Harkamtibmas. Factors that become obstacles in the implementation of counseling are man, money, material, market factors. The author provides advice to the Cimahi Police, precisely the Lembang Police, to conduct counseling by taking an active role and also overcoming external and internal factors. Likewise with stake holders Able to evaluate and analyze implementation according to Perkap and SOP.

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