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Jurnal Guru Peneliti Profesional
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JGPP: Jurnal Guru Penelitian Profesional adalah publikasi interdisipliner riset asli dan menulis tentang pendidikan yang menerbitkan artikel untuk khalayak peneliti pendidikan. JGPP bertujuan untuk menyediakan forum pemahaman ilmiah tentang bidang pendidikan dan memainkan peran penting dalam mempromosikan proses akumulasi pengetahuan, nilai, dan keterampilan yang ditransmisikan dari satu generasi ke generasi lainnya; dan untuk membuat metode dan isi evaluasi dan penelitian dalam pendidikan tersedia bagi guru, administrator dan pekerja peneliti. Jurnal mencakup berbagai topik, termasuk perkembangan anak, kurikulum, pemahaman bacaan, filosofi pendidikan dan pendekatan pendidikan.
Articles 5 Documents
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Mixed Impact Aerobic Gymnastics on Decreasing Body Fat Percentage of Sanggar Rina Padang Members Reviona, Chindy Angelin; Syampurma, Hilmainur; Neldi, Hendri
Jurnal Guru Peneliti Professional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Guru Peneliti Profesional
Publisher : Yayasan Sekora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34004/jurgupenprof.122017.06


The problem in this study is body fat, a very large amount of body fat reserves will cause difficulties for the body, one of which, can gain weight or obesity. This study aims to determine the Mixed Impact Aerobic exercise on decreasing body fat in members of the gymnastics studio Rina Padang. This type of quasi-experimental research. The population in this study were members of the Rina Padang studio, amounting to 15 people so that the entire population was sampled, with varying ages. Retrieval of data in this study by measuring the thickness of body fat during the pre test and post test. After doing the exercises, 21 meetings 3 times a week. From these data, it can be seen whether there is an effect of Mixed Impact Aerobic exercise on decreasing the percentage of body fat in members (samples) of the Rina Padang gym. Based on the results obtained from the initial test and the final test on the measurement of fat, data analysis using the T-test, it was found that the body fat value t count was 10.35, the value was greater than the value in the table t table 2.145. So it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Mixed Impact Aerobic exercise on decreasing the percentage of body fat in members (samples) of Rina's gym in Padang.
Contribution of Agility and Resilience to the Ability of Dribbling Football Athletes SSB Sungai Limau, Padang Pariaman Regency Zio, Zulia Marven; Bardi, Rezafri; Syahrial, Syahrial
Jurnal Guru Peneliti Professional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Guru Peneliti Profesional
Publisher : Yayasan Sekora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34004/jurgupenprof.122017.07


The problem in this research is the lack of athletes' dribbling ability which makes it difficult for players to help opponents play, attract, look for opportunities to score goals so that the final goal of the game of football, which is to score as many goals against the opponent's goal, is difficult to achieve so that victory is difficult to achieve. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between agility and dribbling ability, endurance and dribbling ability, and the role of agility and endurance to improve the dribbling ability of SSB Sungai Limau athletes. The population in this study were all SSB Limau football players in 2017 who actively participated in training (aged 16 to 17 years, 30 people). The data were analyzed using the Person's Product Moment. Based on the results of this study, it is known that there is a relationship between agility and dribbling ability (value "t" count = (18.51)> value "t" table = (1.77), resistance to dribbling (value "t" count = (9,53 )> the value of "t" table = (1.77), and the joint program agility given for the dribbling ability, the value of "F" arithmetic = (16.11)> the value of "F" table = (3.88).
Eye-Hand Coordination Contribution to Shooting Results in Handball Sports Hidayat, Zulfa; Rasyid, Willadi; Vetra, Yudi
Jurnal Guru Peneliti Professional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Guru Peneliti Profesional
Publisher : Yayasan Sekora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34004/jurgupenprof.122017.08


The problem in this research is the low shooting ability of FIK UNP Handball players. While this study aims to determine how much the contribution or contribution of eye-hand coordination (X) to the results of shooting in the handball sport of FIK UNP students (Y). This type of research is a correlation study, namely looking at the relationship between eye-hand coordination on the results of shooting in handball sports of UNP students. The population in this study were 20 people. The sampling technique used in this study was the total sampling technique by making all male student members who took part in the training in the Handball Club of FIK UNP students as samples. The eye-hand coordination data was collected by using the eye-hand coordination test, while the results of the shooting (shooting at the goal) were carried out by a test called the on-target test. The data in this study were analyzed using the Product Moment Correlation formula with a significant level of ? 0.05. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between eye-hand coordination on the results of shooting in FIK UNP Student Handball sport with rcount 0.686> rtabel 0.444 for ? 0.05 and the contribution or contribution between eye-hand coordination variables on shooting results in soccer. the hands of FIK UNP students by 47.1%. Thus eye-hand coordination has a contribution to the results of shooting in the handball sport of FIK UNP students.
Limb Muscle Explosiveness and Arm Muscle Explosive Power to The Precision of The Lantern Ball Player Smash Chan, April; Gustian, Deri; Nevilta, Ariotia
Jurnal Guru Peneliti Professional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Guru Peneliti Profesional
Publisher : Yayasan Sekora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34004/jurgupenprof.122017.09


The problem in this research stems from the writer's observations in the field, it turns out that the LENTERA Padang volleyball player's smash accuracy is still low. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the explosive power of the leg muscles and the explosive power of the arm muscles on the accuracy of the Smash. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study were 20 male volleyball players LENTERA Padang, using a total sampling technique in which all populations were sampled. To obtain the research data, the vertical jump test, two hand medicine ball put test and accuracy of Smash were used. The data obtained were analyzed by using product moment correlation. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the results obtained by the explosive power of the leg muscles had a significant relationship with the accuracy of the smash of the LENTERA Padang volleyball player, indicated by the results obtained, namely rcount 0.72> r table 0.444, from the results obtained that the explosive power of the arm muscles had a significant relationship. with the accuracy of the LENTERA Padang volleyball player Smash accuracy, indicated by the results obtained, namely rcount 0.51> r table 0.444, there is a significant relationship jointly between the explosive power of the leg muscles and the explosive power of the arm muscles with the accuracy ability of the LENTERA Padang volleyball player Smash, This is indicated by the results obtained by Rhitung 0.73> Rtabel 0.444
The Vo2Max Ability of Men's Football Basketball Athletes, with the Extreme Club Men's Basketball Athlete Oktavianus, Irfan; Marta, Ibnu Andli; Mariati, Sari
Jurnal Guru Peneliti Professional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Guru Peneliti Profesional
Publisher : Yayasan Sekora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34004/jurgupenprof.122017.10


This research comes from the reality in the field, the low achievement of men's basketball athletes in Club Extreme City of Solok. This can be caused by many things, one of which is the Athlete's VO2 Max ability. Then the male basketball athletes of FIK UNP in this study were used as a measure of the above abilities aimed at proving the level of VO2 Max in basketball. This type of research is descriptive. The population of FIK UNP athletes and the Extreme Club of Solok City was 22 samples. Each athlete was taken 11 people per club, research sites at FIK UNP and at SMAN 1 Kota Solok. The research was carried out on 30 November to 30 December 2016. All populations were sampled using the total sampling technique. Instrumentation for data collection through the VO2 Max test using a multi-stage test (Bleep Test). The question posed is how high is the VO2 Max ability of FIK UNP men's basketball athletes, then how high is the VO2 Max ability of the Extreme basketball club athletes in Solok City. Data were analyzed using frequency tabulation. . Judging from the data frequency distribution of VO2Max, FIK UNP athletes who have very good VO2Max are 1 person, both 8 people, while 2 people are less and there are not really enough. being 2 people, less than 8 people and absolutely none

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