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Journal Zetroem
ISSN : 2656081X     EISSN : 2656081X     DOI : -
jurnal zetroem yang dapat dimuat dalam jurnal ini meliputi bidang keilmuan Teknik Elektronika, Teknik Kendali, Sistem Tenaga, Telekomunikasi, Informatika, Sistem Distribusi. Makalah dapat berupa ringkasan laporan hasil penelitian atau kajian pustaka ilmiah. Makalah yang akan dimuat hendaknya memenuhi format yang telah ditentukan.
Articles 6 Documents
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Rancang Bangun Score Board Digital pada Olahraga Bola Voli Varied Agus Wahyu Triyanto; Ratna Mustika Yasi; Charis Fathul Hadi
ZETROEM Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ZETROEM
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/ztr.v3i2.1477


Abstract - The scoreboard is a tool that can provide values ​​or numbers in a match, to show the results of a match in the field of volleyball. Scoreboards that still use conventional technology are very inefficient in changing scores or scores. Therefore, a digital scoreboard was created that uses an android application that is sent via a bluetooth connection which is displayed on the screen. The digital scoreboard displays the score with an LED screen display that can make it easier for the audience to see clearly. Design and build a digital score board in volleyball using Arduino Uno which is connected to several components, by connecting the P10 Panel to the Arduino Uno, then Bluetooth is connected to the Arduino Uno, with the main brain using the Atmega328P-PU IC programmed using the Arduino IDE. The digital score board design has an average device transmission speed of 16 bits per second while the transmission efficiency is 7.69%. In the trial of data retrieval, the transmission speed at a distance of 9 meters, the device could not send a signal due to the disconnection from the smartphone and the scoreboard. This is due to the distance factor that affects the process of sending data by bluetooth and writing coding in programming languages ​​at a distance of 9 meters. Keywords — score board, android, blueooth Abstrak—Papan score board merupakan sebuah alat yang dapat memberikan nilai atau angka di sebuah pertandingan, untuk menunjukan hasil sebuah pertandingan di bidang olahraga bola voli. Papan score yang masih mengunkan teknologi konvesional sangatlah kurang efisien dalam merubah score ataupun nilai. Maka dari itu diciptakanlah papan score board digital yang mengunakan aplikasi android yang dikirimkan melalui koneksi bluetooth yang ditampilkan di layar. Papan score board digital menampilkan score dengan tampilan layar LED yang dapat memudahkan penonton melihat dengan jelas. Rancang bangun score board digital pada olahraga bola voli menggunakan arduino uno yang disambungkan dengan beberapa komponen, dengan cara mengkoneksikan Panel P10 disambungkan ke Arduino Uno, kemudian bluetooth disambungkan dengan Arduino Uno, dengan otak utama menggunakan IC Atmega328P-PU yang diprogram menggunakan Arduino IDE. Rancang bangun score board digital memiliki kecepatan transmisi alat rata rata 16 bit per second sedangkan untuk efisiensi transmisi sebesar 7,69%. Pada uji coba pengambilan data kecepatan transmisi pada jarak 9 meter alat tidak bisa mengirimkan sinyal dikarenakan terputusnya koneksi dari smartphone dan papan score board. Hal ini dikarenakan faktor jarak yang berpengaruh dalam proses pengiriman data oleh bluetooth dan penulisan koding dalam bahasa pemrograman pada jarak 9 meter. Kata Kunci—score board; android; bluetooth.
Rancang Bangun Alat Presensi Fingerprint Berbasis Website Menggunakan NodeMCU Esp8266 Di SMK NU Darussalam Bangun Setyawan; Ratna Mustika Yasi; Untung Suryadhianto
ZETROEM Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ZETROEM
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/ztr.v3i2.1478


Abstract - The purpose of designing a website-based fingerprint attendance device using the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller was to utilize digitalization technology that could be a solution to minimize errors or fraud and forgery in the process of recording attendance. Vocational School SMK NU Darussalam Srono was a Vocational School that still applied conventional attendance recording by recording student attendance on the attendance book, so it was urgent to apply computerized recording by apply website-based concepts that were more efficient and facilitated the administrative process. This study used the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller as the control center, the R307 fingerprint sensor and a website-based configuration interface. The process of reporting attendance results were in the form of archive document files that could be downloaded on the website. Based on the implementation of the test, the total average time used to record attendance was 1.2288 seconds while the registration time was 5.496 seconds. Keywords: Attendance System, NodeMCU ESP8266, Website
Rancang Bangun Running Text Menggunakan Modul Led Matrix P10 Berbasis Arduino Uno Di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pgri Banyuwangi malik yuhanas; Charis Fathul Hadi; Risk Fita Lestari
ZETROEM Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ZETROEM
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/ztr.v3i2.1479


Abstract - Running text or commonly known as running text is a medium for delivering information that we often encounter in public places, both in places of worship, shopping centers and shops because it is informative. Running text one of the digital electronic media in the form of an information board designed from several LEDs and arranged in a matrix to display text. Currently, most text writing relies on a computer unit or via Bluetooth on an android smartphone which has limitations in terms of distance and is less efficient. The stage of making the tool uses the ESP8266 module, Arduino Uno AtMega 328 as the control center on the display information board, RTC DS3231 as a timer to display the hour, day, date, month, and year which will be displayed on the running text. Then to input text information using an android smartphone application with a wifi connection, then the text is received by the ESP8266 module which is forwarded to the Arduino UNO AtMega 328 to be displayed on running text which can be in the form of letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. Through this running text design, it is hoped that the information delivery system at the Faculty of Engineering, PGRI Banyuwangi University, is more effective and efficient, the process of changing the text can be done at any time and the process of changing the running text data becomes easier. The running text uses a P10 type LED matrix with a size of 96x32 cm. Keywords — Running text, Arduino Uno AtMega 328, ESP8266, Modul LED Matrix P10
Rancang Bangun Monitor Dan Aktuator Kandang Ayam Menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266 Mokhamad Yani; Ratna Mustika Yasi; Charis Fathul Hadi
ZETROEM Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ZETROEM
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/ztr.v3i2.1487


Abstrak - Pada dasarnya metode monitor dan kontrol kondisi kandang ayam dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia sepenuhnya sudah berjalan dari dulu. Tapi hal itu dirasa kurang praktis dan efisien dalam segi waktu dan tenaga dari manusia secara langsung, terutama terhadap pemilik kandang. Sehingga perlu dibuatkan alat yang dapat meminimalisir hal tersebut menggunakan teknologi praktis. Pada penelitian ini dibuatlah sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan di peternakan sebagai salah satu solusi agar peternakan dapat dikelola dengan efisien. Alat tersebut memanfaatkan Wireless Sensor Network berbasis microcontroller NodeMCU ESP8266. Dalam hal ini kita akan melakukan penelitian terlebih dahulu dalam bentuk prototipe. Pada prototipe akan dipasang sensor suhu dan kelembaban DHT22 dan beberapa aktuator dalam bentuk relay untuk mengontrol perangkat kandang seperti kipas angin dan lampu. Perangkat tersebut akan dihubungkan dengan internet sehingga monitoring dan kontrol perangkat dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan website secara online. Hasil dari pengujian sistem berdasarkan tingkat akurasi dan kecepatan pengiriman data yang dilakukan selama 10 kali pengambilan data didapatkan hasil bahwa semua data dapat terkirim tanpa satupun kehilangan data serta dengan kecepatan pengiriman antara software ke hardware dengan kecepatan 1,4 detik dengan kecepatan akses internet sebesar 2,8 Mbps serta kecepatan pengiriman data dari hardware ke software berada pada 3 detik. Kata kunci : DHT22, NodeMCU ESP8266, Wireless Abstract - Basically, the method of monitoring and controlling the condition of the chicken coop by using fully human power has been running for a long time. But it is considered less practical and efficient in terms of time and energy from humans directly, especially to the owner of the cage. So it is necessary to make tools that can minimize this using practical technology. In this research, a tool that can be used on farms is made as a solution so that farms can be managed efficiently. The tool utilizes a Wireless Sensor Network based on the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller. In this case we will do research first in the form of a prototipe. The prototipe will install a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor and several actuators in the form of a relay to control enclosure devices such as fans and lights. The device will be connected to the internet so that monitoring and control of the device can be done using an online website. The results of system testing based on the level of accuracy and speed of data transmission carried out for 10 times of data retrieval showed that all data could be sent without any data loss and with the speed of sending between software to hardware at a speed of 1.4 seconds with an internet access speed of 2, 8 Mbps and the speed of data transmission from hardware to software is 3 seconds. Keywords: Attendance System, NodeMCU ESP8266, Website
Alat Peringatan Pelanggaran Physical Distancing Berbasis Raspberry Pi sebagai Upaya Preventif Penyebaran Covid-19 pada Era New Normal Hilal Fahrul Hamam; Irwan Ardiansyah; Burhan Dwi Ardiandyah; Dira Tri Puspita; Nancy Febriani Taek; Ardy Seto Priambodo
ZETROEM Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ZETROEM
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/ztr.v3i2.1494


The Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia forced the Indonesian population to be ready with a new normal order. With this condition, it is hoped that the community can implement changes to the new order of life by implementing health protocols. But nowadays, people often violate health protocols, physical distancing, which is one form of prevention in the new normal era. The innovation of a Raspberry Pi-based tool designed to produce warnings for physical distancing violations is expected to minimize violations. The camera installed on the system will help detect the distance between two or more people and will give a warning to immediately carry out physical distancing if the measured distance is less than 1 meter. The purpose of writing this research is to design a system and concept of "Preventive Efforts for the Spread of Covid-19 Through a Raspberry Pi-Based Distance Monitoring System". The method of writing this article uses the concept of a literature study involving several studies and scientific findings in the form of secondary data from research results that have been published in scientific journals. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, it is known that the tool has succeeded in detecting physical distancing violations between two or more people. After the tool can detect a violation, the tool emits a warning sound to inform the violation that has occurred. From the result, it can be concluded that this system proposed can run well as expected.
Rancang Bangun Function Generator Berbasis Digital to Analog Converter Muchlis Abdi; Untung Suryadhianto; Ratna Mustika Yasi
ZETROEM Vol 3 No 2 (2021): ZETROEM
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Elektro Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/ztr.v3i2.1498


Abstract - Facts in the field show that many function generator instruments are composed of analog components. Based on the size of its dimensions, this type of function generator has a large size so that it cannot be implemented on small-scale devices. To optimize electronic devices, it is necessary to implement a digital system. Based on this, this research intends to produce a digital to analog converter-based digital function generator using AT-Mega16, LCD2x16 and DAC0808 to determine the frequency and waveform that can be measured directly using an oscilloscope. The use of the C programming language by utilizing the VSM Studio and ProgISP software as commands for AT-Mega16. This research produces a function generator with a frequency range of 30.53 Hz - 20 Khz. The resulting waveforms include sine, checkerboard and ramp/ sawtooth. The function generator is 100% accurate at a frequency of 33 Hz – 200 Hz and the measurement difference appears at a frequency of more than 200 Hz and tends to increase up to a frequency of 20 Khz. In addition to the difference in frequency, there are also waveform defects at frequencies above 2 Khz. Placement of DAC-based function generator oscillation programming commands in sub programs can cause waveform defects. The waveform defect is assumed to be the lag time of the microcontroller when it will perform looping of approximately 12.9 μs. This can add to the difference in the resulting period. The use of commands and variable readings in microcontroller programming requires a time lag so that the difference between the input period and the resulting period is 140 μs, this can be seen in the experimental measurement period from 50 μs to 500 μs. Keywords — Function Generator, Digital to Analog Converter, Microcontroller Abstrak— Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa instrumen function generator banyak yang tersusun atas komponen analog. Berdasarkan ukuran dimensinya function generator tipe tersebut memiliki ukuran besar sehingga tidak dapat diimplementasikan pada perangkat skala kecil. Untuk mengoptimalkan divice elektronik dibutuhkan implementasi sistem digital. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bermaksud menghasilkan function generator digital berbasis digital to analog converter dengan memanfaatkan AT-Mega16, LCD2x16 dan DAC0808 untuk mengetahui frekuensi dan bentuk gelombang yang dapat diukur secara langsung dengan menggunakan oscilloscope. Penggunan bahasa pemrogaman C dengan memanfaatkan software VSM Studio dan ProgISP sebagai perintah untuk AT-Mega16. Penelitian ini menghasilkan function generator dengan range frekuensi 30,53 Hz - 20 KHz. Bentuk gelombang yang dihasilkan antara lain sinus, kotak-kotak dan ramp/ gigi gergaji. Function generator akurat 100% pada frekuensi 33 Hz – 200 Hz dan muncul selisih pengukuran pada frekuensi lebih dari 200Hz dan cenderung naik sampai pada frekuensi 20 KHz. Selain selisih frekuensi juga terdapat cacat bentuk gelombang pada frekuensi diatas 2 KHz. Penempatan perintah pemrograman osilasi function generator berbasis DAC pada sub progam dapat menyebabkan cacat bentuk gelombang. Cacat bentuk gelombang tersebut diasumsikan sebagai jeda waktu microcontroller ketika akan melakukan looping sebesar kurang lebih 12,9 μs. Hal tersebut dapat menambah selisih periode yang dihasilkan. Penggunaan perintah-perintah dan pembacaan variabel pada pemrograman microcontroller membutuhkan jeda waktu sehingga didapatkan selisih antara periode yang diinput dengan periode yang dihasilkan sebesar 140 μs hal tersebut terlihat pada percobaan pengukuran periode 50 μs sampai dengan periode 500 μs.

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