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Septian Hadi Susetyo
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Research of Environmental Science and Engineering
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27231429     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social, Engineering,
This journal aimed to be a platform for academics, regulators, practitioners, and also policy makers to share and discuss how to manage their surrounding environment in order to build and develop a sustainable environment. The scope of this journal includes all issues of fundamental environmental science, management, technology and related fields. In particular, the journal welcomes the following field: Waste and wastewater management Air, soil, and water pollution Climate change and its aspects Natural energy and resources Environmental policy Risk analysis and assessment of public health Health, safety and environmental Renewable energy technologies Simulations and computer modeling for the environment Surface water and groundwater management Civil Engineering Science of construction engineering Harmonize construction practices with design theories Construction material handling, Equipment Production planning Quality control Inspection and other relevant fields.
Articles 10 Documents
The Influence of Indoor Air Condition on Microorganism Existing in Slum Area Around Pasupati Flyover and Cikapundung River. Ningsih, Yulia; Oginawati, Katharina
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Reseach of Environemntal science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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Tamansari is one of the dense urban villages in Bandung. Tamansari has an area of 102 ha with a population reached 24,897 inhabitants. Tamansari was passed by Pasupati bridge and Cikapundung river which led to high air pollution and water pollution. The dirty of environment and air are a good place for microorganisms to survive in the free air. It can cause various diseases. One of them is a disease in acute respiratory tract infections (ARI). Approximately 20% of children deaths under 5 years was caused by ARI. Streptococcus sp is one type of bacteria that cause respiratory disease. In this study used horse blood agar as a medium for Streptococcus sp growing. Results of this research conducted on 30 houses in RW 4, 10, 11 and 15 obtained the average of housing area and ventilation are 4.52 m2/person and 0.302 m2 for about 29 m2 floor area. The average value of wet temperature, dry temperature, humidity and air pressure are 22.23 0C; 26.95 0C; 66.83% and 0.92 atm respectively. The average density of total bacteria and Streptococcus sp were 1632 organism/m3 and 107 organism/m3. Ventilation is one of the factors influence the bacteria density in the air. Smaller ventilation cause greater bacteria density in the air. It is indicated by correlation coefficient about -0.146.Despite the number of bacteria density is not always equal for the same residential area, but there is a tendency that the bacteria density in the air increases with the narrowing of residential area per person. It is indicated by coefficient correlation between housing area/person with a bacterial density about -0.292.
Effect of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior on Diarrhea Disease Auliailahi, Annisa Rizki; Oginawati, Katharina
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Reseach of Environemntal science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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Clean and healthy life behavior (CHLF) towards diarrheal disease is a community health improvement program that can be applied in various environments. Diarrhea is a disease with a high incidence among people living in urban areas with high density. This study aims to determine the relationship between the application of the CHLF principle with the number of diarrheal diseases in the Cicadas area. This study uses a questionnaire method relating to Clean and Healthy Life Behavior with the incidence of diarrheal diseases and sampling of raw water quality used by the community with the Total Coliform microbiological parameters. The results of this study indicate that the application of aspects of the availability of clean water, the use of healthy latrines and the application of the habit of washing hands with soap and clean running water have a direct relationship with the incidence of diarrheal diseases in the scope of households in Cicadas area. In addition, the results of laboratory water quality tests with indicators of the presence of Coliform bacteria showed that 27 of the 30 water samples taken proved to be positive containing Coliform bacteria, and all were positive for Escherichia coli bacteria.
Residue of Organophosphate Insecticide in Strawberry Abdurachman, Ardestya Verta; Oginawati, Katharina
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Reseach of Environemntal science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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Strawberry (Fragaria, sp) is very popular and delightful fruit in Indonesia. Nowadays Ciwidey County of South Bandung Region has been well known as one of the biggest producer of strawberry in West Java province and as one of tourist destination offers a concept of agrotourism activity where visitors are allowed themselves to pick any ripe strawberry fruit up directly from the plant in the farm. The usage of organophosphate insecticide to increased a quantity of product during harvest and as a pest control materials, it becomes a residue which can jeopardize the consumer’s health. The research is done to observe and to know the contents of the residue of organophosphate insecticide in strawberry farm of the agro-tourism. Samples are obtained directly from 1000 sqm – 5000 sqm strawberry farm for three days in a row. The analysis method used a tool of Chromatography Gas and its extraction used homogenizer with acetone and hexane as a solvent base on Method of Standard Analysis of Pesticide Residue, Commissioner of Pesticide 1997. Insecticide Organophosphate from the group chlorpirifos and profenofos are common use in Ciwidey. Therefore only these two types are targeted for further investigation. The result of research shows on both washed and un-washed strawberry fruit the existence of residue chlorpirifos at 0,027 ppm average in washed fruit and 0,0048 ppm in un-washed fruit while the profenofor residue is 0,0547 ppm in un-washed fruit and 0,029 ppm in washed fruit. The values are still below Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) by Codex Alimentarius. The fruit washing process by submerging can reduce insecticide residue at 40%-60%.
Assessment of Zn and Cu in Primary School Children’s Street Foods Handayani, Elya Hilda; Oginawati, Katharina; Santoso, Muhayatun
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Reseach of Environemntal science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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Metal elements are needed by body for metabolic processes. For examples are Cu and Zn. These metals present in food naturally. However, food can be contaminated by metals from the environment. Excess consumption of metal elements can cause disease for consumers. Primary school children’s foods are one of the problems of metal contamination that need attention. There are some sellers who put hazardous materials into the food or the food’s sanitation is neglected in food processes. Thus the analysis carried out by first doing sampling at four primary schools in Bandung to check the concentration of Cu and Zn metals in these foods. The number of samples taken is 6 pieces per location. From laboratory analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometry method the results show the highest Cu concentrations of children’s street foods was Kentang 4,11 mg/kg and the highest of Zn was biting with 22,43 mg/kg.
Heat recovery from combustion Incinerator for Plastic Pyrolysis Process Susetyo, Septian Hadi; Assomadi, Abdu Fadli; Hermana, Joni
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Reseach of Environemntal science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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This study was aimed to examine the utilization of incenerator heat for pyrolysis process. This research used an integrated incinerator-pyrolysis reactor with laboratory scale. The pyrolysis reactor was located in the an incinerator chamber. The dimensions of the pyrolysis chamber was 15 cm x 15 cm x 25 cm, and the dimensions of the incinerator chamber was 45 cm x 45 cm x 50 cm. Pyrolysis process used PP, PET and HDPE plastic, with the treatment of each type of plastic weighing 300 g. incinerator and pyrolysis chambers were equipped with type K thermocouple. The test parameters in this study were incinerator combustion temperatures, pyrolysis combustion temperature and pyrolysis product. The testing time was 120 minutes. The results of this study were incinerator combustion chamber temperatures fluctuating with the highest combustion chamber temperature was 739.4 0C and the highest temperature in the pyrolysis combustion chamber was 433.3 0C. The resulting pyrolysis products were oil, gas and char. The results of PP pyrolysis are 70.3% oil, 29.7% gas, and 0% char. PET pyrolysis results were 77.3% gas, 16% char and 6.7% oil.
Rat flea disease vector control: literature review tami, dwitami
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Research of Environmental science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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In the 14th century, the Black Death killed 50 million people in Europe, thus reducing 60 percent of Europe's population. This event is caused by the yersinia pestis bacteria found in rat fleas/fleas that live near humans. There are more than 2000 species of fleas, one of which is the species Xenopsylla coreopsis. This study aims to provide information on the vector of rat flea disease and control. This study used a literature study method with a focus on the rat flea disease vector. The cause of this vector-borne disease is a dirty lifestyle. Poor sanitation and water channels are one of the causes of disease caused by fleas vectors. Clogged drains and sewers full of trash are home to the rats who are infested with fleas. But in fact, we as humans live side by side with other living things so that a healthy lifestyle does not guarantee that we are entirely safe from vector-borne diseases. The creation of this paper is one way to increase public awareness of rat flea vector-borne diseases and appropriate control to avoid this rat flea disease.
The Correlation Between Concentration PM 2.5 Of The Possibility Of Acute Respiratory Infections Diseases Hemas, Caroline Kartika; Oginawati, Katharina
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Research of Environmental science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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ARI Acute Respiratory Infections or a respiratory illness that can last up to 14 days. ARI has become one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in children in developed and developing countries, especially for children younger than 5 years. A respiratory infection causes approximately 20% of the deaths of children aged under 5 years. Various factors cause ARI. One of the causes of respiratory disease is small particulate size. This study carried out particulate matter measurements indoor and questionnaires to determine the community's habits conducted in 30 houses randomly in settlements around the overpass Pasopati Bandung. Based on RTBL (Layout Plan of Building and Environment), this study was carried out, especially in RW 4, 10, 11, 15Taman Sari Village. Measurements of PM2.5 were carried out continuously for ±24 hours at one location in the house. Possible sources of particulate matter come from the Pasopati flyovers, soccer fields located beneath the Pasopati flyovers, and community activities daily, such as smoking, cooking, and burning trash.
Identification of the Critical Point and Critical Control Point for Water Supply System Based on Physical Parameters Sari, Kartika Rahma; Oginawati, Katharina
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Research of Environmental science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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At present, attention to the quality of public health is increases. One of the things that highlighted in order to improve the quality of public health is the drinking water aspect. The objects of this research is to implement WHO's new program, entitled Water Safety Plan Program. This program is intended to ensure the quality of drinking water produced appropriate with quality standards and safe for consumption by society, according to health-based targets. Research carried out by measuring and testing the physical parameters of water quality in accordance to Kepmenkes RI nomor 907/MenKes/SK/VII/2002. The measured parameters are temperature, conductivity, and turbidity. Whereas, the tested parameters are Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and odor. From the results of the measurement and testing, determined the critical point and critical control point of the entire piped water supply system. The critical point is determined from the parameters passed quality standards. By looking at the provision of potable water piping system as a whole, determined which stages that potentially as critical control points. The test results showed that the major critical control point located at the stage of filtration, both for the parameters of turbidity, TDS, or odor, because the next stage of the drinking water supply could not process these parameters again. Critical point in the piped drinking water supply system by Dago Pakar taps located on the parameters of turbidity, with a value that exceeds the quality standard of raw water until the start of the processing stages in the flocculation unit.
Utilization of Livestock Manure for Fertilizer on Mustard Green and Lettuce as an Application of Cleaner Production Nurmala Karima, Afifah; Oginawati, Katharina
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Research of Environmental science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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Livestock waste is one of the sources of organic pollutants in surface and ground water. This entire time, the cattle owners in Dago Atas dispose the cattle manure directly into Cikapundung River without any treatment. Then it needs to be implementing a treatment technology to overcome the negative impact of the wastes disposal and to gain an added-value by recycling the livestock waste into organic fertilizer products. The solid fertilizers were made by mixing the manure with 5% Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4) of the total weight of the manure, while the liquid fertilizers weremade by adding 10% of EM4 into the cattle urine. To ensure that this technology appropriates to be applied, further research is needed in order to investigate the effect of the fertilizer utilization on the plant growth. The fertilizer in this research was implemented on the mustard greens and the lettuce crops. This research was arranged in a completely randomized factorial design with two factors: the first is a combination of the solid fertilizers dose and the second is a combination of the liquid fertilizer dose. The growth variables measured for each crop are the plant height per week, amount of leaves, total fresh weight, consume fresh weight, harvest index, and stem diameter. Based on the ANOVA test was concluded that the solid fertilizer effect on plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, total weight and consume weight of mustard green. While on the lettuce, solid fertilizer effect on plant height, stem diameter, total weight, and consume weight. The use of liquid fertilizer had no effect on growth of mustard and lettuce. From the Duncan test, found that the best solid fertilizer dose in mustard green and lettuce is 4 kg/m2.
The Coronavirus diseases 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic: literature review Kurniati, Niqmatul
Research of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Research of Environmental science and Engineering
Publisher : Research of Environmental Science and Engineering

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The end of 2019 or early 2020, the world was shocked by the outbreak of new pneumonia in Wuhan, China, which then spread rapidly throughout the world. This outbreak is named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 is the name given by the World Health Organization (WHO) for patients with Covid-19. This disease's etiology is known for certain, which is included in the ribonucleic acid virus (RNA), namely a new type of Coronavirus, beta corona. Viruses and one group with the Coronavirus cause severe acute respiratory middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS CoV) and syndrome (SARS). Symptoms of Covid-19 can be mild to severe associated with the respiratory disease with common symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. COvid-19 is very dangerous for those who have comorbidities such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart failure, or diabetes, which will have a more serious impact that can lead to death. Therefore, we conducted a review of studies related to Covid-19, which were widely applied in early 2020 to the end of August 2020.

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