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Core Subject : Economy,
In various literatures on the economy is divided into two sectors: the real sector which includes the service market and the market for goods, and the monetary sector which consists of the money market and the capital market (wealth). In some economic systems, the monetary (financial) flowing in a country will affect the rate of the economy. Monetary economy can be applied in a policy called monetary policy. In a conventional discussion, a monetary policy is implemented to achieve an increase in national income, to stabilize market prices, and to control the inflation rate. To achieve these macroeconomic goals, interest rates are used which is a weakness of the conventional monetary system. The subsequent use of interest rates has led to an economic crisis, even a global financial crisis, therefore there is monetary policy in the Islamic economy to reduce interest rates.It can be concluded that the influence of the financial system and monetary policy in the perspective of Islamic economics in the New Order era and Islam has its own monetary policy that is different from other economic systems. In the aspect of the goal of Islam, it does not only emphasize equilibrium between the demand and supply of money but also strives for equality with the principles of justice and brotherhood, so as to create a fair distribution of wealth and income as well. In connection with the needs of a new economic system, the Islamic monetary system offers a solution to overcome the financial crisis. [Di berbagai literature tentang ekonomi terbagi dalam dua sektor: sektor real yang mencakup pasar jasa dan pasar barang-barang, dan sektor moneter yang terdiri dari pasar uang dan pasar modal (kekayaan). Dalam sebagian sistem ekonomi, moneter (keuangan) yang mengalir di sebuah Negara akan mempengaruhi laju ekonomi. Ekonomi moneter bisa diaplikasikan dalam sebuah kebijakan yang disebut kebijakan moneter. Dalam suatu pembahasan konvensional, sebuah kebijakan moneter diJalankan untuk mencapai peningkatan pendapatan nasional, untuk menstabilkan harga pasar, dan mengontrol laju inflasi. Untuk memperoleh tujuan ekonomi makro tersebut, suku bunga digunakan di mana hal tersebut menjadi kelemahan dari sistem moneter konvensional. Penggunaan suku bunga selanjutnya sudah menyebabkan krisis ekonomi, bahkan krisis keuangan global maka dari itu adanya kebijakan moneter dalam ekonomi islam untuk mengurangi suku bunga. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya pengaruh sistem keuangan dan kebijakan moneter dalam perspektif ekonomi islam pada era orde baru dan islam memiliki kebijakan moneter tersendiri yang berbeda dengan sistem ekonomi lainnya. Pada aspek tujuan Islam tidak hanya menekankan equilibrium antara permintaan dan penawaran uang akan tetapi juga mengupayakan terjadinya pemerataan dengan prinsip keadilan dan persaudaraan, sehingga tercipta distribusi kekayaan dan pendapatan secara adil pula. Berkaitan dengan kebutuhan sistem ekonomi baru, sistem moneter islam menawarkan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi krisis keuangan.]
Articles 10 Documents
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Analisis Critical Success Factor Kinerja Proyek Preservasi Jalan Nasional dengan Skema Long Segment: Pelaksanaan di Provinsi Sumatera Utara Masista Marpaung; M. Ridwan Anas; Gina Cynthia Raphita Hasibuan
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2106


A construction project is a form of activity that takes place within a certain period of time and with certain resources to achieve results in the form of buildings or infrastructure. Problems that occur in a construction project are determined by the suitability of time, cost, and quality agreed in the contract documents. The road handling project is one of the areas of construction projections that are also fighting for the project. The road maintenance program in Indonesia is implemented by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in the form of a preservation project with a long segment scheme. The long segment scheme has performance indicators that can assess the performance of road preservation projects so that the success of road preservation projects can be measured. This underlies this research to analyze the Critical Success Factor (CSF) on the success of road preservation projects. The Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS – SEM) analysis method was used in this study to analyze the CSF performance of a road preservation project with a long segment scheme. The results of the analysis show that the Critical Success Factor that has an impact on the success of the road preservation project with the long segment scheme is the standard quality test factor with a value of 0.371 having the greatest impact. Overall, the CSF factors of the performance of the road preservation project with the long segment scheme have quite an effect (moderate) on the success of the project in the performance indicator slogan, namely with a proportion value of 47.5%. In conclusion, overall the Critical Success Factor elements of road preservation project performance with a long segment scheme are quite influential on project success in the performance indicator slogan, namely with a proportion value of 47.5%.
Karakteristik penderita Gangguan Kecemasan Menyeluruh Pada Grave’s Disease dengan gambaran EKG Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS) R. Mohamad Javier; Andisa Fadhila Rialdi; Syarif Syamsi Ahyandi; Ericko Julian Limanto; Ehwanul Handika; Badrul Munir; Pertiwi Febriana Chandrawati; Andi Abdillah; Maisuri T. Chalid; Himawan Wicaksono; A. Rusli Budi Ansyah; I Nyoman Mudana
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2135


Sekitar 60%-80% kasus hipertiroidisme diakibatkan oleh Graves’ disease dimana wanita pada usia 20-50th lebih dominan dibandingkan laki-laki. Graves’ disease adalah suatu kelainan autoimun, adanya thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI), atau bisa disebut dengan thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb) yang disekresikan di kelenjar tiroid berikatan dengan reseptor thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) di kelenjar tiroid. Sehingga merangsang kelenjar tiroid untuk bekerja memproduksi hormon tiroksin berdasarkan rangsangan dari reseptor TSH. Rangsangan terus menerus dari TSAb mengakibatkan keadaan hipertiroidisme dan tiromegaly. Keadaan hipertiroidisme menyebabkan denyut jantung melemah dan gambaran pola EKG yang menunjukkan sindrom sinus sakit termasuk bradikardia sinus (denyut jantung <40 bpm), jeda sinus (jeda tiba-tiba nodus sinus lebih pendek dari 2-3 detik), dan henti sinus. Tujuan, Mengetahui karakteristik penderita gangguan kecemasan menyeluruh pada graves disease dengan gambaran EKG sick sinus syndrome (SSS). Metode, Penelitian ini merupakan Systematic Review dengan menggunakan metode Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses atau biasa disebut PRISMA, metode ini dilakukan secara sistematis dengan mengikuti tahapan atau protokol penelitian yang benar. Sumber diambil dari situs PubMed dan situs Google Scholar dengan jurnal terbitan tahun 2017-2022 lalu dilakukan screening didapatkan hasil 15.486. Hasil, Dilakukan klasterisasi jurnal dan didapatkan jumlah jurnal terindex scopus Q1 sejumlah 2 jurnal, Q2 2 jurnal, terindeks Sinta S1 1 jurnal, sehingga terdapat 5 jurnal yang diekstraksi. Kesimpulan, Mayoritas jurnal membahas mengenai usia dan gaya hidup yang berkaitan dengan karakteristik terjadinya grave disease serta faktor risiko grave disease ditentukan berdasarkan usia serta grave disease berhubungan dengan gangguan kecemasan, gambaran EKG sick sinus syndrome (SSS).
Hipnoterapi Sebagai Media Psikologis Bagi Penderita Asma Lenny Utama Afriyenti
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2125


There are several types of psychotherapy used by psychologists, one of which is popular is the hypnotherapy method. Hypnotherapy with hypnosis is a therapy that has high effectiveness. Patients with various types of diseases can be helped by this method. One of them is asthma which is a medical disease. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the benefits of hypnotherapy for asthma patients. The steps taken are pre-induction talk, induction, deepening, suggestion, therapy, termination and verbalization. In the use of hypnotherapy also perform part therapy techniques, object imagery and forgiveness for 45 minute. PHQ-9 as a predictor for depresive. Descriptively, there were changes felt by asthma patients with five meetings of hypnotherapy. Breathing becomes more relieved and you can regulate your breath if you feel shortness of breath.
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Badan Hukum Dalam Proses Online Single Submission (Oss) Terhadap Syarat Operasional Badan Hukum Tarida Sondang; Wira Franciska; Doni Martien
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2131


A Limited Liability Company is a legal entity which is expressly recognized by law as a legal entity which is a legal subject. The main need for an authentic deed in the business sector is the deed of a limited liability company (PT) legal entity. This study aims to analyze and understand the policies related to obtaining business licenses for limited liability companies in the online single submission system in Indonesia and legal protection for limited liability companies in obtaining business licenses through online single submission in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The method used in this research is normative juridical research. The data used is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Besides that, primary data is also used as a support for secondary data legal material data. By using the theory of legal protection and the theory of legal certainty. From the results of the research that PP Number 24 of 2018 concerning electronically integrated business licensing services, namely weak laws and regulations do not regulate legal protection for business actors who do not make adjustments to OSS. Legal protection for Limited Liability Companies in the form of adjustments in implementing the OSS system, namely regarding changes to the Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields for Limited Liability Companies that already have and obtain a legal certificate of detention of a business entity issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Based on the research results, it can be interpreted that First, PTs that do not make adjustments to business licenses through OSS after the issuance of PP Number 24 of 2018, namely weak laws and regulations do not regulate legal protection for business actors who do not make adjustments
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Tutorial Manatiang Service Pada Mata Kuliah Penataan Dan Pelayanan Restoran Ariq Aldera; Yeni Yulianti; Rina Febriana
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2124


This research was conducted to determine the development of video tutorial learning media for manatiang service in restaurant management and service courses. This research conducted on Vocational Education in Culinary Arts, State University of Jakarta since June 2022. This research used the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development model (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation with data analysis techniques in the form of descriptive percentages. This research was validated by media, material, and language experts. The development of learning media is expressed through validation results by media expert that scores 92% (very good), by material expert that scores 81% (good), and test result obtained from linguists are 82% (good). In the one to one evaluation, the percentage was 94% (very good), in the small group evaluation, the percentage was 94% (very good), in the field group evaluation the percentage was 83% (very good), and in the student responses the percentage was 85% (very good). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the video tutorial learning media is feasible to use in the learning process.
Pengaruh Suhu Pengeringan pada Pembuatan Tepung Umbi Bunga Dahlia Raihana Amalia Novriza; Mutiara Dahlia; Ridawati Ridawati
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2136


This study aims to make efforts to utilize dahlia flower tubers as an alternative food ingredient in the form of flour. The change that occurs from dahlia tubers to dahlia tuber flour is one of the efforts to expand its utilization into semi-finished products or finished products with a longer shelf life and maintained quality. In this way, the dahlia tubers can be utilized easily and optimally to be used as alternative food ingredients which can later be applied to various food preparations. The research method used was an experimental method by testing the manufacture of dahlia tuber flour. The research location is in the Food Processing Laboratory, Culinary Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University. Results, In this study 1 kg of dahlia tubers were used to be processed into dahlia tuber flour. Furthermore, sorting was done to remove fresh tubers and tubers that were not fresh/rotten and obtained 900 grams of tubers. The conclusion is that the organoleptic quality of dahlia tuber flour with the use of drying temperature and the use of different meshes in the sieve produces significant differences in the aspects of color and level of fineness. As for the aspects of aroma, taste, and after taste, there was no significant effect on the manufacture of dahlia tuber flour.
Development of Organic Based Rice Farming on Ecosystem and Culture of Subak In Bali Cening Kardi; Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari; Ni Putu Sukanteri
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2137


Green Revolution technology changed the behavior of farmers from low-input traditional rice farming to high-input modern rice farming, which had implications on the use of excessively synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, degradation of rice fields, and the extinction of some local paddy varieties which had high-quality rice. This is contrary to the global issue of food security, which requires high-quality rice products with safety assurance of the absence of pesticide residues and other synthetic chemicals, before entering the international market. The solution on the fourth is back to nature by cultivating environmentally friendly technology through organic-based Cicih Gondrong rice farming. This study aims to facilitate and educate rice farming using the local resource (compost from cattle manure, grass, and rest crop and Cicih Gondrong rice), and reduction of external input. Further rice intensification technology through an approach of eco-farming and subak culture wisdom to improve the efficiency of input allocation toward more profitable and sustainable rice farming. The methods of survey and demonstration plots are used to arrange production functions and efficiency tests on Cicih Gondrong rice farming. The demonstration plot of organic-based rice farming using specific techniques of cultivation. This blended method is expected can produce a Model development of organic-based Cicih Gondrong rice farming on the ecosystem and culture of subak. The significance: (1) to enrich the Agribusiness Management with eco-cultural based rice farming (2) the improvement and conservation local rice farming to increase productivity and profitability and sustainability of rice farming in subak and strengthen Bali's local secure food.
Factors That Affect The Quality Of Financial Reports Muhammad Arif Setyo Nugroho; Muhyarsyah Muhyarsyah; Nurul Hidayah
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2126


The research conducted aims to analyze and prove empirically the effect of leverage, profitability, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent board of commissioners, and audit committees on the quality of financial reports (study of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for the period 2015-2020). This research is based on secondary data obtained from the company's annual and financial reports. There were 60 companies out of a total of 193 companies in this study, which used a purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. As for data processing in this study, using multiple linear regression analysis methods and processed with Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 software. The research results show that (1) Leverage has a significant positive effect on the quality of financial reports. (2) Profitability has a significant negative effect on the quality of financial reports. (3) Institutional ownership has no significant effect on the quality of financial reports. (4) Managerial ownership has a significant positive effect on the quality of financial reports. (5) The board of independent commissioners has a significant negative effect on the quality of financial reports. (6) the audit committee has a significant negative effect on the quality of financial reports.
Sistem Informasi Helpdesk It Perum Peruri Rahman Muharam; Feri Sulianta
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2107


The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the effectiveness of the IT helpdesk system used to support IT services at Perum Peruri. Responses include services from the IT support department in solving problems related to computer hardware or the internet or company intranets which are very important to help work efficiency. To serve network requests and repair computers, laptops and printers is still done manually and this process takes a long time because it requires approval from superiors. In this case the monitoring of access requests, computer repairs and device network problems that are often complained about within 1 month is not properly recorded so that the process of evaluating these obstacles is solved. Methods In addition to interviews and observation systems, the authors conducted a literature review through information on research topics, scientific journals, books and references. For this reason, a helpdesk system for the IT Support section is needed which is computerized and can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection, so that existing problems can be resolved properly. And the process of tracking and reporting requests sent by users can be properly monitored and evaluated to find the right solution. Results, Describe the workflow of dispatchers in the helpdesk system. The dispatcher is in charge of sorting tickets or requests sent by users to the IT division, here the researcher divides into 3 sections, namely the infrastructure section, the helpdesk services section, and system maintenance. In conclusion, the information system makes it easier to organize data, speeds up the process of manual systems, can see tracking problems and find solutions, processing data can be more efficient and easy to access.
Analisis Resiko Kebangkrutan Pada Perusahaan Dengan Laporan Ekuitas Negatif Antonius Yudhis Hindriarsana; Darti Djuharni
Syntax Idea Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i2.2132


The Altman, Springate, and Zmijewski methods were used in this study to analyze the comparison of bankruptcy risk calculations and analyze the influence of negative equity on bankruptcy risk quantitatively using a population of 810 companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Then, a sample of 23 companies was selected using purposive sampling technique by applying several criteria. The research results indicate that the Altman, Springate, and Zmijewski methods provide different bankruptcy prediction results and levels of accuracy in predicting the tested companies. Among the three methods, the Altman method is the highest in predicting bankruptcy with 18 companies, compared to 16 companies for the Springate method and 8 companies for the Zmijewski method. Furthermore, based on the t-test results, it is found that the Altman and Springate methods show that companies with negative equity have a positive and significant impact on bankruptcy risk. However, the Zmijewski method yields different results, where companies with negative equity do not have a positive and significant influence on bankruptcy risk.

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