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Seri FilsafatTeologi Widya Sasana
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Seri Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana focuses on philosophical and theological studies based on both literary and field researches. The emphasis of study is on systematic attempt of exploring seeds of Indonesian philosophy as well as contextualization and inculturation of theology in socio-political-historical atmosphere of Indonesia. Scope of Seri Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana covers various perspectives of philosophical and theological studies from interdisciplinary methodology and cultural-religious point of view of traditions.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)" : 8 Documents clear
Politics and Religion: Dichotomy and Correlation in the Context of Indonesian Democracy Edison R.L. Tinambunan
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.193


This paper on politics and religion will show the differences in principle and the relationship between the two. Based on their origin, politics and religion are dichotomous, even though they are both located in the country of Indonesia. For this reason, the exploration of politics derived from philosophy is necessary, and the thoughts of ancient Greek philosophers are the users who are the initial place where politics and religion are implemented together. Meanwhile, the correlation will be shown in justice, honesty, and humility between politics and religion. The trend in Indonesia is the intention to unite politics and religion, which is often considered a democratic system, even though the two are different in both origin and purpose, although they can meet in policy. For this kind of research, the use of philosophical texts of ancient Greek philosophy is imperative and the applicable methodology is qualitative with an interpretive approach that is reflexive following the Indonesian democratic context. This research aims not to mix politics and religion, because the origin and purpose are different, and the domain and system are different, although they can meet in the attitude of wisdom in politics
Keterlibatan Klerikus Dalam Politik: Tinjauan Hukum Gereja Dan Kesaksian Hidup San Giovanni Xxiii Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.194


This research raises the theme of clerical involvement in politics, which still creates pro and con reactions. The questions answered in this research are what, how, and to what extent clerics may engage or are prohibited from engaging in politics. What are the reasons and purposes of the Catholic Church in prohibiting its clergy from engaging in politics? What are the legal consequences for the clerics involved in practical politics? Is there any good example for clerics in engaging in politics? This research uses the normative research method of Church law. The problem is approached using the deductive method, by departing from the legal norms of the Church which are elaborated using documents issued by the Holy See. The research also uses the inductive method through a study on the testimonies of the life of St. John XXIII. The deductive and inductive approaches are combined to find the scope of meaning and the proper and wise application of the ecclesiastical norm regarding clerical involvement in politics. The study found that the clerical mission cannot be separated from politics. The call to configure oneself fully to the person and mission of Christ requires clerics to take the side of the small, the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized by conducting sharp socio-political criticism agaist unfair, unequal and discriminatory government or economic systems. The teaching of clerics should have a political impact on the lives of the faithful, especially the laity, to the point of encouraging them to become fully involved in practical politics to fight for justice, truth, peace and the common good with other members of society. However, concern for the political problems of the nation must never lead clerics to become directly and actively involved through political parties. Such involvement will divide the communion of the people, will mix politics and religion, and will run the risk of creating hostility both within the Church itself and outside the Church. Violation of the prohibition to actively participate in political parties results in the suspension of the cleric concerned. As the life witnessed by St. John XXIII, clerics are to be fathers of all people, persons of dialogue and peace, above all parties and for all parties. Clerics represent the Church that does not bind itself to any particular political system, and remains present and works in whatever political system, which is democratically selected and established by all citizens
Gereja: Peran Budaya Dalam Masyarakat Majemuk Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.195


Tanggung jawab budaya merupakan panggilan luhur dari Allah kepada setiap orang beriman. Kesadaran ini menjadikan Gereja lebih hidup, karena setiap anggotanya memiliki keyakinan akan perannya sebagai subjek-subjek yang mendapat mandat untuk turut memajukan budaya yang memanusiakan manusia. Pada kenyataannya, setiap kebudayaan, entah kebudayaan etnis entah kebudayaan nasional, tidak pernah lepas dari godaan untuk menjadi hegemonik dengan konstruksi sosial yang oposisional. Justru dalam konteks itulah mandat budaya dalam iman kristiani menjadi relevan. Artikel ini, dengan merujuk pada antropologi kristiani, ingin mengajak sidang pembaca yang budiman untuk tetap aktif memajukan budaya yang memuliakan manusia di tengah budaya yang tidak toleran dan cenderung diskriminatif
Minoritas dan Politik Indonesia dari Sudut Pandang HAM Petrus Go Twan An
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.196


Tema “Minoritas dan Politik” tak hanya real-aktual di pelbagai Negara, terutama di mana maioritas & minoritas berdampingan seperti Indonesia, melainkan juga menyangkut banyak orang kelompok mi-noritas yang terkena “nasib” minoritas. Sudut pandang HAM bukan hanya metode, melainkan juga menyangkut dan mempengaruhi isi/kenyataan. Keadaan dewasa ini tak final, melainkan dalam proses pengembangan, juga dalam praktek HAM yang sudah diwujudkan dengan cukup baik, sudut pandang pembahasan tema ini tetap rasional, jembatan titik temu aneka kelompok maioritas-minoritas. Dalam cahaya HAM perbedaan tajam maioritas-minoritas mengalami relativisasi, karena dengan upaya me-madamkan SARA (Suku, agama, ras, antargolongan) Indonesia berusaha mengatasinya dengan me-nyerukan kesetaraan dan persaudaraan bagi semua WNI.
Hubungan Antara Agama dan Negara di NKRI Dalam Sorotan Filsafat Politik Sermada Kelen Donatus
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.197


The relationship between religion and state in Indonesia does not go on smoothly and well nowadays. The ethics of practicing the religion and of performing the state do not grow up in a healthy way. The purpose of the author writing this article is to urge the Indonesian government to erase the law of blasphemy on religion applied to the life of the Indonesian state. The method the author is using is the way of describing the political facts concerning the ethics of practicing the religion and of performing the Indonesian state and the way of evaluating the distortion availed in the life of practicing the religion and the citizenship from the political theories. From the political point of view it comes to the conclusion that the law of blasphemy on religion in the Indonesian state should be erased
Signifikansi Ekumenisme Dalam Perspektif Teologis Katolik Antonius Denny Firmanto
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.198


Ecclesiology discusses the identity, essence of existence, and function of the Church concerning the identity and mission of the Church in the world. It explored aspects of the experience of the Christian community as a framework for interpreting the experience of faith. Conflicts on interpretations and applications of the Scripture’s messages about justification by faith in the sixteenth century were the cause of the doctrinal divisions and conflicts between the Lutheran Confession and the Roman Catholic Church’s Council of Trent. This study exploited a qualitative research method by exploring literature. By improving recent studies of Scripture and referring to the history of theology and dogma, the ecumenical dialogue after the Second Vatican Council resulted in renewed opinion towards ecumenical unity. Ecumenism means a religious initiative towards the oneness of the Church. It increased cooperation and better understanding between groups within Christianity or church denominations. The study results showed that the Roman Catholic Church had various views on the existence of churches. The context of the times, the dominant thoughts of the time, and the meaning of the Christian faith were the main contributors that gave birth to this diversity.
Penindasan Minoritas Sebagai “Liyan” (Other) Kritik Metodologi Dekolonisasi FX. Eko Armda Riyanto
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.199


Tulisan ini berupa sebuah investigasi filosofis. Artinya, kesahihan argumentasinya difundasikan pada dalil-dalil filsafat moral-etis. Fokus investigasinya ialah esaminasi moral / etis dalam melihat kembali penindasan perennial (“langeng” / selamanya / abadi) terhadap Liyan (Other). Liyan adalah para minoritas. Liyan, dalam tulisan ini, saya alusikan pada para korban Mass Killings of 1965, yang hingga hari ini mereka masih dipandang societas sebagai “yang paling hina” dari warganegara di tanah air. Mereka adalah minoritas “absolut” di rumah sendiri. Mereka menghidupi tidak lain kecuali ketertindasan itu sendiri. Dan, ketertindasan model yang mereka derita ini seperti tidak ada kata negosiatif yang meringankan sedikit pun, juga tidak ada (atau belum ada) penelaahan yang secara moral, etis, politis, sosial, dan publik dimaksudkan untuk upaya-upaya rekonsiliasi yang serius menyeluruh, dan punya pesan memuliakan martabat manusia. Kita lebih suka menjebloskan mereka ke “penjara abadi,” berupa keterhinaan, kutukan, dan celaka sedemikian rupa sehingga akal budi kita sendiri seolah-olah kita gabungkan bersama para algojo-algojo yang lebih kejam dari para “penjaga” neraka. Dalam hidup sosial, tidak ada isu apa pun yang lolos dari kritik-kritik. Dan, adalah tugas filsafat, yang menurut saya, harus berani melakukan kritik-kritik etis atas apa yang merupakan penindasan yang dilanggengkan dalam sejarah hingga hari ini.
Pengaruh Politik Minoritas di Indonesia dalam Pilpress 2024 (Relevansi Konsep Fairness John Rawls) Yohanes Endi; Fransesco Agnes Ranubaya
Seri Filsafat Teologi Vol. 33 No. 32 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/serifilsafat.v33i32.230


The focus of this research examines the relevance and implications of John Rawls' concept of fairness in the context of minority politics in Indonesia, especially in the 2024 presidential election. John Rawls, in his A Theory of Justice, proposes the concept of justice as fairness, which is based on two principles: the same basic freedoms for all citizens and fair equality of opportunity. This study analyzes how this concept can be applied to Indonesia's political situation, where ethnic and religious minorities are often marginalized in the political and policy-making process. Through literature analysis and public opinion survey methods, this study evaluates how the 2024 presidential election reflects Rawls' principles of justice, particularly in terms of fair treatment, distribution of opportunities, and inclusion. The findings show that the Prabowo-Gibran presidential ticket received widespread support from various religious groups, including minorities, indicating the potential for inclusivity and acceptance in the context of this election. However, the study also underlines the risk of polarization and discrimination in political campaigns, emphasizing the need to maintain plurality

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