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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
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Global & Policy adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Global & Policy menerima artikel baik hasil pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian dalam bidang terkait kajian Hubungan Internasional kontemporer. Jurnal Global & Policy diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 232 Documents
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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 3, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v3i01.1963


ABSTRACTIndonesia has signed an agreement IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission), this means that Indonesia has been a member of IOTC, contained in resolution 10/12 of IOTC agreement that protects mice that mean shark shark rat can not be arrested or merchantability. However, in reality the condition of fisheries in Indonesia is dominated by mainly shark shark catches mice. WWF as international organizations have a very important role in this regard is as INGO advocacy. In this issue investigated by using variables that variable direct lobbying and grassroots lobbying, this paper analyzes the role of WWF in encouraging government policies to address the exploitation of sharks rats in Indonesia by using qualitative methods Explanative-equipped with the concept of lobbying and decision making.Key Words: WWF, INGO advocacy, Direct Lobbying, Grassroots Lobbying, Government PolicyDOI:
Government and NGOs Collaboration in Disaster Governance: The Indonesian Experience Mubah, Ahmad Safril
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2005


ABSTRACTAs the main leader in disaster governance, governments are believed to have bigger role than the others. However, it is hard for governments to solve the disaster problems by themselves. Governments need to be supported by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) because NGOs have abilities which governments don’t have. Both of them must make mutual cooperation in disaster governance. But, the Indonesian experience shows that government and NGOs are, in some cases, involved in unnecessary conflict. Government views that the NGOs, mainly international NGOs, are just talking rather than acting and potential to destroy local knowledge. On the other hand, NGOs feel that the government could not respond the disaster quickly and want to restrict their freedom. Therefore, to give the best service for disaster victims, government and NGOs should make norms for collaboration and coordination among them, hold regular training of disaster risk reduction for government officials, and improve capacity building support needed by NGOs.Key Words: government, NGOs, disaster governance, disaster risk reduction.DOI:
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 3, No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v3i01.1964


ABSTRACTThis study discusses about Kim Jong Un’s idiosyncratic impact in North Korea's foreign policy related to the escalation of the conflict in the Korean Peninsula in 2013. The background of this research is the change of North Korea’s foreign policy in the leadership era of Kim Jong Un which decided to re-confrontation with South Korea. Those became the main platform issues examined in this research, which is why North Korea under the leadership era of Kim Jong Un decided to re-confrontation with South Korea in 2013. Those problem will be analyzed and explaned by using idiosyncratic theory, authoritarian leadership and decision making as the basic argument. Based on the theoretical approach that given, it can be deduced that the escalation of the conflict in the Korean Peninsula in 2013 was effected by idiosyncratic of Kim Jong Un that describes the characteristics of Kim Jong Un is dictatorial. Thus, the holder of the power taken by Kim Jong Un so that can be affect the decision making of Kim Jong Un and produce a confrontational North Korea’s policy.Key words: Foreign Policy, Idiosyncratic, Authoritarian Leadership, Decision MakingDOI:
Kelembaman Perjanjian Antariksa: Aplikasi Politis Astropolitik Dolman Terhadap Praktik Komersialisasi Antariksa (Studi Kasus Komersialisasi International Space Station) Imanino, Ihsan
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 01 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v2i01.1977


ABSTRACTThis writing proves that practices over-privatization space not conforming to conception res communis, so that the thing which renders agreement the space being inert: only having the power in a state of static. With apply the theory astropolitik Everrett C. Dolman, motivation space exploitation from developed countries such as the United States and Russia can be revealed. With an analysis environment astropolitik obtained projection strategic the exploitation of the earth orbit underlying activities over-privatization in international space station (international space station). By using vision domination of the realists, can be seen how domestic policies United States and Russia made to manipulate the exploitation of exploration project within the framework so that continuing practice over-privatization space. By the use of paradoxes res communis paradigm can be done business intepretasi reexamined listner, on the pretext so as to give only two choices.Keywords: commercialization of space, Astropolitik Dolman, Res Communis,space exploration, NASA, International Space Station, realism domination.DOI:
Kerjasama Ekonomi Bilateral Indonesia dan Malaysia dalam Sektor Komoditi Kelapa Sawit Tahun 2006-2010 Hakim, Al-Kharitza Rahman
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 02 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v2i02.2067


ABSTRACTBilateral economic cooperation had been made between Indonesia and Malaysia to respondglobal demand on crude palm oil as a trade commodity. This study uses demand theory, theconcept of bilateral economic cooperation, and interdependence to analyze the case. This studyalso uses quantitative-descriptive to process the data. The research question of this study iswhat causes the signed of the MoU 2010 between Indonesia and Malaysia? The MoU is dealingwith the negative campaign of the crude palm oil commodity. Before the MoU 2010, bothgovernment had been had cooperation on investment, workers, and land reform. BothIndonesia and Malaysia are also very aware in the potential of the crude palm oil as a tradecommodity, thus they drove bilateral cooperation to ensure their exports to other countries.Theses negative campaigns and negative issues are the catalysts on the sign of the MoU 2010between Indonesia and Malaysia.Keywords: Indonesia, Malaysia, Bilateral Economic Cooperation, Crude Palm OilDOI:
Doktrin Yoshida: Sistem 55 dalam Hubungan Luar Negeri Jepang Rukmini, Endah
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 03 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/global & policy.v8i03.2390


ABSTRACTThe Yoshida Doctrine is a foreign policy principle applied on Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida's thinking of ensuring Japan's economic development. When Yoshida Shigeru was appointed prime minister of Japan in 1946, he placed great emphasis on improving the Japanese economy and relying on security protection to the United States even though the pay was tied up in Japanese foreign policy to the United States. Japan needs the presence of US troops as a guarantee of security. The United States, on the other hand, needed to place its troops in Japan as the main base for US troops in Asia. This is because the United States is very worried about the threat of the spread of communist ideology in Asia, especially after China embraced communism. As long as China, South Korea and North Korea consider the existence of the United States military base in Japan as a guarantee of peace in the East Asia region, the Yoshida Doctrine will always be considered relevant in Japanese foreign policy. In addition, there is a collective memory in Japanese society about the war and do not want these memories to happen again.Keywords: Yoshida Doctrine, foreign policy, security, protectionDoktrin Yoshida adalah prinsip kebijakan luar negeri yang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah Jepang mengacu pada pemikiran Shigeru Yoshida untuk menjamin pembangunan ekonomi Jepang. Ketika Yoshida Shigeru ditunjuk sebagai perdana menteri Jepang, dia sangat menekankan perbaikan ekonomi Jepang dan bergantung perlindungan keamanan kepada Amerika Serikat meskipun bayarannya adalah ikatan dalam kebijakan luar negeri Jepang kepada Amerika Serikat. Jepang memerlukan keberadaan tentara Amerika Serikat sebagai jaminan keamanan. Sedangkan Amerika Serikat perlu menempatkan tentaranya di Jepang sebagai basis utama tentara Amerika Serikat di Asia. Hal ini karena Amerika Serikat sangat khawatir terhadap ancaman persebaran ideologi komunis di Asia, terutama setelah Tiongkok menganut paham komunis. Selama Tiongkok, Korea Selatan, dan Korea Utara menganggap keberadaan pangkalan militer Amerika Serikat di Jepang sebagai garansi perdamaian di wilayah Asia Timur, maka Doktrin Yoshida akan selalu dianggap relevan dalam kebijakan luar negeri Jepang. Selain itu, ada kolektif memori di masyarakat Jepang tentang perang dan tidak menginginkan kembali kenangan tersebut terjadi lagi, sehingga berniat untuk menghentikan setiap usaha membangun angkatan perang di Jepang itu sendiri. Selama Jepang tidak dapat meyakinkan negara-negara tetangga bahwa Jepang tidak kembali menjadi negara agresor, maka keberadaan tentara Amerika Serikat di Jepang akan menjadi katup terakhir keberlangsungan pelaksanaan Doktrin Yoshida dan Sistem 55.Kata Kunci: Doktrin Yoshida, kebijakan luar negeri, keamanan, perlindungan
Pergeseran Prioritas Regional Rusia terhadap Ukraina dalam Foreign Policy Concept Rusia Tahun 2013 Rosalina, Gazella
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 02 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v2i02.2065


ABSTRACTThis research examines the shift regional priority Russia to Ukraine in Foreign Policy ConceptRussia in 2013. Based on facts a shift in Foreign Policy Concept Russia in 2008 that befokus inCIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) shift in Ukraine as a top priority blocs in ForeignPolicy Concept Russia in 2013 brought up the question why Russia made Ukraine as prioritysectors in blocs. These problems later examined based on national interests, the concept causaltheory and geopolitical Eurasianisme, the concept Geo-economic and International EconomicCooperation to find the answer while the three Russian interests to Ukraine and politicalinterests, security interests and financial interests are headed for a European Union to theestablishment Eurasia. While there is an answer in research explanative - qualitative researchis not only proved but to become the basis in data collection to answer the variablescorrelation there. Through analysis of the review process bilateral relations between the twocountries in the European Union and establish the Eurasia for 10 years (in 2004 earlier in theyear 2013 can be concluded that Russian interests to Ukraine in politics to restore the SovietUnion as of Great Power through the establishment European Union Eurasia; economy fordomestic economic interests and strengthening regional economic integration Russia -European Union Eurasia and control economy to Ukraine; and in security, as buffer zoneRussia and controls the region.Keywords: European Union Eurasia, Russia, Ukraine, Foreign Policy Concept Russia in2013, Economic interests, political interests, Security interestsDOI:
Peran Uni Eropa sebagai Institusi Supranasional dalam Krisis Ukraina Tahun 2014-2019 Puspasari, Indah
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 01 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v8i01.2173


Ukrainian Crisis has become a major international issue that has attracted the attention of various actors in the international sphere, especially the European Union (EU). As one of the largest and oldest supranational institutions in the world, the EU is expected to play a main role in the process of resolving the Ukrainian Crisis. Moreover, this crisis has caused thousand of fatalities and various humanitarian violations against civilians in it. Although Ukraine is not a member of the EU, it can be seen that Ukraine is an EU ‘neighbour’ country that has geographical proximity to one another. Not only that, the EU is also one of the institutions that have high concern in maintaining global peace and security. So, it is not surprising when the EU starts to show its response to this issue, many actors and society who then have high expectations for the success of the EU in it. However, although the EU has taken several actions to respond to the Ukrainian Crisis, with the aim of ending the crisis and conflict in Ukraine, in fact the dispute between Ukraine and Russia which is the root of the Ukrainian Crisis continues to this day. Or rather, about 6 years. Based on that, this research was made to evaluate the role of the EU as a supranational institution in resolving the Ukrainian Crisis. The framework that used to analyze this problem is the concept of Supranational Institutions and the Responsibility to Protect. Using descriptive qualitative research methods, data will be collected from books, journal articles, official reports and media publications to explain clearly the EU’s effort in the Ukrainian Crisis resolution process.Keywords: Ukrainian Crisis, European Union, Supranational Institution.Krisis Ukraina telah menjadi isu internasional utama yang menarik perhatian berbagai aktor dalam lingkup internasional, khususnya Uni Eropa (UE). Sebagai salah satu institusi supranasional terbesar dan tertua di dunia, UE diharapkan dapat memainkan peran besar dalam proses penyelesaian Krisis Ukraina ini. Terlebih, krisis ini telah menyebabkan jatuhnya ribuan korban jiwa dan berbagai pelanggaran kemanusiaan terhadap warga sipil didalamnya. Walaupun Ukraina tidak termasuk dalam keanggotaan UE, namun dapat terlihat bahwasannya Ukraina merupakan negara ‘tetangga’ UE yang memiliki kedekatan geografis satu sama lain. Tak hanya itu, UE juga termasuk salah satu institusi yang memiliki kepedulian tinggi dalam menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan global. Sehingga, tidak mengherankan ketika UE mulai memperlihatkan responnya terhadap permasalahan ini, banyak aktor dan masyarakat yang kemudian berekspektasi tinggi terhadap keberhasilan UE didalamnya. Akan tetapi, walaupun UE telah mengambil beberapa tindakan untuk menanggapi Krisis Ukraina, dengan tujuan untuk mengakhiri krisis dan konflik di Ukraina, nyatanya perselisihan diantara Ukraina-Rusia yang menjadi akar dari Krisis Ukraina ini masih terus berlangsung sampai dengan saat ini. Atau lebih tepatnya sekitar 6 tahun lamanya. Berdasarkan itu, penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengevaluasi peran UE sebagai institusi supranasional dalam menyelesaikan Krisis Ukraina. Kerangka berpikir yang digunakan untuk menganalisis permasalahan ini ialah konsep Institusi Supranasional dan Responsibility to Protect. Dengan data yang telah dikumpulkan dari buku, artikel jurnal penelitian, laporan resmi serta publikasi media. Data-data ini kemudian akan diuji menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan dengan baik mengenai upaya UE dalam proses penyelesaian Krisis Ukraina.Kata Kunci : Krisis Ukraina, Uni Eropa, Institusi Supranasional. DOI :
Arah Kebijakan Pangan Taiwan dalam Bingkai Kajian Politik Pangan Anabarja, Sarah
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 2, No 02 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v2i02.2068


ABSTRACTA country's food politics is an important factor that could determine whether the country couldsurvive or not to fed it’s people and at the same time promising a sustainable environment forit’s next generation. Therefore many issues concern with food and farming tend to be soaringin so many countries. the government’s performance and political system, the poverty, andpopulation growth level are some of the issues on surface as well as the the issues on food aidand environment issue. This paper explain about many issues shaping the food politics inTaiwan using the framework of food politics including food security dan food sovereignty.Keywords: Food Politics, Agriculture, Food Security, Food Sovereignty, Taiwan.DOI:
Diplomasi Gamelan di Australia Aryani, Maria Indira; Nisa, Hasri Maghfirotin; Permatasari, Alfina; Pranoko, Dimas Evananda; Nasution, Calvin Alhafiz
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 01 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v8i01.2176


Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries that has close relations, geographically and socio-politically. Diplomatic relations between the two was formally establish in 1949, but Australia has been giving constant support toward Indonesia’s independence since 1945. Despite these relations, Indonesia and Australia still has conflict and tensions on several issues. To maintain good relations and to reduce tensions, Indonesia is implementing Gamelan Diplomacy towards Australia. Gamelan Diplomacy is a representation of Indonesian culture and as a form of Indonesian Cultural Diplomacy. The main objective of this paper is to describe the implementation of Gamelan Diplomacy according to Simon Mark that consist of four elements, which are actors and government involvementa, objectives, activities, and audience. This paper is using a descriptive.Keywords: Gamelan Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Actor and Government Involvement, Objective, Activity, AudienceIndonesia dan Australia adalah dua negara tetangga yang memiliki kedekatan, baik secara geografis maupun sosial politik. Hubungan diplomatik antara kedua negara ini secara resmi telah terjalin sejak tahun 1949, tetapi dukungan bagi upaya perolehan kemerdekaan Indonesia telah diberikan oleh Australia sejak tahun 1945. Terlepas dari hubungan dan kedekatan yang telah lama terjalin, masih sering terjadi konflik dan ketegangan antara Indonesia dan Australia yang disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Untuk menjalin hubungan baik, sekaligus meredam ketegangan, Indonesia menerapkan Diplomasi Gamelan di Australia. Diplomasi Gamelan yang dilakukan Indonesia terhadap Australia merupakan representasi dari kebudayaan Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu implementasi dari diplomasi kebudayaan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan Diplomasi Gamelan Indonesia berdasarkan pemikiran Simon Mark yang diamati melalui empat elemen, yakni aktor dan keterlibatan pemerintah, tujuan, bentuk kegiatan dan audiens. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengambilan data studi kepustakaan mulai tahun 2008, saat diadakan IndoFest pertama di Australia, hingga 2019.Kata Kunci: Diplomasi Gamelan, Diplomasi Budaya, Aktor dan Keterlibatan Pemerintah, Tujuan, Bentuk Kegiatan, Audiens DOI :