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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ISSN : 23379960     EISSN : 27454274     DOI : -
Global & Policy adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Global & Policy menerima artikel baik hasil pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian dalam bidang terkait kajian Hubungan Internasional kontemporer. Jurnal Global & Policy diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
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Televisi sebagai Media Sosialisasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) di Indonesia Kresnawati, Megahnanda Alidyan; Kusuma, Ade
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 01 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v8i01.2170


Globalization is known since the late 19th century and early 20th century. It can be defined as theprocess of interconnectedness and influence among people throughout the world, in all aspects oflife. There are no boundaries of time and space between nations, led to global bussiness, free trade,migration, cultural and mindset exchange. Since December 31, 2015 the Southeast Asia countries areengaged in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which is form of consolidation the economicintegration of the Southeast Asia region, and based on four economic pillars; single market andproduction base, competitive economic region, equitable economic development, and integration inglobalized economy. Indonesia as a third world country, which have the largest population in theSoutheast Asia should have a good opportunity to join and compete in world trade and globalbussiness. This opportunity must be accompanied by the readiness of the government and allelements of society. On the other hand, the AEC can be a form of non-traditional threat to the socialand economic conditions of Indonesia. Based on human security concept, this study using textualanalysis will identifying forms of socialization by television about the Asean Economic Community(AEC) which already done by goverment to society. This paper also provide a strategic role andutilization of television as mass media, to give information and explanation, also educate related tothe challenges of goverment and all elements of society to facing the ASEAN Economy Community.Keywords : ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Socialization, TelevisionGlobalisasi dikenal sejak akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20. Ini dapat didefinisikan sebagaiproses keterkaitan dan pengaruh di antara orang-orang di seluruh dunia, dalam semua aspekkehidupan. Tidak ada batasan waktu dan ruang antar negara, yang mengarah pada bisnis global,perdagangan bebas, migrasi, pertukaran budaya dan pola pikir. Sejak 31 Desember 2015 negaranegaraAsia Tenggara terlibat dalam Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), yang merupakanbentuk konsolidasi integrasi ekonomi kawasan Asia Tenggara, dan didasarkan pada empat pilarekonomi; pasar tunggal dan basis produksi, kawasan ekonomi kompetitif, pembangunan ekonomiyang adil, dan integrasi dalam ekonomi global. Indonesia sebagai negara dunia ketiga, yangmemiliki populasi terbesar di Asia Tenggara harus memiliki peluang yang baik untuk bergabungdan bersaing dalam perdagangan dunia dan bisnis global. Peluang ini harus dibarengi dengankesiapan pemerintah dan semua elemen masyarakat. Di sisi lain, MEA dapat menjadi bentukancaman non-tradisional terhadap kondisi sosial dan ekonomi Indonesia. Berdasarkan konsepkeamanan manusia, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis tekstual akan mengidentifikasi bentukbentuksosialisasi oleh televisi tentang Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) yang sudah dilakukanoleh pemerintah kepada masyarakat. Makalah ini juga memberikan peran strategis danpemanfaatan televisi sebagai media massa, untuk memberikan informasi dan penjelasan, jugamengedukasi terkait tantangan pemerintah dan semua elemen masyarakat untuk menghadapiMasyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN.Kata kunci: Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), Sosialisasi, Televisi DOI :
Ancaman Sampah Impor bagi Keamanan Manusia: Studi Kasus Desa Bangun dan Tropodo 2018-2019 Novaradila, Gresika; Ali, Yusril Ihza; Astin, Lila Afifa; Aryani, Maria Indira; Purwanto, Aldira Mara Ditta Caesar
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 02 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/global & policy.v8i02.2351


ABSTRACT The National Sword Policy implemented by the Chinese Government in 2018 has a spillover effect in several countries in the Asian region, especially Indonesia. As one of the importers of recycled paper waste, Indonesia is faced with the problem of hazardous waste from abroad, which has increased by two percent in 2018. Besides, Indonesia also does not have good waste management, which exacerbates environmental damage and pollution. some of them were experienced by Bangun and Tropodo Villages in East Java. The level of environmental pollution in Bangun and Tropodo Villages is quite high as a result of being used as a final disposal site for paper raw material waste mixed with foreign waste and hazardous toxic materials. As a result, environmental crises continue to occur and affect the quality of life of the people. This study analyzes the correlation between environmental crises which is directly proportional to the increasing threat to human security. The environmental crisis due to imported waste can turn into a security threat issue through the securitization process carried out by NGOs and the government. The author uses the concept of human security and securitization theory to see the causality relationship. In the end, the state is not only faced with traditional security problems that are territorial but problems of individual human security. Indonesia was forced to change several waste import policies. Keywords: Imported Waste, Environmental Crisis, Securitization, Human Security. Kebijakan National Sword Policy Pemerintah Tiongkok pada tahun 2018 memberikan efek spillover pada beberapa negara di kawasan Asia, khususnya Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu importir sampah kertas daur ulang, Indonesia dihadapkan dengan masalah sampah bahan berbahaya dari luar negeri hingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar dua persen pada tahun 2018. Selain itu, Indonesia juga masih belum memiliki manajemen pengelolaan sampah yang baik sehingga memperparah pada kerusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan yang beberapa di antaranya dialami oleh Desa Bangun dan Tropodo di Jawa Timur. Tingkat pencemaran lingkungan  Desa Bangun dan Tropodo cukup tinggi akibat dijadikan sebagai tempat pembuangan akhir bagi sampah bahan baku kertas yang bercampur dengan sampah luar negeri dan bahan beracun berbahaya. Sebagai imbasnya, krisis lingkungan terus terjadi dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganalisis korelasi antara krisis lingkungan yang berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan ancaman terhadap keamanan manusia. Krisis lingkungan akibat sampah impor dapat berubah menjadi isu ancaman keamanan melalui proses sekuritisasi yang dilakukan oleh NGO dan pemerintah. Penulis menggunakan konsep keamanan manusia dan teori sekuritisasi untuk melihat hubungan kausalitas. Pada akhirnya, negara tidak hanya dihadapkan dengan masalah-masalah keamanan tradisional yang bersifat teritorial melainkan masalah keamanan manusia yang bersifat individu. Indonesia terpaksa mengubah beberapa kebijakan impor sampah. Kata kunci: Sampah Impor, Krisis Lingkungan Hidup, Sekuritisasi, Keamanan Manusia
Think Globally and Act Locally: Upaya Green School Bali Menjalankan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development) Shertina, Rara
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 03 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/global & policy.v8i03.2387


ABSTRACTSince its establishment in 2006, Green School Bali has aspired to create a sustainable world. Green School Bali has become a global movement by establishing Green Schools in New Zealand, Africa and Tulum. The Green School Bali has the largest bamboo building in Asia teaches its students the values of environmentalism. The founder of this school, John Hardy believes that climate change is a real issue that can destroy Earth. He feels that every human being should take an environmentally responsible approach and education is the starting point. Therefore, Green School builds a sustainable lifestyle by releasing its dependence on electricity and running various sustainable development programs. In this paper, the author will discuss how Green School Bali's efforts in carrying out sustainable development. The author will use the concept of sustainable development from several references to identify Green School Bali activities through several criteria. This is a qualitative research with descriptive research methods. The data taken in this paper is in the form of secondary data obtained from literature studies.Keywords: Sustainable Development, Green School Bali, Environmental ConservationSejak berdiri pada tahun 2006, Green School Bali telah bercita-cita untuk menciptakan sustainable world. Green School Bali telah menjadi sebuah global movement dengan mendirikan sekolah Green School di Selaindia Baru, Afrika dan Tulum. Sekolah dengan bangunan bambu terbesar di Asia ini mengajarkan siswanya nilai-nilai environmentalism. Pendiri sekolah ini, John Hardy percaya bahwa perubahan iklim adalah isu nyata yang dapat menghancurkan planet bumi. Ia merasa bahwa setiap manusia harus menggunakan pendekatan yang bertanggung jawab pada lingkungan dan pendidikan adalah titik awalnya. Maka dari itu, Green School membangun gaya hidup berkelanjutan dengan melepaskan ketergantunganya pada listrik dan menjalankan berbagai program pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan membahas bagaimana upaya Green School Bali dalam menjalankan sustainable development. Penulis akan menggunakan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan dari beberapa rujukan untuk mengidentifikasi kegiatan-kegiatan Green School Bali melalui beberapa kriteria. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif. Data yang diambil dalam tulisan ini berbentuk data skunder yang didapat dari studi literatur.Kata-KataKunci: Sustainable Development, Green School Bali, Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
Perkembangan Gerakan Earth Hour sebagai Bentuk Pencegahan Perubahan Iklim Dunia Tahun 2007-2015 Rohy, Wolter Kinsky
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1930


ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze the development of the Earth Hour, which started in 2007, in Sidney, Australia. The Earth Hour, initiated by WWF, is a movement that works by encouraging people to turn off the light for an hour in the last week of March. Other than that, the Earth Hour has also managed to initiate other solutions for various climate change issues. This research look into the Earth Hour movement based on the standpoint of the recipient and the messenger. The recipient standpoint is being analyzed through the Convergence Theory, where the focus is the people, who joins the organizations based on their similarities in vision and mission statements and how they influence the national policy, from six sample countries. The messenger is WWF that works through the five strategies of mobilizing the global civil society, which are as follows, networking, lobbying, visibility, framing, and swarming.Keywords: strategy, convergence theory, earth hour movementDOI :
Coordination Problems and Aid-Dependency as Challenges of State-Building in the Fragile States Utomo, Ario Bimo
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 7, No 01 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v7i01.1813


This article examines the concept of state-building as an imperative need in this globalizing world amidst the existence of fragile states around the world. It begins with a simple question regarding the challenges of state-building in fragile states and what measures can be done to minimalizethe probable negatives. Using secondary source analysis and twocase studiesof state-building in Afghanistan, Somaliland, and Aceh, this research finds that there are exclusively two overarching challenges to state- building. First, there has been a challenge of coordination among different actors, as well as with the respective population in the relevant states; the second is the challenge of creating an effective exit strategy, such as maintaining stability and avoiding aid- dependency after the state-building mission has been finished. Keywords: state-building, fragile states, Afghanistan, Somaliland, Aceh DOI :
DIGITAL MEDIA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BANYU LUMUT TOURISM Wibowo, Prihandono; Febrianita, Roziana; Hapsari, Renitha Dwi
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 6, No 02 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v6i02.1814


The use of social media for development as well as the promotion of tourism destinations is being loved by the people of Indonesia, both from the government and the private sector. So this paper will explain the same thing a bit. Specifically this article will discuss the development of tourist destinations using one of the social media, namely Instagram. The tourist destinations that we are developing are in the village of Tegaren, District Tugu, Trenggalek Regency. There are three (3) tourist destinations in Tegaren, namely embungs, caves, and waterfalls. The community service that we have done is still focused on one tourist destination, namely embung. The embung in the Tegaren village is called Banyu Lumut. This paper seeks to explain the development of tourist destinations through social media. In this paper, the concept of tourism that is pro-poor tourism, tourism value chain, and productive economic empowerment will be used. The pro-poor tourism approach is used as an alternative step of ecotourism which is expected to be more engaged in labor-intensive development activities rather than capital intensive. The community service that we have done has resulted in the form of an @banyulumut Instagram account which can then be used by the Tegaren village government to promote Tegaren tourism. Keywords: tourism, social media, embung, empowerment, community serviceDOI:
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 5, No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v5i01.1899


ABSTRACTASEAN has announced plans to construct a natural gas pipeline network through the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Project, or TAGP. Furthermore, the advocates of TAGP expect it to promote economic development, earn foreign exchange, mitigate the risks of climate change, and enhance regional energy security. Energy Security is also a system, composed of national policies and international institution, therefore it requires policies and a business climate that promote investment and development and innovation to ensure that adequate supplies and infrastructure will be available, in a timely way, and in the future. Afterwards, Indonesia as a led country in ASEAN which has a natural gas energy resources that are relatively large then considering the direction of Indonesia’s foreign policy to cooperate on the global system through cooperativeenergy governance framework. The direction of Indonesia’s foreign policy has basic optimistic to promote economic growth and embrace the ASEAN region to be more integrated.Keywords: ASEAN, TAGP, Energy Security, Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, Inter-regional Cooperation, Cooperative Energy GovernanceDOI :
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 5, No 01 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v5i01.1898


ABSTRACTThe United States used the military in response to the attacks on September 11, 2001. The shape of the response was the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Moreover, the use of explorations of the coalition decision-unit type was able to explain the role from the group to the decision-making process. According to the analysis of the coalition decision-unit type, the decision-making process within the United States government contains the interaction of two major groups in the politics of the United States government itself. The two major groups are the Republican Neoconservatism and New Left Democrats. In the current decision-making process, the seat of the United States government was dominated by the majority of the Neoconservatism group. The dominance of the Neoconservatism group made interaction and debate in the US foreign policy making process at the time was not so explicit. It also ultimately resulted in a dominant foreign policy.Keywords: Invasion, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Dominant, Coalition Decision-UnitDOI:
Kebijakan Antariksa Amerika Serikat Pada Era Presiden Barack Obama (2009-2016): Hegemoni Melalui Private Commercial Spaceflight Kristanti, Diyan
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 5, No 02 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v5i02.1886


ABSTRACTSpace not only offer scientific benefits but also has the potential of industrial, commercial and social, it is an attraction that emerged since the beginning of the Space Age. Gradual involvement of the private sector is known as the second era. In this second era, the private sector began to offer launch services or the operation of their own space objects. This era also known as futures space is closely related to space tourism activities. Space tourism then can‟t not be separated from the service provider space accommodation. Among the service provider sector trip into space, commonly called commercial human-base spaceflight. The Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space that containe involvement of the private sector should be under the auspices and responsibility of the country concerned, therefore, the necessary regulatory and legal shelter framework. An international model that exists today following the space tourism industry standard that is owned by the United States, called the United States or the Commercial Space Launch Act (CSLA). United States domestic law allows the minister of regulations governing the transport in all activities related to the aerospace industry. The domestic law, namely Law of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or called (NAS Act). If related to this study, the authors examine the policy that focuses on the regulation of private commercial spaceflight that emerged in the era of President Barack Obama. Post-issuance of space policy by President Obama, resulting in a rapid growth in the spacecraft industry and flight crew (spaceflight). Further growth of the commercial space transportation industry in the United States seemed to have dominated the commercialization of space activities around the world.Keywords: space policy, space commercialization, private commercial spaceflight, domination.DOI:
Kesiapan UMKM Handicraft Surabaya Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) Melalui Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Produk Ekspor Kresnawati, Megahnanda Alidyan; Andarini, Sonja; Anabarja, Sarah
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1910


ABSTRACTThe establishment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has become one of the challenge for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. The challenges are especially in the way of how to increase the standard, design and product quality so that they can survive in the ASEAN single market. As one of the proven safety net in Indonesian economy after the crisis in 1998, SMEs became in the point of attention in Indonesian economic development. Thus, in order to develop the Indonesian economic performance, SMEs are needed to increase their number of exports as well as their management. According to the 2004 report, in Surabaya there are only 30 percent of SMEs products which are successfully market their products abroad. These numbers are still lesser than the expected percentage of export number from SMEs. By using the qualitative method this research identifies the obstacles and challenges faced by the SMEs producing Handicrafts products in Surabaya. As for the data were obtained by interview and FGD technic. The result of this first phase is going to be used to form the education pattern for developing the performance for those SMEs by using the Problem Based Learning Model.Keywords : Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Handicraft, Export Products, QualityDOI : https//

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