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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ISSN : 23379960     EISSN : 27454274     DOI : -
Global & Policy adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Global & Policy menerima artikel baik hasil pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian dalam bidang terkait kajian Hubungan Internasional kontemporer. Jurnal Global & Policy diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
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Upaya Transnasionalisasi Pergerakan Al Qaeda Pasca-11 September 2001 Wibowo, Prihandono
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2010


ABSTRACTThis study reveals the reason Al Qaeda can survive and develop global terrorism trend in the post-2001 period. Through the analysis of various Al Qaeda‟s document, the answers obtained. First, Al Qaeda change its ideology from old ideology to new ideology. The old Al Qaeda's ideology limited to discuss about militarism issue and how to expelled U.S. military from the Middle East. While in the new idelogy, Al-Qaeda attempt to attract popular support from the muslim widely. Al Qaeda raise globalization issues that associated with U.S. global imperialism. Second, Al Qaeda use of the means of thriving in globalization. Al Qaeda applying the concept of All-Channel network and utilize information technology for the benefit of the movement. With that combination, al Qaeda succeeded in developing a global movement trendKeywords: globalization, contemporary global issues, popular support, global movements, networks, information technology.DOI:
Konstelasi Politik Internasional: Dimanakah Posisi Indonesia? Q.A., Siti Amelia
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2011


ABSTRACTInternational constellation is the structure of international relations that influence, which is the conditions surrounding the first country and the countries that compete with it. International constellation, not relate to the idea and implementation methodology of the politics (ideology), but it relates with international relations and permanent competition among countries to achieve as the first position country and to influence international politics. International constellation is not fixed, but change, and the changing according to different situations, conditions and world events.Keywords : Constellation, International Politics, Indonesian PoliticDOI:
Perbandingan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Amerika Serikat, Perancis, Jepang, Singapura, India, dan China Kresnawati, Megahnanda Alidyan
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2008


ABSTRACTA country's economic growth is an important factor that could determine whether the country is a first world, second world, or third world. Therefore there are some variables that can be used to measure the growth of the economy, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), trust on the performance government and political system, the poverty, and population growth level. This paper will analyse about some first world and second world country with method of difference combined with most difference system design.Keywords: economic growth, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), political system, the poverty, population growth level.DOI:
Dari Yoshida Doctrine ke Fukuda Doctrine: Politik Luar Negeri Jepang di Asia Tenggara Pasca-Perang Dunia II Purbantina, Adiasri Putri
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2009


ABSTRACTJapan’s foreign policy in Southeast Asia in the postwar era was based on Yoshida Doctrine. After her lost in World War II, Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru declared that economic development will be Japan’s priority. At that time, Japan’s interest on Southeast Asia especially was related to raw materials as one of the tools to build her economy. However, the use of this economic diplomacy created several anti-Japanese movements in some Southeast Asia Countries. In 1977, Prime Minister Fukuda Takeo came to the 10th ASEAN Anniversary and declared that Japan has no intention to be the next hegemonic power in the region. Thus he formed a new framework for Japan’s foreign policy which based on “heart to heart understanding” and added cultural approach into it.Keywords: economic diplomacy, cultural approach.DOI:
Mengimpor Kedelai: Perlukah Terus Dilanjutkan? (Pengaruh Liberalisasi Perdagangan terhadap Perkedelaian Indonesia) Amaliyah, Ridha
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2007


ABSTRACTThis article explain the impact of Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) toward Indonesia’s food security, by evaluating imported soybean case. The concept of trade liberalization and food security can be used as theoretical frameworks. Based on AoA, all member countries should gradually reduced and eliminated any kind of protection, subsidy, and all non-tariff barriers. As the consequence, domestic market has to deals with liberal global market. Nevertheless, most of developed countries actually still protect their farmers, through provision of farming subsidy and market support. Unlike developed countries, Indonesia has no ability to significantly provide domestic support to its farmers. As one of strategic commodities, soybean has its political reasons and public policy to be protected. Ironically, even though many critics were delivered, Indonesian government had seen importing soybean as an endeavor to achieve national food security goal.Keywords: agreement on agriculture, imported soybeans, trade liberalization, food security.DOI:
Perbandingan Corporate Governance dengan Sistem One-Tier Board di Inggris dan AS Terkait Efektififas Pencegahan Terjadinya Fraud dalam Korporasi Rasyidah, Resa
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2006


ABSTRACTIn general, there are two types of corporate governance systems that are used by countries in the world, the one-tier board system and two-tier board system. The United Kingdom (UK) and The United States (US) are countries that are equally embraced the one-tier board system. However, despite using the same system, there are differences in the results achieved by both countries. When compared with the US that has many cases of corporate fraud to cause a crisis, the UK tends to be quite experienced cases of fraud. This paper is intended to find out why these differences occur. The author states that the factors causing such differences include the type of board structure that is used as well as fraud reporting system.Keyword: Corporate governance, one-tier board system, type of board structure, fraud reporting system.DOI:
PERKEMBANGAN HUBUNGAN MILITER DENGAN SIPIL DI INDONESIA Setiawan, David; Octavianus, Christopher; Janis, Demas; Winadi, Guguh; Abdullah, Yanuar; Umasugi, Taufik; Suyuti, Handika
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2012


ABSTRACTThe military has an active and making role’s the politics in Indonesian government at New Order Era. Writers such as Huntington's theory marking read about the military-Civil Affairs on citizens with Agency Theory. In Indonesia, wave of reform also participated in the larger open space for discussion civil-military relations are associated with the democratic process. During this civil-military relations is not only built on military doctrine, which doctrine is less popular among the civil society and its main doctrine was never a debate among the public discourse. So that explains that military professionals can happen if they do not interfere in politics so future formation of a democratic government that includes the rule of law, public accountability in terms of the delicate balance of military autonomy in personnel policy, determining the level of power, issues of education and military doctrine and ultimately think and formulate and determine policy in the field of defense that civil-military relations that harmony must be built within the framework of democracy and mutual trust and mutual cooperation.Keywords: Civil-Military relations, Civil Democracy ControlDOI:
Peran PT. Gudang Garam tbk. dalam Mengembangkan “New Tourism” Melalui Konser Musik di Surabaya Adam, Brian; Rossalina, Gazella; Dimas, Paskalis; Yuliana, Putri
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2014


ABSTRACTIn Global tourism, any issue can be change and growth easily. Music concert easily held in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya it is becoming new tourism. To be one of the new program for promoting tourism in indonesia, PT Gudang Garam (tobacco corporation) being greater promotor to promote the program. And that program must support for tobacco product too. This paper will explain that PT. Gudang Garam can explore “new tourism” in Surabaya on 2007 – 2010. This paper start with the history of sponsorship Gudang Garam ini music concert, and the types of developing music sponsorship also continue with table of comparation tourism in Surabaya and finally there are result for that activities. This program can explain how cigarrette corp still get less contribution from local goverment.Keywords: “New Tourism”, Surabaya, Gudang Garam, Tourism, Music Sponsorship.DOI:
Eksistensi Amerika Serikat Sebagai Kekuatan Global Hussein, Saddam
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2013


ABSTRACTCurrently, the global crisis has cause some major countries experiencing major crisesit also has no exception to the superpower United States today. United States as a superpower has experienced over-stretched that we can see in the two wars that occurred after the 911. This accident rise some countries confidence against the brave United States. And it is increasingly demonstrating the existence of the United States began replaced as a superpower or the ruler of the world. In 2010, the efforts of United States escape from two wars that they created himself has drained resources and undermining his authority as a superpower. And this year 2010 become a witness of how the United States busy to defend their position as a superpower.Keywords : United States, Superpower Country, Global PowerDOI:
Government and NGOs Collaboration in Disaster Governance: The Indonesian Experience Mubah, Ahmad Safril
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 1, No 01 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v1i01.2005


ABSTRACTAs the main leader in disaster governance, governments are believed to have bigger role than the others. However, it is hard for governments to solve the disaster problems by themselves. Governments need to be supported by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) because NGOs have abilities which governments don’t have. Both of them must make mutual cooperation in disaster governance. But, the Indonesian experience shows that government and NGOs are, in some cases, involved in unnecessary conflict. Government views that the NGOs, mainly international NGOs, are just talking rather than acting and potential to destroy local knowledge. On the other hand, NGOs feel that the government could not respond the disaster quickly and want to restrict their freedom. Therefore, to give the best service for disaster victims, government and NGOs should make norms for collaboration and coordination among them, hold regular training of disaster risk reduction for government officials, and improve capacity building support needed by NGOs.Key Words: government, NGOs, disaster governance, disaster risk reduction.DOI:

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