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Tax Literacy and Leadership Agility: Indigenous Peoples Awareness in Paying Taxes
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Over the last ten years, the world has been gripped by rapid, wide ranging changes. The world today is a society that is experiencing and living a new world order, which many today refer to as the “global and digital society”. Rapid advancements in information technology have made territorial boundaries no longer relevant in relations among nations. Today global values can easily permeate the society in remote areas. Consequently, marginalized people, who are often considered to be very far from the center of power, also have access to drivers of global developments. Local population has easy access to information on global politics taking shape in other countries. Meanwhile, local phenomena is easily picked up by international community to become international issues. The most recent issues such as terrorism, human trafficking, cybercrime, are examples of some of the issues that can be regarded as being global and local at the same time. Within the context of the above change, what is the actual position and role of public administration? Based on the general perception of public administration science experts, public policy is often regarded as the product of the interaction among domestic actors such as bureaucrats, politicians, members of business and civil society community who conduct their work based on conventional mechanisms. The reality is that there many international actors who play various roles in public policy process of any given country. Donor agencies (IMF and World Bank), Multi-National Corporations, international non-governmental organizations, regional bloc organizations (ASEAN, AFTA, etc) are institutions that often influence policy in a certain country. To that end, issues and problems which any government face today have changed as well. What problems do governments face today?; which public will influence and be influenced by policy?; what institutional mechanisms can be used to solve social problems that governments face today?; To what extent can local institutions collaborate with global institutions in resolving public problems? The International IAPA Conference will attempt to explore and delve into the above issues in order to enrich extant research on this theme in the realm of public administration science. Studying and Learning Public Administration: Global Perspective Studying and learning public administration needs to be brought into the broader domain, namely in the global context. This global context will open insight into the theory and practice of public administration based on learning from across state-nations. This panel will discuss studying and learning public administration in a global and international context. Ethics and Integrity in the Digital Era The digital revolution has changed the way people live and communicate. It has an influence on various aspects including in public administration study. Beside offers benefits, the digital era has negative excesses that will affect the ethics and integrity in governance. To reduce the negative impact, policy and regulation of the cognitive and affective aspects of the state civil apparatus need to be discussed and created. This panel discusses how ethics and integrity in the digital era. Accountability and Performance in Public Service In governance and particularly in public services, accountability and performance play importance role. With the existence of clear principles of accountability and performance, a better, cheaper, faster and smarter public service could be provided. This panel discusses theory and practice of accountability and performance in public services. Politics, Administration and Governance Relations in Globalized World Public administration can never be released from a broader context, especially in the context of politics and governance. Politics, administration and governance are always inseparable and interrelated. What is the current and future issue of politics, administration and governance relations particularly in the globalized world? This panel will strengthen the understanding and identification of interlinkage between politics and administration to build a more democratic and effective government. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Government The development of AI is in line with the objectives of creating a better performance and consistency of government. AI will slowly change the way civil servants do their jobs, from paperwork to IT based work. Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just technology. AI is the road to public administration transformation. This panel discusses AI and the future of government. Best Practice and Lesson Learned of Public Sector Reform in Asia Public sector reform becomes a necessity and a prerequisite for the success of a development process. It could enhance accountability, capability and improving public services provision. This session will discuss specifically related to the best practice and lesson learned from public sector reform in Asia.
Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4" : 9 Documents clear
Government Official Political Neutrality in Digital Era: Challenge for Administrative Ethics? Rino A. Nugroho; Dinda Pramitha Shaila Putri; Teguh Budi Santoso; Daffa Rifqi Utomo; Kristina Setyowati
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.244


Political neutrality in bureaucracy is facing new challenges in the digital era. Due to its easiness in expressing someone’s political views, social media has been chosen by people to be actively involved in politics, including government officials. Public administration scholars believe that to maintain its professionalism, government officials should ethically take a clear distance from practical politics. In order to maintain such professionalism in offline world is easier than in online one. Even though online political activity of government official is apparent, very limited studies had conducted in the area. This study aim is to portray the online political activity of government official by using Indonesian 2019 election as the case study. A datamining from social media is used to collecting the data. Content analysis by using both quantitative and qualitative approach is used for analysing the data. Data is first captured using datamining and then quantitatively displayed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative analysis is conducted for gaining the identity of government officials in certain social media accounts. The result indicates that some government officials were unable to maintain its political neutrality. Further discussion on how political neutrality might challenge administrative ethics is discussed in the full paper.
Smart Governance in Public Financial Management: A Study of Government Resources Management System (GRMS) in the City of Surabaya Sulikah Asmorowati; Erna Setijaningrum; Falih Suaedi; Yuniasih Fatmawati Dewi
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.249


This paper aims to examine the implementation of the Government Resource Management System (GRMS) in order to address problems in local government and local financial management from the Smart Governance point of view. It is based on a qualitative descriptive research involving interviews with various stakeholders, observation and analysis of relevant document. In line with its focus, this research uses smart city theory focusing on one of the dimensions that is relevant to this research problem, namely, smart governance. This research finds that the City Government of Surabaya has implemented the concept of Smart Governance in the management of regional finance through the GRMS system. The implementation of Smart Governance is evidence from five criteria, which include: 1) Participation in decision making: manifested in E-Planning process; 2) Public and social services: materialized in E-Procurement process; 3) Transparent Governance: manifested in e-Planning and e-Procurement processes in which in E-Planning the community is involved in the formulation of development planning through E-Musrenbang, and the auction process in E-Procurement; 4) Political strategies and perspectives: materialized in all GRMS processes because the whole system of GRMS is a strategy that integrates bureaucratic activities from upstream (the top or decision making level) to the downstream (to the community or citizen) so that it represents good local government and especially local financial management. By using GRMS, the overall local government and regional financial management process in the City of Surabaya can be done easily, effectively, efficiently, participatory and accountably.
Collaborative Governance: Managing Residential Areas In Malang Based on Public Private Partnership Fitri Amalia Sari; Sudarmo Sudarmo; Didik G. Suharto; Nida Hanin Dary
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.285


Slum areas are one of in Malang problems as the second largest city in East Java, especially along the Brantas River in the area of Jodipan village. According to Malang Local Government, Brantas River area is an area designated as a Green Space. Rearrangement of this area has not been done by the Local Government, and the area has turned into a densely populated area and Tourism Village. Guys Pro student group cooperates with PT. Indana Paint and supported by Malang Mural community are trying to promote the area. Although this violates existing regulations, the government still legalizes colorful villages as tourism areas. This is because the government has not been able to provide enough space to relocate citizen. Collaboration needs to be done by the Government with private sector to relocate citizen and rearrange tourism areas on the banks of Brantas River. PPP scheme will help government in handling costs and resources by the private sector. This research was conducted with descriptive qualitative and literature review methods. This research seeks to examine the innovations that the government can do in improving the governance of that area through citizen relocation and structuring of the Brantas river bank through PPP collaboration.
Money and Family Matter: Political Recruitment in the Golongan Karya Party of Banten Province Ismanto Ismanto; Sjafari Sjafari; Listyaningsih Listyaningsih
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.245


Meritocracy is still a fundamental problem in political recruitment in Indonesia, especially in political parties. Although reform has penetrated all state institutions and the entire life of the nation and state, political parties became one of the institutions that remained unmoved by the old tradition even with several adaptations to follow the demands of democratization. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach to study the process of political recruitment in the Banten Province Golongan Karya Party, ahead of the 2019 General Election. It was chosen because of its existence as the most experienced major party. The results of the study prove that the poor face of political recruitment of legislative candidates is more determined by financial strength and nepotism. Formal selection is done, but the process is not accountable enough as well as the results. As a result, it will be closely related to the election of members of the legislature who have not only doubted their capabilities but also their integrity as reflected in the low quantity and quality of policies produced and the proliferation of corruption cases involving many legislative members at the central and regional levels.
Village Funds Mismanagement in Policy Evaluation Perspective in Jejangkit Pasar Village of South Kalimantan Taufik Arbain; Erma Ariyani
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.287


The village fund policy is implemented to improve infrastructure development, community development and empowerment towards a prosperous village. However, the management of village funds did not meet expectations, due to lack of community participation in supervision. The purpose of this study is to analyze the mismanagement of village funds using a policy evaluation perspective. This research emphasizes the approach qualitative- evaluative, to explain the phenomena found in the field. This study found that mismanagement of village fund was not only caused by weak supervision and low human resources but also caused by the dominant, undemocratic and oligarchic aspects of leadership which had implications for the powerlessness of village actors in managing village funds in accordance with procedures, accountability, and transparency. Moreover, the formulation stage of the policy on the use of village funds is only a formality so that the power of the leader (the Village Head) cannot be implemented in the ethics of public administration and good governance.
Accountability of Bali Regional Officers in Applying Good Governance Principles I.G.A.AG Dewi Sucitawathi Pinatih; I Wayan Joniarta; Ni Luh Yulyana Dewi
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.246


Development in Bali is generally largely initiated, proposed, executed by the legislature, in this case the members of the Regional Representative Council, both the Provincial DPRD, Regency DPRD, Denpasar City DPRD. Conceptually, the legislature has the task of making policies, regulations and regional regulations (PERDA) in collaboration with executives. The fact is in Bali, it is precisely the people's representatives who sit in the DPRD dominating the planning process, and implementing policies such as submitting grants for both physical and non-physical development in the community. Submission of proposals for regional development is often bridged by legislative members, causing the existence and authority that the executive should have taken over by members of the legislature. Not infrequently this triggered the emergence of corrupt practices in the bureaucratic body. The purpose of this research is to find out how the accountability of Balinese officials in applying the principles of good governance. The research methods used were interview techniques, observation techniques, and documentation techniques. The results of this study were to obtain information about the accuracy of the implementation of the principles of good governance carried out by the legislature and executive in the Bali region.
Public-Private Partnership In Indonesian Urban Water Sanitation And Hygiene Program: Human Resource Capacity’s Innovation Nida Hanin Dary; Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni; Didik G. Suharto
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.247


Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Indonesia still face constraints on the limited capacity of human resources. Indonesian PPP with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the implementation of the Indonesian Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) program tries to improve Indonesian sanitation which in the lowest rank in ASEAN. However, the implementation is still facing problems because human resources in local governments in Indonesia have not been able to increase their capacity so that program assistance to the government has not been able to run optimally. Therefore, human resources in Indonesia are required to be improved to be internationally competitive and innovatively synchronized with the developing technology so that human resources in Indonesia can support sustainable development. This research seeks to provide innovation in the human resource management capacity to improve the performance of local government resources on PPP in IUWASH programs in Indonesia in the face of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. This research was conducted with literature review methods. Efforts to increase human resource capacity are carried out by creating human resource strategic planning based on analysis of the situation and potential of human resources with international standardization in training and development.
Why the Implementation of the Clean-Up (Saberpungli) Policy for Illegal Levies has not yet Reached the Target in East Java Zakariya Zakariya; Teguh Santoso; Samsul Arifin; Taufillah Ifada; May Yusita Sari
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.248


Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2016 concerning the task force to clean up illegal levies (Saberpungli), as a manifestation of Jokowi's commitment to the nine ideals (nawacita) that have been scheduled by the Jokowi government, especially related to the goal of strengthening the country's presence in conducting corruption-free, dignified and reliable system reform and law enforcement has been followed up by the provincial government. The province of East Java is no exception. The East Java government has made a Sweep-Off Task Force for Illegal Levies with the issuance of the Governor's policy No. 188/624 / KTPS / 013/2016. The implementation of the Governor's regulation has not been effective and efficient because the capture operation in its implementation only targets illegal levies valued at Rp. 10.00 - Rp. 100,000, while the legal process in each case costs between Rp. 50,000,000 to Rp. 100,000, - In addition, when a suspect acts to serve public activities, public service activities are hampered. For example educators, paramedics and others. The research question is Why The Implementation of the clean-up policy for illegal levies has not yet reached the target in East Java? This study uses a qualitative method approach by exploring information from key informants involved in implementing Saberpungli's policies, namely from the inspectorate, prosecutor's office and police as the main data and related documents. The results of the study show that the implementation of the clean-up policy in East Java was not able to reach the target due to five factors. First, coordination between task forces is still weak. Second, the lack of support from the regional government budget in other levies. Third, there is no SOP that the implementing agency can agree on and understand. As for recommendations that the implementation of the clean-up policy of illegal levies can reach the target, it is necessary to demonstrate the commitment of the provincial government by budgeting appropriately and need to increase coordination with the SOP as a shared direction in eradicating the practice of illegal collection in the public sector.
Strengthening Public and Private Sector Collaboration for the Dumagat in Sta. Ines, Tanay, Rizal: Basis for A Four - Year IP Development Plan Ana Christina M. dela Cruz
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 4
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.284


Providing a framework for exploring governance systems that range from policy or program-based inter-governmental cooperation (Makati and Tanay) to place-based collaboration with non-governmental stakeholders to public-private partnerships (PPP). Public-Private Partnership is geared towards financing, designing, implementing and operating facilities and services that are traditionally provided by the public sector. It embodies optimal risk allocation between the parties – minimizing cost while realizing project developmental objectives. Thus, the project is to be structured in such a way that the private sector gets a reasonable rate of return on its investment. This offers monetary and non-monetary advantages for the public sector. It addresses the limited funding resources for local IP development projects of the public sector, thereby allowing the allocation of public funds for other local priorities. The collaboration is geared for both sectors to gain improved efficiency and project implementation processes in delivering services to the IP community. Most importantly, it emphasizes Value for Money – focusing on reduced costs, better risk allocation, faster implementation, improved services and possible generation of additional revenue. A Four - year Indigenous People (IP) Development Plan for the Dumagat community is a concrete response to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Grounded in a vision that aims to transform our world - UN aspires to build a world free of poverty, hunger and disease, in which every woman and every girl enjoys full gender equality, where the environment is protected and where all people have access to quality education and decent work. The program is designed to create a sustainable community extension services for the IP community of Barangay Sta. Ines in Tanay, Rizal. The Dumagat community, characterized by lack of basic services, but open and willing to be organized to attain genuine and holistic development is the priority of the program. In the implementation, it will follow the different stages in community organizing to ensure the appropriateness of activities and training for community partners. Organizing the poorest of the poor can lead to empowerment. Also, it will allow them to become pro-active in ensuring the development

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