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Tax Literacy and Leadership Agility: Indigenous Peoples Awareness in Paying Taxes
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Over the last ten years, the world has been gripped by rapid, wide ranging changes. The world today is a society that is experiencing and living a new world order, which many today refer to as the “global and digital society”. Rapid advancements in information technology have made territorial boundaries no longer relevant in relations among nations. Today global values can easily permeate the society in remote areas. Consequently, marginalized people, who are often considered to be very far from the center of power, also have access to drivers of global developments. Local population has easy access to information on global politics taking shape in other countries. Meanwhile, local phenomena is easily picked up by international community to become international issues. The most recent issues such as terrorism, human trafficking, cybercrime, are examples of some of the issues that can be regarded as being global and local at the same time. Within the context of the above change, what is the actual position and role of public administration? Based on the general perception of public administration science experts, public policy is often regarded as the product of the interaction among domestic actors such as bureaucrats, politicians, members of business and civil society community who conduct their work based on conventional mechanisms. The reality is that there many international actors who play various roles in public policy process of any given country. Donor agencies (IMF and World Bank), Multi-National Corporations, international non-governmental organizations, regional bloc organizations (ASEAN, AFTA, etc) are institutions that often influence policy in a certain country. To that end, issues and problems which any government face today have changed as well. What problems do governments face today?; which public will influence and be influenced by policy?; what institutional mechanisms can be used to solve social problems that governments face today?; To what extent can local institutions collaborate with global institutions in resolving public problems? The International IAPA Conference will attempt to explore and delve into the above issues in order to enrich extant research on this theme in the realm of public administration science. Studying and Learning Public Administration: Global Perspective Studying and learning public administration needs to be brought into the broader domain, namely in the global context. This global context will open insight into the theory and practice of public administration based on learning from across state-nations. This panel will discuss studying and learning public administration in a global and international context. Ethics and Integrity in the Digital Era The digital revolution has changed the way people live and communicate. It has an influence on various aspects including in public administration study. Beside offers benefits, the digital era has negative excesses that will affect the ethics and integrity in governance. To reduce the negative impact, policy and regulation of the cognitive and affective aspects of the state civil apparatus need to be discussed and created. This panel discusses how ethics and integrity in the digital era. Accountability and Performance in Public Service In governance and particularly in public services, accountability and performance play importance role. With the existence of clear principles of accountability and performance, a better, cheaper, faster and smarter public service could be provided. This panel discusses theory and practice of accountability and performance in public services. Politics, Administration and Governance Relations in Globalized World Public administration can never be released from a broader context, especially in the context of politics and governance. Politics, administration and governance are always inseparable and interrelated. What is the current and future issue of politics, administration and governance relations particularly in the globalized world? This panel will strengthen the understanding and identification of interlinkage between politics and administration to build a more democratic and effective government. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Government The development of AI is in line with the objectives of creating a better performance and consistency of government. AI will slowly change the way civil servants do their jobs, from paperwork to IT based work. Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just technology. AI is the road to public administration transformation. This panel discusses AI and the future of government. Best Practice and Lesson Learned of Public Sector Reform in Asia Public sector reform becomes a necessity and a prerequisite for the success of a development process. It could enhance accountability, capability and improving public services provision. This session will discuss specifically related to the best practice and lesson learned from public sector reform in Asia.
Articles 189 Documents
Dynamic Governance and The Strengthening Community Participation in Countermeasure Coronavirus Disease Ahmad Sururi; Rostiena Pasciana
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2020: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2020.408


This article discusses the strengthening public participation in the countermeasure and prevention of coronavirus disease-19. The main issue in this study is related to the complexity of the problem to counteract and prevent Covid-19, such as the existence of a gap between planning and objectives in government policy instruments, lack of public participation, and awareness in supporting government policies in preventing Covid-19. Preliminary observations made by researchers indicate the importance of examining research issues using dynamic governance theory and policy instruments. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation study. The preliminary findings of the study indicate that the implementation of dynamic governance capacity, and public participation in the countermeasure and prevention of Covid-19 has not been fully implemented due to several factors, such as the inadequate capabilities of public sector organizations, internalization of government organizational culture and problems of community participation. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage strategic policy instruments through the dynamic governance concept approach to support the success of the countermeasure and prevention of Covid-19.
Conception of Social Justice in Eastern Indonesia within the Framework of the Republic of Indonesia Anak Agung Gede Oka Wisnumurti; I Putu Eka Mahardhika; I Gusti Agung Ayu Yuliartika Dewi
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 6
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.263


The country of Indonesia, which has abundant natural resources, with diverse tribes, races, religions, cultures, customs and thousands of islands that we often hear, the term jambrud equator is one of the many words that praise the richness of the archipelago. If you look at the data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2018 about the human development index in Indonesia, the trend has experienced a good increase in 2018 at 71.39%, with a trend in a period of almost a decade. from 2010-2018 experienced an average national growth of 0.88%, the highest position was occupied by DKI Jakarta Province with the human development index figure at 80.47% with 0.51% growth from 2017-2018 and the lowest was occupied by the Papua Province with 60, 64% position with 1.64% growth from 2017-2018. This research uses a conceptual approach. The conclusion in this study is that social justice in Indonesia which has a Pancasila ideology foundation provides a comprehensive concept of justice space, covering all sectors of national and state life that must be carried out by all citizens of the nation. In order to create comprehensive justice, the State must attend and have a scale of development priorities so that eastern Indonesia can have a quality of life that is equivalent to the population of Indonesia in the justice
Indonesian Tax Reform: Inappropriate Policy Choices or Administrative Problems Bambang Irawan
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 2
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.224


Purpose -Tax reform in Indonesia has entered a new phase known as the third chapter of reform. This reform has been established out since 2017 and has a target until 2024. The current reform is the biggest in history because it involves changes in the five main pillars, namely organizations, Human Resources, Information Technology and Databases, Business Processes, and Tax Regulations. The purpose of the article is to explore how taxation can accelerate representative democracy and how the tax institution can strengthen the capacity of the government in tax collection. Design/methodology/approach-This article uses a conceptual approach that is rooted in the tax reform, administration, and tax policy literature. Findings - The contribution of this article is twofold. First, it provides a concept of tax reform to accelerate representative democracy by tax administration and policy. Second, this paper examines the policy choices of tax institutions to strengthen the capacity of the government in tax collection. Practical implications - This article helps tax institutions, researchers, and policymakers better understand the implications of tax reform by using appropriate policy choice and tax administration implemented by tax institutions.
Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Dan Pelayanan Transportasi Umum (Studi Pada “Suroboyo Bus” Di Surabaya) Arini Sulistyowati; Imam Muazansyah
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2018: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2018.189


Transportasi merupakan hal yang penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga sarana transportasi yang memadai sangat dibutuhkan. Akan tetapi, di Surabaya transportasi yang lebih didominasi oleh kendaraan pribadi menjadi dampak dari kemacetan, sehingga perlu adanya sistem transportasi umum yang dapat mengangkut massal penumpang dengan dilengkapi teknologi canggih yang menjamin keamanan penumpang. Pemerintah kota Surabaya menyediakan Suroboyo Bus sebagai transportasi umum yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat hanya dengan menggunakan sampah botol plastik sebagai pembayaran, namun hal tersebut belum cukup efektif mengingat masih banyaknya permasalahan-permasalahan yang ditimbulkan, sehingga terlihat kurang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat secara optimal. Perencanaan dan pemodelan transportasi adalah media yang paling efektif dan efisien yang dapat menggabungkan semua faktor tersebut dan keluarannya dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan transportasi baik pada masa sekarang maupun pada masa yang akan datang.
Capacity of Local Institutions in Good Governance Implementation at the Local Context: The Case of Sleman Regency, Indonesia Bagus Wahyu Hartono
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2019: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference: Theme 5
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2019.253


The implementation of good governance at the village level is an essential element in shaping good governance at the district level. The practices that have been carried out at the village level are considered to be a reflection of what governance has originated from. In the midst of the implementation of decentralization policies, village communities are an integral part of the political dynamics in Indonesia. Villages with various local institutions have an essential role in managing local issues. In this research, data is mainly analyzed through a qualitative approach. Some quantitative analysis through scoring and descriptive statistical techniques are also conducted. Data collection methods are used as follows: documentation, observation, surveys with questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This research identifies the Village Government has sufficient capacity to carry out its duties in village development. However, the realization of its capacity to solve local problems is still limited and only a partial solution. Weak coordination between institutions and limited budgets is the main problem found in study sites that hinders capacity realization in solving local problems. Furthermore, local government has made little effort to develop rural institutional capacity. So far, it only emphasizes capacity building for village officials, while other institutions only get little attention from the local government.
E-Government And E-Governance: Can Its Improve Indonesian Public Service Deliveries? Ayuning Budiati
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2018: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2018.212


E-government becomes strategically importance and interesting in Indonesian public service deliveries. As many Indonesian use smart phones. However, e-government and e- governance in Indonesia are still need to be improved. Meta data as the fourth stage of e- government is far way to go. Most of Indonesian e-government is still in the first stage, namely information stage. E-governance is the decisions are need to be made and implement well in e-government ‘s implementation. E-governance needs strategic thinking in processing and implement it.There is still lack of coordination in Indonesian e-governance.
Collaboration among Local Government Institutions in Achieving Public Information Openness Rozidateno Putri Hanida; Bimbi Irawan; Syamsurizaldi Syamsurizaldi; Rahmatika Syaufi
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2018: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2018.180


Open Government is one of the main roads for accelerating development and ensuring sustainable development.One of the strategies to encourage open government is by implementing what is the mandate of the Law on public information openness well.For citizens, this law means a guarantee to citizens to obtain public information in order to increase their active role in governance.As for government institutions, the law provides the obligation to government institutions to open access to public information, actively (without preceded by the request), and passively (with the request by the requestor) to the community.However, when citizens try to access the public information, it is not uncommon for the answer to be obtained is "This is the system", "The procedure is like this", "I am not authorized".This is the background of research on how collaboration among local government institutions in Padang Panjang Municipality in realizing public information openness.With qualitative descriptive method, through the analysis of data in ethics and emic found that Local Government of Padang Panjang Municipality developed collaboration among government institutions that marked by the cooperation, interaction, compromise of some related elements to encourage public information openness.One of the ways implemented by Local Government of Padang Panjang Municipality is by the establishment of Management Officer of Information and Documentation or Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi (PPID) or consisting of Main PPID (PPID Utama) and Asssisytance PPID (PPID Pembantu).For the future, it is required a clear Standard Operating Procedure for the local government work unit to network each other in encouraging the openness of public information, so the impression that the responsibility of creating public information openness in Padang Panjang Municipality is only a function of PPID can be eliminated.
The Analysis of Employee Performance at Semarang Religious Training Center Rukhana Fitriati
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2020: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2020.432


Employees play a significant factor for the success of an organization in any organization. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve good performance of employees in a company. Performance is a completion of official tasks and duties to achieve organizational goals. This study analyzed the performance of employees at Semarang Religious Education and Training Center and which aimed to find a solution on how to improve the performance of employees at Semarang Religious Education and Training Center. The research method used was qualitative with qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that work performance, skills, behavior, abilities and motivation aspects were still not good enough. Moreover, the solution to improve employee performance are such as adding the quantity of employees to help older employees to work, work placement must be based on their educational background, employees’ initiatives need to be always encouraged, and holding some programmed team work improvement activities. In addition, it is necessary to conduct special training programs to increase the ability of employees in their own workfields to improve the employees’ skills and a motivation training program to increase employees’ motivation.
The Analysis of Organizational Capacity Factors in Government Division of Regional Secretariat as A Determinant of Government Performance at Batang Regency Listyaningsih Dewi Pamungkas; Kismartini Kismartini; Retno Sunu Astuti
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2020: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2020.399


As the leader of the implementation of governmental affairs which become the authority of regional government, based on the mandate of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government, the Head of regional government is obliged to prepare Regional Government Administration Report (RGAR) which by the central government will be used as material for evaluation and guidance to implement the administration of regional government. Batang Regency is the only Regency which for the last respective three years (2016, 2017 and 2018) has been in the 5th rank (the lowest five) in Central Java. The results of this evaluation are used as material for the Ministry of Finance in determining the Regional Incentive Fund and for the Ministry of Home Affairs in approving additional income for state civil apparatus. However, Batang Regency has not yet optimized its reporting system and Evaluation of Regional Government Administration Performance. Due to this unoptimal evaluation results on the implementation of regional Government, organizational capacity and the evaluation of the Governmental Division at Batang Regency regional Secretariat as the division who conducted the report preparation activities became the focus of this research. Qualitative descriptive method was used to describe all the symptoms / conditions which exist during the research. Moreover, the analysis was carried out through data reduction, display data and conclusion drawing / verification. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the Organizational Capacity of the Government division of the Regional Secretariat of Batang Regency which involves some resources (human resources, infrastructure, technology and financial resources) and management (leadership, program and process management as well as cooperation and relationships among organizations) needs to be improved, such as conducting job analysis, increasing the quantity and quality of human resources, making more detail activities planning and budgeting as well as defending them during budget discussions, making Terms of Reference and improving effective communication skills.
Development Of Local Economic Independence Through Optimizing Of Village Fund Management Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini; Dadang Mashur
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2018: Proceedings IAPA Annual Conference
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2018.203


Currently villages in Indonesia are required to be able to give birth to quality economic growth and sustainable. Quality economic growth is a concept of strengthening and contribution contributed by the real economy sector in the village. Therefore, the development and empowerment of rural communities through the management of the Village Fund or Village Fund Allocation Fund must be balanced. Because to empower the potential of the village optimally and sustainably, funding for the village needs to be focused not only to build village, but more empowered to become a self-constructing village. This study aims to develop local economic independence through optimizing the management of Village Funds in Siak Subdistrict Siak District and any factors that influence the development of local economic independence. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with sampling technique used is snowball sampling. The research informant is the apparatus involved in the implementation of the Village Fund program and the community leaders who know the program. Data collection was done by interview and observation technique, after the data collected and then analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of research indicate that the development of village economy can be done by strengthening the performance of local economic institutions such as BUMDes through various aspects. To achieve this, an integrated movement between the community, BUMDes and the government is realized in the form of partnership. Activities that can be done is to optimize the function of central and local entrepreneurial institutions to support various efforts to inventory the potential of local economic resources. With the development of household industry activities, it will facilitate efforts to establish cooperation between local economic development institutions that exist and thus create a process of sustainable community empowerment of villages.

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