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NUCLEUS: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Published by Neolectura
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Nucleus is a journal published by Neolectura, issued two times in one year. Nucleus is a scientific publication media in the form of conceptual paper and field research related to science and technology studies. It is hoped that Nucleus can become a media for academics and researchers to publish their scientific work and become a reference source for the development of science and knowledge.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 56 Documents
Efektifitas Biji Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) sebagai Bioadsorben dalam Menurunkan Konsentrasi Fe Dan Mn Khoiry Putri Yusniati; Srikandi Srikandi; Amry Syawaalz
NUCLEUS Vol 3 No 2 (2022): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v3i2.1122


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas serbuk biji kelor dalam menurunkan konsentrasi besi dan mangan pada larutan logam Fe dan Mn serta air intake Kalimalang sehingga serbuk biji kelor dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif adsorben yang baik sesuai dengan baku mutu Permenkes No. 492 Tahun 2010 untuk air hasil adsorpsi. Air intake Kalimalang memiliki konsentrasi Fe yang cukup tinggi yaitu 5,6-6,1 mg/L dan konsentrasi Mn yaitu 0,2-0,5 mg/L yang melebihi baku mutu PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 Kelas I Tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air. Air intake Kalimalang memiliki hasil yang berbeda pada waktu pagi dan sore hari sebab beban pencemaran di sore hari lebih tinggi daripada pagi hari. Serbuk biji kelor dapat menurunkan konsentrasi Fe dengan hasil efisiensi adsorpsi berkisar antara 26,57-73,64 %. Konsentrasi optimum larutan standar Fe yaitu 20 mg/L, kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum yaitu 7,44 mg/g, pH mengalami penurunan pada larutan standar logam Fe dengan pH awal 5,26-6,82 menjadi pH 5,25-5,75, larutan standar logam Mn dengan pH awal 5,80-6,63 mengalami penurunan pH menjadi 5,31-5,59, air intake Kalimalang pada pukul 09.00 WIB dengan pH awal 6,67-6,83 mengalami penurunan pH menjadi HHHGhhhhhHhhbblll 6,45-6,68, dan air intake Kalimalang pada pukul 15.00 WIB dengan pH awal 6,50-6,75 mengalami penurunan pH menjadi 6,36-6,55. Serbuk biji kelor dapat menurunkan konsentrasi Mn dengan hasil efisiensi adsorpsi berkisar antara 44,58-73,11 %. Konsentrasi optimum larutan standar Mn yaitu 2,2 mg/L dengan efisiensi adsorpsi 54,09 %, nilai kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum yaitu 3,19 mg/g. Air intake Kalimalang dilakukan pengujian pada pagi dan sore hari pada parameter Fe efisiensi adsorpsinya pada pagi hari berkisar antara 70,46 - 71,53 % dan sore hari berkisar antara 69,80-70,34 %. Parameter Mn efisiensi adsorpsinya pada pagi hari yaitu 70,55-75,13 % dan sore hari 70,10-74,73 %.
Analisis Biaya Pengembangan dan Value- Added Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Bunda Laundry Hapsari Widayani
NUCLEUS Vol 4 No 1 (2023): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v4i1.1098


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem terkomputerisasi pada Bunda Laundry yang dapat membantu dalam proses administrasi dan pembuatan laporan keuangan, memudahkan pegawai untuk melihat ketersediaan stock bahan baku, membantu pegawai Bunda Laundry untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan administrasi terhadap pelanggan sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan, mengetahui proses perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi pada Bunda Laundry, dan menciptakan value-added  pada Bunda Laundry. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi langsung ke objek penelitian yaitu Bunda Laundry. Metode pengembangan sistem meliputi tahap perencanaan sistem, tahap analisis sistem, tahap perancangan sistem, tahap implementasi sistem, serta tahap pengujian dan penggunaan sistem. Hasil penelitian yaitu proses pelayanan konsumen dan pencatatan pada Bunda Laundry masih menggunakan sistem yang manual sehingga dibuatkan sistem yang terkomputerisasi. Prosedur pelayanan konsumen dimulai dari konsumen menaruh pakaiannya pada Bunda Laundry lalu bagian administrasi memberikan kuitansi pembayaran dan setelah itu pakaian konsumen diberikan kepada bagian produksi untuk di proses. Bila sudah selesai konsumen dapat mengambilnya dan membayarnya. Bagian administrasi akan merekap pembayaran tersebut dan membuat laporan keuangan yang akan diperiksa oleh pemilik laundry. Penulis melakukan rancangan sistem menggunakan alur data flow diagram (DFD) dan membuat database dengan entity relationship diagram (ERD). Setelah semua hal dilalui, proses selanjutnya adalah menggambarkan rancangannya secara sederhana. Desain aplikasi sistem yang baru di buat dengan rencana yang matang sehingga membutuhkan biaya perencanaan yang berjumlah sebesar Rp 1.995.000,- Terlihat perbedaan jumlah biaya antara sistem lama dan baru yang cukup signifikan. Pada sistem lama jumlah yang dikeluarkan dalam jangka waktu setahun adalah Rp 52.531.000,- sedangkan sistem baru dalam jangka waktu setahun  adalah Rp Rp 42.177.75,-. Biaya yang dihasilkan pada sistem baru terlihat lebih rendah daripada sistem lama karena terdapat pengurangan pemakaian alat tulis kantor seperti kertas, tukang servis komputer, dan install ulang komputer. Perbedaan jumlah tersebut di karenakan adanya proses penambahan nilai yang diberikan oleh sistem baru.
Hubungan Asesmen Geriatri Terintegrasi dan Komunikasi Efektif Menuju Asuhan Keperawatan Holistik dengan Perilaku Caring Perawat sebagai Variabel Intervening di Rumah Sakit Islam Siti Khadijah Kota Palembang Pravitasari Pravitasari; Ratna Indrawati; Anastina Tahjoo
NUCLEUS Vol 4 No 1 (2023): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v4i1.1257


In the world of health, Holistic Nursing Care is a standard with a multi-disciplinary approach through integrated and holistic assessment. Geriatric patients have complex needs that must be identified to address the needs that must be met by a hospital service to provide patient survival, quality of life and satisfaction. Holistic nursing care is influenced by several variables such as integrated geriatric assessment and effective communication. In addition to these two variables, there are other variables that can affect this relationship, one of which is the caring behavior of nurses. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Integrated Geriatric Assessment and Effective Communication of Holistic Nursing Care with Nurse Caring Behavior as Intervening Variables at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital, Palembang City. This research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach in the form of causality using 7 hypotheses with a sample of 80. The conclusion in this study is that there is a significant relationship between integrated geriatric assessment and effective communication on nurse caring behavior and holistic nursing care, besides that caring behavior turns out to be able to Intervene a significant relationship between integrated geriatric assessment and effective communication of holistic nursing care. Meanwhile, another significant relationship is between the caring behavior of nurses and holistic nursing care at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital, Palembang. The theoretical implications of this study will prove the effect of research variables and managerially will further improve the evaluation system for the quality of nursing care for geriatric services in hospitals and the overall management of geriatric patients for healthy old age.
Kadar Vitamin C dari Produk Propolis Geniotrigona Thoracica Bagus Dadang Prasetiyo
NUCLEUS Vol 4 No 1 (2023): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v4i1.1282


Propolis is a product of stingless bees that possesses adhesive properties and contains bioactive compounds with therapeutic effects. The flavonoid compounds found in propolis have a higher content compared to honey. In addition to flavonoids, propolis also contains minerals, vitamin C, and phenolic compounds. This research aims to examine the Vitamin C content of Geniotrigona Thoracica Propolis Products. Propolis extraction produced by Geniotrigona thoracic bees is employed in this study to obtain a comparison of vitamin C content under various treatments. The extraction method utilizes maceration and ultrasound-assisted techniques with ethanol and plant-based solvents. UV-Vis spectrophotometer analysis is conducted to determine the vitamin C content. The highest vitamin C content is obtained from the propolis extraction using the maceration method with ethanol solvent over 96 hours, resulting in a value of 8.9339 mg/100 g. Conversely, the lowest value stems from the treatment involving VCO extraction assisted by ultrasound for 30 minutes, yielding a value of 0.3062 mg/100 g. The greatest vitamin C content is achieved through the maceration extraction process using ethanol solvent, as compared to plant-based solvents.
Penentuan Setting Level Berdasarkan Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kebocoran Produk Wellhead menggunakan Metode Taguchi di PT BDT Irma Agustiningsih Imdam; Dewi Auditiya Marizka; Indah Kurnia Mahasih Lianny; Wilda Sukmawati; Irva Syariatun Nisa
NUCLEUS Vol 4 No 1 (2023): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v4i1.1325


Setting the Wellhead product level needs to be done as bbest as possible to avoid leaks when drilling for oil and natural gas which are caused by pressure differences during drilling. PT BDT as one of the companies that makes wellheads always tries to make the products they produce according to consumer desires. Even though PT BDT has tried its best, it has still received complaints from customers, because of leaks that occurred during drilling and had to incur costs for product replacement. The stages in the research process begin with conducting a field study to identify existing problems in the company and then continue with conducting a literature study to identify theories that can be used as solutions to overcome these problems. The method used to prevent weelhead leaks is the Taguchi method which consists of of three stages, namely stages: planning, implementation, and analysis. The influencing factors used are the amount of sand, the amount of paint, the thickness of the sun blasting, and the pressure of the compressor. This stage is carried out to calculate the influence of each factor used on the quality characteristics used, namely nominal is the best. Based on the results of the wellhead pressure test carried out after the experiment, the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) can be calculated. The best level results were obtained to prevent wellhead leaks by setting all levels at level 2, namely the amount of sand was 3.3 grams, the amount of paint was 4.5 liters, and the thickness of the sun was (1.5 mm). The amount of quality loss function incurred by the company due to the wellhead leak was IDR 759,900
Analisis Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Pembelian Mobil Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Dewi Auditya Marizka; Wilda Sukmawati; Irma Agustiningsih; Indra Yusuf; Andi Rusnaenah
NUCLEUS Vol 4 No 1 (2023): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v4i1.1326


Along with the development of the times the demand for four-wheeled vehicles is increasing, because it is undeniable that four-wheeled vehicles are very much needed by the people to support their daily activities such as in terms of work, vacation, and etc. Certainly in terms of choosing a four-wheeled vehicle it must be adjusted to the individual's needs, because a car with different types or specifications will have different functions as well. There are various kinds of criteria in terms of choosing a car that must be considered by the individual concerned. This is what motivates us to conduct research using the Decision Support System (DSS) in the process of selecting four-wheeled vehicles by implementing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method carried out by weighting and setting priorities so that ultimately the best alternative is to choose four-wheeled vehicles.