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Hamzah Robbani
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JUDICIOUS: Journal of Management
Published by Neolectura
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27469417     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy, Science,
Judicious is a journal published by Neolectura, issued two times in one year. Judicious is a scientific publication media in the form of conceptual paper and field research related to general management scope. It is hoped that Judicious can become a media for academics and researchers to publish their scientific work and become a reference source for the development of science and knowledge.
Articles 22 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Judicious" : 22 Documents clear
Analisis Potensial Saham Sektor Kesehatan dengan Pendekatan Teknikal. Studi Sentiment Positif Covid-19 Nurlela Nurlela; Markiz Yudiawan
JUDICIOUS Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Judicious
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/jdc.v2i2.662


Dalam setiap transaksi perdagangan saham, investor atau manajer investasi dihadapkan kepada pilihan untuk membeli atau menjual saham. Setiap kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi, akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi investor. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis yang akurat dan dapat diandalkan untuk dijadikan dasar pengambilan keputusan investasi. Ada dua macam analisis dalam dunia investasi saham yaitu analisis fundamental dan analisis teknikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sentimen positif vaksin covid-19 dengan Analisa teknikal pada saham sektor kesehatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat enam saham yang memiliki kinerja terbaik dengan perdagangan saham yang tinggi. Pada penelitian ini juga peneliti merumuskan beberapa pertimbangan teknikal yang perlu dipertimbangkan investor dalam buy or hold suatu saham.
Kajian Manajemen Produksi Konten Tiktok Non-Asusila Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (Pasal 27 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016) Rahmat Dwi Putranto; Agnes Harvelian
JUDICIOUS Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Judicious
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/jdc.v2i2.1155


The mode of operation, especially in criminal cases of sexual violence, has apparently also developed following advances in information technology. In writing this journal, the author uses a research method with a descriptive type of analysis. The author emphasizes and tries to answer in detail the study of the production management of non-immoral TikTok content based on UU ITE (Article 27 paragraph 1 of Law Number 19 of 2016). After collecting secondary data, the authors analyzed the results of the study using a qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the author's analysis of the data obtained, the writer can conclude that decency is an act or behavior that does not need to embarrass someone when other people see it or know about it, and also because other people are usually not surprised when they see it or find it. Apart from that, there are also things that we need to know when it comes to eradicating immoral crimes in cyberspace. It turns out that the government only cares about making rules and does not explain what is regulated. Therefore, to avoid additional immoral violations, especially in electronic media, Tiktok content must also be non-immoral. There are four stages in the production of non-immoral TikTok content: pre-production planning, setup and rehearsal, production, and post-production. Furthermore, there are four management functions in the production stage as well, namely the planning stage, the organizing stage, the implementation stage, and the monitoring stage.

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