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Ima Nurmalia Permatasari
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Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Hang Tuah Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 150, Sukolilo, Keputih, Surabaya 60111
Kota surabaya,
Jawa timur
Jurnal Riset Kelautan Tropis (Journal Of Tropical Marine Research) (J-Tropimar)
Published by Universitas Hang Tuah
ISSN : 26563150     EISSN : 26567091     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Social,
aim: Researchers and teachers for publishing the original articles of review articles Scope: Oceanography Physics, Geological Oceanography, Marine Chemistry and Marine Biology, Marine Ecology and Pollution, Marine Biotechnology, Marine Remote Sensing, Marine Geographic Information Systems, Hydrography, Marine Meteorology, Marine Acoustics, and coastal and marine resource management.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 1 (2021): April" : 5 Documents clear
Pengaruh Musim Terhadap Distribusi Temperatur, Salinitas Dan Densitas Di Laut Halmahera Delilla Suhanda; Muhammad Gilang Arindra Putra
Jurnal Riset Kelautan Tropis (Journal Of Tropical Marine Research) (J-Tropimar) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jrkt.v3i1.34


The Halmahera Sea is one of the waters that has an important role for the development of Indonesia's climate. The waters of the Halmahera Sea are the ARLINDO route which is part of the global circulation flow. This study aimed to examine the horizontal and vertical temperature profiles, salinity density and T-S diagrams in the Halmahera Sea. The results showed that the horizontal and vertical profiles in the two seasons did not have a significant effect, this could be due to the movement of the New Guinea air mass along the coast of North Papua, then into the Halmahera Sea. T-chart showed the current moving in the Halmahera Sea vertically, including the SPSW or South Pacific Subtropical Water category, as evidenced by a salinity value of 34.7 PSU and a temperature value of 14oC at a depth of 500 m.
Jurnal Riset Kelautan Tropis (Journal Of Tropical Marine Research) (J-Tropimar) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jrkt.v3i1.35


Sulawesi Island is one of Indonesia's largest islands and is known to have potential in the marine sector, both in tourism and fisheries. Sulawesi island is crossed by the equator line in the northern quarter so that most of its territory is in the southern hemisphere. The diverse geography of the island of Sulawesi causes differences in the characteristics of the oceanographic parameters. The salinity and tides of seawater are oceanographic parameters that can affect biota's survival in the waters. This research aims to study the chemical physics oceanography parameters, which include tides and salinity in the waters of the island of Sulawesi using NOAA and BIG data. The research that has been done showed that the waters around the island of Sulawesi had an average high water level of 1.3 meters and a low water level of 0.9 meters. Then from the calculation, the Formzahl number is 0.8 (0,25 < F £ 1,5), which means that the tidal type is in the Mixed category, tends to be semi-diurnal. The salinity analysis results showed that in July 2020, the salinity content ranged from 29.63 to 36.45 ppt, with an average of 33.99 ppt. In November 2020, the salinity content ranged from 25.71 to 39.74 ppt with an average of 33.50 ppt. In February 2021, the salinity content ranged from 27.23 to 37.73 ppt with an average of 33.00 ppt. The lowest salinity was obtained in the rainy season in November 2020, and the highest salinity content was in the same month in a small part of the region. In the dry season, seawater's average salinity content in Sulawesi waters is relatively high compared to the rainy season, with the lowest content value of 29.63 ppt.
Jurnal Riset Kelautan Tropis (Journal Of Tropical Marine Research) (J-Tropimar) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jrkt.v3i1.54


The disposal of Lapindo mud which carries nutrients and other dissolved organic matter can cause mass enrichment and death of organisms due to the reduced amount of light entering the waters. The existence of phytoplankton can provide information about the state of the waters. This study aims to determine the fertility of the waters of the Porong River through the abundance of phytoplankton. This research was conducted from October to January 2021. Sampling was carried out at three stations. The plankton sampling method was carried out horizontally and identified using the Sedgwick Rafter Counting Cell (SRCC). Nitrate and phosphate water samples used for analysis were measured by Uv-Vis Spectrophotometry. Data analysis includes phytoplankton density, diversity index, uniformity index, and dominance index. The results showed that the composition of the phytoplankton species found during the observation was dominated by diatom classes (13 genera ) and dinoflagellates (2 genera). The abundance value of phytoplankton is 122.293 – 867.776 cells/m3. The water fertility status in the Porong River Sidoarjo is in the eutrophic category, namely waters with high fertility levels.
Pola Angin dan Kaitannya terhadap Karakteristik Tinggi Gelombang di Perairan Labuan Bajo, NTT Prima Aris Wardhani; Supriyatno Widagdo; Viv Djanat Prasita
Jurnal Riset Kelautan Tropis (Journal Of Tropical Marine Research) (J-Tropimar) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jrkt.v3i1.37


Labuan Bajo waters are marine tourism location that need meteorological and wave height information. The purpose of this research is determining local and regional wind patterns also their connection to wave height characteristics. The prosedure of this research is processing wind data using WR Plot and ArcGIS, then correlation analysis between wind and wave height using SPSS. The results showed that the dominant land breeze blows from South with an average speed of 2.18 knots while the sea breeze blows from Southwest, West, Northwest to North with an average speed of 5.83 knots. Regional wind patterns are influenced by seasonal wind patterns. In the West Season tends blow from West and Northwest with an average speed of 2.49 knots, in the East Season tends to blow from East and Southeast with an average speed of 2.64 knots while in the Transition Season tends to blow from various directions. On a daily, the waves tend to be high at 07:00 with an average of 1.39 m while at 19:00 tend to be low with an average of 0.26 m. Seasonally the highest wave height occurs in the West Season with an average of 1.35 m and the lowest wave height occurs in Transition Season II with an average of 0.79 m. Regional winds and wave heights have a moderate to strong connection in the East Season (R = 0.438-0.639).
Kajian Resiko, Dampak, Kerentanan dan Mitigasi Bencana Abrasi Dibeberapa Pesisir Indonesia Ima Nurmalia Permatasari
Jurnal Riset Kelautan Tropis (Journal Of Tropical Marine Research) (J-Tropimar) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jrkt.v3i1.56


Coastal areas are areas of sea and land where the region is under pressure due to activities and phenomena that occur on land and at sea. Coastal problems such as coastal morphological changes such as abrasion and accretion occur. Coastal erosion, also known as abrasion, tends to increase in various areas. The cause of coastal erosion itself is Soil Level Drop, land subsidence, mangrove forest damage, damage caused by wave hydrodynamic forces, damage due to other natural causes and damage caused by other human activities. Some factors of disaster risk include the high impact of extreme wave threats and coastal abrasion, the high vulnerability of a region, and the low capacity to face the threat of disasters. Abrasions make residents lose their homes and farmland and encroachment which has resulted in loss of livelihood and reduced income. Today the majority of productive-aged people have a livelihood as factory workers and construction workers. The vulnerability value of an area is influenced by several factors, namely the high density of residents and vulnerable groups, the high number of poor families and fishing groups, the high density of settlements and the lack of vegetation of coastal areas in the face of disaster threats. One of the mitigations carried out is knowing the extent of damage due to abrasion, Knowing the distribution of abrasion areas and abrasion disaster mitigation with community-based coastal area management and integrated coastal management.

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