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Journal La Edusci
Published by Newinera Publisher
ISSN : 27210979     EISSN : 27211258     DOI : 10.37899
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Journal La Edusci ISSN 2721-1258 (Online) and ISSN 2721-0979 (Print) includes all the areas of research activities in all fields of Education such as Teacher education, Population education, Vocational education, Value education, Psychological education, Educational counseling, Educational technology, Management education, Women education, Educational management, Education theory, Educational experiences, Special education, School curriculum, Curriculum theory, Academic disciplines, Moral education, Philosophy of education, University systems, E learning, Library and etymology, Board of education, Textbook, Collaborative learning, College, Comparative education, Compulsory education, Continuing education, Curriculum, Department of Education, Developmental Education, Educational technology, Educational animation, Educational philosophies, Educational psychology, Free education, Glossary of education, Grade (education), Homework, Humanistic education, CSPE (Civil, Social, and Political Education), Instructional technology, Language education, Learning, Learning community, Library, Life skills, Lifelong education, List of educators, ethical education, Online learning community.
Articles 83 Documents
Political Education for High School Students in Makassar City Handam; Muchlas M Tahir
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i1.26


This article aims to discuss the political activity of beginner voter education for high school students to realize the awareness of novice voters to participate in elections, understanding the importance of the role of novice voters in the democratic process, and knowledge of political developments for novice voters. The results achieved are the emergence of student enthusiasm in discussing matters related to political issues. It is quite visible that this is marked by the topics they discuss about elections that produce trustworthy leaders and then enlightenment given in understanding the importance of novice voters in participating the election was well received and the enthusiasm for conducting the election received a positive response from the students, but it was interesting because it turned out that students' understanding of the general election was more influenced by the media they watched such as TV and social media
Modified Instructional Teaching Method Luís Manoe
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i1.27


Competency-based Language Teaching (CBLT) causes character education issue and its competence in facing a complex social circumstance which is quite conspicuous when implementing in national scale. Content-based Instruction (CBI) covers students and teacher proficiency that is considered not effective if the implementation does not take material and students’ different competence into account. Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) weakness shows a feasible challenging with the classroom discussion dynamics and the allotted time. The weakness shows one leads to a broad scale, the other one causes teacher and students and the last costs the practical implementation.
Using Instagram to Improve Students’ Ability and Interest in Writing Descriptive Paragraph Saipul Renaldi
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i1.28


This research aimed at finding out the improvement of the students’ writing ability and interest by using Instagram as media. To find out the improvements, the writer used pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design and questionnaire. The population of this research was the eleventh-grade students’ at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar, academic year 2017/2018. The sample was class XI IPA taken by purposive sampling technique which consisted of 10 students. It employed five meetings (one meeting for pre-test, three meetings for treatment, and one meeting for post-test and questionnaire). It employed writing test as instrument. The research findings indicated that the application of using Instagram was effective in improving the students’ writing skill in term of content and organization. It was proved by the value of the total t-test was 6.30, which was higher than the value of t-table (1.833). This indicated that (H1) was accepted, and (H0) was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference of the students’ writing skill before and after using Instagram in classroom. The students’ interest in writing also improved after the treatment. It was shown by students’ answers in the questionnaire. Most students gave positive respons toward the use of instagram to improve their interst in writing, even they think that this method can be applied in classroom to attract their attention and interest. Therefore, this research is very useful for learning process as a reference for teachers to teach in classroom.
Improving the Students’ Reading Skill trough Note-Taking Technique: A Pre-Experimental Research Nurmila
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i1.29


This research aimed at finding out the improvement of the students’ critical comprehension and creative comprehension. The researcher applied a pre-experimental design. The sample was taken by a total sampling technique and the total number of samples was 20 students. It employed eight meetings (one meeting for pre-test, six meetings for treatment, and one meeting for post-test). It employed a reading test as an instrument. The results of this research showed that the Note-Taking Technique improved students’ reading skill which focused on critics and creativity. It was proved by the students’ post-test score that was higher than the students’ pre-test score. It also proved by the value of the t-test 6.29, which was higher than the value of t- table 2.093. This indicated that the alternative hypothesis was accepted, and the null hypothesis was rejected and there was a significant difference in the students’ reading skill before and after using Note-Taking Technique. It was concluded that the use of Note-Taking Technique can improve the students’ reading skill.
Students’ Perception toward Psychological Problems Faced in Public Speaking Class Sulastiani
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i1.46


Students’ Perception toward Psychological Problems Faced in Public Speaking Class of English Department. (A Descriptive Research of Students at English Department Year 2015 at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar). This study aimed to find the students perception toward psychological problems faced in terms of fear and anxiety in public speaking class of English department. The data was collected from Fourth semester students of English Department who learned Public Speaking Subject. This study used descriptive qualitative research design. The instruments used were questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was distributed to 40 students from different classes and based on the questionnaire scores the researcher took 10 students to be interviewed in order to know their perception. The questionnaire used was PSCAS (Public Speaking Class Anxiety Scale) and the interview used was semi structured interview. Based on findings, it was found that 33 of 40 or 82.5% students were indicated having medium level of fear and anxiety in public speaking class and 7 of 40 or17.5% students were having low level of fear and anxiety in public speaking class. Furthermore, it was found that the students gave negative perception toward psychological problems faced in public speaking class of English department. Moreover, there were several factors of students’ public speaking class fear and anxiety, those were fear of making mistakes, feeling that their friends would laugh at them, fear when looked at the audiences’ eyes, though that other students were better than them, and students did not have good preparation. Students perceived that public speaking class fear and anxiety impact negatively toward their performance in public speaking class such as students forgot their speech preparation, students were confused and stop to speak, made the students uncomfortable to speak English in public speaking class.
Male and Female Instructors’ Instructional Talks in Indonesian College EFL Classrooms: Case Study of Vocational Higher Education in South Sulawesi Surya Dewi; Syamsidar Syamsidar; Lily Dianafitry
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i2.82


It is believed that men are different from women in communicating their ideas and feelings through the communication system called language. This article divulges how gender factor influences EFL instructors’ instructional talks in Indonesian context. It goes over findings of a case study undertaken at two colleges in Makassar, South Sulawesi. In the study, four EFL instructors (two male and two female) of the colleges were purposively chosen as the subjects, and the data leading to the findings were obtained through classroom observation. The findings reveal that the male instructors’ instructional talks are quite stiff and typically stimulate instructor-centered atmosphere, while the female instructors’ are more genial and naturally stimulate instructor-students harmonious interactive communications. Thus, it can be inferred that while the male instructors tend to be ‘commanders’ in front of the class, the female set themselves as amicable “mothers” to the students.
English as a Medium of Instruction in Community School: Boon or Bane, a Case Study of Nepal Ramesh Prasad Adhikary
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i2.90


The main aim of this research paper is focused on the present debatable issue of Nepalese academia whether the use of English as a medium of instruction in community school is judicious or not. In this research, both the primary and secondary data are used to complete this research. The data are gathered through the questionnaire and interview. For the Primary sources of data twenty-five teachers were selected from the community schools by using purposive sampling procedure. From this study, it is justified that the use of English as a medium of instruction in community schools is beneficial. The use of English helps the progress of the students rather it hampers in their learning activities. The social assumption of Nepalese people that English as medium of instruction as in the private boarding school could make the student excellent has been proved correct. The government should provide all training, courses and infrastructure for the community school for instruction in English medium.
Effects of Emotional intelligence on Students Academic Performance Aysha Khatoon; Asma Afzal; Kiran Kiran; Bakhtawar Ijaz
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i2.91


This study is to investigate the significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance. This investigate was done employing a quantitative strategy additionally an essential information was collected from understudies. In other to be in line with the quantitative approach chosen for this proposition, the medium through which information will be collected from respondent. only empathy and self-motivation has stronger influence (as in seen in the mean figures, correlation and regression analysis) on the academic performance of the students of economic department. It is found that while self-awareness, emotional management and interpersonal skill has a weak influence (as seen only in the mean and correlation figures) on the academic performance of students. Thus, this study recommends that students who want to succeed in their academic pursuit should take notes of their emotions intelligence (empathy and self-motivation skills). It is important for the University of Karachi to organize seminars either semester or yearly to enable students have a better understanding to their emotions or how it influences their education and academic performance.
Internal Quality Assurance Model at Samarinda Midwifery Academy Evy Nurachma; Lambang Subagiyo; Johansyah
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i2.111


The objectives to be achieved through this research are describe the Quality Assurance Model, Formulate the Quality Assurance Model, Describe the inhibiting factors and solution of the Quality assurance system at the Husada Flower Midwifery Academy, the Mahakam Pearl Midwifery Academy and the East Kalimantan Health Polytechnic. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type. Data collection techniques are carried out through in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Establish procedures for preparation of implementation and required resources. Prepare human resources through the process of training, workshops and discussions. Samarinda Mahakam Pearl Midwifery Academy Samarinda. Conducted based on: Academic documents: quality standards that have been set. Quality document: as an instrument to achieve predetermined standards. Poltekkes Kemenkes East Kalimantan, The implementation of improving the quality assurance system is guided by: quality assurance principles oriented to inputs, processes and outputs. Formulation of Quality Assurance, preparation of quality improvement strategy plans is carried out systematically and structured in each midwifery academy which is oriented towards improving the quality of inputs, processes and outputs, with different strategies. Inhibiting factors and quality assurance system solutions implemented by carrying out: self-evaluation, internal academic quality audits, solutions carried out to determine the achievement of quality standards that have been set and evaluation findings used as material to improve the quality assurance improvement, which is planned, implemented and evaluated carried out implementation control and improvement in accordance with midwifery vocational education standards properly.
Exploring English Language Students’ Difficulties in Listening Comprehension Rameshwar Jyoti
Journal La Edusci Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Journal La Edusci
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallaedusci.v1i3.125


Listening skill is one of the four major skills of language that most language learners desire to get mastery in order to communicate effectively in different contexts. It is one of the most challenging skills for many students. The main aim of this study, therefore, was to explore English language students’ listening comprehension difficulties. I employed a survey research design as a research method. Randomly selected sixty male and sixty female students studying English at three community schools of Rupandehi district, Nepal took part in this study as research respondents. They all were from secondary level. A closed ended questionnaire with 24 items on students' listening problem was administered to elicit the data from the respondents. The results of questionnaire indicated that content of the listening text (e.g., unfamiliar words, idiom, feeling fatigue while listening to the long text) was the major source of listening difficulties for the students. The second source of difficulty was related to the listener that included lack of concentration with long listening text and existence of noise in the place. The third difficulty included linguistic features such as complex grammatical structures, pronunciation and problems in distinguishing the word boundaries. And the last source of listening problem was concerned with speaker’s speed of speech and different accents. The findings also raise awareness of both teachers and students regarding the listening comprehension problems.